899 resultados para carotenoids, passion fruit


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Passiflora alata in vitro organogenesis was studied based on explant type, culture medium composition, and incubation conditions. The results indicated that the morphogenic process occurred more efficiently when hypocotyl segment-derived explants were cultured in media supplemented with cytokinin and AgNO(3) incubated under a 16-h photoperiod. The shoot bud elongation and plant development were obtained by transferring the material to MSM culture medium supplemented with GA(3) and incubated in flasks with vented lids. Histological analyses of the process revealed that the difficulties in obtaining plants could be related to the development of protuberances and leaf primordia structures, which did not contain shoot apical meristem. Roots developed easily by transferring elongated shoots to 1/2 MSM culture medium. Plant acclimatization occurred successfully, and somaclonal variation was not visually detected. The efficiency of this organogenesis protocol will be evaluated for genetic transformation of this species to obtain transgenic plants expressing genes that can influence the resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus.


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The objective of this work was to characterize exotic fruits (cambuci, araca-boi, camu-camu, jaracatia, araca) and commercial frozen pulps (araca, cambuci, umbu, coquinho, pana, native passion fruit, cagaita) from Brazil in relation to their bioactive compounds contents and antioxidant capacity. Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) presented the highest vitamin C and total phenolics contents (397 and 1797 mg/100 g f.w., respectively) and the highest DPPH(center dot) scavenging capacity. Coquinho (Butia capitata) also showed a significant vitamin C content (43 mg/100 g f.w.). Among the commercial frozen pulps, cagaita presented the higher DPPH scavenging activity and inhibition of beta-carotene bleaching. A good correlation between total phenols and DPPH scavenging activity was found for fruits (r = 0.997) and commercial frozen pulps (r = 0.738). However, no correlation was found for total phenols and inhibition of beta-carotene bleaching. Quercetin and kaempferol derivatives were the main flavonoids present in all samples and cyanidin derivatives were detected only in camu-camu. Camu-camu and araca (Psidium guineensis) showed the highest total ellagic acid contents (48 and 63.5 mg/100 g f.w.). All commercial frozen pulps presented lower contents of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity than their respective fruits. According to our results, camu-camu and araca might be sources of bioactive compounds.


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Emulsions containing vegetable oils and anisotropic phases have especially attractive properties in pharmaceutical technology. They are use as vehicle for different kind of drugs, especially those of topical application. Apart from that, many vegetable oil have pharmacological activity, increasing the necessity for the development of new delivery systems for them. We developed emulsions with vegetable oils at a fixed surfactant ratio and observed the formation of liquid crystalline phases. Nine vegetable oils: Andiroba, Apricot, Avocado, Brazil Nut, Buriti, Cupuassu, Marigold, Passion Fruit and Pequi and mineral oil were tested. Surfactant system was consisted by Steareth-2 and Ceteareth-5. Emulsions were prepared by the emulsion phase inversion (EPI) method, presenting high stability independent on the HLB value. Results indicate that this method could be employed to attain stable emulsions, even if the required HLB value is not known.


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O maracujazeiro pertence à família Passifloraceae e ao gênero Passiflora que é o mais importante economicamente. Altitudes entre 100 a 900 m são indicadas para o plantio do maracujazeiro e estudos sobre localizações geográficas distintas possibilitam expressões do genótipo, influenciadas pelas condições ambientais. O gradiente altitudinal influencia a distribuição da variação genética dentro e entre populações de plantas e a diversidade genética muda com a altitude. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes e a diversidade genética de maracujazeiros cultivados em diferentes altitudes do Espírito Santo. Para avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes, os frutos de Passiflora spp. maduros foram colhidos em pomares localizados em altitudes baixa (0-100 m), média (>100 até 600 m) e alta (>600 m) de diferentes municípios do Espírito Santo. Os tratamentos pré-germinativos nas sementes foram: T1- escarificação física, feita manualmente com lixa d´água nº 120; T2- tratamento com ácido giberélico (GA3) na concentração de 500 mg L-1 com embebição por 24 horas e T3- sementes sem escarificação realizados nas sementes em laboratório e em casa de vegetação. Foi avaliado o envelhecimento acelerado tradicional, envelhecimento acelerado com saturação salina e deterioração controlada em sementes de maracujá amarelo sem escarificação localizado em alta altitude e as condições que apresentaram menor deterioração das sementes para aplicação às demais espécies e altitudes com os respectivos tratamentos pré-germinativos que apresentaram maiores valores de germinação e vigor em laboratório e em casa de vegetação. Assim, para as sementes do maracujá amarelo utilizou-se o tratamento sem escarificação, para sementes de maracujá roxo, a escarificação física e para as sementes de maracujá doce, o tratamento com ácido giberélico. O teste de envelhecimento acelerado com saturação salina a 43 ºC por 72 horas e deterioração controlada a 25% de umidade expostas por 24 horas diferencia as espécies nas diferentes altitudes. Sementes de maracujá amarelo e sementes localizadas em alta altitude apresentam qualidade fisiológica superior. Para a avaliação da diversidade genética foram utilizadas folhas jovens de cinco plantas matrizes de Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, P. edulis Sims e P. alata Curtis cultivadas em três altitudes (baixa, média e alta) do Espírito Santo. Para SSR foi encontrado baixo número de alelos, alta heterozigosidade esperada e altos valores de PIC e para a análise ISSR detectou um elevado número de bandas por primer e alto polimorfismo. Há maior similaridade genética entre P. edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. e P. edulis. Passiflora alata apresenta maior distância genética em relação às espécies. As populações de baixa altitude se diferenciam das demais independente da espécie e do marcador utilizado.


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In the last decades nanotechnology has become increasingly important because it offers indisputable advantages to almost every area of expertise, including environmental remediation. In this area the synthesis of highly reactive nanomaterials (e.g. zero-valent iron nanoparticles, nZVI) is gaining the attention of the scientific community, service providers and other stakeholders. The synthesis of nZVI by the recently developed green bottom-up method is extremely promising. However, the lack of information about the characteristics of the synthetized particles hinders a wider and more extensive application. This work aims to evaluate the characteristics of nZVI synthesized through the green method using leaves from different trees. Considering the requirements of a product for environmental remediation the following characteristics were studied: size, shape, reactivity and agglomeration tendency. The mulberry and pomegranate leaf extracts produced the smallest nZVIs (5–10 nm), the peach, pear and vine leaf extracts produced the most reactive nZVIs while the ones produced with passion fruit, medlar and cherry extracts did not settle at high nZVI concentrations (931 and 266 ppm). Considering all tests, the nZVIs obtained from medlar and vine leaf extracts are the ones that could present better performances in the environmental remediation. The information gathered in this paper will be useful to choose the most appropriate leaf extracts and operational conditions for the application of the green nZVIs in environmental remediation.


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The morphological characteristics of the egg and five immature stages of Acrosternum obstinatum (Stål, 1860), fed on passion fruit, are described and illustrated. Biological data are also provided.


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A new species of Neosilba McAlpine, 1962, N. pradoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. This new species was found in the south of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina), in the southeast (State of São Paulo) and center west (State of Mato Grosso do Sul). It has been reared from fruits of guava (Psidium guajava, Myrtaceae), "araçá" (Psidium cattleyanum, Myrtaceae), "guabiroba" (Campomanesia xanthocarpa, Myrtaceae), Surinam cherry (Malpighia emarginata, Malpighiaceae), cherry (Prunus avium, Rosaceae), orange (Citrus sinensis, Rutaceae), "ingá" (Inga laurina, Fabaceae), "esporão-de-galo" (Celtis iguanae, Ulmaceae) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis, Passifloraceae).


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External morphology of the immature stages of Neotropical heliconians: IX. Dione glycera (C. Felder & R. Felder) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae). The biology of the Andean silverspot butterfly Dione glycera (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861) is still poorly known. This species is restricted to high elevations in the Andes, where the immature stages are found in close association with species of Passiflora belonging to the section Tacsonia (Juss.) Harms, especially P. tripartida var. mollissima (Kunth), which is grown for subsistence by villagers. Herein we describe and illustrate the external features of the egg, larva and pupa of D. glycera, based on light and scanning electron microscopy.


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ABSTRACT Functional genomic analyses require intact RNA; however, Passiflora edulis leaves are rich in secondary metabolites that interfere with RNA extraction primarily by promoting oxidative processes and by precipitating with nucleic acids. This study aimed to analyse three RNA extraction methods, Concert™ Plant RNA Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA), TRIzol® Reagent (Invitrogen) and TRIzol® Reagent (Invitrogen)/ice -commercial products specifically designed to extract RNA, and to determine which method is the most effective for extracting RNA from the leaves of passion fruit plants. In contrast to the RNA extracted using the other 2 methods, the RNA extracted using TRIzol® Reagent (Invitrogen) did not have acceptable A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios and did not have ideal concentrations. Agarose gel electrophoresis showed a strong DNA band for all of the Concert™ method extractions but not for the TRIzol® and TRIzol®/ice methods. The TRIzol® method resulted in smears during electrophoresis. Due to its low levels of DNA contamination, ideal A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios and superior sample integrity, RNA from the TRIzol®/ice method was used for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and the resulting amplicons were highly similar. We conclude that TRIzol®/ice is the preferred method for RNA extraction for P. edulis leaves.


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Fruits juices are natural sources of several compounds that present antioxidant action. Together with the fruits, they contribute with almost 40% of the antioxidant capacity in a healthy diet avoiding and preventing diseases deriving from oxidative stress. The present study determined the antioxidant capacity of seven samples of industrialized fruits juices applying CRAC (Ceric Reducing/Antioxidant Capacity) assay, a new electrochemistry assay that evaluates, by means of chronoamperometric measurements, the ability of a sample in reducing species Ce4+ in acid media. At the end of the assay was obtained the following classification: cashew > guava > grape > mango > apple > orange > passion fruit.


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The data presented describe the development of an enzymatic process in vegetable oils. Six bacterial lipases were tested for their ability to hydrolyze. For each lipase assay, the p-NPP method was applied to obtain maximum enzymatic activities. The lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (lipase B-10) was the most effective in buriti oil, releasing 4840 µmol p-NP mL-1. The lipase from Klebsiella variicola (lipase B-22) was superior in passion fruit oil, releasing 4140 µmol p-NP mL-1 and also in babassu palm oil, releasing 2934 µmol p-NP mL-1. Research into the bioprocessing of oils aims to provide added value for this regional raw material.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts from fruiting bodies of different isolates of Lentinula edodeson the pathogens Colletotrichum sublineolum, the causal agent of anthracnose in sorghum, and Xanthomonas axonopodispv. passiflorae, the causal agent of bacterial spot in passion fruit. Results showed that the aqueous extracts from isolates LE JAB-K and LE 95/01 significantly reduced C. sublineolumspore germination,while the isolate LE 96/22 was the only one to inhibit the pathogen mycelial growth. However, all L. edodesisolates showed inhibitory effect on C. sublineolumappressorium formation. Regarding X. axonopodispv. passiflorae, the aqueous extracts from all L. edodesisolates significantly reduced the in vitromultiplication of the bacterium. However, antimicrobial activity was lost when the extracts were autoclaved, demonstrating their thermolabile property. The aqueous extract from isolate LE 96/22 was also partially purified by anion exchange chromatography and fraction V exhibited high inhibitory activity on the in vitromycelial growth of C. sublineolum, while the multiplication of X. axonopodispv. passifloraewas inhibited by fractions IV, V and VII. Thus, L. edodesisolates were shown to produce compounds exhibiting antifungal and antibacterial activities against phytopathogens, which are mainly concentrated in fraction V.


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In vitro experiments were conducted to assess the effects of substrate, temperature and time of exposure to temperature and photoperiod on P. pachyrhizi uredospore germination and germ tube growth. The following substrates were tested: water-agar and soybean leaf extract-agar at different leaf concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 g of leaves and 15g agar/L water), temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35oC) and times of exposure (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 hours) to temperature and 12 different photoperiods. The highest germination and germ tube length was found for the soybean leaf extract agar. Maximum P. pachyrhizi uredospore germination was obtained at 21.8 and 22.3°C, and maximum germ tube growth at 21.4 and 22.1°C. The maximum uredospore germination was found at 6.4 hours exposure, while the maximum germ tube length was obtained at 7.7 h exposure. Regarding photoperiod, the maximum spore germination and the maximum uredospore germ tube length were found in the dark. Neither spore germination nor uredospore germ tube growth was completely inhibited by the exposure to continuous light.


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Techniques of evaluation of risks coming from inherent uncertainties to the agricultural activity should accompany planning studies. The risk analysis should be carried out by risk simulation using techniques as the Monte Carlo method. This study was carried out to develop a computer program so-called P-RISCO for the application of risky simulations on linear programming models, to apply to a case study, as well to test the results comparatively to the @RISK program. In the risk analysis it was observed that the average of the output variable total net present value, U, was considerably lower than the maximum U value obtained from the linear programming model. It was also verified that the enterprise will be front to expressive risk of shortage of water in the month of April, what doesn't happen for the cropping pattern obtained by the minimization of the irrigation requirement in the months of April in the four years. The scenario analysis indicated that the sale price of the passion fruit crop exercises expressive influence on the financial performance of the enterprise. In the comparative analysis it was verified the equivalence of P-RISCO and @RISK programs in the execution of the risk simulation for the considered scenario.


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Chocolate is the most popular product made from cocoa. It is mainly consumed with fillings, such as fondant, hydrogenated fat or fruits. This work aimed at assessing the sensory acceptability of chocolate filled with strawberry, orange or passion fruit pulps, mixed in fondant, in a hydrogenated fat base and as truffles. Ninety four consumers participated in the test using a 10 cm hedonic scale to rate the overall liking of the samples. Two-way analysis of variance and the Internal Preference Mapping technique were used to analyze the data. Results showed a good overall liking for almost all samples, especially for strawberry and passion fruit truffles, which obtained 8.4 and 8.8 global means, respectively (p < 0.05), in liking ratings, followed by the hydrogenated fat and fondant fillings. The Internal Preference Map presented two dimensions explaining 72.5% of the variation found. Regarding the flavors, strawberry - traditional in chocolate and confectionary in Brazil - and passion fruit obtained better acceptance, unlike the orange fillings, which showed significantly lower ratings (p < 0.05). The orange fondant filling obtained a global mean of 6.5.