924 resultados para caries locations
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública, Especialidad en Odontología Social) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Odontología Social) UANL.
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Esp. en Odontología Social) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Odontología Social) U.A.N.L.
Tesis ( Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Odontología Infantil) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Odontología Infantil) UANL, 2010.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Odontopediatría) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Salud Pública) UANL, 2013.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con orientación en Odontopediatría) UANL, 2014.
Objectifs: Le but de cette étude clinique était de comparer un groupe d’adultes ayant un parodonte sain avec un groupe d’adultes atteints de parodontite chronique en terme de risque carieux et mesures cliniques et microbiologiques de la carie. Méthodes: Quatre-vingt-seize individus ont été divisés en deux groupes en fonction de leur état de santé parodontal et ont été appariés pour l'âge, le sexe et l'origine ethnique. Trente-huit sujets étaient atteints de parodontite chronique définie comme ayant au moins quatre dents avec ≥ 1 site avec une profondeur de sondage ≥ 4 mm et une perte d'attache clinique ≥ 2 mm, et 58 sujets présentaient un parodonte sain. Par la suite, les groupes ont été subdivisés en deux groupes en fonction de leur statut carieux : les participants ayant au moins une lésion carieuse non traitée sur une surface dentaire et ceux n’ayant pas de lésion carieuse non traitée. Les données ont été recueillies par le biais d’un questionnaire, un examen clinique et des échantillons de plaque supra- et sous-gingivale. L’évaluation de la charge buccale de Streptococcus mutans et de six agents pathogènes parodontaux a été réalisée par la technique d'amplification de la réaction en chaine de la polymérase (PCR). Les données ont été analysées à l'aide d’analyses statistiques descriptives et bivariées. Résultats: Les individus atteints de parodontite chronique étaient 3,5 fois plus susceptibles d'avoir des caries que les individus en bonne santé (OR 3,5 ; IC: 1,5 - 8,3 ; P = 0,006). Les sujets à la fois atteints de parodontite chronique et de caries dentaires ont eu un niveau d’éducation significativement plus faible que les sujets ayant un parodonte sain et sans caries dentaires (OR 6,0 ; IC: 1,7 à 21,7 ; P = 0,04). La proportion de sujets ayant une charge buccale élevée de Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. g.) et Treponema denticola (T. d.) était significativement plus élevée chez les patients atteints de parodontite chronique et de carie que chez les patients sains présentant des caries (P. g.: OR 8,6 ; IC: 2,4 - 30,3 ; P = 0,004 et T. d.: OR 10,0 ; CI: 2,6 - 38.1 ; P = 0,003). Conclusions: Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que, chez les sujets adultes atteints de la parodontite chronique, la fréquence des caries est plus élevée que chez les sujets ayant un parodonte sain. De plus, le faible niveau d'éducation influence négativement le statut parodontal des individus.
Dental caries persists to be the most predominant oral disease in spite of remarkable progress made during the past half- century to reduce its prevalence. Early diagnosis of carious lesions is an important factor in the prevention and management of dental caries. Conventional procedures for caries detection involve visual-tactile and radiographic examination, which is considered as “gold standard”. These techniques are subjective and are unable to detect the lesions until they are well advanced and involve about one-third of the thickness of enamel. Therefore, all these factors necessitate the need for the development of new techniques for early diagnosis of carious lesions. Researchers have been trying to develop various instruments based on optical spectroscopic techniques for detection of dental caries during the last two decades. These optical spectroscopic techniques facilitate noninvasive and real-time tissue characterization with reduced radiation exposure to patient, thereby improving the management of dental caries. Nonetheless, a costeffective optical system with adequate sensitivity and specificity for clinical use is still not realized and development of such a system is a challenging task.Two key techniques based on the optical properties of dental hard tissues are discussed in this current thesis, namely laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and diffuse reflectance (DR) spectroscopy for detection of tooth caries and demineralization. The work described in this thesis is mainly of applied nature, focusing on the analysis of data from in vitro tooth samples and extending these results to diagnose dental caries in a clinical environment. The work mainly aims to improve and contribute to the contemporary research on fluorescence and diffuse reflectance for discriminating different stages of carious lesions. Towards this, a portable and compact laser-induced fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopic system (LIFRS) was developed for point monitoring of fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectra from tooth samples. The LIFRS system uses either a 337 nm nitrogen laser or a 404 nm diode laser for the excitation of tooth autofluorescence and a white light source (tungsten halogen lamp) for measuring diffuse reflectance.Extensive in vitro studies were carried out on extracted tooth samples to test the applicability of LIFRS system for detecting dental caries, before being tested in a clinical environment. Both LIF and DR studies were performed for diagnosis of dental caries, but special emphasis was given for early detection and also to discriminate between different stages of carious lesions. Further the potential of LIFRS system in detecting demineralization and remineralization were also assessed.In the clinical trial on 105 patients, fluorescence reference standard (FRS) criteria was developed based on LIF spectral ratios (F500/F635 and F500/F680) to discriminate different stages of caries and for early detection of dental caries. The FRS ratio scatter plots developed showed better sensitivity and specificity as compared to clinical and radiographic examination, and the results were validated with the blindtests. Moreover, the LIF spectra were analyzed by curve-fitting using Gaussian spectral functions and the derived curve-fitted parameters such as peak position, Gaussian curve area, amplitude and width were found to be useful for distinguishing different stages of caries. In DR studies, a novel method was established based on DR ratios (R500/R700, R600/R700 and R650/R700) to detect dental caries with improved accuracy. Further the diagnostic accuracy of LIFRS system was evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve. On the basis of these results, the LIFRS system was found useful as a valuable adjunct to the clinicians for detecting carious lesions.
The present study focused on the quality of rainwater at various land use locations and its variations on interaction with various domestic rainwater harvesting systems.Sampling sites were selected based upon the land use pattern of the locations and were classified as rural, urban, industrial and sub urban. Rainwater samples were collected from the south west monsoon of May 2007 to north east monsoon of October 2008, from four sampling sites namely Kothamangalam, Emakulam, Eloor and Kalamassery, in Ernakulam district of the State of Kerala, which characterized typical rural, urban, industrial and suburban locations respectively. Rain water samples at various stages of harvesting were also collected. The samples were analyzed according to standard procedures and their physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were determined. The variations of the chemical composition of the rainwater collected were studied using statistical methods. It was observed that 17.5%, 30%, 45.8% and 12.1% of rainwater samples collected at rural, urban, industrial and suburban locations respectively had pH less than 5.6, which is considered as the pH of cloud water at equilibrium with atmospheric CO,.Nearly 46% of the rainwater samples were in acidic range in the industrial location while it was only 17% in the rural location. Multivariate statistical analysls was done using Principal Component Analysis, and the sources that inf1uence the composition of rainwater at each locations were identified .which clearly indicated that the quality of rain water is site specific and represents the atmospheric characteristics of the free fall The quality of harvested rainwater showed significant variations at different stages of harvesting due to deposition of dust from the roof catchment surface, leaching of cement constituents etc. Except the micro biological quality, the harvested rainwater satisfied the Indian Standard guide lines for drinking water. Studies conducted on the leaching of cement constituents in water concluded that tanks made with ordinary portland cement and portland pozzolana cement could be safely used for storage of rain water.