999 resultados para carbono-3
In an ethanolic extract of leaves of Ottonia corcovadensis (Piperaceae) were identified sixteen terpenoids of essential oil and the three flavonoids 3',4',5,5',7-pentamethoxyflavone (1), 3',4',5,7-tetramethoxyflavone (2) and 5-hydroxy-3',4',5',7-tetramethoxyflavone (3) and cafeic acid (4). Two amides (5 and 6) were isolated from an ethanolic extract of the roots. The structures were established by spectral analysis, meanly NMR (1D and 2D) and mass spectra. Extensive NMR analysis was also used to complete ¹H and 13C chemical shift assignments of the flavonoids and amides. The components of the essential oil were identified by computer library search, retention indices and visual interpretation of mass spectra.
This paper shows the applicability of the carbon paste electrode-mineral (CPE-mineral) to study the dissolution mechanisms of minerals in powder form and in flotation concentrates. A potentiodynamic strategy to find the dissolution mechanism of galena (PbS) is presented. In this way, minerals less studied such as orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (As2S2) are investigated. The electrochemical activity of a more complicated mineral such as sphalerite (ZnS), containing 12.3 and 0.43% of iron in solid solution, is discussed. The mechanism of a complex zinc concentrate (containing 63.4% ZnS, 20.1% FeS2, 5% CuFeS2, 0.33% PbS, 0.45% Cu12Sb4S13 and 0.4% FeAsS) is described. Finally, an electrochemical method for the detection of the different leachable and refractory silver phases (contained in two mineral concentrates) is presented. This paper reviews the power of the use of CPE-mineral coupled to electrochemical techniques in hydrometallurgy.
Se ha n realizado implantaciones de silicio y de carbono + silicio en matrices aislantes de SÍO2 térmico, las cuales, después de un recocido a alta temperatura precipitan en forma de nanocristales de tamaños comprendidos entre 30 y 60 Á. Estas estructuras presentan una intensa fotoluminiscencia en el rojo profundo (1.4-1.6 eV) y el verde (2.0-2.2 eV). La energía e intensidad de las bandas depende fuertemente de la temperatura y duración del recocido. Diferentes comportamientos se han encontrado para las bandas roja y verde, incluyendo la cinética de desexcitación y el origen estructural. Los experimentos de absorción infrarroja, Raman y microscopía electrónica demuestran que los nanocristales son los responsables de la banda roja mientras que agregados amorfos de carbono son los responsables de la verde.
The electrochemical applications of a CPE modified with chitosan for the determination of Cu(II) in wastewater samples using anodic stripping voltammetry are described. The best voltammetric response was observed for a paste containing 25% m/m of chitosan. A 0.10 mol L-1 NaNO3 solution (pH 6.5) as supporting electrolyte, a pre-concentration potential of -0.20 V, pre-concentration time of 270 s and a scan rate of 25 mV s-1 were selected. The calibration graph was linear in the Cu(II) concentration range from 2.0 x 10-7 to 7.4 x 10-6 mol L-1, with a detection limit of 8.3 x 10-8 mol L-1.
Different parameters of carbon ceramic electrodes (CCE) preparation, such as type of precursor, carbon material, catalyst amount, among others, significantly influence the morphological properties and consequently their electrochemical responses. This paper describes a 2³ factorial design (2 factors and 3 levels with central point replicates), which the factors analyzed were catalyst amount (HCl 12 mol L-1), graphite/precursor ratio, and precursor type (TEOS - tetraethoxysilane and MTMOS - methyltrimetoxysilane). The design resulted in a significant third order interaction for peak current values (Ipa) and a second order interaction for potential difference (ΔE), between thefactors studied, which could not be observed when using an univariated study.
This work proposes a separation, recovery and reuse procedure of chemical residues with chromium. This residue was generated by the determination of oxidizable carbon in organic fertilizers samples. The Cr(VI) of the residue was reduced with ethanol and precipitated with NaOH. The Cr(OH)3 precipitate was separated and oxidized to dichromate ions with hydrogen peroxide. This solution was used another time in organic carbon determination. The uses of recycled dichromate solution were appropriated in four successive recycling. The accuracy was proven using potassium hydrogen phthalate and ten organic fertilizer samples. The organic carbon results, determined with recycled solutions, were similar the conventional solution.
A factorial design applied in a voltammetric stripping method for the measurement of Ag(I) in natural water is described. The procedure is based on the effective pre-concentration of silver ions on electrode surface. The calibration graph was linear in the silver concentration range from 7.92 x 10"7 to 1.07 x 10"5 mol L"1 with a detection limit of 3.81 x 10-7 mol L-1. The determination of Ag(I) in natural water samples was carried out satisfactory with the proposed electrode.
In this work the production of synthesis gas from a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by thermal plasma was studied. The best relation found for the gas mixture [CO2]/[CH4] was 1.3. Under the excess of CH4 in the gas mixture soot was formed and also benzene, indene and naphthalene were identified. The disulfides compounds in the gas mixture were degraded causing no interference in the synthesis gas production, suggesting no needs of pretreatment step for sulfurorganic compounds removal in the process
There are many controversies regarding the cyto- and genotoxicity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In this work, we discuss that many of the incongruous arguments are probably associated with the poor physical-chemical characterization of the CNT samples used in many publications. This manuscript presents examples of carbon nanostructures observed under high resolution electron microscopy that can be found in typical CNT samples, and shows which roles in cyto- and genotoxicity need to be better investigated. Issues concerning chemical treatment are addressed and examples of misunderstandings that can occur during the studies of cyto- and genotoxicity of CNT samples are given.
The dispersion of carbon nanotubes in water for their utilization in nanoscale devices is a challenging task. Comparative studies on interaction and dispersion of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) using two different surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS, and polyoxyethylenesorbitanmonooleate, Tween 80) are presented. The interaction between carbon nanotubes and surfactants was studied by tensiometry, conductivimetry, and fluorimetry. The dispersions of MWNT in surfactants were characterized using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. For effective dispersion, the minimum weight ratio of MWNT to surfactant was 1:41 and 1:3 for SDS and Tween 80, respectively.
Glycerol, a co-product of biodiesel production, was used as a carbon source for the kinetics studies and production of biosurfactants by P. aeruginosa MSIC02. The highest fermentative parameters (Y PX = 3.04 g g-1; Y PS = 0.189 g g-1, P B = 31.94 mg L-1 h-1 and P X = 10.5 mg L-1 h-1) were obtained at concentrations of 0.4% (w/v) NaNO3 and 2% (w/v) glycerol. The rhamnolipid exhibited 80% of emulsification on kerosene, surface tension of 32.5 mN m-1, CMC = 28.2 mg L-1, C20 (concentration of surfactant in the bulk phase that produces a reduction of 20 dyn/cm in the surface tension of the solvent) = 0.99 mg L-1, Γm (surface concentration excess) = 2.4 x 10-26 mol Å-2 and S (surface area) = 70.4 Ų molecule-1 with solutions containing 10% NaCl. A mathematical model based on logistic equation was considered to representing the process. Model parameters were estimated by non-linear regression method. This approach was able to give a good description of the process.
Este estudo descreve o comportamento voltamétrico da redução de 2-furfuraldeído em etanol utilizando-se eletrodo de carbono vítreo, visando estabelecer condições experimentais adequadas para a determinação de 2-furfuraldeído em álcool combustível. Os voltamogramas obtidos para o 2-furfuraldeído em uma velocidade de varredura (v) de 100mV.s-1 apresentaram uma corrente de pico catódica (i pc) definida em um potencial de -1,45V (vs. ECS) para o meio aquoso e -1,71V (vs. ECS) para o meio alcoólico, não sendo observadas correntes de pico anódicas nestes meios reacionais. A relação entre i pc e v½ apresentou-se linear em ambos os meios, exibindo um transporte de massa controlado por difusão. A análise dos parâmetros eletroquímicos obtidos neste estudo revelou que o processo eletródico apresenta um comportamento irreversível. A dependência de i pc com a concentração da espécie reacional apresentou-se linear no intervalo de concentração estudado, de 9,5x10-4 a 5,8x10-3 mol L-1 para ambos os meios. A sensibilidade do método em meio aquoso e alcoólico foi de 13,4 e 13,0 (x 10-3) mA mol-1 L respectivamente. Os limites de detecção (L.D.) referentes à determinação de 2-furfuraldeído, em meio aquoso e alcoólico situam-se entre 0,70 e 0,80 (x 10-3) mol L-1 respectivamente.
Estudos eletroanalíticos foram realizados com o Nedocromil de Sódio empregando as técnicas voltamétricas de varredura linear, pulso diferencial e onda quadrada, em tampão Britton-Robinson (pH 4,0). No estudo voltamétrico empregando a modalidade de varredura linear observou-se dois picos catódicos, irreversíveis, nos valores de potencial de -0,86 V e -1,10 V (vs ECS). As correntes de pico catódicas apresentaram um controle difusional segundo a relação Ipc versus v½. A dependência de Ipc com a concentração apresentou linearidade entre 5,0x10-4 mol L-1 e 5,0x10-3 mol L-1, limite de detecção de 8,2x10-5 mol L-1 e sensibilidade de 6,3x10³ mA/ mol L-1. Na voltametria de pulso diferencial o Nedocromil de Sódio apresentou dois picos catódicos, irreversíveis, nos valores de potencial de -0,67 V e -0,75 V (vs ECS). Curvas analíticas foram obtidas no intervalo de 3,0x10-6 mol L-1 a 1,0x10-5 mol L-1, limite de detecção de 4,9x10-7 mol L-1 e sensibilidade de 8,7x10(4) mA/ mol L-1. Na voltametria de onda quadrada observou-se dois picos catódicos nos valores de potencial de -0,80 V e -0,91 V (vs ECS), linearidade de 5,0x10-7 mol L-1 a 1,0x10-5 mol L-1, com limite de detecção e uma sensibilidade de 2,7x10-6 mol L-1 e 1,1x10(6) mA/ mol L-1, respectivamente.
Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados proveniente da aplicação da Espectroscopia Mössbauer na investigação de compostos carbonilferro contendo o ligante CS2, [Fe(CO)2(h²-CS2 )(PPh3)2] e [Fe(CO)2(h²-CS2) {P(OPh)3}2]. Nas sínteses dessas espécies, a utilização de TMNO (trimetilaminóxido) como agente descarbonilante mostrou-se bastante eficiente, superando aquelas descritas na literatura que requerem inclusive preparação de compostos precursores. Os resultados de espectroscopia Mössbauer, juntamente com dados no IV e de RMN de 31P, foram conclusivos na proposição da geometria octaédrica distorcida ao redor do átomo de ferro para ambos os compostos investigados.
Análise voltamétrica do corante têxtil do tipo antraquinona empregando eletrodos de carbono impresso
O corante reativo Reactive Blue (RB4), que possui como grupo cromóforo uma antraquinona e um grupo diclorotriazina como grupo reativo, foi determinado em níveis de micromol utilizando eletrodos de carbono impresso empregando a técnica de voltametria de pulso diferencial. Foram obtidas respostas lineares entre a corrente de pico e a concentração do corante entre 3,4 x 10-6 e 3,0 x 10-4 mol L-1 em solução de KCl pH 1,0. Empregando as condições otimizadas para a analise do corante, foi estudada a influência da temperatura de aquecimento na hidrólise do grupo reativo, monitorando um pico de redução em -1,1 V (vs. carbono impresso).