899 resultados para cancer mortality
The retrospective cohort study examined the association between the presence of comorbidities and breast cancer disease-free survival rates among racial/ethnic groups. The study population consisted of 2389 women with stage I and II invasive breast cancer who were diagnosed and treated at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center between 1985 and 2000. It has been suggested that as the number of comorbidities increases, breast cancer mortality increases. It is known that African Americans and Hispanics are considered to be at a higher risk for comorbid conditions such as hypertension and diabetes compared to Caucasian women (23) (10). When compared to Caucasian women, African American women also have a higher breast cancer mortality rate (1). As a result, the study also examined whether comorbid conditions contribute to racial differences in breast cancer disease-free survival. Among the study population, 24% suffered from breast cancer recurrence, 6% died from breast cancer and 24% died from all causes. The mean age was 56 with 41% of the population being women between the ages of 40-55. One or more comorbidities were reported in 84 (36%) African Americans (OR 1.57; 95% CI 1.19-2.10), 58 (31%) Hispanics (OR 1.25; 95% CI 0.90-1.74) compared to the reference group of 531 (27%) Caucasians. Additionally, African American women were significantly more likely to suffer from either a breast cancer recurrence or breast cancer death (OR 1.5; 95% CI 0.70-1.41) when compared to Caucasian women. Multivariate analysis found hypertension (HR 1.22; 95% CI 0.99-1.49; p<0.05) to be statistically significant and a potential prognostic tool for disease-free survival with African American women (OR 2.96; 95% 2.25-3.90) more likely to suffer from hypertension when compared to Caucasian women. When compared to Caucasian women, Hispanics were also more likely to suffer from hypertension (OR 1.33; 95% CI 0.96-1.83). This suggests that comorbid conditions like hypertension could account for the racial disparities that exist when comparing breast cancer survival rates. Future studies should investigate this relationship further.^
Cigarette smoking is responsible for the majority of lung cancer cases worldwide; however, a proportion of never smokers still develop lung cancer over their lifetime, prompting investigation into additional factors that may modify lung cancer incidence, as well as mortality. Although hormone therapy (HT), physical activity (PA), and lung cancer have been previously examined, the associations remain unclear. This study investigated exposure to HT and PA that may modulate underlying mechanisms of lung cancer etiology and progression among women by using existing, de-identified data from the California Teachers Study (CTS).^ The CTS cohort, established in 1995–1996, has 133,479 active and retired female teachers and administrators, recruited through the California State Teachers Retirement System, and followed annually for cancer diagnosis, death, and change of address. Each woman enrolled in the CTS returned a questionnaire covering a wide variety of issues related to cancer risk and women's health, including recent and past HT use and physical activity, as well as active and environmental cigarette smoke exposure. Complete data to assess the associations between HT and lung cancer risk and survival were available for 60,592 postmenopausal women. Between 1995 and 2007, 727 of these women were diagnosed with invasive lung cancer; 441 of these died. Complete data to assess the associations between PA and lung cancer risk and survival were available for 118,513 women. Between 1995 and 2007, 853 of these women were diagnosed with invasive lung cancer; 516 of these died.^ After careful adjustment for smoking habits and other potential confounders, no measure of HT use was associated with lung cancer risk; however, any HT use (vs. no use) was associated with a decrease in lung-cancer-specific mortality. Specifically, among women who only used estrogen (E-only), decreases in lung cancer mortality were seen for recent use, but not for former use; no association was observed for estrogen plus progestin (E+P). Furthermore, among former users of HT, a statistically significant decrease in lung cancer mortality was observed for E-only use within 5 years prior to baseline, but not for E-only use >5 years prior to baseline. Neither long-term recreational PA nor recent recreational PA alone were associated with lung cancer risk; however, among women with a BMI<25 and ever smokers, high long-term moderate+strenuous PA was associated with a decrease in lung cancer risk. Women with non-local disease showed a decrease in lung cancer mortality associated with increasing duration of strenuous long-term activity, and 1.50-3.00 h/wk/y of recent moderate or recent strenuous PA. Long-term moderate PA was associated with decreased lung cancer mortality in never smokers, whereas recent moderate PA was associated with increased lung cancer mortality in current smokers. ^ Placing our findings in the context of the current literature, HT does not appear to be associated with lung cancer risk and previous studies reporting a protective effect of HT use on lung cancer risk may be subject to residual confounding by smoking. Looking at our findings regarding PA overall, the evidence still remains inconclusive regarding whether or not physical activity influence lung cancer risk or mortality. Our results suggest that recreational PA may associated with decreased lung cancer risk among women with BMI<25 and ever smoking-women; however, residual confounding by smoking should be strongly considered. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate lifetime recreational PA and lung cancer mortality among women. Our results contribute to the growing body of knowledge regarding non-smoking-related risk factors for lung cancer incidence and mortality among women. Given the potential clinical and interventional significance, further study and validation of these findings is warranted.^
Laboratory experiments in animals, correlational and migrant studies in humans suggest a role for diet in the etiology of breast cancer. Data gathered from individuals via case-control studies are less consistent. Seventh-day Adventist women experience lower mortality from breast cancer than comparable U.S. populations and this decrease is thought to be, at least in part, related to dietary practices (half are vegetarian). In 1960, 25,000 California Seventh-day Adventists completed a questionnaire which included a 21 item food frequency section. Cancer mortality in this population was monitored between 1960 and 1980 and the relationship of high fat food intake and fatal breast cancer was evaluated. Although established risk factors for breast cancer were observed in this population (e.g. age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, age at menopause and obesity) consumption of high fat foods were not observed to exert a strong influence on fatal breast cancer risk. Odds ratios (O.R.) for fatal breast cancer among non-vegetarians was 1.2. Increasing meat consumption bore little relation to risk; O.R. = 1.0, 1.2, 1.1 for consumption categories of none/occasional, 1-3 days/week and 4+ days/week respectively. Nor did the consumption of other high fat foods of animal origin (e.g. butter, cheese, milk, eggs) show any relationship to risk. These results remained unchanged after simultaneously controlling for the effect of other, potentially confounding variables (menstrual characteristics, obesity) via logistic regression analysis. ^
Background: Despite the fact breast cancer mortality has declined in recent years, the mortality gap between African-American and white women continues to grow. A part of these disparities may be due to either inadequately following guideline recommended treatment or treatment delays. Although racial/ethnic disparities in breast cancer treatment and mortality have been extensively documented, the mechanisms by which these disparities occur remain largely unknown. Social and economically influenced factors such as choice of providers, distance of treatment facility, transportation, health insurance, and job related factors may also contribute to racial differences in breast cancer treatment; however, these have not been explored sufficiently in previous research. ^ Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of social and economically influenced factors that may contribute to racial disparities in the receipt of guideline recommended treatment using the Health Disparities Model. ^ Methods: In this qualitative comparative case study, data from medical records, structured telephone interviews, and in-depth patient interviews explored the relationship between social and economically influenced factors and breast cancer treatment. Transcripts were analyzed using standard iterative process followed by immersion/crystallization approach. Participants were identified through rapid ascertainment from the New Jersey Cancer Registry and this study included 8 African-American and 8 white women aged 20-85 years old diagnosed with early stage breast cancer between 2003-2007, matched on age, race, and physician recommended treatment. ^ Results: We did not identify differences by race in factors that influenced the receipt of breast cancer treatment among the individual matched pairs. Four prominent themes emerged among women from both groups who experienced similar difficulties influenced by socioeconomic factors. Choice of providers, distance of facility, health insurance, and job related factors all contributed to breast cancer treatment experience among these women. Conclusions: We identified common issues influenced by socioeconomic factors and its relation with the receipt of breast cancer treatment, regardless of race. However, more research is needed to study the additional factors conveying racial differences affecting breast cancer treatment. ^
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Background: Smoking has been causally associated with increased mortality from several diseases, and has increased considerably in many developing countries in the past few decades. Mortality attributable to smoking in the year 2000 was estimated for adult males and females, including estimates by age and for specific diseases in 14 epidemiological subregions of the world. Methods: Lung cancer mortality was used as an indirect marker of the accumulated hazard of smoking. Never-smoker lung cancer mortality was estimated based on the household use of coal with poor ventilation. Estimates of mortality caused by smoking were made for lung cancer, upper aerodigestive cancer, all other cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD), other respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and selected other medical causes. Estimates were limited to ages 30 years and above. Results: In 2000, an estimated 4.83 million premature deaths in the world were attributable to smoking, 2.41 million in developing countries and 2.43 million in industrialised countries. There were 3.84 million male deaths and 1.00 million female deaths attributable to smoking. 2.69 million smoking attributable deaths were between the ages of 30 - 69 years, and 2.14 million were 70 years of age and above. The leading causes of death from smoking in industrialised regions were cardiovascular diseases ( 1.02 million deaths), lung cancer (0.52 million deaths), and COPD (0.31 million deaths), and in the developing world cardiovascular diseases (0.67 million deaths), COPD (0.65 million deaths), and lung cancer (0.33 million deaths). The share of male and female deaths and younger and older adult deaths, and of various diseases in total smoking attributable deaths exhibited large inter-regional heterogeneity, especially in the developing world. Conclusions: Smoking was an important cause of global mortality in 2000, affecting a large number of diseases. Age, sex, and disease patterns of smoking-caused mortality varied greatly across regions, due to both historical and current smoking patterns, and the presence of other risk factors that affect background mortality from specific diseases.
Although smoking is widely recognized as a major cause of cancer, there is little information on how it contributes to the global and regional burden of cancers in combination with other risk factors that affect background cancer mortality patterns. We used data from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study II (CPS-II) and the WHO and IARC cancer mortality databases to estimate deaths from 8 clusters of site-specific cancers caused by smoking, for 14 epidemiologic subregions of the world, by age and sex. We used lung cancer mortality as an indirect marker for accumulated smoking hazard. CPS-II hazards were adjusted for important covariates. In the year 2000, an estimated 1.42 (95% CI 1.27-1.57) million cancer deaths in the world, 21% of total global cancer deaths, were caused by smoking. Of these, 1.18 million deaths were among men and 0.24 million among women; 625,000 (95% CI 485,000-749,000) smoking-caused cancer deaths occurred in the developing world and 794,000 (95% CI 749,000-840,000) in industrialized regions. Lung cancer accounted for 60% of smoking-attributable cancer mortality, followed by cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (20%). Based on available data, more than one in every 5 cancer deaths in the world in the year 2000 were caused by smoking, making it possibly the single largest preventable cause of cancer mortality. There was significant variability across regions in the role of smoking as a cause of the different site-specific cancers. This variability illustrates the importance of coupling research and surveillance of smoking with that for other risk factors for more effective cancer prevention. (C) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background - Smoking is a major cause of cardiovascular disease mortality. There is little information on how it contributes to global and regional cause-specific mortality from cardiovascular diseases for which background risk varies because of other risks. Method and Results - We used data from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study II (CPS II) and the World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease mortality database to estimate smoking-attributable deaths from ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and a cluster of other cardiovascular diseases for 14 epidemiological subregions of the world by age and sex. We used lung cancer mortality as an indirect marker for accumulated smoking hazard. CPS-II hazards were adjusted for important covariates. In the year 2000, an estimated 1.62 (95% CI, 1.27 to 2.04) million cardiovascular deaths in the world, 11% of total global cardiovascular deaths, were due to smoking. Of these, 1.17 million deaths were among men and 450 000 among women. There were 670 000 (95% CI, 440 000 to 920 000) smoking-attributable cardiovascular deaths in the developing world and 960 000 (95% CI, 770 000 to 1 200 000) in industrialized regions. Ischemic heart disease accounted for 54% of smoking-attributable cardiovascular mortality, followed by cerebrovascular disease (25%). There was variability across regions in the role of smoking as a cause of various cardiovascular diseases. Conclusions - More than 1 in every 10 cardiovascular deaths in the world in the year 2000 were attributable to smoking, demonstrating that it is an important preventable cause of cardiovascular mortality.
Background There are substantial social inequalities in adult male mortality in many countries. Smoking is often more prevalent among men of lower social class, education, or income. The contribution of smoking to these social inequalities in mortality remains uncertain. Methods The contribution of smoking to adult mortality in a population can be estimated indirectly from disease-specific death rates in that population (using absolute lung cancer rates to indicate proportions due to smoking of mortality from certain other diseases). We applied these methods to 1996 death rates at ages 35-69 years in men in three different social strata in four countries, based on a total of 0.6 million deaths. The highest and lowest social strata were based on social class (professional vs unskilled manual) in England and Wales, neighbourhood income (top vs bottom quintile) in urban Canada, and completed years of education (more than vs less than 12 years) in the USA and Poland. Results In each country, there was about a two-fold difference between the highest and the lowest social strata in overall risks of dying among men aged 35-69 years (England and Wales 21% vs 43%, USA 20% vs 37%, Canada 21% vs 34%, Poland 26% vs 50%: four-country mean 22% vs 41%, four-country mean absolute difference 19%). More than half of this difference in mortality between the top and bottom social strata involved differences in risks of being killed at age 35-69 years by smoking (England and Wales 4% vs 19%, USA 4% vs 15%, Canada 6% vs 13%, Poland 5% vs 22%: four-country mean 5% vs 17%, four-country mean absolute difference 12%). Smoking-attributed mortality accounted for nearly half of total male mortality in the lowest social stratum of each country. Conclusion In these populations, most, but not all, of the substantial social inequalities in adult male mortality during the 1990s were due to the effects of smoking. Widespread cessation of smoking could eventually halve the absolute differences between these social strata in the risk of premature death.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the accuracy, costs and utility of using the National Death Index (NDI) and state-based cancer registries in determining the mortality status of a cohort of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the early 1990s. METHODS: As part of a large prognostic study, identifying information on 822 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer between 1990 and 1993, was simultaneously submitted to the NDI and three state-based cancer registries to identify deceased women as of June 30, 1999. This was compared to the gold standard of "definite deaths". A comparative evaluation was also made of the time and costs associated with the two methods. RESULTS: Of the 450 definite deaths in our cohort the NDI correctly identified 417 and all of the 372 women known to be alive (sensitivity 93%, specificity 100%). Inconsistencies in identifiers recorded in our cohort files, particularly names, were responsible for the majority of known deaths not matching with the NDI, and if eliminated would increase the sensitivity to 98%. The cancer registries correctly identified 431 of the 450 definite deaths (sensitivity 96%). The costs associated with the NDI search were the same as the cancer registry searches, but the cancer registries took two months longer to conduct the searches. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: This study indicates that the cancer registries are valuable, cost effective agencies for follow-up of mortality outcome in cancer cohorts, particularly where cohort members were residents of those states. For following large national cohorts the NDI provides additional information and flexibility when searching for deaths in Australia. This study also shows that women can be followed up for mortality with a high degree of accuracy using either service. Because each service makes a valuable contribution to the identification of deceased cancer subjects, both should be considered for optimal mortality follow-up in studies of cancer patients.
Background: Statin therapy reduces the risk of occlusive vascular events, but uncertainty remains about potential effects on cancer. We sought to provide a detailed assessment of any effects on cancer of lowering LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) with a statin using individual patient records from 175,000 patients in 27 large-scale statin trials. Methods and Findings: Individual records of 134,537 participants in 22 randomised trials of statin versus control (median duration 4.8 years) and 39,612 participants in 5 trials of more intensive versus less intensive statin therapy (median duration 5.1 years) were obtained. Reducing LDL-C with a statin for about 5 years had no effect on newly diagnosed cancer or on death from such cancers in either the trials of statin versus control (cancer incidence: 3755 [1.4% per year [py]] versus 3738 [1.4% py], RR 1.00 [95% CI 0.96-1.05]; cancer mortality: 1365 [0.5% py] versus 1358 [0.5% py], RR 1.00 [95% CI 0.93-1.08]) or in the trials of more versus less statin (cancer incidence: 1466 [1.6% py] vs 1472 [1.6% py], RR 1.00 [95% CI 0.93-1.07]; cancer mortality: 447 [0.5% py] versus 481 [0.5% py], RR 0.93 [95% CI 0.82-1.06]). Moreover, there was no evidence of any effect of reducing LDL-C with statin therapy on cancer incidence or mortality at any of 23 individual categories of sites, with increasing years of treatment, for any individual statin, or in any given subgroup. In particular, among individuals with low baseline LDL-C (<2 mmol/L), there was no evidence that further LDL-C reduction (from about 1.7 to 1.3 mmol/L) increased cancer risk (381 [1.6% py] versus 408 [1.7% py]; RR 0.92 [99% CI 0.76-1.10]). Conclusions: In 27 randomised trials, a median of five years of statin therapy had no effect on the incidence of, or mortality from, any type of cancer (or the aggregate of all cancer).
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Pour chacun des cinq cancers, nous avons fait un rappel de l’épidémiologie en Amérique du Nord, des classifications et des facteurs pronostics, la description des études, l’étude commentée de la mortalité, et enfin la conclusion. L’étude du mélanome cutané a montré que les mélanomes sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA, IB, IIA et IIIA, aux stades IIB, IIC et IIIB après cinq ans et au stade IIIC après 15ans. L’étude du cancer broncho-pulmonaire a montré que le cancer à petites cellules n’est pas assurable et que les cancers broncho-pulmonaires non à petites cellules pourraient être assurables chez les moins de 65 ans aux stades IA à IIIA après dix ans, et chez les 65 ans et plus au stade IA dès les premières années, aux stades IB et IIA après cinq ans et aux stades IIB et IIIA après dix ans L’étude de la leucémie myéloïde chronique a montré l’assurabilité seulement des sujets de plus de 65 ans dès les premières années et des sujets de 60 à 65 ans après 5 ans. L’étude du lymphome de Hodgkin a montré que chez les sujets de moins de 45 ans le stade IA est assurable dès les premières années, les stades IB et IIA le sont après 5 ans et les stades IIB à IVA le sont après 10 ans. Les sujets de 45 à 64 ans aux stades IA et IIA sont assurables dès les premières années et autres stades après 5 ans. Les sujets de 65 ans et plus sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA à IIIA et après 5 ans aux autres stades. L’étude du cancer de l’endomètre montre qu’il n’est assurable les cinq premières années que pour le type I au stade I chez les femmes âgées de 45 ans et plus, au stade II chez les femmes de 55 ans et plus et au stade III chez les femmes de 65 ans et plus ; pour le type II au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus, et au stade II chez les 75 ans et plus ; et pour les tumeurs mullériennes malignes mixtes au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus.
Pour chacun des cinq cancers, nous avons fait un rappel de l’épidémiologie en Amérique du Nord, des classifications et des facteurs pronostics, la description des études, l’étude commentée de la mortalité, et enfin la conclusion. L’étude du mélanome cutané a montré que les mélanomes sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA, IB, IIA et IIIA, aux stades IIB, IIC et IIIB après cinq ans et au stade IIIC après 15ans. L’étude du cancer broncho-pulmonaire a montré que le cancer à petites cellules n’est pas assurable et que les cancers broncho-pulmonaires non à petites cellules pourraient être assurables chez les moins de 65 ans aux stades IA à IIIA après dix ans, et chez les 65 ans et plus au stade IA dès les premières années, aux stades IB et IIA après cinq ans et aux stades IIB et IIIA après dix ans L’étude de la leucémie myéloïde chronique a montré l’assurabilité seulement des sujets de plus de 65 ans dès les premières années et des sujets de 60 à 65 ans après 5 ans. L’étude du lymphome de Hodgkin a montré que chez les sujets de moins de 45 ans le stade IA est assurable dès les premières années, les stades IB et IIA le sont après 5 ans et les stades IIB à IVA le sont après 10 ans. Les sujets de 45 à 64 ans aux stades IA et IIA sont assurables dès les premières années et autres stades après 5 ans. Les sujets de 65 ans et plus sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA à IIIA et après 5 ans aux autres stades. L’étude du cancer de l’endomètre montre qu’il n’est assurable les cinq premières années que pour le type I au stade I chez les femmes âgées de 45 ans et plus, au stade II chez les femmes de 55 ans et plus et au stade III chez les femmes de 65 ans et plus ; pour le type II au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus, et au stade II chez les 75 ans et plus ; et pour les tumeurs mullériennes malignes mixtes au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus.
Tamoxifen (TAM) has been widely used to treat estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, and has led to reduction of 50% in the annual recurrence rate and 30% in breast cancer mortality after 5 years of treatment.1 The prodrug TAM is a selective ER modulator that antagonizes ERs in cancer cells. However, compared with its two active metabolites 4-hydroxy-TAM (4-OH-TAM) and endoxifen, it is a relatively weak antiestrogen.