701 resultados para business strategy


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A cikk célja, hogy közelebb vigye az olvasót az innováció és az innovációmenedzsment kérdésköréhez. A tanulmány az innováció témakörének feldolgozását a vállalatelméleti alapoktól kezdi, majd konkrét stratégiai megfontolásokig jut el a cikk végére. A tanulmány széles körű hazai és nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján tárja fel az innováció vállalatelméleti gyökereit. A felhasznált irodalom nem ragad meg elméleti szinten, hiszen a tanulmány lefordítja ezeket az elméleti koncepciókat valós, gyakorlatorientált üzleti nyelvre. Célja, hogy a nagyvilágban szétszórt elméleteket letisztítsa, és a modern kori menedzsmentelvekkel szintetizálja. A cikk az innovációt a vállalati értékteremtés szemszögéből vizsgálja. Megállapítja, hogy az innováció számos vállalatelmélet tanait integrálja egybe, aminek következtében a stratégiai implikációk is széles spektrumon mozoghatnak. Ahogy az innováció változást indukál a szervezetben, úgy bukkannak fel komplex optimalizálási dilemmák, amelyek a turbulens gazdasági környezetben, a rövidülő reakcióidők miatt, egyre nagyobb kihívást okoznak a menedzserek számára. A cikk ezeket a dilemmákat mutatja be vitaindító attitűddel, valamint az elmélet és a gyakorlat szintetizálásával. ____ The aim of the article is to bring the reader closer to the topic of innovation management through several company theories and strategic implications. This study is based on a wide range of international literature which is interpreted in a practice oriented way. This article is summarizing the sporadic information on innovation as well as makes an effort on synthesizing this knowledge. The aspect of observation is mainly based on corporate value creation. As innovation causes changes into the organization company leaders have to face complex economic optimization questions. These management dilemmas are not easy to solve in this turbulent business environment. This article tries to highlight these strategic level issues around innovation management by synthesizing theoretical knowledge with business implications.


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Napjainkban a szervezetekre ható legmeghatározóbb folyamat a globalizáció és a piaci verseny élesebbé válása, aminek következtében a vállalatok egyre nehezebben javítják, illetve őrzik meg versenyképességüket, egyre nehezebb a talpon maradás. A kihívásokra adott válaszok vállalatonként különbözőek. A vállalat teljesítményét számos tényező befolyásolja, ezek lehetnek külső, a vállalkozás által nagyrészt befolyásolhatatlan tényezők, de lehetnek belső, a vállalkozás által jelentősen befolyásolható tényezők. A kihívásokra adott egyedi, szervezetenként eltérő válaszok a vállalatok eltérő stratégiáiban, szervezeti felépítéseiben és szervezeti kultúráiban – mint a vállalat által befolyásolható tényezőkben – fejeződnek ki. A szerző dolgozatában egy empirikus kutatás eredményeinek egy részét mutatja be, amely az említett tényezők és a vállalati teljesítmény összefüggéseit vizsgálja. A tanulmány a vállalati teljesítmény és a vállalati stratégia közti kapcsolatot elemzi, és kutatja, hogy melyek lehetnek azok a stratégiai jellemzők, amelyek elősegíthetik a vállalati teljesítmény növelését. _____ Organizational culture determines the fundamental values,presuppositions, interpretations and approaches that are typical of the organization. The great variety of definitions proves that organizational culture is the manifestation of all that makes the organization unique. The unique and organization-specific answers to challenges manifest in different company strategies, structural features and organizational cultures – factors susceptible to the company. In this paper, the author presents some of the results of an empirical research designed to examine the correspondences of company performance and the above factors. This study endeavors to examine the relationships between company performance and organizational culture, typifies the cultural characteristics that may contribute to the improvement of company performance.


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Business angels are natural persons who provide equity financing for young enterprises and gain ownership in them. They are usually anonym investors and they operate in the background of the companies. Their important feature is that over the funding of the enterprises based on their business experiences they can contribute to the success of the companies with their special expertise and with strategic support. As a result of the asymmetric information between the angels and the companies their matching is difficult (Becsky-Nagy – Fazekas 2015), and the fact, that angel investors prefer anonymity makes it harder for entrepreneurs to obtain informal venture capital. The primary aim of the different type of business angel organizations and networks is to alleviate this matching process with intermediation between the two parties. The role of these organizations is increasing in the informal venture capital market compared to the individually operating angels. The recognition of their economic importance led many governments to support them. There were also public initiations that aimed the establishment of these intermediary organizations that led to the institutionalization of business angels. This study via the characterization of business angels focuses on the progress of these informational intermediaries and their ways of development with regards to the international trends and the current situation of Hungarian business angels and angel networks.


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Time is in constant motion: the present, the future and the past, although they are not concepts having a fixed meaning, they are present in everyday life both at the conscious and the unconscious levels. The author’s intention in this paper is to grasp the relationship of companies to time and to the future in the mature and nascent states of their life cycles. As discussed in this paper, this relationship may appear with little reflection in the form of assumptions in the eyes of strategy researchers and practitioners. At first the interrelatedness of theory and practice is discussed in order to focus on the role of scholars and practitioners in creating theory and putting it to practice or vice versa. This general introduction will lay the ground for the study of interpretations of the future and time from the perspective of strategy research and strategy practice, respectively.


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A sportszervezetek, sportvállalkozások esetében is kulcsfontosságú a teljesítménymérés. Annak ellenére, hogy a teljesítménymérés sok esetben elsősorban a sportteljesítményre koncentrál, egyre többen foglalkoznak az üzleti teljesítménymérés relevanciájával is. A nyugati társadalmakban a szűkös erőforrások és a növekvő társadalmi kontroll igénye erősíti ezt a folyamatot. A szakirodalom ezen a téren még viszonylag szűk körű. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy egy olyan szakirodalmi áttekintést adjon, ami elindíthatja a jelenlegi és potenciális jövőbeli vezetők gondolkodását az üzleti teljesítménymérés fontosságának irányába. A tanulmány először áttekinti a pénzügyi teljesítménymérés lehetőségeit, foglalkozik a költségfelosztás problémakörével, kiemelt szerepet szán a stratégiai gondolkodás és a több szempontú megközelítés érvényesítésének. Részletesen összehasonlítja a sportszervezeteknél javasolt kiegyensúlyozott stratégiai mutatószámrendszer (BSC) adaptációkat. A tanulmány kiinduló pontot jelenthet nemcsak a szakirodalom feldolgozásához, de a gyakorlati megvalósításhoz is. _____ Performance measurement is crucial in sports associations. Although sports performance is in the spotlight, more and more researchers and experts deal with the business perspective of performance evaluation. This trend is strengthened by the scarcity of resources and a rising demand for social control in Western societies. The literature in this field is relatively limited. The aim of this study is to provide a literature review, which can motivate experts and managers to shift towards business thinking, and realize the importance of business performance evaluation. The study presents the opportunities of financial performance measurement, deals with the issues of cost allocation, and focuses on the role of strategic thinking and multi-dimension approach. Finally it compares the proposed balanced scorecard adaptations for sports associations. The study can be a starting point for literature review as well as for practical implementation.


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A tanulmány arra a feltevésre épül, hogy minél erősebb a bizalomra méltóság szintje egy adott üzleti kapcsolatban, annál inkább igaz, hogy nagy kockázatú tevékenységek mennek végbe benne. Ilyen esetekben a bizalomra méltóság a kapcsolatban zajló események, cselekvések irányítási eszközévé válik, és az üzleti kapcsolatban megjelenik a cselekvési hajlandóságként értelmezett bizalom. A tanulmány felhívja a figyelmet a bizalom és a bizalomra méltóság fogalmai közötti különbségre, szisztematikus különválasztásuk fontosságára. Bemutatja az úgynevezett diadikus adatelemzés gazdálkodástudományi alkalmazását. Empirikus eredményei is igazolják, hogy ezzel a módszerrel az üzleti kapcsolatok társas jellemzőinek (köztük a bizalomnak) és a közöttük lévő kapcsolatoknak mélyebb elemzésére nyílik lehetőség. ____ The paper rests on the behavioral interpretation of trust, making a clear distinction between trustworthiness (honesty) and trust interpreted as willingness to engage in risky situations with specific partners. The hypothesis tested is that in a business relation marked by high levels of trustworthiness as perceived by the opposite parties, willingness to be involved in risky situations is higher than it is in relations where actors do not believe their partners to be highly trustworthy. Testing this hypothesis clearly calls for dyadic operationalization, measurement, and analysis. The authors present the first economic application of a newly developed statistical technique called dyadic data analysis, which has already been applied in social psychology. It clearly overcomes the problem of single-ended research in business relations analysis and allows a deeper understanding of any dyadic phenomenon, including trust/trustworthiness as a governance mechanism.


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Relationships are crucial concepts in numerous management theoretical frameworks. Both stakeholder theory and IMP’s business network approach put business and non-business relations in the forefront. However, the two theories – stakeholder and business network – are seldom discussed together, and stakeholder theory rarely appears in the IMP literature. In this paper although we want to focus on supply chain relations we strive to conduct our analysis within a more general framework of stakeholder theory. In our research we observed and analyzed the mutual expectations related to various stakeholder groups – business partners (suppliers and buyers) among them.


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The study investigates new strategies of football clubs in function of last few years’ trends in European football leagues. There were many changes in international professional football during the last 10-15 years that had significant effect on the success of certain clubs. We show empirical evidences about these effects based on data about revenues, transfer balance, financial and sport successes. We focus on Western European leagues and classify clubs based on their business and sport strategies.


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The purpose of this paper is to present an alternate framework for evaluating strategic decisions of hospitality businesses in developing nations, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While strategy literature is extensive and diverse, it remains focused on developed nation contexts. By default, so is the case with hospitality strategy literature. This has created a paucity of research for hospitality businesses in developing nations; these businesses are largely SMEs in dynamic environments seldom similar to the ones in developed nations. Therefore, the proposed framework emphasizes the role of environment, and its relationship to strategic choice, resource allocation, and strategy evaluation. A set of research questions is also proposed.


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High street optometric practices are for-profit businesses. They mostly provide sight testing and eye examination services and sell optical products, such as spectacles and contact lenses. The sight testing services are often sold at a vastly reduced price and profits are generated primarily through high margin spectacle sales, in a loss leading strategy. Published literature highlights weaknesses in this strategy as it forms a barrier to widening the scope of services provided within optometric practices. This includes specialist non-refraction based services, such as shared care. In addition this business strategy discourages investment in advanced diagnostic equipment and higher professional qualifications. The aim of this thesis was to develop a greater understanding of the traditional loss-leading strategy. The thesis also aimed to assess the plausibility of alternative business models to support the development of specialist non-refraction services within high street optometric practice. This research was based on a single independent optometric practice that specialises in advanced retinal imaging and offers a broad range of shared care services. Specialist non-refraction based services were found to be poor generators of spectacle sales likely due to patient needs and presenting concerns. Alternative business strategies to support these services included charging more realistic professional fees via cost-based pricing and monthly payment plans. These strategies enabled specialist services to be more self-sustainable with less reliance on cross-subsidy from spectacle sales. Furthermore, improving operational efficiency can increase stand-alone profits for specialist services.Practice managers may be reluctant to increase professional fees due to market pressures and confidence. However, this thesis found that patients were accepting of increased professional fees. Practice managers can implement alternative business models to enhance eye care provision in high street optometric practices. These alternative business models also improve revenues and profits generated via clinical services and improve patient loyalty.


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The research is orientated to the actual issues of strategic management of industrial enterprises. The theoretical aspects of strategic management are generalized, its role is certain in organization development, methods and processes of strategic management are investigational. In this context the main objective of study is based on the strategic analysis of PJSC «Elektrotermometriya», formation ways to improve the strategic management of the company with regard to the readiness of the company to strategic changes and conducting of developments and recommendations for improvement activity of the enterprise. To answer to the main objective it was conducted the strategic analysis of activity of PJSC «Elektrotermometriya». The results proved the basic strategy to achieve the strategic goal of PJSC «Elektrotermometriya». According to the life cycle, and based on the current conditions of its functioning, is appropriate to use the strategy of gradual growth. Forecast implementing strategies defined by the optimistic, probable and pessimistic forecasts. According to the pessimistic forecast the company should use a strategy of stabilization, while to the optimistic and the most likely scenario - moderate growth strategy. Thus to achieve the main strategic goals according to each scenario PJSC «Elektrotermometriya» should use set of functional strategies and define the business strategy.


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Part 8: Business Strategies Alignment


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The alignment of business and information technology (IT) strategies is an important and enduring theoretical challenge for the information systems discipline, remaining a top issue in practice over the past 20 years. Multi-business organizations (MBOs) present a particular alignment challenge because business strategies are developed at the corporate level, within individual strategic business units and across the corporate investment cycle. In contrast, the extant literature implicitly assumes that IT strategy is aligned with a single business strategy at a single point in time. This paper draws on resource-based theory and path dependence to model functional, structural, and temporal IT strategic alignment in MBOs. Drawing on Makadok's theory of profit, we show how each form of alignment creates value through the three strategic drivers of competence, governance, and flexibility, respectively. We illustrate the model with examples from a case study on the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. We also explore the model's implications for existing IT alignment models, providing alternative theoretical explanations for how IT alignment creates value.


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Contemporary strategic-planning processes don’t help family businesses cope with some of the big problems they face. Owner managers admit that they are confronted with issues, such as those associated with succession and inter-generational transfer that cannot be resolved merely by gathering additional data, defining issues more clearly, or breaking them down into small problems. Preparing for succession is often put off or ignored, many planning techniques don’t generate fresh ideas and implementing solutions is often fraught with political peril. This paper presents a framework to explore the idea of wicked problems, its relevance to succession planning in family businesses and its implications for practice and policy. A wicked problem has many and varied elements, and is complex as well as challenging. These problems are different to hard but ordinary problems, which people can solve in a finite time period by applying standard techniques. In this paper the authors argue that the wicked problem of family business succession requires a different approach to strategy, founded on social planning processes to engage multiple stakeholders and reconcile family/business interests to foster a joint commitment to possible ways of resolution. This requires academics and practitioners to re-frame traditional business strategic planning processes to achieve more sustainable family business futures.


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Rather often we have to confront with the pessimistic views on the future of the family business. Contrary to these prognosis, the FB is not only present but also improving its position in the global economy and playing a key role in the European economy too. They represent 60 % of employment and more than 60 million jobs in the private sector. Among many internal challenges of FB in the five years’ time, the importance of the ‘company succession’ is increasing together with the renewing technology and ‘attracting the right sills/ talents’ (Global Family Survey, 2015). This article is focusing on the transfer of socio-economic wealth (SEW) as a key intangible asset within the intergenerational changes in the FB. The paper outlines the various concepts (narrow vs. broad) of the SEW and special attention is paid to the risk prone [taken] and risk adverse entrepreneurial attitudes. In this relation, the authors made distinction between the ‘opportunity’ and ‘necessity entrepreneurs’. Using empirical experiences based on multi-site company case studies in the three INSIST project countries, the various sub-sections are focusing on the transfer of the following key components of the SEW to the next generation: trust-based social-system, generic human values (i.e. openness, mutual respect, correctness, reliability, responsibility etc.) and ‘practice based – embedded collective knowledge’. Key lesson of this analysis is the following: transferring physical assets in the succession process seems to us less important than the transfer of the intangible one embedded in the company’s culture community. Further systematic national and international investigations – combining quantitative and qualitative research tools – are necessary to acquire more accurate picture on the impacts of transferring both intangible and tangible assets in the succession process in the FB.