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This study discusses one Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) as an alternative institution for the improvement of employment in a Finnish city. Empirical data was collected from 16 employees and from an official of the organization using questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. The data was analyzed qualitatively and the findings revealed that, the organization plays complementary role in cooperating with the government to provide social services to underprivileged groups of people, through which the organization is able to create jobs for long-term unemployed people in the City of Jyväskylä. However, the skill development training of the organization was found to be inadequate for boosting the employability of their employees in the open labour market, once their 1-2 year contract ended. The study concluded that for the organization to become a viable alternative institution for the improvement of employment in the City of Jyväskylä, it must improve the skill development training of their employees, as well as increase collaboration with other actors that are working towards the same goals.


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The integration of the auditory modality in virtual reality environments is known to promote the sensations of immersion and presence. However it is also known from psychophysics studies that auditory-visual interaction obey to complex rules and that multisensory conflicts may disrupt the adhesion of the participant to the presented virtual scene. It is thus important to measure the accuracy of the auditory spatial cues reproduced by the auditory display and their consistency with the spatial visual cues. This study evaluates auditory localization performances under various unimodal and auditory-visual bimodal conditions in a virtual reality (VR) setup using a stereoscopic display and binaural reproduction over headphones in static conditions. The auditory localization performances observed in the present study are in line with those reported in real conditions, suggesting that VR gives rise to consistent auditory and visual spatial cues. These results validate the use of VR for future psychophysics experiments with auditory and visual stimuli. They also emphasize the importance of a spatially accurate auditory and visual rendering for VR setups.


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BACKGROUND  High-risk sexual behaviors have been suggested as drivers of the recent dramatic increase of sexually-transmitted HCV among HIV-infected men who have sex with men(MSM). METHODS  We assessed the association between the HIV-transmission-bottleneck and the prevalence and incidence of HCV-coinfections in HIV-infected MSM from the Swiss-HIV-Cohort-Study(SHCS). As a proxy for the width of the transmission bottleneck we used the fraction of ambiguous nucleotides in Genotypic-Resistance-Tests(GRTs) from recent HIV-infections. We defined a broad bottleneck as a fraction of ambiguous nucleotides exceeding a previously-established threshold(0.5%). RESULTS  From the SHCS, we identified 671 MSMs with available HCV-serologies and with a HIV-GRT sampled during recent infection. Of those, 161(24.0%) exhibited a broad HIV-transmission-bottleneck, 38(5.7%) had at least one positive HCV test, and 26(3.9%) had an incident HCV infection. Individuals with broad HIV-transmission bottlenecks exhibited a twofold-higher odds of having ever experienced an HCV coinfection(OR[95%CI]=2.2[1.1, 4.3]) and a threefold-higher hazard of an incident HCV infection(HR[95%CI]= 3.0[1.4, 6.6]) than individuals with narrow HIV-transmission-bottlenecks. CONCLUSIONS  Our results indicate that the currently occurring sexual spread of HCV is focused on those MSMs that are prone to exhibit broad HIV-transmission-bottlenecks. This is consistent with an important role of high-risk behavior and mucosal-barrier-impairment in the transmission of HCV among MSM.


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Introduction: Brands play an essential role in the organizational structure of snowboarding by sponsoring athletes, arranging events, contributing to product development and developing long-term partnerships with other key actors. However, the specialities of their role in scene sports, such as creating identities, networking and brand marketing strategies, have not been extensively researched. This study aims to provide an analysis of the function of brands within the snowboarding subculture by comparing how the sport is organized in Switzerland and New Zealand. Sociological theories of subcultures (Hitzler & Niederbacher, 2010) and social networks (Stegbauer, 2008) are used to defi ne the structures of the sport, whereas marketing and branding theories (Adjouri & Stastny, 2006) help to understand the role of the brands. Snowboarding will be defi ned as an alternative sports subculture based on characteristics such as aesthetics, adventure and new resources of performance (Schwier, 2006). Such a defi nition also begs for a novel form of analyzing its organization. Unlike more conventional structures, the organization of snowboarding allows a variety of actors to get involved in leading the sport. By portraying and encouraging differentiated identities and lifestyles, athletes provide a space for other actors to fi nd their place within the sport (Wheaton, 2005). According to Stegbauers network theory, individual actors are able to obtain high positions and defi ne their identity depending on their ties to actors and networks within the subculture (Stegbauer, 2008). For example, social capital, contacts within the sport and insider knowledge on subculture-related information enable actors to get closer to the core (Hitzler & Niederbacher, 2010). Actors who do not have close networks and allies within the subculture are less likely to engage successfully in the culture, whether as an individual or as a commercial actor (Thorpe, 2011). This study focuses on the organizational structure of snowboarding by comparing the development of the sport in Switzerland and New Zealand. An analysis of snowboarding in two nations with diverse cultures and economic systems allows a further defi nition of the structural organization of the sport and explains how brands play an important role in the sport. Methods: The structural organization of the sport will be analyzed through an ethnographic approach, using participant observation at various leading events in Switzerland (Freestyle.ch, European Open) and New Zealand (World Heli Challenge, New Zealand Open, New Zealand Winter Games). The data is analyzed using grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss 1967) and gives an overview of the actors that are playing an important role in the local development of snowboarding. Participant observation was also used as a tool to get inside the sport culture and opened up the possibility to make over 40 semi-structured qualitative expert interviews with international core actors from 11 countries. Obtaining access to one actor as a partner early on helped to get inside the local sport culture. The ‘snowball effect’ allowed the researcher to acquire access, build trust and conduct interviews with experts within the core scene. All the interviewed actors have a direct infl uence on the sport in one or both countries, which permit a cross-analysis. The data of the interviews was evaluated through content analysis (Mayring 2010). The two methods together provided suffi cient data to analyze the organizational structure and discuss the role of brand marketing within snowboarding. Results: An actors mapping by means of a center-periphery framework has identifi ed fi ve main core groups: athletes, media representatives, brand-marketing managers, resort managers and event organizers. In both countries the same grouping of actors were found. Despite possessing different and frequently multiple roles and responsibilities, core actors appear to have a strong common identifi cation as ‘snowboarders’, are considered to be part of the organizational elite of the sport and tend to advocate similar goals. The author has found that brands in Switzerland tend to have a larger impact on the broader snowboarding culture due to a number of factors discussed below. Due to a larger amount of snowboarders and stronger economic power in Europe, snowboarders are making attempts to differentiate themselves from other winter sports, while competing with each other to develop niche markets. In New Zealand, on the other hand, the smaller market enables more cooperation and mutual respect within snowboarders. Further they are more closely linked to other winter sports and are satisfi ed with being lumped together. In both countries, brands have taken up the role of supporting young athletes, organizing competitions and feeding media with subculture-related content. Brands build their image and identity through the collaboration with particular athletes who can represent the values of the brand. Local and global communities with similar lifestyles and interests are being built around brands that share a common vision of the sport. The dominance of brands in snowboarding has enabled them with the power to organize and rule the sport through its fan base and supporters. Brands were defi ned by interviewees as independent institutions led by insiders who know the codes and symbols of the sport and were given trust and credibility. The brands identify themselves as the engines of the sport by providing the equipment, opportunities for athletes to get exposure, allowing media to get exclusive information on activities, events and sport-related stories. Differences between the two countries are more related to the economic system. While Switzerland is well integrated in the broader European market, New Zealand’s geographical isolation and close proximity to Australia tends to limit its market. Further, due to different cultural lifestyles, access to resorts and seasonal restrictions, to name a few, the amount of people practicing winter sports in New Zealand is much smaller than in Switzerland. However, this also presents numerous advantages. For example, the short southern hemisphere winter season in New Zealand enables them to attract international sports athletes, brands and representatives in a period when Europe and North America is in summer. Further, the unique snow conditions in New Zealand and majestic landscape is popular for attracting world renowned photo- and cinematographers. Another advantage is the less populated network as it provides the opportunity for individuals to gain easier access to the core of the sport, obtain diverse positions and form a unique identity and market. In Switzerland, on the other hand, the snowboarding network is dense with few positions available for the taking. Homegrown brands with core recognition are found in both countries. It was found that the Swiss brands tend to have a larger impact on the market, whereas in New Zealand, the sport is more dependent on import products by foreign brands. Further, athletes, events and resorts in New Zealand are often dependent on large brand sponsorships from abroad such as from brand headquarters in the Unites States. Thus, due to its location in the centre of Europe, Swiss brands can take advantage of brands which are closer in proximity and culture to sponsor athletes and events. In terms of media coverage, winter sports in New Zealand tend to have a minor coverage and tradition in local mass media, which leads to less exposure, recognition and investment into the sport. This is also related to how snowboarding is more integrated into other winter sports in New Zealand. Another difference is the accessibility of the ski resort by the population. While in Switzerland the resorts are mostly being visited by day-travelers, ‘weekend warriors’ and holiday makers, the location of the resorts in New Zealand make it diffi cult to visit for one day. This is in part due to the fact that Swiss ski resorts and villages are usually the same location and are accessible through public transportation, while the ski resorts in New Zealand have been built separately from the villages. Further, the villages have not been built to accommodate to high tourist arrivals. Thus, accommodation and food facilities are limited and there is a lack of public transportation to the resorts. Discussion: The fi ndings show that networks and social relations combined with specifi c knowledge on scene-related attributes are crucial in obtaining opportunities within the sport. Partnerships as well as competition between these different actors are necessary for core acceptance, peer credibility and successful commercial interests. Brands need to maintain effective marketing strategies and identities which incorporate subcultural forms of behavior and communication. In order to sustain credibility from its fans, athletes and other snowboarding actors, brands need to maintain their insider status through social networks and commercial branding strategies. The interaction between all actors is a reciprocated process, where social capital, networks and identities are being shared. While the overall structure of snowboard subcultures in Europe and New Zealand are similar, there are some distinct characteristics which make each one unique. References Adjouri, N. & Stastny, P. (2006). Sport-Branding: Mit Sport-Sponsoring zum Markenerfolg. Wiesbaden: Gabler. Glaser, B. & Strauss, K. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine. Hebdige, D. (2009). Subculture; The meaning of style. New York: Routledge. Hitzler, R. & Niederbacher, A. (2010). Leben in Szenen: Formen juveniler Vergemeinschaftung heute. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Mayring, P. (2010). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken. Weinheim: Beltz. Schwier, J. (2006). Repräsentationen des Trendsports. Jugendliche Bewegungskulturen, Medien und Marketing. In: Gugutzer, R. (Hrsg.). body turn. Perspektiven der Soziologie des Körpers und des Sports. Bielefeld: transcript (S. 321-340). Stegbauer, C. (2008). Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie. Ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Thorpe, H. (2011). Snowboarding bodies in theory and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Wheaton, B. (2005). Understanding lifestyle sports; consumption, identity and difference. New York: Routledge.


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Commercial actors play an essential role in the organisational structure of snowboarding by sponsoring athletes, arranging events, contributing to product development and developing long-term partnerships with other key actors. However, the particularities of their role in the alternative sports cultures which are related to brand marketing strategies have not been extensively researched. Based on Hitzler and Niederbachers (2010) framework of social scenes, Stegbauers (2008) social network and Adjouri and Stastnys (2006) branding theories, analysis is carried out using an ethnographic approach. This includes participant observation of relevant events and semi-structured interviews with over forty key actors of the sport to examine the roles and activities of core actors within snowboarding. The findings reveal that brands have gained an important position within the scene; where they can build partnerships with other core and periphery actors in order to market particularly identities, lifestyles and products. This contributes to the development of a sport which is dependent on brands for its continuity. By using promotional strategies of sponsoring athletes, organising events and feeding media with scene-related content, the aesthetical values of the snowboarding sport are communicated and transferred, while ensuring exposure of the brand’s image and lifestyle. Social contacts as well as knowledge on particularities of the sport allow the commercial actors to gain an influential position and identity within the snowboarding core culture. Keywords: commercial actors, alternative sport cultures, social networks, brands, snowboarding References Adjouri, N. & Stastny, P. (2006). Sport-Branding: Mit Sport-Sponsoring zum Markenerfolg. Wiesbaden: Gabler. Hitzler, R. & Niederbacher, A. (2010). Leben in Szenen: Formen juveniler Vergemeinschaftung heute. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Stegbauer, C. (2008). Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie. Ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


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BACKGROUND Observational studies of a putative association between hormonal contraception (HC) and HIV acquisition have produced conflicting results. We conducted an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of studies from sub-Saharan Africa to compare the incidence of HIV infection in women using combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or the injectable progestins depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) or norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN) with women not using HC. METHODS AND FINDINGS Eligible studies measured HC exposure and incident HIV infection prospectively using standardized measures, enrolled women aged 15-49 y, recorded ≥15 incident HIV infections, and measured prespecified covariates. Our primary analysis estimated the adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) using two-stage random effects meta-analysis, controlling for region, marital status, age, number of sex partners, and condom use. We included 18 studies, including 37,124 women (43,613 woman-years) and 1,830 incident HIV infections. Relative to no HC use, the aHR for HIV acquisition was 1.50 (95% CI 1.24-1.83) for DMPA use, 1.24 (95% CI 0.84-1.82) for NET-EN use, and 1.03 (95% CI 0.88-1.20) for COC use. Between-study heterogeneity was mild (I2 < 50%). DMPA use was associated with increased HIV acquisition compared with COC use (aHR 1.43, 95% CI 1.23-1.67) and NET-EN use (aHR 1.32, 95% CI 1.08-1.61). Effect estimates were attenuated for studies at lower risk of methodological bias (compared with no HC use, aHR for DMPA use 1.22, 95% CI 0.99-1.50; for NET-EN use 0.67, 95% CI 0.47-0.96; and for COC use 0.91, 95% CI 0.73-1.41) compared to those at higher risk of bias (pinteraction = 0.003). Neither age nor herpes simplex virus type 2 infection status modified the HC-HIV relationship. CONCLUSIONS This IPD meta-analysis found no evidence that COC or NET-EN use increases women's risk of HIV but adds to the evidence that DMPA may increase HIV risk, underscoring the need for additional safe and effective contraceptive options for women at high HIV risk. A randomized controlled trial would provide more definitive evidence about the effects of hormonal contraception, particularly DMPA, on HIV risk.


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Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a recurrent and debilitating psychological disorder characterized by a chronic dysregulation of mood with fluctuations between extremely low (e.g., depression) and extremely elevated mood states (e.g., mania), and ranks as the 6th leading cause of disability in the world. Although research has consistently shown that exercise may have antidepressant and stress-attenuating benefits in other psychiatric illnesses (e.g., depression, anxiety), these benefits have not been directly investigated for BD. The current study represents the first known investigation to examine this relationship. Single-participant designs, with crossover and interaction treatment components (i.e., A/B/A/B/A, A/C/A/C/A, A/B/A/C/A, or A/C/A/B/A) were utilized to investigate the impact of participation in a prescribed regimen of exercise (EP) versus standard behavioral activation (SBA; i.e., non-exercise activity) has on stress perception and reactivity, and mood stability in a sample of individuals with BD. Individuals completed four total weeks of treatment, and psychophysiological measures of reactivity were recorded during a laboratory stress task (i.e., backward counting task) prior to and following each two-week intervention phase. No appreciable differences were found between levels of exercise participation between treatment groups. Interestingly, symptoms of depressed mood (BDI-II scores) decreased at similar rates following 4 weeks of treatment for all participants. BDI-II decreases were found to be most correlated with elective exercise participation, although this relationship was not significant. Regarding stress reactivity, elective participation in mild to moderate intensity exercise was found to reduce an individual’s perception of stress reactivity to an acute stressor, while participation in a prescribed program of exercise was more effective in reducing physiological response to the same task. Utilizing multiple forms of behavioral activation simultaneously was found to be most effective in decreasing perception of stress reactivity, and may also result in a positive change in the use of adaptive versus maladaptive coping strategies. Participation in a 4-week program of exercise appeared to provide the most benefit, consistent with exercise habituation theories. Overall, current findings provide preliminary support for the prophylactic benefits of including a prescribed and monitored program of exercise as an adjunct treatment for individuals with BD. Larger scale research is needed to more clearly determine the impact of exercise on stress reactivity and mood episode relapse in individuals with BD.


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The genetic etiology of stroke likely reflects the influence of multiple loci with small effects, each modulating different pathophysiological processes. This research project utilized three analytical strategies to address the paucity of information related to the identification and characterization of genetic variation associated with stroke in the general population. ^ First, the general contribution of familial factors to stroke susceptibility was evaluated in a population-based sample of unrelated individuals. Increased risk of subclinical cerebral infarction was observed among individuals with a positive parental history of stroke. This association did not appear to be mediated by established stroke risk factors, specifically blood pressure levels or hypertension status. ^ The need to identify specific gene variation associated with stroke in the general population was addressed by evaluating seven candidate gene polymorphisms in a population-based sample of unrelated individuals. Three polymorphisms were significantly associated with increased subclinical cerebral infarction or incident clinical ischemic stroke risk. These relationships include the G-protein β3 subunit 825C/T polymorphism and clinical stroke in Whites, the lipoprotein lipase S/X447 polymorphism and subclinical and clinical stroke in men, and the angiotensin I-converting enzyme Ins/Del polymorphism and subclinical stroke in White men. These associations did not appear to be obfuscated by the stroke risk factors adjusted for in the analysis models specifically blood pressure levels or anti-hypertensive medication use. ^ The final research strategy considered, on a genome-wide scale, the idea that genetic variation may contribute to the occurrence of hypertension or stroke through a common etiologic pathway. Genomic regions were identified for which significant evidence of heterogeneity was observed among hypertensive sibpairs stratified by family history of stroke information. Regions identified on chromosome 15 in African Americans, and chromosome 13 in Whites and African Americans, suggest the presence of genes influencing hypertension and stroke susceptibility. ^ Insight into the role of genetics in stroke is useful for the potential early identification of individuals at increased risk for stroke and improved understanding of the etiology of the disease. The ultimate goal of these endeavors is to guide the development of therapeutic intervention and informed prevention to provide a lasting and positive impact on public health. ^


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Obesity is a complex multifactorial disease and is a public health priority. Perilipin coats the surface of lipid droplets in adipocytes and is believed to stabilize these lipid bodies by protecting triglyceride from early lipolysis. This research project evaluated the association between genetic variation within the human perilipin (PLIN) gene and obesity-related quantitative traits and disease-related phenotypes in Non-Hispanic White (NHW) and African American (AA) participants from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. ^ Multivariate linear regression, multivariate logistic regression, and Cox proportional hazards models evaluated the association between single gene variants (rs2304794, rs894160, rs8179071, and rs2304795) and multilocus variation (rs894160 and rs2304795) within the PLIN gene and both obesity-related quantitative traits (body weight, body mass index [BMI], waist girth, waist-to-hip ratio [WHR], estimated percent body fat, and plasma total triglycerides) and disease-related phenotypes (prevalent obesity, metabolic syndrome [MetS], prevalent coronary heart disease [CHD], and incident CHD). Single variant analyses were stratified by race and gender within race while multilocus analyses were stratified by race. ^ Single variant analyses revealed that rs2304794 and rs894160 were significantly related to plasma triglyceride levels in all NHWs and NHW women. Among AA women, variant rs8179071 was associated with triglyceride levels and rs2304794 was associated with risk-raising waist circumference (>0.8 in women). The multilocus effects of variants rs894160 and rs2304795 were significantly associated with body weight, waist girth, WHR, estimated percent body fat, class II obesity (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2), class III obesity (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2), and risk-raising WHR (>0.9 in men and >0.8 in women) in AAs. Variant rs2304795 was significantly related to prevalent MetS among AA males and prevalent CHD in NHW women; multilocus effects of the PLIN gene were associated with prevalent CHD among NHWs. Rs2304794 was associated with incident CHD in the absence of the MetS among AAs. These findings support the hypothesis that variation within the PLIN gene influences obesity-related traits and disease-related phenotypes. ^ Understanding these effects of the PLIN genotype on the development of obesity can potentially lead to tailored health promotion interventions that are more effective. ^


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MAX dimerization protein 1 (MAD1) is a basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors that recruits transcription repressor such as HDAC to suppress target genes transcription. It antagonizes to MYC because the promoter binding sites for MYC are usually also serve as the binding sites for MAD1 so they compete for it. However, the mechanism of the switch between MYC and MAD1 in turning on and off of genes' transcription is obscure. In this study, we demonstrated that AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1 transcription repression function. The association between MAD1 and its target genes' promoter is reduced after been phosphorylated by AKT; therefore, consequently, allows MYC to occupy the binding site and activates transcription. Mutation of such phosphorylation site abrogates the inhibition from AKT. In addition, functional assays demonstrated that AKT suppressed MAD1-mediated transcription repression of its target genes hTERT and ODC. Cell cycle and cell growth were also been released from inhibition by MAD1 in the presents of AKT. Taken together, our study suggests that MAD1 is a novel substrate of AKT and AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1function; therefore, activates MAD1 target genes expression. ^ Furthermore, analysis of protein-protein interaction is indispensable for current molecular biology research, but multiplex protein dynamics in cells is too complicated to be analyzed by using existing biochemical methods. To overcome the disadvantage, we have developed a single molecule level detection system with nanofluidic chip. Single molecule was analyzed based on their fluorescent profile and their profiles were plotted into 2 dimensional time co-incident photon burst diagram (2DTP). From this 2DTP, protein complexes were characterized. These results demonstrate that the nanochannel protein detection system is a promising tool for future molecular biology. ^


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An initiation-promotion bioassay in CD-1 mice was used to examine the role of chronic irritation and inflammation in tumor promotion by petroleum middle distillates. A representative hydrodesulfurized middle distillate (API 81-07) was selected as the test article. Test groups (54 mice per group) were initiated once with 50 ug of 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA). Promotion with API 81-07 consisted of twice weekly treatments for 25 weeks with either 25 ul, 50 ul, 50 ul + daily treatment with 15 ug dexamethasone, 50 ul + post-application washings, and 100 ul. Three mice from each group were sacrificed at 21 day intervals (24 total per group). The skin from interim sacrificed (IS) mice was examined histopathologically for tumor, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia, epidermal crusting, and subacute inflammation. In-life observations included examination of all mice for erythema and edema for 8 weeks following the first promotion treatment. Tumor incident at study termination was as follows: 25 ul (45%), 50 ul (43%), 50 ul + dexamethasone (0%), 50 ul + washing (70%), and 100 ul (81%). An overall correlation of $>$0.90 between tumor incidence and group means for acanthosis and hyperkeratosis was observed in IS mice at all intervals. Correlations of $<$0.75 were observed for other group mean histopathological parameters and tumor incidence. The overall correlation of group mean erythema and edema with tumor incident was $>$0.90. The results of this study support the hypothesis that induction of a lasting, albeit mild, hyperplasia is an essential, but not sufficient requirement, for tumor promotion. Furthermore, subacute inflammation does not appear to be a significant factor in tumor promotion by petroleum middle distillates. However, inflammation may be a factor in tumor progression. ^


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The interplay between obesity, physical activity, weight gain and genetic variants in mTOR pathway have not been studied in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We examined the associations between obesity, weight gain, physical activity and RCC risk. We also analyzed whether genetic variants in the mTOR pathway could modify the association. Incident renal cell carcinoma cases and healthy controls were recruited from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Cases and controls were frequency-matched by age (±5 years), ethnicity, sex, and county of residence. Epidemiologic data were collected via in-person interview. A total of 577 cases and 593 healthy controls (all white) were included. One hundred ninety-two (192) SNPs from 22 genes were available and their genotyping data were extracted from previous genome-wide association studies. Logistic regression and regression spline were performed to obtain odds ratios. Obesity at age 20, 40, and 3 years prior to diagnosis/recruitment, and moderate and large weight gain from age 20 to 40 were each significantly associated with increased RCC risk. Low physical activity was associated with a 4.08-fold (95% CI: 2.92-5.70) increased risk. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were significantly associated with RCC risk and their cumulative effect increased the risk by up to 72% (95% CI: 1.20-2.46). Strata specific effects for weight change and genotyping cumulative groups were observed. However, no interaction was suggested by our study. In conclusion, energy balance related risk factors and genetic variants in the mTOR pathway may jointly influence susceptibility to RCC. ^


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Transverse galloping is here considered as a one-degree-of-freedom oscillator subjected to aerodynamic forces, which are described by using the quasi-steady hypothesis. The hysteresis of transverse galloping is also analyzed. Approximate solutions of the model are obtained by assuming that the aerodynamic and damping forces are much smaller than the inertial and stiffness ones. The analysis of the approximate solution, which is obtained by means of the method of Krylov–Bogoliubov, reveals the existing link between the hysteresis phenomenon and the number of inflection points at the aerodynamic force coefficient curve, Cy(α)Cy(α); CyCy and αα being, respectively, the force coefficient normal to the incident flow and the angle of attack. The influence of the position of these inflection points on the range of flow velocities in which hysteresis takes place is also analyzed.


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Although perceived health risk plays a prominent role in theories of health behavior. its empirical role in risk taking is less clear. In Study 1 (N = 129), 2 measures of drivers' risk-taking behavior were found to be unrelated to self-estimates of accident concern but to be related to self-ratings of driving skill and the perceived thrill of driving. In Study 2 (N = 405), out of a wide range of potential influences, accident concern had the weakest relationship with risk taking. The authors concluded that although health risk is a key feature in many theories of health behavior and a central focus for researchers and policy makers, it may not be such a prominent factor for those actually taking the risk.


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Through a prospective study of 70 youths staying at homeless-youth shelters, the authors tested the utility of I. Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB), by comparing the constructs of self-efficacy with perceived behavioral control (PBC), in predicting people's rule-following behavior during shelter stays. They performed the 1st wave of data collection through a questionnaire assessing the standard TPB components of attitudes, subjective norms, PBC, and behavioral intentions in relation to following the set rules at youth shelters. Further, they distinguished between items assessing PBC (or perceived control) and those reflecting self-efficacy (or perceived difficulty). At the completion of each youth's stay at the shelter, shelter staff rated the rule adherence for that participant. Regression analyses revealed some support for the TPB in that subjective norm was a significant predictor of intentions. However, self-efficacy emerged as the strongest predictor of intentions and was the only significant predictor of rule-following behavior. Thus, the results of the present study indicate the possibility that self-efficacy is integral to predicting rule adherence within this context and reaffirm the importance of incorporating notions of people's perceived ease or difficulty in performing actions in models of attitude-behavior prediction.