898 resultados para bridge circuits, DC-AC power convertors, harmonic distortion, probability, PWM inverters


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Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados e o detalhamento da metodologia e equações de controle de um retificador monofásico pré-regulador de 150kW para sistema trólebus. A estrutura proposta possibilita a Correção ativa do Fator de Potência (CFP) com baixos níveis de Distorção Harmônica Total (DHT) na corrente, em conformidade com a norma internacional IEC 61000-3-4. Fruto de um projeto de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (P) junto à empresa AES Eletropaulo Metropolitana de São Paulo, em parceria com a empresa de transporte Himalaia S.A., o projeto possui como principais objetivos estimular o interesse para a expansão das linhas de trólebus a partir de uma plataforma de alimentação de menor custo de instalação e manutenção, sem a necessidade de subestações retificadoras, e, com vistas a promover a melhoria da qualidade de vida nos grandes centros urbanos. Nessa nova modalidade proposta para o sistema de alimentação, o trólebus pode ser alimentado tanto pelas redes convencionais em corrente contínua (CC) quanto pelas redes de distribuição em corrente alternada (CA), mantendo-se a disposição a dois fios dos sistemas CC, sendo as mudanças de rede de alimentação (CC ou CA) monitoradas e controladas digitalmente. Todo o sistema de gerenciamento e controle do conversor é realizado digitalmente por FPGA XC3S200. Na evolução do sistema proposto, os autores pretendem inclusive eliminar as linhas aéreas de alimentação, através da utilização de postos de alimentação em CA, especialmente desenvolvidos para os pontos de embarque/desembarque de passageiros para este veículo de transporte coletivo, eliminando-se os aspectos visuais negativos das redes de alimentação deste modal, e, reduzindo-se as falhas de operação do sistema.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper it is proposed a novel hybrid three-phase rectifier capable to achieve high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion in the input currents (THDI). The proposed hybrid high power rectifier is composed by a standard three-phase 6-pulses diode rectifier (Graetz bridge) with a parallel connection of single-phase Boost rectifiers in each three-phase rectifier leg. Such topology results in a structure capable of programming the input current waveform and providing conditions for obtaining high input power factor and low harmonic current distortion. In order to validate the proposed hybrid rectifier, this paper describes its principles of operation, with detailed experimental results and discussions on power rating of the required Boost converters as related to the desired total harmonic current distortion. It is demonstrated that only a fraction of the output power is processed through the Boost converters, making the proposed solution economically viable for very high power installations, with fast pay back of the investment. Moreover, retrofitting to existing installations is also feasible since the parallel path can be easily controlled by integration with the existing de-link. A prototype rated at 6 kW has been implemented in laboratory and fully demonstrated its operation, performance and feasibility to high power applications. © 2005 IEEE.


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In this paper is proposed and analyzed a digital hysteresis modulation using a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and VHDL (Hardware Description Language), applied at a hybrid three-phase rectifier with almost unitary input power factor, composed by parallel SEPIC controlled single-phase rectifiers connected to each leg of a standard 6-pulses uncontrolled diode rectifier. The digital control allows a programmable THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) at the input currents, and it makes possible that the power rating of the switching-mode converters, connected in parallel, can be a small fraction of the total average output power, in order to obtain a compact converter, reduced input current THD and almost unitary input power factor. The proposed digital control, using a FPGA device and VHDL, offers an important flexibility for the associated control technique, in order to obtain a programmable PFC (Power Factor Correction) hybrid three-phase rectifier, in agreement with the international standards (IEC, and IEEE), which impose limits for the THD of the AC (Alternate Current) line input currents. Finally, the proposed control strategy is verified through experimental results from an implemented prototype. ©2008 IEEE.


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In this paper is proposed and analyzed a digital hysteresis modulation using a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and VHDL (Hardware Description Language), applied at a hybrid three-phase rectifier with almost unitary input power factor, composed by parallel SEPIC controlled single-phase rectifiers connected to each leg of a standard 6-pulses uncontrolled diode rectifier. The digital control allows a programmable THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) at the input currents, and it makes possible that the power rating of the switching-mode converters, connected in parallel, can be a small fraction of the total average output power, in order to obtain a compact converter, reduced input current THD and almost unitary input power factor. Finally, the proposed digital control, using a FPGA device and VHDL, offers an important flexibility for the associated control technique, in order to obtain a programmable PFC (Power Factor Correction) hybrid three-phase rectifier, in agreement with the international standards (IEC, and IEEE), which impose limits for the THD of the AC (Alternate Current) line input currents. The proposed strategy is verified by experiments. © 2008 IEEE.


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This paper deals with results of a research and development (R&D) project in cooperation with Electric Power Distribution Company in São Paulo (Brazil) regarding the development and experimental analysis of a new concept of power drive system suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors, which can be powered by urban DC or AC distribution networks. The proposed front-end structure is composed by five boost power cells in interleaving connection, operating in discontinuous conduction mode as AC-DC converter, or as DC-DC converter, in order to provide the proper DC output voltage range required by DC or AC adjustable speed drivers. Therefore, when supplied by single-phase AC distribution networks, and operating as AC-DC converter, it is capable to provide high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC 61000-3-4 standards resulting in significant improvements for the trolleybuses systems efficiency and for the urban distribution network costs. Considering the compliance with input current restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standards, two digital control strategies were evaluated. The digital controller has been implemented using a low cost FPGA (XC3S200) and developed totally using a hardware description language VHDL and fixed point arithmetic. Experimental results from a 15 kW low power scale prototype operating in DC and AC conditions are presented, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed system. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents the development and the experimental analysis of a new single-phase hybrid rectifier structure with high power factor (PF) and low harmonic distortion of current (THDI), suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors (trolleybus), which are powered by urban distribution network. This front-end rectifier structure is capable of providing significant improvements in trolleybuses systems and in the urban distribution network costs, and efficiency. The proposed structure is composed by an ordinary single-phase diode rectifier with parallel connection of a switched converter. It is outlined that the switched converter is capable of composing the input line current waveform assuring high power factor (HPF) and low THDI, as well as ordinary front-end converter. However, the power rating of the switched converter is about 34% of the total output power, assuring robustness and reliability. Therefore, the proposed structure was named single-phase HPF hybrid rectifier. A prototype rated at 15kW was developed and analyzed in laboratory. It was found that the input line current harmonic spectrum is in accordance with the harmonic limits imposed by IEC61000-3-4. The principle of operation, the mathematical analysis, the PWM control strategy, and experimental results are also presented in this paper. © 2009 IEEE.


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Multipulse rectifier topologies based on autoconnections, or differential connections, are more and more applied as interface stages between the mains and power converters. These topologies mitigate many low-order current harmonics in the utility, reducing the THD (total harmonic distortion) and increasing the power factor. This paper presents a mathematical model based on phasor diagrams, that results in a single expression able to unify all differential topologies connections (Delta and Wye), for both step-up or step-down autotransformers, for 12 and 18-pulse AC-DC converters. The proposed family of converters can be designed for any relationship between the input voltage and the load voltage. An immediate application would be the retrofit, i.e. to replace a conventional rectifier with poor quality of the processed energy by the 12 or 18 pulses rectifier with Wye or Delta-differential connection. The design procedure, simple and fast, is developed and tested for a prototype rating 6 kW and 250 V on the DC load © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper proposes and describes a high power factor AC-AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The three-phase output voltages of the PMG vary from 260 Vrms (220 Hz) to 380 Vrms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The proposed converter consists of a Y-/ΔY power transformer, which provides electrical isolation between the PMG and remaining stages, and a twelve-pulse uncontrolled rectifier stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of an intermediary DC-DC topology. This proposal results in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and low total harmonic distortion for the input currents of the converter. The single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120 Vrms, 60 Hz output. The control philosophy, implemented in a digital signal processor (DSP) which also contains protection routines, alows series connections between two identical converters, achieving 240 Vrms, 60 Hz total output voltage. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage is lower than 2% and the input power factor is 0.93 at 3.6kW nominal load. © 2010 IEEE.


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Multipulse rectifier topologies based on auto-connections or differential connections, are more and more applied as interface stages between the mains and power converters. These topologies are becoming increasingly attractive not only for robustness, but to mitigate many low order current harmonics in the utility, reducing the total harmonic distortion of the line currents (THDi) and increasing the power factor requirements. Unlike isolated connections (delta-wye, zigzag, etc.), when the differential transformer is employed, most of the energy required by the load is directly conducted through the windings. Thus, only a small fraction of the kVA is processed by the magnetic core. This feature increases the power density of the converter. This paper presents a mathematical model based on phasor diagrams, which results in a single expression able to merge all differential connections (wye and delta), for both step-up and step-down rectifiers for 12 or 18 pulses. The proposed family of converters can be designed for any relationship between the line input voltage and the DC voltage, unlike the conventional phase-shift voltage connections. An immediate application would be the retrofit, i.e. to replace a conventional rectifier with poor quality of the processed energy by the 12 or 18-pulse rectifiers with Wye or Delta-differential connections, keeping the original values for the input and load voltages. The simple and fast design procedure is developed and tested for a prototype rating 6 kW and 400 V on DC load.


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An important alteration of the equivalent loads profile has been observed in the electrical energy distribution systems, for the last years. Such fact is due to the significant increment of the electronic processors of electric energy that, in general, behave as nonlinear loads, generating harmonic distortions in the currents and voltages along the electric network. The effects of these nonlinear loads, even if they are concentrated in specific sections of the network, are present along the branch circuits, affecting the behavior of the entire electric network. For the evaluation of this phenomenon it is necessary the analysis of the harmonic currents flow and the understanding of the causes and effects of the consequent voltage harmonic distortions. The usual tools for calculation the harmonic flow consider one-line equivalent networks, balanced and symmetrical systems. Therefore, they are not tools appropriate for analysis of the operation and the influence/interaction of mitigation elements. In this context, this work proposes the development of a computational tool for the analysis of the three-phase harmonic propagation using Norton modified models and considering the real nature of unbalanced electric systems operation. © 2011 IEEE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)