942 resultados para brain stimulation mapping


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Background: Thalamotomies and pallidotomies were commonly performed before the deep brain stimulation (DBS) era. Although ablative procedures can lead to significant dystonia improvement, longer periods of analysis reveal disease progression and functional deterioration. Today, the same patients seek additional treatment possibilities. Methods: Four patients with generalized dystonia who previously had undergone bilateral pallidotomy came to our service seeking additional treatment because of dystonic symptom progression. Bilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS (B-STN-DBS) was the treatment of choice. The patients were evaluated with the BurkeFahnMarsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) and the Unified Dystonia Rating Scale (UDRS) before and 2 years after surgery. Results: All patients showed significant functional improvement, averaging 65.3% in BFMDRS (P = .014) and 69.2% in UDRS (P = .025). Conclusions: These results suggest that B-STN-DBS may be an interesting treatment option for generalized dystonia, even for patients who have already undergone bilateral pallidotomy. (c) 2012 Movement Disorder Society


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an established treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) with disabling motor complications. However, stimulation may be beneficial at an earlier stage of PD when motor fluctuations and dyskinesia are only mild and psychosocial competence is still maintained. The EARLYSTIM trial was conducted in patients with recent onset of levodopa-induced motor complications (<3 years) whose social and occupational functioning remained preserved. This is called 'early' here. The study was a randomized, multicenter, bi-national pivotal trial with a 2 year observation period. Quality of life was the main outcome measure, and a video-based motor score was a blinded secondary outcome of the study. Motor, neuropsychological, psychiatric and psychosocial aspects were captured by established scales and questionnaires. The patient group randomized here is the earliest in the disease course and the youngest recruited in controlled DBS trials so far. The methodological innovation for DBS-studies of this study lies in novel procedures developed and used for monitoring best medical treatment, neurosurgical consistency, best management of stimulation programming, blinded video assessment of motor disability, and prevention of suicidal behaviors.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of different nuclei is being evaluated as a treatment for epilepsy. While encouraging results have been reported, the effects of changes in stimulation parameters have been poorly studied. Here the effects of changes of pulse waveform in high frequency DBS (130 Hz) of the amygdala-hippocampal complex (AH) are presented. These effects were studied on interictal epileptic discharge rates (IEDRs). AH-DBS was implemented with biphasic versus pseudo monophasic charge balanced pulses, in two groups of patients: six with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) associated with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and six with non lesional (NLES) temporal epilepsy. In patients with HS, IEDRs were significantly reduced with AH-DBS applied with biphasic pulses in comparison with monophasic pulse. IEDRs were significantly reduced in only two patients with NLES independently to stimulus waveform. Comparison to long-term seizure outcome suggests that IEDRs could be used as a neurophysiological marker of chronic AH-DBS and they suggest that the waveform of the electrical stimuli can play a major role in DBS. We concluded that biphasic stimuli are more efficient than pseudo monophasic pulses in AH-DBS in patients with HS. In patients with NLES epilepsy, other parameters relevant for efficacy of DBS remain to be determined.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of unilateral deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ventrointermediate (Vim) thalamic nucleus on neuropsychological functioning comparing stimulation-on with stimulation-off conditions. Nine patients [five patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD), two patients with essential tremor (ET) and 2 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)] underwent comprehensive neuropsychological testing for cognitive functions, including general mental impairment, aphasia, agnosia, executive and constructional abilities, learning, memory, cognitive processing speed and attention as well as depression. The neuropsychological assessments were performed at least 6 months postoperatively (mean 9 months). Testing in the stimulation-on and stimulation-off condition was obtained within a period of 3 to 4 weeks. Unilateral DBS resulted in improvement of tremor in all patients. There were no significant differences between the stimulation-on and the stimulation-off condition with the exception of a decrement of word-recall in the short delay free-recall subtest of the Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). Subgroup analysis indicated that the impairment in word-recall was related to left-sided thalamic stimulation. Our study confirms that chronic unilateral DBS is a safe method with regard to cognitive function. The subtle changes in episodic memory are related to stimulation per se and not to a microthalamotomy effect.


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OBJECT: The authors studied the long-term efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus up to 2 years postoperatively in patients with primary non-DYT1 generalized dystonia or choreoathetosis. The results are briefly compared with those reported for DBS in DYT1 dystonia (Oppenheim dystonia), which is caused by the DYT1 gene. METHODS: Enrollment in this prospective expanded pilot study was limited to adult patients with severely disabling, medically refractory non-DYT1 generalized dystonia or choreoathetosis. Six consecutive patients underwent follow-up examinations at defined intervals of 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years postsurgery. There were five women and one man, and their mean age at surgery was 45.5 years. Formal assessments included both the Burke-Fahn-Marsden dystonia scale and the recently developed Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Two patients had primary generalized non-DYT1 dystonia, and four suffered from choreoathetosis secondary to infantile cerebral palsy. Bilateral quadripolar DBS electrodes were implanted in all instances, except in one patient with markedly asymmetrical symptoms. There were no adverse events related to surgery. The Burke-Fahn-Marsden scores in the two patients with generalized dystonia improved by 78 and 71% at 3 months, by 82 and 69% at 1 year, and by 78 and 70% at 2 years postoperatively. This was paralleled by marked amelioration of disability scores. The mean improvement in Burke-Fahn-Marsden scores in patients with choreoathetosis was 12% at 3 months, 29% at 1 year, and 23% at 2 years postoperatively, which was not significant. Two of these patients thought that they had achieved marked improvement at 2 years postoperatively, although results of objective evaluations were less impressive. In these two patients there was a minor but stable improvement in disability scores. All patients had an improvement in pain scores at the 2-year follow-up review. Medication was tapered off in both patients with generalized dystonia and reduced in two of the patients with choreoathetosis. All stimulation-induced side effects were reversible on adjustment of the DBS settings. Energy consumption of the batteries was considerably higher than in patients with Parkinson disease. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic pallidal DBS is a safe and effective procedure in generalized non-DYT1 dystonia, and it may become the procedure of choice in patients with medically refractory dystonia. Postoperative improvement of choreoathetosis is more modest and varied, and subjective ratings of outcome may exceed objective evaluations.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Visual neglect is a frequent disability in stroke and adversely affects mobility, discharge destination, and length of hospital stay. It is assumed that its severity is enhanced by a released interhemispheric inhibition from the unaffected toward the affected hemisphere. Continuous theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (TBS) is a new inhibitory brain stimulation protocol which has the potential to induce behavioral effects outlasting stimulation. We aimed to test whether parietal TBS over the unaffected hemisphere can induce a long-lasting improvement of visual neglect by reducing the interhemispheric inhibition. METHODS: Eleven patients with left-sided visual neglect attributable to right hemispheric stroke were tested in a visual perception task. To evaluate the specificity of the TBS effect, 3 conditions were tested: 2 TBS trains over the left contralesional posterior parietal cortex, 2 trains of sham stimulation over the contralesional posterior parietal cortex, and a control condition without any intervention. To evaluate the lifetime of repeated trains of TBS in 1 session, 4 trains were applied over the contralesional posterior parietal cortex. RESULTS: Two TBS trains significantly increased the number of perceived left visual targets for up to 8 hours as compared to baseline. No significant improvement was found with sham stimulation or in the control condition without any intervention. The application of 4 TBS trains significantly increased the number of perceived left targets up to 32 hours. CONCLUSIONS: The new approach of repeating TBS at the same day may be promising for therapy of neglect.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical evidence suggests a link between vestibular dysfunctions and mood disorders. No study has yet investigated mood and affective control during vestibular stimulation in healthy participants. OBJECTIVE: We predicted a modulating effect of caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) on affective control measured in an affective Go/NoGo task (AGN). METHODS: Thirty-two participants performed an AGN task while they were exposed to cold left or right ear CVS (20 °C) and sham stimulation (37 °C). In each block, either positive or negative pictures (taken from the International Affective Picture System) were defined as targets. Participants had to respond to targets (Go), and withhold responses to distractors (NoGo). RESULTS: The sensitivity index d' (hits - false alarms) was used to measure affective control. Affective control improved during right ear CVS when viewing positive stimuli (P = .005), but decreased during left ear CVS when compared to sham stimulation (P = .009). CVS had a similar effect on positive mood ratings (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule). Positive mood ratings decreased during left ear CVS when compared to sham stimulation, but there was no effect after right ear CVS. DISCUSSION: The results suggest that CVS, depending on side of stimulation, has a modulating effect on mood and affective control. The results complement previous findings in manic patients and provide new evidence for the clinical potential of CVS.


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Purchases are driven by consumers’ product preferences and price considerations. Using caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS), we investigated the role of vestibular-affective circuits in purchase decision-making. CVS is an effective noninvasive brain stimulation method, which activates vestibular and overlapping emotional circuits (e.g., the insular cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)). Subjects were exposed to CVS and sham stimulation while they performed two purchase decision-making tasks. In Experiment 1 subjects had to decide whether to purchase or not. CVS significantly reduced probability of buying a product. In Experiment 2 subjects had to rate desirability of the products and willingness to pay (WTP) while they were exposed to CVS and sham stimulation. CVS modulated desirability of the products but not WTP. The results suggest that CVS interfered with emotional circuits and thus attenuated the pleasant and rewarding effect of acquisition, which in turn reduced purchase probability. The present findings contribute to the rapidly growing literature on the neural basis of purchase decision-making.


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PURPOSE To study the clinical outcome in hippocampal deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of patients with refractory mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) according to the electrode location. METHODS Eight MTLE patients implanted in the hippocampus and stimulated with high-frequency DBS were included in this study. Five underwent invasive recordings with depth electrodes to localize ictal onset zone prior to chronic DBS. Position of the active contacts of the electrode was calculated on postoperative imaging. The distances to the ictal onset zone were measured as well as atlas-based hippocampus structures impacted by stimulation were identified. Both were correlated with seizure frequency reduction. RESULTS The distances between active electrode location and estimated ictal onset zone were 11±4.3 or 9.1±2.3mm for patients with a >50% or <50% reduction in seizure frequency. In patients (N=6) showing a >50% seizure frequency reduction, 100% had the active contacts located <3mm from the subiculum (p<0.05). The 2 non-responders patients were stimulated on contacts located >3mm to the subiculum. CONCLUSION Decrease of epileptogenic activity induced by hippocampal DBS in refractory MTLE: (1) seems not directly associated with the vicinity of active electrode to the ictal focus determined by invasive recordings; (2) might be obtained through the neuromodulation of the subiculum.


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OBJECTIVE To further determine the causes of variable outcome from deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (DBS-STN) in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS Data were obtained from our cohort of 309 patients with PD who underwent DBS-STN between 1996 and 2009. We examined the relationship between the 1-year motor, cognitive, and psychiatric outcomes and (1) preoperative PD clinical features, (2) MRI measures, (3) surgical procedure, and (4) locations of therapeutic contacts. RESULTS Pre- and postoperative results were obtained in 262 patients with PD. The best motor outcome was obtained when stimulating contacts were located within the STN as compared with the zona incerta (64% vs 49% improvement). Eighteen percent of the patients presented a postoperative cognitive decline, which was found to be principally related to the surgical procedure. Other factors predictive of poor cognitive outcome were perioperative confusion and psychosis. Nineteen patients showed a stimulation-induced hypomania, which was related to both the form of the disease (younger age, shorter disease duration, higher levodopa responsiveness) and the ventral contact location. Postoperative depression was more frequent in patients already showing preoperative depressive and/or residual axial motor symptoms. CONCLUSION In this homogeneous cohort of patients with PD, we showed that (1) the STN is the best target to improve motor symptoms, (2) postoperative cognitive deficit is mainly related to the surgery itself, and (3) stimulation-induced hypomania is related to a combination of both the disease characteristics and a more ventral STN location.


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Although subthalamic-deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is an efficient treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD), its effects on fine motor functions are not clear. We present the case of a professional violinist with PD treated with STN-DBS. DBS improved musical articulation, intonation and emotional expression and worsened timing relative to a timekeeper (metronome). The same effects were found for dopaminergic treatment. These results suggest that STN-DBS, mimicking the effects of dopaminergic stimulation, improves fine-tuned motor behaviour whilst impairing timing precision.


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Studying social behavior often requires the simultaneous interaction of many subjects. As yet, however, no painless, noninvasive brain stimulation tool existed that allowed the simultaneous affection of brain processes in many interacting subjects. Here we show that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can overcome these limits. We apply right prefrontal cathodal tDCS and show that subjects' propensity to punish unfair behavior is reduced significantly.


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PURPOSE A case is presented and a systematic review of the literature is provided to update our current knowledge of induction of fear by cortical stimulation. METHODS We present a case of refractory epilepsy associated with a lesion where fear could be induced by intraoperative electrical stimulation of the posterior inner part of the superior temporal gyrus. We performed a systematic review of the literature using PubMed with the key words "epilepsy AND emotion", "cortical stimulation AND emotion," and "human brain stimulation AND behavior". RESULTS Intraoperative cortical stimulation of the inner part of the posterior superior temporal gyrus reliably induced fear and progressive screaming behavior. Stimulation through subdural grid electrodes did not induce this phenomenon. A systematic review of the literature identified fear induction by stimulation of different widespread cortical areas including the temporal pole, the insula, and the anterior cingulate cortex. The posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus has so far not been associated with fear induction after electrical stimulation. CONCLUSION Although our observation suggests that this area of the brain could be part of a network involved in the elicitation of fear, dysfunction of this network induced by epilepsy could also explain the observed phenomenon. Electrophysiologic and imaging studies must be conducted to improve our understanding of the cortical networks forming the neuroanatomical substrate of higher brain functions and experiences such as fear.


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Objective: To assess the neuropsychological outcome as a safety measure and quality control in patients with subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation for PD. Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is considered a relatively safe treatment used in patients with movement disorders. However, neuropsychological alterations have been reported in patients with STN DBS for PD. Cognition and mood are important determinants of quality of life in PD patients and must be assessed for safety control. Methods: Seventeen consecutive patients (8 women) who underwent STN DBS for PD have been assessed before and 4 months after surgery. Besides motor symptoms (UPDRS-III), mood (Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) and neuropsychological aspects, mainly executive functions, have been assessed (mini mental state examination, semantic and phonematic verbal fluency, go-no go test, stroop test, trail making test, tests of alertness and attention, digit span, wordlist learning, praxia, Boston naming test, figure drawing, visual perception). Paired t-tests were used for comparisons before and after surgery. Results: Patients were 61.6±7.8 years old at baseline assessment. All surgeries were performed without major adverse events. Motor symptoms ‘‘on’’ medication remained stable whereas they improved in the ‘‘off’’ condition (p<0.001). Mood was not depressed before surgery and remained unchanged at follow-up. All neuropsychological assessment outcome measures remained stable at follow-up with the exception of semantic verbal fluency and wordlist learning. Semantic verbal fluency decreased by 21±16% (p<0.001) and there was a trend to worse phonematic verbal fluency after surgery (p=0.06). Recall of a list of 10 words was worse after surgery only for the third attempt of recall (13%, p<0.005). Conclusions: Verbal fluency decreased in our patients after STN DBS, as previously reported. The procedure was otherwise safe and did not lead to deterioration of mood.


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Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) in humans reduces cortical excitability. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if prolonged tSMS (2 h) could be delivered safely in humans. Safety limits for this technique have not been described. Methods: tSMS was applied for 2 h with a cylindric magnet on the occiput of 17 healthy subjects. We assessed tSMS-related safety aspects at tissue level by measuring levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE,a marker of neuronal damage) and S100 (a marker of glial reactivity and damage). We also included an evaluation of cognitive side effects by using a battery of visuomotor and cognitive tests. Results: tSMS did not induce any significant increase in NSE or S100. No cognitive alteration was detected. Conclusions: Our data indicate that the application of tSMS is safe in healthy human subjects, at least within these parameters