994 resultados para brain metastasis


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The acyl composition of membrane phospholipids in kidney and brain of mammals of different body mass was examined. It was hypothesized that reduction in unsaturation index (number of double bonds per 100 acyl chains) of membrane phospholipids with increasing body mass in mammals would be made-up of similar changes in acyl composition across all phospholipid classes and that phospholipid class distribution would be regulated and similar in the same tissues of the different-sized mammals. The results of this study supported both hypotheses. Differences in membrane phospholipid acyl composition (i. e. decreased omega-3 fats, increased monounsaturated fats and decreased unsaturation index with increasing body size) were not restricted to any specific phospholipid molecule or to any specific phospholipid class but were observed in all phospholipid classes. With increase in body mass of mammals both monounsaturates and use of less unsaturated polyunsaturates increases at the expense of the long-chain highly unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturates, producing decreases in membrane unsaturation. The distribution of membrane phospholipid classes was essentially the same in the different-sized mammals with phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) together constituting similar to 91% and similar to 88% of all phospholipids in kidney and brain, respectively. The lack of sphingomyelin in the mouse tissues and higher levels in larger mammals suggests an increased presence of membrane lipid rafts in larger mammals. The results of this study support the proposal that the physical properties of membranes are likely to be involved in changing metabolic rate.


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Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) increases cell migration and invasion, and facilitates metastasis in multiple carcinoma types, but belies epithelial similarities between primary and secondary tumors. This study addresses the importance of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET) in the formation of clinically significant metastasis. The previously described bladder carcinoma TSU-Pr1 (T24) progression series of cell lines selected in vivo for increasing metastatic ability following systemic seeding was used in this study. It was found that the more metastatic sublines had acquired epithelial characteristics. Epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes were confirmed in the TSU-Pr1 series by cytoskeletal and morphologic analysis, and by performance in a panel of in vitro assays. Metastatic ability was examined following inoculation at various sites. Epithelial characteristics associated with dramatically increased bone and soft tissue colonization after intracardiac or intratibial injection. In contrast, the more epithelial sublines showed decreased lung metastases following orthotopic inoculation, supporting the concept that EMT is important for the escape of tumor cells from the primary tumor. We confirmed the overexpression of the IIIc subtype of multiple fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) through the TSU-Pr1 series, and targeted abrogation of FGFR2IIIc reversed the MET and associated functionality in this system and increased survival following in vivo inoculation in severe combined immunodeficient mice. This model is the first to specifically model steps of the latter part of the metastatic cascade in isogenic cell lines, and confirms the suspected role of MET in secondary tumor growth.


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Breast cancer metastasis to the bone occurs frequently, causing numerous complications including severe pain, fracture, hypercalcemia, and paralysis. Despite its prevalence and severity, few effective therapies exist. To address this, we examined whether the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), would be efficacious in inhibiting breast cancer metastasis to bone. Utilizing the human breast cancer subline, MDA-MB-231SA, previously in vivo selected for its enhanced ability to generate osteolytic bone lesions, we determined that 17-AAG potently inhibited its in vitro proliferation and migration. Moreover, 17-AAG significantly reduced MDA-MB-231SA tumor growth in the mammary-fat pad of nude mice. Despite these findings, 17-AAG enhanced the incidence of bone metastasis and osteolytic lesions following intracardiac inoculation in the nude mouse. Consistent with these findings, 17-AAG enhanced osteoclast formation 2- to 4-fold in mouse bone marrow/osteoblast cocultures, receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (BANKL)-stimulated bone marrow, and RAW264.7 cell models of in vitro osteoclastogenesis. Moreover, the drug enhanced osteoclastogenesis in human cord blood progenitor cells, demonstrating that its effects were not limited to mouse models. In addition to 17-AAG, other Hsp90 inhibitors, such as radicicol and herbimycin A, also enhanced osteoclastogenesis. A pro-osteolytic action of 17-AAG independent of tumor presence was also determined in vivo, in which 17-AAG-treated tumor-naive mice had reduced trabecular bone volume with an associated increase in osteoclast number. Thus, HSP90 inhibitors can stimulate osteoclast formation, which may underlie the increased incidence of osteolysis and skeletal tumor incidence causedby 17-AAG in vivo. These data suggest an important contraindication to the Hsp90 targeted cancer therapy currently undergoing clinical trial.


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Carcinogenesis involves the accretion of unprogrammed genetic and epigenetic changes, which lead to dysregulation of the normal control of cell number. But a key clinical turning point in carcinoma progression is the establishment by emigrant cells of secondary growth sites (i.e., metastasis). The metastatic “cascade” comprises numerous steps, including escape from the primary tumor site, penetration of local stroma, entry of local vascular or lymphatic vessels (intravasation), aggregation with platelets, interaction with and adhesion to distant endothelia, extravasation, recolonization, and expansion ( 1), all the time avoiding effective immune clearance and being able to survive in these multiple contexts...


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As microenvironmental factors such as three-dimensionality and cell–matrix interactions are increasingly being acknowledged by cancer biologists, more complex 3D in vitro models are being developed to study tumorigenesis and cancer progression. To better understand the pathophysiology of bone metastasis, we have established and validated a 3D indirect co-culture model to investigate the paracrine interactions between prostate cancer (PCa) cells and human osteoblasts. Co-culture of the human PCa, LNCaP cells embedded within polyethylene glycol hydrogels with human osteoblasts in the form of a tissue engineered bone construct (TEB), resulted in reduced proliferation of LNCaP cells. LNCaP cells in both monoculture and co-culture were responsive to the androgen analog, R1881, as indicated by an increase in the expression (mRNA and/or protein induction) of androgen-regulated genes including prostate specific antigen and fatty acid synthase. Microarray gene expression analysis further revealed an up-regulation of bone markers and other genes associated with skeletal and vasculature development and a significant activation of transforming growth factor β1 downstream genes in LNCaP cells after co-culture with TEB. LNCaP cells co-cultured with TEB also unexpectedly showed similar changes in classical androgen-responsive genes under androgen-deprived conditions not seen in LNCaP monocultures. The molecular changes of LNCaP cells after co-culturing with TEBs suggest that osteoblasts exert a paracrine effect that may promote osteomimicry and modulate the expression of androgen-responsive genes in LNCaP cells. Taken together, we have presented a novel 3D in vitro model that allows the study of cellular and molecular changes occurring in PCa cells and osteoblasts that are relevant to metastatic colonization of bone. This unique in vitro model could also facilitate cancer biologists to dissect specific biological hypotheses via extensive genomic or proteomic assessments to further our understanding of the PCa-bone crosstalk.


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Bone is a common metastatic site in human breast cancer (HBC). Since bone metastasis occurs very rarely from current spontaneous or experimental metastasis models of HBC cells in nude mice, an arterial seeding model involving the direct injection of the cells into the left ventricle has been developed to better understand the mechanisms involved in this process. We present here a sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to detect and quantitate bone and soft organ metastasis in nude mice which have been intracardially inoculated with Lac Z transduced HBC cells. Amplification of genomically incorporated Lac Z sequences in MDA-MB-231-BAG HBC cells enables us to specifically detect these cells in mouse organs and bones. We have also created a competitive template to use as an internal standard in the PCR reactions, allowing us to better quantitate levels of HBC metastasis. The results of this PCR detection method correlate well with cell culture detection from alternate long bones from the same mice, and are more sensitive than gross Lac Z staining with X-gal or routine histology. Comparable qualitative results were obtained with PCR and culture in a titration experiment in which mice were inoculated with increasing numbers of cells, but PCR is more quantifiable, less time consuming, and less expensive. This assay can be employed to study the molecular and cellular aspects of bone metastasis, and could easily be used in conjunction with RT-PCR-based analyses of gene products which may be involved with HBC metastasis.


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Orthotopic or intracardiac injection of human breast cancer cell lines into immunocompromised mice allows study of the molecular basis of breast cancer metastasis. We have established a quantitative real-time PCR approach to analyze metastatic spread of human breast cancer cells inoculated into nude mice via these routes. We employed MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells genetically tagged with a bacterial β-galactosidase (Lac-Z) retroviral vector, enabling their detection by TaqMan® real-time PCR. PCR detection was linear, specific, more sensitive than conventional PCR, and could be used to directly quantitate metastatic burden in bone and soft organs. Attesting to the sensitivity and specificity of the PCR detection strategy, as few as several hundred metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells were detectable in 100 μm segments of paraffin-embedded lung tissue, and only in samples adjacent to sections that scored positive by histological detection. Moreover, the measured real-time PCR metastatic burden in the bone environment (mouse hind-limbs, n = 48) displayed a high correlation to the degree of osteolytic damage observed by high resolution X-ray analysis (r2 = 0.972). Such a direct linear relationship to tumor burden and bone damage substantiates the so-called 'vicious cycle' hypothesis in which metastatic tumor cells promote the release of factors from the bone which continue to stimulate the tumor cells. The technique provides a useful tool for molecular and cellular analysis of human breast cancer metastasis to bone and soft organs, can easily be extended to other cell/marker/organ systems, and should also find application in preclinical assessment of anti-metastatic modalities.


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The LCC15-MB cell line was established from a femoral bone metastasis that arose in a 29-year-old woman initially diagnosed with an infiltrating ductal mammary adenocarcinoma. The tumor had a relatively high (8%) S-phase fraction and 1/23 positive lymph nodes (LN). Both the primary tumor and LN metastasis were positive for estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR), but lacked erbB2 expression. Approximately one year later, the patient presented with a 0.8 cm comedo-type intraductal mammary adenocarcinoma in the left breast that was negative for ER and PgR, but positive for erbB2. Thirty-five months after the initial diagnosis she was treated for acute skeletal metastasis, and stabilized with a hip replacement. At this time, tumor cells were removed from surplus involved bone, inoculated into cell culture, and developed into the LCC15-MB cell line. The bone metastasis was a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma lacking ER, PgR, and erbB2, characteristics shared by the LCC15-MB cells, although ER can be re-expressed by treatment of the LCC15-MB cells for 5 days with 75 μM 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. The LCC15-MB cell line is tumorigenic when implanted subcutaneously in NCr nu/nu mice and produces long-bone metastases after intracardiac injection. Although the bone metastasis from which the LCC15-MB cell line was derived lacked vimentin (VIM) expression, the original primary tumor and lymph node metastasis were strongly VIM positive, as are LCC15-MB cells in vitro and in nude mice. The karyotype and isozyme profiles of LCC15-MB cells are consistent with its origin from a human female, with most chromosome counts in the hypertriploid range. Thirty-two marker chromosomes are present. These cells provide an in vitro/in vivo model in which to study the inter-relationships between ER, VIM, and bone metastasis in human breast cancer.


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Purpose To evaluate the validity of a uniaxial accelerometer (MTI Actigraph) for measuring physical activity in people with acquired brain injury (ABI) using portable indirect calorimetry (Cosmed K4b(2)) as a criterion measure. Methods Fourteen people with ABI and related gait pattern impairment (age 32 +/- 8 yr) wore an MTI Actigraph that measured activity (counts(.)min-(1)) and a Cosmed K4b(2) that measured oxygen consumption (mL(.)kg(-1.)min(-1)) during four activities: quiet sitting (QS) and comfortable paced (CP), brisk paced (BP), and fast paced (FP) walking. MET levels were predicted from Actigraph counts using a published equation and compared with Cosmed measures. Predicted METs for each of the 56 activity bouts (14 participants X 4 bouts) were classified (light, moderate, vigorous, or very vigorous intensity) and compared with Cosmed-based classifications. Results Repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that walking condition intensities were significantly different (P < 0.05) and the Actigraph detected the differences. Overall correlation between measured and predicted METs was positive, moderate, and significant (r = 0.74). Mean predicted METs were not significantly different from measured for CP and BP, but for FP walking, predicted METs were significantly less than measured (P < 0.05). The Actigraph correctly classified intensity for 76.8% of all activity bouts and 91.5% of light- and moderate-intensity bouts. Conclusions Actigraph counts provide a valid index of activity across the intensities investigated in this study. For light to moderate activity, Actigraph-based estimates of METs are acceptable for group-level analysis and are a valid means of classifying activity intensity. The Actigraph significantly underestimated higher intensity activity, although, in practice, this limitation will have minimal impact on activity measurement of most community-dwelling people with ABI.


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As yet, there is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. Historically, considerable research effort has been concentrated on understanding the processes of metastasis, how a primary tumour locally invades and systemically disseminates using the phenotypic switching mechanism of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT); however, much less is understood about how metastases are then formed. Breast cancer metastases often look (and may even function) as 'normal' breast tissue, a bizarre observation against the backdrop of the organ structure of the lung, liver, bone or brain. Mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET), the opposite of EMT, has been proposed as a mechanism for establishment of the metastatic neoplasm, leading to questions such as: Can MET be clearly demonstrated in vivo? What factors cause this phenotypic switch within the cancer cell? Are these signals/factors derived from the metastatic site (soil) or expressed by the cancer cells themselves (seed)? How do the cancer cells then grow into a detectable secondary tumour and further disseminate? And finallyCan we design and develop therapies that may combat this dissemination switch? This review aims to address these important questions by evaluating long-standing paradigms and novel emerging concepts in the field of epithelial mesencyhmal plasticity.


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Recently, two landmark reports on antiangiogenic therapy were published: Paez-Ribes and colleagues and Ebos and colleagues . The Board of the Metastasis Research Society (MRS) congratulates the authors for their informative articles that help to explain the puzzle of why antiangiogenic agents have had a relatively minor or no significant impact on patient survival. Using four model systems and several different strategies, these researchers showed that inhibition of angiogenesis reduced primary tumor growth and microvessel density in keeping with many earlier reports, but strikingly, accelerated invasion and metastasis.


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A number of human cancer cell lines have been described as being invasive and metastatic in immune incompetent animals. However, it is difficult to assess metastatic spread of a subcutaneously injected or inoculated cell line, since an exact detection of all microfoci of human tumour cells in the animals by usual histological procedures would require extensive sectioning of the whole animal. To overcome this problem, we transduced human breast cancer cells with a replication-defective Moloney murine leukaemia retroviral vector (M-MuLV) containing both neo(R) (neomycin resistance) and lacZ genes. The resulting cell lines were selected for antibiotic (G418) resistance, and cell-sorted for lacZ expression. lacZ continued to be expressed in cultured cells for at least 20 passages without further G418 selection. The lacE gene codes for β-D-galactosidase, and cells expressing this gene stain blue with the chromogenic substrate X-gal. The lacZ-expressing cells retained the pre-transduction ability to traverse Matrigel in vitro, to form subcutaneous tumours in nude mice, and to grow invasively with the formation of metastases. X-gal staining showed high specificity, staining the tumour cells but not the surrounding mouse tissue on either whole tissue blocks or histological sections. The staining procedure was highly sensitive, allowing detection of microfoci of human cancer cells, and quantitative estimation of the metastatic capacity of the cells. These results indicate that lacZ transduction of human tumour cells is a powerful means of studying human cancer cell invasion and metastases in vivo.


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The progression of a tumour from one of benign and delimited growth to one that is invasive and metastatic is the major cause of poor clinical outcome in cancer patients. The invasion and metastasis of tumours is a highly complex and multistep process that requires a tumour cell to modulate its ability to adhere, degrade the surrounding extracellular matrix, migrate, proliferate at a secondary site and stimulate angiogenesis. Knowledge of the process has greatly increased and this has resulted in the identification of a number of molecules that are fundamental to the process. The involvement of these molecules has been shown to relate not only to the survival and proliferation of the tumour cell but, also to the processes of tumour cell adhesion, migration, and the tumour cells ability to degrade and escape the primary site as well as play a role in angiogenesis. These molecules may provide important therapeutic targets that represent the ability to target specific steps in the process of invasion and metastasis and provide additional therapies. The review focuses on representative key targets in each of these processes and summarises the state of play in each case.


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Two in vitro and two in vivo assays for the study of human cancer invasion and metastasis are described. The assays include in vitro invasiveness through an artificial basement membrane (Matrigel®), invasiveness and metastasis in nude mice of subcutaneously injected LacZ-transduced human tumor cells, in vitro adherence to basement membrane components, and LacZ-transduced human cancer cells injected intravenously into nude mice. In studies of the processes involved in human cancer cell invasion and metastasis, these four assays were found to be complementary, and thus provide a set of test systems for preclinical screening of agents which interfere with these processes.


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BACKGROUND Androgen-dependent prostate cancer (PrCa) xenograft models are required to study PrCa biology in the clinically relevant in vivo environment. METHODS Human PrCa tissue from a femoral bone metastasis biopsy (BM18) was grown and passaged subcutaneously through male severe combined immune-deficient (SCID) mice. Human mitochondria (hMt), prostate specific antigen (PSA), androgen receptor (AR), cytokeratin-18 (CK-18), pan-cytokeratin, and high molecular weight-cytokeratin (HMW-CK) were assessed using immunohistochemistry (IHC). Surgical castration was performed to examine androgen dependence. Serum was collected pre- and post-castration for monitoring of PSA levels. RESULTS: BM18 stained positively for hMt, PSA, AR, CK-18, pan keratin, and negatively for HMW-CK, consistent with the staining observed in the original patient material. Androgen-deprivation induced tumor regression in 10/10 castrated male SCID mice. Serum PSA levels positively correlated with BM18 tumor size. CONCLUSIONS BM18 expresses PSA and AR, and rapidly regresses in response to androgen withdrawal. This provides a new clinically significant PrCa model for the study of androgen-dependent growth.