744 resultados para body-image perception


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Introduction : Cette étude visait à explorer les déterminants des choix alimentaires de jeunes hommes gais. L’objectif secondaire était d’explorer la perception des hommes gais à l’égard du comportement alimentaire des hommes hétérosexuels. Méthode : Une méthode qualitative s’appuyant sur la prise de photographies et d’entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées a été utilisée. Résultats : Onze hommes gais de 21 à 25 ans et habitant en appartement dans la région de Montréal ont participé à l’étude. L’apparence corporelle, la santé et la nutrition sont des facteurs très influents de leur comportement alimentaire. Les hommes de la cohorte soutiennent la perception que ces facteurs n’influencent pas aussi fortement le comportement alimentaire des hommes hétérosexuels. Ils sont de grands consommateurs de cuisine hors domicile. Plusieurs d’entre eux limitent leur consommation de viande, un aliment qu’ils considèrent masculin et fortement lié aux hommes hétérosexuels. Conclusion : Le comportement alimentaire des jeunes hommes de cette cohorte est influencé par plusieurs facteurs qui ne sont habituellement pas associés aux hommes, dont l’apparence corporelle, la santé et la nutrition. Ils sont au fait de cette dichotomie en se comparant à leurs proches hétérosexuels. Si les professionnels de la santé négligent ces facteurs, ils risquent de passer à côté de leviers d’intervention efficaces.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique


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La lipoatrofia facial es uno de los efectos secundarios que con más frecuencia se presenta y afecta la calidad de vida del paciente con VIH que recibe tratamiento antiretroviral. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que involucró 126 sujetos, a quienes se aplicó una encuesta semi-estructurada para determinar cómo percibe el paciente que la lipoatrofia facial lo afecta en áreas afectiva, social, laboral y ocupacional; evaluar la percepción de la imagen corporal; caracterizar sociodemográficamente; determinar la prevalencia de lipoatrofia facial y establecer si hay diferencias de percepción de la imagen corporal según la caracterización sociodemográfica. Resultados: La Prevalencia de lipoatrofia facial fue del 57.1%. El grado de satisfacción en cuanto a apariencia física tuvo un promedio de 5.01±2.69. El 88.7% y 80.3% de los pacientes evaluados sintieron tristeza y frustración con su apariencia respectivamente. El 53.5% y el 42.9% informaron menos oportunidades laborales y educativas. La orientación sexual reportada con mayor frecuencia fue homosexualidad. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grado de satisfacción de apariencia con aspectos sociodemográficos excepto en pacientes que recibieron apoyo psicológico. Conclusión: Primer estudio en el país que evalúa el impacto de la lipoatrofia facial en pacientes con VIH y tratamiento antiretroviral. Aunque la presencia de lipoatrofia facial sobre la cotidianidad no es estadísticamente significativa, si resulta trascendental pues existen porcentajes importantes de emociones y alteraciones psicológicas que afectan directamente a estos sujetos en las áreas afectiva, social, laboral y ocupacional. Se hace necesaria la realización de más estudios que permitan obtener mayor de evidencia.


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El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores


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Body image is the figure of our bodies built in our minds and the degree of dissatisfaction is often associated with risk factors identified by anthropometric measures. The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the risk factors associated to morphological and functional variables associate to the perception of auto-image in middle-aged walkers of the south zone of the city of Natal. A hundred and thirty volunteers had been evaluated in four groups in function of the gender and age group. As measurement evaluations were used an auto-image perception questionnaire proposed by Stunkart of nine silhouettes numbered for both gender was applied; a weighing machine equipped with stadiometer for the body mass (kg) and stature (m) and the body mass index (kg/m2) that was calculated with base in measures of the body weight and stature and classified according to norms of the National Institute of Health (2000) as well as the systolic and diastolic blood pressure by a electronic digital device (DIGITRONIC). A metal anthropometric tape was used for the waist to hip ratio (WHR). It was used Analyses of variance (ANOVA) one-way, post hoc of Tukey and correlation of Spearman for the nonparametric data adopting the level of ρ≤ 0,05 for rejection of the null hypothesis. The body mass index indicated high factors of risk in the consisting groups. In all the groups were registered the desire to reduce their silhouettes. The body weight shows reduced when compared with the younger group in the male group of superior age group, while in the female group the inverse one occurs. The autoimage perception is associated with the classification of the waist to hip ratio in the female gender in the age group of the 50 to the 59 years and in the classification of the body mass index of all constituted groups. Significant associations had not been found for classification of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in relation to the auto-image 41 perception. This thesis presents relation of interdisciplinarity and its contents have application in the fields of Physical Education, Medicine, Physiotherapy and Nursing


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Background: An impairing preoccupation with a nonexistent or slight defect in appearance is the core symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (ODD), a psychiatric condition common in dermatology settings.Objective: We sought to determine the prevalence of ODD in dermatologic patients, comparing general and cosmetic settings, and describing some demographic and clinical characteristics.Methods: In all, 300 patients were consecutively assessed. Screening and diagnoses were performed with validated instruments plus a best estimate diagnosis procedure. The final sample comprised 150 patients in the cosmetic group, 150 patients in the general dermatology group, and 50 control subjects. Standard statistical analyses were performed (chi(2), nonparametric tests, logistic regression).Results: The current prevalence was higher in the cosmetic group (14.0%) compared with general (6.7%) and control (2.0%) groups. No patient had a previous diagnosis. Frequently the reason for seeking dermatologic treatment was not the main ODD preoccupation. Patients with ODD from the cosmetic group were in general unsatisfied with the results of dermatologic treatments.Limitations: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital is a limitation. It is uncertain if the findings can be generalized. Retrospective data regarding previous treatments are not free from bias.Conclusions: BUD is relatively common in a dermatologic setting, especially among patients seeking cosmetic treatments. These patients have some different features compared with general dermatology patients. Dermatologists should be aware of the clinical characteristics of ODD to identify and refer these patients to mental health professionals. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:235-43.)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Within philosophy and cognitive science, the focus in relation to the problem of personal identity has been almost exclusively on the brain. We submit that the resulting neglect of the body and of bodily movements in the world has been detrimental in understanding how organisms develop a sense of identity. We examine the importance of sensing one’s own movements for the development of a basic, nonconceptual sense of self. More specifically, we argue that the origin of the sense of self stems from the sensitivity to spontaneous movements. Based on this, the organism develops a sense of “I move” and, finally, a sense of “I can move”. Proprioception and kinesthesis are essential in this development. At the same time, we argue against the traditional dichotomy between so-called external and internal senses, agreeing with Gibson that perception of the self and of the environment invariably go together. We discuss a traditional distinction between two aspects of bodily self: the body sense and the body image. We suggest that they capture different aspects of the sense of self. We argue that especially the body sense is of great importance to our nonconceptual sense of self. Finally, we attempt to draw some consequences for research in cognitive science, specifically in the area of robotics, by examining a case of missing proprioception. We make a plea for robots to be equipped not just with external perceptual and motor abilities but also with a sense of proprioception. This, we submit, would constitute one further step towards understanding creatures acting in the world with a sense of themselves.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed at evaluating the validity, reliability, and factorial invariance of the complete (34-item) and shortened (8-item and 16-item) versions of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) when applied to Brazilian university students. A total of 739 female students with a mean age of 20.44 (standard deviation = 2.45) years participated. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify the degree to which the one-factor structure satisfies the proposal for the BSQ's expected structure. Two items of the 34-item version were excluded because they had factor weights (lambda)< 40. All models had adequate convergent validity (average variance extracted =.43-.58; composite reliability=.85-.97) and internal consistency (alpha =.85-.97). The 8-item B version was considered the best shortened BSQ version (Akaike information criterion = 84.07, Bayes information criterion = 157.75, Browne-Cudeck criterion= 84.46), with strong invariance for independent samples (Delta chi(2)lambda(7)= 5.06, Delta chi(2)Cov(8)= 5.11, Delta chi(2)Res(16) = 19.30). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The professional market for physical education and fitness demands for perfect and aesthetically beautiful bodies from its professionals, and the additional pressure of media, both add to the risk for body image dissatisfaction among these professional, increasing the risk for developing body image distortions and, ultimately, eating disorders. Body image dissatisfaction affects more women in their attempts for thin ideal. However, lately, because of social pressure for body aesthetical habits in both genders, men are faced with higher risk for distortions in body perception, leading to unhealthy eating habits and pathogenic exercise. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to compare freshmen and senior physical education (PE) students from the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), as well as to make gender comparisons. Two groups comprise each, 46 freshmen PE students (23 females and 23 males), average age 18.7 ± 1.7 years; and 26 senior PE students (13 females and 13 males), average age 23 ± 1.9 years. Both groups filled out the questionnaires: Eating Attitudes Test/ EAT-26, Body Shape Questionnaire/ BSQ, Body Shape Questionnaire/ BSQ, and motivation state questionnaire/ LEA-RI. Results showed that the majority of participants wanted to change some aspect of their looks; women were more dissatisfied with their bodies than men; eating behavior scores were within the normal range for both groups. Finally, freshmen PE students are at a higher risk for body image distortion than senior PE students. We concluded that women, as well as younger individuals in general, are at higher risk for body image distortions. It is likely that experience in the further years of a physical education course has positive impact on body self image.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In bodybuilding, sport that emerged in Brazil in the 70s, competitors are judged by physical appearance, size and muscle definition. The present study aimed to assess dietary intake, supplement use, and it also investigated body image perceptions of bodybuilders. Practitioners of three different gyms in the state of São Paulo participated in the study. They filled the anamnesis form containing data on food consumption and intake of supplements and also answered a questionnaire on the perception of body image (Satisfaction Scale with Body Appearance). The study showed a considerable food inadequacy with an average of carbohydrate intake of 41.84% ± 10.88%, of lipid, an average of 18.96% ± 6.40% and of protein 39.20% ± 10.41%. In pre-competition, the average of daily carbohydrate intake is reduced to 22.69% ± 12.34%, the lipid increases to 25.68% ± 14.0% and the protein increases to 51.63% ± 10.28%. It was observed that all individuals take some sort of supplement. Considering the perception of body image 60% of the appraised are fully satisfied with the muscular appearance and 40% has greater risk of developing vigorexia. As the bodybuilder has rigid dietary control, it is important nutritional monitoring. So it is necessary a better identification and guidance of risk groups for the development of body image disturbances through specialized professionals such as dieticians, psychologists and coaches for success training, aiming at physical and mental well being of the athletes.