858 resultados para balance scales


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Aims: To characterise chronic lateral epicondylalgia using the McGill Pain Questionnaire, Visual Analog Scales for pain and function, and Quantitative Sensory Tests; and to examine the relationship between these tests in a population with chronic lateral epicondylalgia. Method: Fifty-six patients (29 female, 27 male) diagnosed with unilateral lateral epicondylalgia of 18.7 months (mean) duration (range 1-300), with a mean age of 50.7 years (range 27-73) participated in this study. Each participant underwent assessment with the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Visual Analog Scales (VAS) for pain and function. and Quantitative Sensory Tests (QST) including thermal and pressure pain thresholds, pain free grip strength, and neuromeningeal tissue testing via the upper limb tension test 2b (ULTT 2b). Results: Moderate correlation (r = .338-.514, p = .000-.013) was found between all indices of the MPQ and VAS for pain experienced in the previous 24 hours and week. Thermal pain threshold was found to be significantly higher in males. A significant poor to moderate correlation was found between the Pain Rating Index (PRI) in the sensory category of the MPQ and ULTT2b scores (r = .353, p = .038). There was no other significant correlation between MPQ and QST data. Pain free grip strength was poorly yet significantly correlated with duration of pathology (r = 318, p = .038). Conclusion: The findings of this study are in agreement with others (Melzack and Katz, 1994) regarding the multidimensional nature of pain, in a condition conventionally conceived as a musculoskeletal pain state. The findings also suggest that utilisation of only one pain measurement tool is unlikely to provide a thorough clinical picture of pain experienced with chronic lateral epicondylalgia.


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A research program on atmospheric boundary layer processes and local wind regimes in complex terrain was conducted in the vicinity of Lake Tekapo in the southern Alps of New Zealand, during two 1-month field campaigns in 1997 and 1999. The effects of the interaction of thermal and dynamic forcing were of specific interest, with a particular focus on the interaction of thermal forcing of differing scales. The rationale and objectives of the field and modeling program are described, along with the methodology used to achieve them. Specific research aims include improved knowledge of the role of surface forcing associated with varying energy balances across heterogeneous terrain, thermal influences on boundary layer and local wind development, and dynamic influences of the terrain through channeling effects. Data were collected using a network of surface meteorological and energy balance stations, radiosonde and pilot balloon soundings, tethered balloon and kite-based systems, sodar, and an instrumented light aircraft. These data are being used to investigate the energetics of surface heat fluxes, the effects of localized heating/cooling and advective processes on atmospheric boundary layer development, and dynamic channeling. A complementary program of numerical modeling includes application of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to case studies characterizing typical boundary layer structures and airflow patterns observed around Lake Tekapo. Some initial results derived from the special observation periods are used to illustrate progress made to date. In spite of the difficulties involved in obtaining good data and undertaking modeling experiments in such complex terrain, initial results show that surface thermal heterogeneity has a significant influence on local atmospheric structure and wind fields in the vicinity of the lake. This influence occurs particularly in the morning. However, dynamic channeling effects and the larger-scale thermal effect of the mountain region frequently override these more local features later in the day.


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A new wavelet-based adaptive framework for solving population balance equations (PBEs) is proposed in this work. The technique is general, powerful and efficient without the need for prior assumptions about the characteristics of the processes. Because there are steeply varying number densities across a size range, a new strategy is developed to select the optimal order of resolution and the collocation points based on an interpolating wavelet transform (IWT). The proposed technique has been tested for size-independent agglomeration, agglomeration with a linear summation kernel and agglomeration with a nonlinear kernel. In all cases, the predicted and analytical particle size distributions (PSDs) are in excellent agreement. Further work on the solution of the general population balance equations with nucleation, growth and agglomeration and the solution of steady-state population balance equations will be presented in this framework. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Esse documento trata de: o m??todo Balance Scorecard (BSC); as perspectivas de desempenho do BSC; benef??cios da utiliza????o do BSC; potencialidades: a organiza????o orientada ?? estrat??gia


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Nitrate losses from soil profiles by leaching should preferentially be monitored during high rainfall events and during irrigation when fertilizer nitrogen applications are elevated. Using a climatologic water balance, based on the models of Thornthwaite and Penman Monteith for potential evapotranspiration, drainage soil water fluxes below the root zone were estimated in a fertigated coffee crop. Soil solution extraction at the depth of 1 m allowed the calculation of nitrate leaching. The average nitrate concentration in soil solution for plots that received nitrogen by fertigation at a rate of 400 kg ha-1, was 5.42 mg L-1, surpassing the limit of the Brazilian legislation of 10.0 mg L-1, only during one month. For plots receiving 800 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, the average was 25.01 mg L-1, 2.5 times higher than the above-mentioned limit. This information indicates that nitrogen rates higher than 400 kg ha-1 are potentially polluting the ground water. Yearly nitrate amounts of leaching were 24.2 and 153.0 kg ha-1 for the nitrogen rates of 400 and 800 kg ha-1, respectively. The six times higher loss indicates a cost/benefit problem for coffee fertigations above 400 kg ha-1.


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Purpose: to investigate the relationship between knee muscle strength, balance and functional independence within the first month after stroke. Relevance: cerebral vascular disease is one of the main causes of morbidity, disability and mortality in developed countries. Problems with movement control are frequent after stroke. Lower limb weakness and impaired balance are common problems that are related with the risk of falls and are likely to interfere with the ability to perform daily life activities. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke and addresses impairments related to movement and posture in order to improve motor recovery and restore function.


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Cerebral vascular disease is one of the main causes of morbidity, disability and mortality in developed countries. Problems with movement control are frequent after stroke. Lower limb weakness and impaired balance are common problems that are related with the risk of falls and are likely to interfere with the ability to perform daily life activities. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke and addresses impairments related to movement and posture in order to improve motor recovery and restore function. Purpose: to investigate the relationship between knee muscle strength, balance and functional independence within the first month after stroke.


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Cerebral vascular disease is the primary cause of permanent disability in Portugal. Impaired stability is considered an important feature after stroke as it is related with higher risk of falls and functional dependence. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke in order to direct motor recovery and help patients to improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL). Purpose: to investigate the relationship of balance to functionality in acute stroke patients. Methods: 16 subjects (8 women and 8 men), mean age 63,62 ± 2,16y, with unilateral ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory, who were admitted to physiotherapy department of Fernando Fonseca Hospital in Portugal, within the first month after stroke were recruited to participate in this study. All subjects have no cognitive impairment according to Mini Mental State, no history of lower extremity orthopedic problems and no other disease that could interfere with treatments. All patients gave their inform consent to participate in this study. Subjects were assessed with the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS).


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The aim of this paper is to formulate an approximation of the US actuarial balance model and apply it to the Spanish public retirement pension system under various scenarios in order to determine a consistent indicator of the system's financial state comparable to those used by the most advanced social security systems. This will enable us to answer the question as to whether there is any justification for reforming the pension system in Spain. This type of actuarial balance uses projections to show future challenges to the financial side of the pension system deriving basically from ageing, the projected increase in longevity and fluctuations in economic activity. If one is compiled periodically it can provide various indicators to help depoliticize the management of the pay-as-you-go system by bringing the planning horizons of politicians and the system itself closer together.


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Introduction - Cerebrovascular diseases, and among them, cerebral vascular accidents, are one of the main causes of morbidity and disability at European Union countries. Clinical framework resulting from these diseases include important limitations in functional ability of the these patients Postural control dysfunctions are one of the most common and devastating consequences of a stroke interfering with function and autonomy and affecting different aspects of people’s life and contributing to decrease quality of life. Neurological physiotherapy plays a central role in the recovery of movement and posture, however it is necessary to study the efficacy of techniques that physiotherapists use to treat these problems. Objectives - The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a physiotherapy intervention program, based on oriented tasks and strengthening of the affected lower limb, on balance and functionality of individuals who have suffered a stroke. In addition our study aimed to investigate the effect of strength training of the affected lower limb on muscle tone.


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World Congress of Malacology, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 21-28 de julho.


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As alterações do controlo postural do tronco observadas em indivíduos pós acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) podem traduzir-se em dificuldades na realização da sequência de movimento de sentado para de pé (STS). Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o comportamento do tronco, durante a primeira fase do STS, em cinco indivíduos pós-AVE, em fase aguda. Para tal, os indivíduos foram avaliados em dois momentos, antes (M0) e após (M1) um período de intervenção de 3 meses. Recorreu-se ao Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPo) para analisar o deslocamento do tronco no sentido anterior, bem como a simetria entre hemitronco contralesional vs. ipsilesional. Avaliou-se também o controlo postural e equilíbrio através das Escala de Avaliação Postural para Pacientes com Sequelas de AVE (PASS) e Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB), respetivamente. Para cada indivíduo foi desenvolvido um processo de raciocínio clínico tendo por base a avaliação observacional de componentes do movimento. Os resultados evidenciaram uma diminuição do deslocamento do tronco entre M0 e M1, em três dos cinco indivíduos, no que se refere ao ângulo do plano horizontal - EIPS - ângulo inferior da omoplata e do plano horizontal – EIPS – acrómio; outro dos indivíduos, no M0 não foi capaz de realizar o deslocamento do tronco, mas concluiu-o em M1; e outro indivíduo aumentou esse deslocamento nos dois ângulos. Em relação à diferença das distâncias entre o hemitronco contralesional vs ipsilesional, para o ângulo superior da omoplata e C7, estes resultados diminuíram de M0 para M1 em todos os indivíduos. Em quatro dos cinco indivíduos, as diferenças das distâncias para o ângulo inferior da omoplata e T7 e o ângulo inferior da omoplata e a EIPS, entre o hemitronco contralesional vs ipsilesional também diminuíram no M1 comparativamente ao M0. Foi ainda possível observar que todos os indivíduos apresentaram uma melhor extensão linear do tronco na posição inicial de sentado em M1 comparativamente a M0. Para as escalas aplicadas, PASS e EEB, a maioria dos indivíduos em estudo duplicou em M1 a pontuação obtida em M0. Concluindo, os participantes do estudo evidenciaram um menor deslocamento anterior do tronco durante o STS, assim como, uma maior simetria entre os dois hemitroncos, após uma intervenção de fisioterapia baseada nos princípios do conceito de Bobath.


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This article is is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon work non-commercially, and although the new works must also acknowledge & be non-commercial.


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O objectivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar os condensados produzidos numa fábrica de pasta para papel para identificar e localizar pontos da sua contaminação. Para o efeito, foram recolhidas amostras de condensado e caracterizados os parâmetros condutividade, pH, sódio e sílica. A amostragem decorreu no período entre 15 de Setembro a 6 de Novembro de 2008. Através da análise dos resultados obtidos para as concentrações de sílica e de sódio de cada uma das correntes, foram identificadas como contaminadas as correntes de condensado provenientes do condensador do Turbogerador 4, da área dos Digestores Descontínuos, da Evaporação e do Aquecedor de Água Quente para o Branqueamento. A realização de um balanço pontual à sílica no tanque de condensados da Central permitiu concluir que a maior contribuição advém do condensador do Turbogerador 4. Na Evaporação ocorre contaminação do condensado quando as secções do Concentrador 1 são colocadas em serviço após lavagem. Durante o acompanhamento do arranque da Evaporação, uma das secções (1/B) registou um valor máximo na concentração de sódio no condensado de 135 mg/L Na. Do estudo resulta, enquanto não for reparado e/ou substituído o equipamento responsável pelas contaminações, a necessidade de admitir requisitos para controlo da qualidade da água da caldeira menos restritivos, nomeadamente para a razão sódio/fosfato. É necessário, contudo, o rigoroso acompanhamento da qualidade da água da caldeira (pH, sobretudo) para prevenir afastamentos inesperados dos limites de controlo. Durante a realização deste trabalho foram identificadas algumas situações a melhorar, tais como a uniformização dos valores de desvio para esgoto dos condensados e das unidades utilizadas, a adequação das escalas dos aparelhos de medida para as gamas de leitura de interesse, a verificação e calibração periódica do equipamento instalado em linha, a adopção do parâmetro “Sódio” para controlo da qualidade dos condensados, a instalação de sistemas de amostragem com arrefecimento em todas as correntes de condensados e a reparação ou substituição de algum equipamento instalado em linha que se encontra em muito mau estado e ainda a manutenção do equipamento mantendo-o em boas condições de limpeza.