332 resultados para arbuscular micorriza
More than 80 % of vascular plants in the world form symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). AMF supply plants with nutrients such as phosphate and nitrogen, and can also help the plants to take up water. Hence, the symbiosis can greatly influence the growth and the defence of plants. By modifying plant productivity and diversity, AMF are considered as keystone species in ecosystems, playing a role that ultimately affects many food webs. This is why mycorrhizal symbioses have been investigated for several decades by many research groups.¦However, a large part of the scientific research done on AMF symbiosis has focused on the interaction between one plant and one fungus. This situation is far from realistic, as in natural ecosystems, many different fungal strains and species are co-existing and interacting in a belowground network. The main goal of this PhD was to investigate first, the interaction occurring among different co-existing AMF depending on their genetic relatedness and second, the outcome of the interaction and their effects on associated species.¦We found that AMF genetic relatedness partly explains the interaction among AMF, and this was in agreement with theories made for completely different species. Briefly, we demonstrated that AMF isolates of the same species coexisted more easily when they were closely-related, whereas AMF from different species were more in competition in this case of high relatedness. We also demonstrated that coexistence and competition among AMF can mediate plant growth as well as herbivore behaviour, opening new insights in our understanding of AMF effects on ecosystem functioning.¦Overall, the results of the different experiments of this PhD highlight the necessity of using multiple AMF to understand their interactions. Even so, we demonstrated here that simple species richness is not enough to understand these interactions and genetic relatedness among the co-existing AMF is a parameter that must be taken into account.¦-¦Sur Terre, plus de 80 % des plantes vasculaires forment des symbioses avec des champignons endomycorhiziens à arbuscules (CEA). Ces CEA permettent aux plantes d'acquérir plus facilement des nutriments tels que des phosphates, des nitrates, ou simplement de l'eau. Ainsi, cette symbiose peut avoir un effet important à la fois sur la croissance mais aussi sur la défense des plantes. En modulant la productivité et la diversité des plantes, les CEA sont donc des espèces clefs dans l'écosystème. Leur présence peut avoir des répercussions sur l'ensemble des réseaux trophiques. C'est pourquoi de nombreuses équipes de recherches étudient ces symbioses mycorhizienes depuis plusieurs décennies.¦La plupart des études concernant ces symbioses se sont focalisées sur l'action d'une espèce de CEA sur une espèce de plante. Malheureusement, cette situation ne correspond pas à ce que l'on peut retrouver dans la nature, où de nombreuses souches et de nombreuses espèces de CEA coexistent et interagissent dans un réseau mycélien souterrain. Le principal but de cette thèse était d'étudier, premièrement les interactions entre les différent CEA en fonction de leur apparentement génétique, et deuxièmement, d'étudier l'effet de ces interactions fongiques sur l'écologie des espèces associées.¦Au cours des différentes expériences de cette thèse, nous avons démontré que l'apparentement génétique entre les CEA expliquait une part non négligeable de leurs interactions. En résumé, plus l'apparentement génétique entre des souches de CEA d'une même espèce sera grand, plus ces souches seront capables de coexister. En revanche, s'il s'agit d'espèces différentes de CEA, plus elles seront apparentées, plus la compétition sera grande entre elles. Nous avons également démontré que la coexistence et la compétition entre différents CEA peut modifier à la fois la croissance des plantes mais aussi le comportement de leur prédateurs, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives sur notre compréhension des effets des CEA dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.¦Globalement, les résultats de nos différentes expériences mettent en évidence la nécessité d'utiliser plusieurs souches ou espèces de CEA pour mieux comprendre leurs interactions. Quand bien même, nos expériences démontrent que le simple recensement du nombre d'espèces de CEA n'est pas suffisant pour comprendre les interactions et que l'apparentement génétique des CEA coexistants est un paramètre qui doit être pris en compte.
1. Accumulating evidence indicates that plant resistance against above-ground herbivores can be affected by the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in association with the host plant. Little is known, however, about how AMF composition can influence herbivore choice to feed on a particular plant. 2. Unravelling the preference-performance hypothesis in a multitrophic context is needed to expand our knowledge of complex multitrophic interactions in natural systems. If given mycorrhizal fungal genotypes increase attractiveness for a herbivore (reduced plant resistance), then the benefits of increased unpalatability provided by the mycorrhizal fungi (increased plant resistance) might be outweighed by the increased herbivore recruitment. 3. This was addressed by designing three experiments to test the effects of different AMF genotypes, inoculated either alone or in combination, to measure intraspecific AMF effects on plant resistance and insect herbivore preference. Using strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) plants that were colonised by eight different combinations of Rhizophagus irregularis isolates, we measured effects on plant growth, insect growth and survival, as well as feeding preferences of a generalist herbivore caterpillar (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval). 4. Overall, it was found that: (i) AMF influenced plant resistance in an AMF genotype-specific manner; (ii) some AMF inoculations decreased insect performance; (iii) insects preferentially chose to feed more on leaves originating from non-mycorrhizal plants; but also that (iv) in a whole plant bioassay, insects preferentially chose the biggest plant, regardless of their mycorrhizal status. 5. Therefore, AMF-mediated trade-offs between growth and resistance against herbivores have been shown. Such trade-offs, particularly driven by plant attractiveness to herbivores, buffer the positive effects of the mycorrhizal symbiosis on enhanced plant growth.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição e a diversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) em áreas em processo de revegetação na região de Porto Trombetas, PA. Coletaram-se amostras compostas de solo em revegetação com 2, 4, 6, 12 e 16 anos, em subsolo exposto sem vegetação e em floresta primária, nos meses de agosto de 1998 (estação seca) e abril de 1999 (estação chuvosa). Os esporos de FMA foram extraídos e identificados taxonomicamente. Analisou-se a densidade relativa, a freqüência de cada espécie e os índices de Shannon-Wiener e de Simpson. Os resultados indicaram que a densidade de esporos de FMA não diferiu significativamente em razão da estação do ano. O número de espécies foi maior no período seco, na floresta primária e na área revegetada aos 2 anos de idade. Entre as espécies de FMA recuperadas, Glomus macrocarpum e Acaulospora mellea foram as que apresentaram maior ocorrência. A diversidade de espécies de FMA foi mais alta e a dominância de espécies foi mais baixa na área revegetada com 2 anos de idade. O retorno do horizonte superficial orgânico com o plantio de mudas micorrizadas é uma prática eficiente para a produção de esporos em subsolo resultante da mineração de bauxita.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the ability of several P-solubilizing fungi to solubilize aluminum phosphate and Araxá apatite as well as the synergism between the P-solubilizing fungus, PSF 7, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to promote clover growth amended with aluminum phosphate. Two experiments were carried out, the first under laboratory conditions and the second in a controlled environmental chamber. In the first experiment, PSF 7, PSF 9, PSF 21 and PSF 22 isolates plus control were incubated in liquid medium at 28ºC for eight days. On the 2nd, 4th and 8th day of incubation, pH and soluble P were determined. In the second experiment, clover was sowed in plastic pots containing 300 g of sterilized substrate amended with aluminum phosphate, 3 g L-1, in presence and absence of PSF 7 isolate and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. A completely randomized design, in factorial outline 2x2 (presence and absence of PSF 7 and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) and five replicates were used. In the first experiment, higher P content was detected in the medium containing aluminum phosphate. PSF 7 is the best fungi isolate which increases aluminum solubilization with major tolerance to Al3+. Clover growth was stimulated by presence of PSF 7 and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. There is synergism between microorganisms utilized to improve plant nutrition.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da densidade de inóculo de fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA) na incidência e severidade do Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC) na bananeira, variedade 'Maçã', em fase inicial de desenvolvimento vegetativo. O trabalho foi realizado em três etapas, em condições de casa de vegetação, na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, Cruz das Almas, BA. Foi realizado um teste de ajuste para determinação das densidades de inóculo do FMA a serem utilizadas. Em seguida, o FMA, Gigaspora margarita, foi inoculado nas mudas de banana e, depois de 60 dias foi inoculado o FOC. G. margarita apresentou eficiência simbiótica no crescimento das mudas de bananeira, variedade Maçã, dependendo da densidade de inóculo. A inoculação prévia com o FMA promoveu redução no índice de infecção causado pelo FOC. A pré-colonização das plantas de bananeira pelo FMA resultou em efeito de bioproteção, modulado pela taxa de colonização micorrízica e pela concentração de inóculo do FOC no solo.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediate below-ground plant-herbivore interactions: a phylogenetic study
Ecological interactions are complex networks, but have typically been studied in a pairwise fashion. Examining how third-party species can modify the outcome of pairwise interactions may allow us to better predict their outcomes in realistic systems. For instance, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can affect plant interactions with other organisms, including below-ground herbivores, but the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear. Here, we use a comparative, phylogenetically controlled approach to test the relative importance of mycorrhizal colonization and plant chemical defences (cardenolides) in predicting plant survival and the abundance of a generalist below-ground herbivore across 14 species of milkweeds (Asclepias spp.). Plants were inoculated with a mixture of four generalist AMF species or left uninoculated. After 1month, larvae of Bradysia sp. (Diptera: Sciaridae), a generalist below-ground herbivore, colonized plant roots. We performed phylogenetically controlled analyses to assess the influence of AMF colonization and toxic cardenolides on plant growth, mortality and infestation by fungus gnats. Overall, plants inoculated with AMF exhibited greater survival than did uninoculated plants. Additionally, surviving inoculated plants had lower numbers of larvae in their roots and fewer non-AM fungi than surviving uninoculated plants. In phylogenetic controlled regressions, gnat density in roots was better predicted by the extent of root colonized by AMF than by root cardenolide concentration. Taken as a whole, AMF modify the effect of below-ground herbivores on plants in a species-specific manner, independent of changes in chemical defence. This study adds to the growing body of literature demonstrating that mycorrhizal fungi may improve plant fitness by conferring protection against antagonists, rather than growth benefits. In addition, we advocate using comparative analyses to disentangle the roles of shared history and ecology in shaping trait expression and to better predict the outcomes of complex multitrophic interactions.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inoculação de dois novos isolados de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas e da interação destas bactérias com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs), na cultura do trigo. Foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação, com dois isolados de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, IAC11HT (Achromobacter insolitus) e IAC12HT (Zoogloea ramigera), e dois FMAs (Glomus sp. e Acaulospora sp.). Houve efeito sinérgico da co-inoculação na colonização das raízes por bactérias diazotróficas, com o emprego do FMA do gênero Acaulospora. As plantas associadas a Glomus, na presença dos isolados bacterianos, apresentaram maior crescimento, acúmulo e aproveitamento dos nutrientes do que as plantas colonizadas por Acaulospora sp., entretanto, não superaram os tratamentos em que as bactérias e os fungos foram inoculados isoladamente. Apesar de não ter havido efeito benéfico da co-inoculação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica sobre a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados, essas novas bactérias propiciaram o dobro de crescimento, acúmulo e aproveitamento do N e P em plantas de trigo.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do pré-cultivo de diferentes espécies vegetais e de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) na esporulação, colonização e crescimento da braquiária cultivada em sucessão, em casa de vegetação. As plantas cresceram em vasos com uma mistura esterilizada de Latossolo Vermelho distrófico muito argiloso e areia de rio lavada, na proporção de 2:1 (v/v). Inicialmente, foram testados nove tratamentos: seis espécies vegetais micotróficas, uma espécie não micotrófica (nabo-forrageiro), um tratamento com Urochloa decumbens e um controle sem planta. Todos receberam uma mistura de oito espécies de FMA. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições. Foram avaliadas a esporulação e a colonização micorrízica da Urochloa decumbens, a partir de propágulos de FMA remanescentes dos cultivos das seis espécies micotróficas e da espécie não microtrófica. Houve diferença entre as plantas hospedeiras quanto à percentagem de colonização micorrízica e produção total de esporos, tendo sido identificados cinco dos oito isolados estudados. Glomus clarum foi o FMA dominante na maioria dos tratamentos, seguido de Scutellospora heterogama e G. etunicatum. A espécie vegetal em pré-cultivo da braquiária não teve efeito na diversidade de FMA, tendo sido a espécie de fungo o fator efetivo para a composição de isolados fúngicos.
The objective of this work was to assess the potential of three isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to promote growth of micropropagated plantlets of Tapeinochilos ananassae during acclimatization. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, in a completely randomized block design, with four inoculation treatments: non‑inoculated control and plants inoculated with Glomus etunicatum, Acaulospora longula or Gigaspora albida, with ten replicates. After 90 days, the following parameters were evaluated: survival rate, height, leaf and tiller number, leaf area, fresh and dry biomass, contents of macro‑ and micronutrients in the root and shoot, glomerospore number, and mycorrhizal colonization. The survival percentage was 100%, except for plants inoculated with G. albida (80%). The isolate G. etunicatum is more suitable for plant development, since it improves survival, growth, dry matter production, nutritional status, and vigor of T. ananassae micropropagated plants.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the spore density and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in soil aggregates from fields of "murundus" (large mounds of soil) in areas converted and not converted to agriculture. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with five replicates, in a 5x3 factorial arrangement: five areas and three aggregate classes (macro-, meso-, and microaggregates). The evaluated variables were: spore density and diversity of AMF, total glomalin, total organic carbon (TOC), total extraradical mycelium (TEM), and geometric mean diameter (GMD) of soil aggregates. A total of 21 AMF species was identified. Spore density varied from 29 to 606 spores per 50 mL of soil and was higher in microaggregates and in the area with 6 years of conversion to agriculture. Total glomalin was higher between murundus in all studied aggregate classes. The area with 6 years showed lower concentration of TOC in macroaggregates (8.6 g kg-1) and in microaggregates (10.1 g kg-1). TEM was greater at the top of the murundus in all aggregate classes. GMD increased with the conversion time to agriculture. The density and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores change with the conversion of fields of murundus into agriculture.
O trabalho objetivou determinar o coeficiente de determinação genotípica (b) do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) quanto à capacidade de se associar e responder ao fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA) Gigaspora margarita. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, usando solo com uma dose única de fósforo (20 mg dm-3). Os tratamentos foram representados por quatro genótipos de cada um dos grupos 'Solo' e 'Formosa', mais as variedades 'Improved Sunrise Solo Line 72/12' e 'Tainung Nº 1', submetidas ou não à inoculação do fungo Gigaspora margarita. Foi utilizado um delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições. Após a coleta dos dados, estimou-se o coeficiente "b" para os seguintes caracteres: parte aérea, comprimento de raiz, altura de planta, eficiência micorrízica e colonização. Os genótipos testados responderam à inoculação do fungo MA; os genótipos do grupo Formosa apresentaram menor comprimento de raiz; a eficiência micorrízica e a colonização radicular média para os dois grupos de plantas foram similares, situando-se em 60% e 50%, respectivamente; a inoculação aumentou a absorção de P, K e Cu, sendo esse efeito maior na variedade representante de cada grupo; o coeficiente "b" demonstrou que o melhoramento de plantas pode modular a produção de parte aérea, comprimento de raízes, altura de plantas e a eficiência micorrízica do grupo Formosa; para o grupo Solo este efeito mostrou-se mais provável para colonização radicular e menos provável para produção de parte aérea, eficiência micorrízica, comprimento de raízes e altura de plantas.
Conduziu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento de mudas de goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.), produzidas em blocos prensados, confeccionados com resíduos agro-industriais, e inoculadas com o fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA) Glomus clarum Nicolson & Schenck. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, sendo 2 tratamentos microbiológicos: controle e FMA; e 2 sistemas de produção de mudas: blocos prensados (nova metodologia) e tubetes plásticos (tradicional), com 5 repetições. O substrato utilizado para a confecção dos blocos prensados e enchimento dos tubetes foi constituído por uma mistura de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e torta de filtro (3:1 v/v). O FMA proporcionou aumentos significativos na produção de matéria seca, conteúdo de N e P da parte aérea da goiabeira, apenas no sistema de produção das mudas em blocos prensados. Mudas produzidas e inoculadas em blocos prensados mostraram um aumento de 88% na matéria seca da parte aérea, 82% e 89% para os conteúdos de nitrogênio e fósforo da parte aérea, respectivamente, em relação ao tratamento-controle.
Les Champignons Endomycorhiziens Arbusculaires (CEA) forment une symbiose racinaire avec environ 80% des espèces connues de plantes vasculaires. Ils occupent une position écologique très importante liée aux bénéfices qu'ils confèrent aux plantes. Des études moléculaires effectuées sur des gènes ribosomaux ont révélé un très grand polymorphisme, tant à l'intérieur des espèces qu'entre celles-ci. Ces champignons étant coenocytiques et multinucléés, l'organisation de cette variabilité génétique intraspécifique pourrait avoir différentes origines. Ce travail se propose d'examiner l'organisation et l'évolution de cette variabilité. Sur la base de fossiles, l'existence des CEA remonte à au moins 450 millions d'années. Cette symbiose peut donc être considérée comme ancienne. Les premières données moléculaires n'indiquant pas de reproduction sexuée, une hypothèse fut élaborée stipulant que les CEA seraient des asexués ancestraux. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre 2) met en évidence l'existence de recombinaison dans différents CEA mais montre également que celle-ci est insuffisante pour purger les mutations accumulées. La reproduction étant essentiellement asexuée, on peut prédire que les nombreux noyaux ont probablement divergé génétiquement. En collaboration avec M. Hijri nous avons pu vérifier cette hypothèse (chapitre 2). Dans le chapitre 3 j'ai cherché à comprendre si le polymorphisme était également présent dans une population naturelle du CEA Glomus intraradices au niveau intraspécifique, ce qui n'avait encore jamais été examiné. En comparant les empreintes génétiques d'individus obtenus chacun à partir d'une spore mise en culture, j'ai clairement démontré que d'importantes différences génétiques existent entre ceux-ci. Un résultat similaire, portant sur des traits quantitatifs d'individus de la même population, a été trouvé par A. Koch. Les deux études en ensemble montre que le polymorphisme génétique dans cette population est suffisamment grand pour être important au niveau écologique. Dans le chapitre 4, j'ai cherché a examiner le polymorphisme des séquences du gène BiP au sein d'un individu. C'est la première étude qui examine la diversité génétique du génome de CEA avec un autre marqueur que l'ADN ribosomique. J'ai trouvé 31 types de séquences différentes du gène BiP issu d'un isolat de G. intraradices mis en culture à partir d'une seule spore. Cette variation n'était pas restreinte à des zones sélectivement neutres du BiP. Mes résultats montrent qu'il y a un grand nombre de variants non-fonctionnels, proportionnellement au faible nombre de copies attendues par noyau. Ceci va dans le sens d'une partition de l'information génétique entre les noyaux.<br/><br/>Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are root symbionts with about 80% of all known species of vascular land plants. AMF are ecologically important because of the benefits that they confer to plants. Molecular studies on AMF showed that rDNA sequences were highly variable between species and within species. Because AMF are coenocytic and multinucleate there are several possibilities how this intraspecific genetic variation could be organized. Therefore, the organization and evolution of this variation in AMF were investigated in the present work. Based on fossil records the AMF symbiosis has existed for 450 Million years and is therefore considered ancient. First molecular data indicated no evident sexual reproduction and gave rise to the hypothesis that AMF might be ancient asexuals. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) shows evidence for recombination in different AMF but also indicates that it has not been frequent enough to purge accumulated mutations. Given asexual reproduction, it has been predicted that the many nuclei in AMF should diverge leading to genetically different nuclei. This hypothesis has been confirmed by an experiment of M. Hijri and is also included in chapter 2 as the results were published together. In chapter 3 I then investigated whether intraspecific genetic variation also exists in a field population of the AMF Glomus intraradices. Comparing genetic fingerprints of individuals derived from single spores I could clearly show that large genetic differences exist. A similar result, based on quantitative genetic traits, was found for the same population by A. Koch. The two studies taken together show that the genetic variation observed in the population is high enough to be of ecological relevance. Lastly, in chapter 4, I investigated within individual genetic variation among BiP gene sequences. It is the first study that has analyzed genetic diversity in the AMF genome in a region of DNA other than rDNA. I found 31 sequence variants of the BiP gene in one G. intraradices isolate that originated from one spore. Genetic variation was not only restricted to selectively neutral parts of BiP. A high number of predicted non-functional variants compared to a likely low number of copies per nucleus indicated that functional genetic information might even be partitioned among nuclei. The results of this work contribute to our understanding of potential evolutionary strategies of ancient asexuals, they also suggest that genetic differences in a population might be ecologically relevant and they show that this variation even occurs in functional regions of the AMF genome.
Résumé Les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) ont co-évolué avec les plantes terrestres depuis plus de 400 millions d'années. De nos jours, les CEA forment une symbiose avec les racines de la majorité des plantes terrestres. Les CEA sont écologiquement importants parce qu'ils influencent non seulement la croissance des plantes, mais aussi leur diversité. Les CEA sont des biotrophes obligatoires qui reçoivent leur énergie sous forme de glucides issus de la photosynthèse des plantes. En contrepartie, les CEA apportent à leurs hôtes du phospore. Les CEA croissent et se reproduisent clonalement en formant des hyphes et des spores. De plus, les CEA sont coenocytiques et multigénomiques; le cytoplasme d'un CEA contient des noyeaux génétiquement différents. De nombreuses études ont démontré que différentes espèces de CEA agissent différentiellement sur la croissance des plantes. Malgré une conscience de plus en plus forte de l'existence d'une variabilité intraspécifique, la question de savoir si les populations de CEA sont génétiquement variables a été largement négligée. Dans le Chapitre 2, j'ai cherché à savoir si une population de CEA provenant d'un seul champ possède une diversité génétique. Cette étude a mis en évidence une importante variation génétique et phénotypique au sein d'individus de la même population. Des différences au niveau de traits de croissance, héritables et liés à la valeur sélective, indiquent que la variation génétique observée entre isolats n'est pas entièrement neutre. Dans le Chapitre 3, je montre que les différences génétiques entre isolats de CEA d'une population provoquent de la variation dans la croissance des plantes. L'effet des isolats dépend des conditions environnementales et varie de bénéfique à parasitique. Dans le Chapitre 4, je montre que des traits de croissance de CEA varient significativement dans des environnements contrastés. J'ai détecté de fortes interactions entre différents génotypes de CEA et différentes espèces de plantes. Ceci suggère que dans un environnement hétérogène, la sélection pourrait localement favoriser différents génotypes de CEA, maintenant ainsi la diversité génétique dans la population. Les résultats de ce travail aident à mieux comprendre l'importance écologique de la variation intraspécifique des CEA. La possibilité de pouvoir cultiver des individus d'une population de CEA au laboratoire nous a permis une meilleure compréhension de la génétique de ces champignons. De plus, ce travail est une base pour de futures expériences visant à comprendre l'importance évolutive de la diversité intraspécifique des CEA. Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (A1VIF) have co-evolved with land plants -for over 400 million years. Today, AMF form symbioses with roots of most land plants and are ecologically important because they alter plant growth and affect plant diversity. AMF are obligate biotrophs, obtaining their energy in form of plant-derived photosynthates. In return,- they supply their host plants with phosphorous. These fungi grow and reproduce clonally by hyphae and spores. They are coenocytic and multigenomic, harbouring genetically different nuclei in a common cytoplasm. Many studies have shown different AMF species differentially alter plant growth. Despite the increasing awareness of intraspecific variability the question whether there is any genetic variation among different individuals of the same population has been largely neglected. In Chapter 2, we investigated whether there is genetic diversity in a field population of the AMF G. intraradices. This work revealed that large genetic and heritable phenotypic variation exists in this AMF population. Differences in fitness-related growth traits among isolates suggest that some of the observed genetic variation is not selectively neutral. In Chapter 3, we show that genetic differences among isolates from the same population also cause variation in plant growth. The isolate effects on plant growth depended on the environmental conditions and varied from beneficial to detrimental. In Chapter 4, fitnessrelated growth traits of genetically different isolates were significantly altered in contrasting environments. we detected strong AMF isolate by host species interacfions which suggests that in a heterogeneous environment selection could locally favour different AMF genotypes, thereby maintaining high genetic diversity in the population. The results of this work contribute to the understanding of the ecological importance of intraspecific diversity in AMF. The possibility of culturing individuals of an AMF field population under laboratory condition gave new insights into AMF genetics and lays a foundation for future studies to analyse the evolutionary significance of intraspecific genetic diversity in AMF.
Realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização de diferentes recipientes e a eficiência da inoculação com fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA), Glomus clarum, no crescimento de mudas micropropagadas de bananeira. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2x2, sendo 2 tratamentos microbiológicos: Glomus clarum e controle; e 2 recipientes: blocos prensados e tubetes, com 6 repetições. O substrato utilizado para a confecção dos blocos e para o enchimento dos tubetes foi constituído por uma mistura de materiais orgânicos (bagaço de cana + torta de filtro de usina açucareira) e vermiculita. Mudas de bananeira produzidas em blocos prensados e inoculadas com o FMA apresentaram melhores resultados quando comparadas com as produzidas nos tubetes, com incrementos na altura, na produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e no acúmulo de N, P e K de 90%, 829%, 2774%, 249% e 403%, respectivamente.