851 resultados para applied linguistics


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Manual para profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera o segunda lengua. Utiliza un marco basado en los principios de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y tiene dos funciones principales: poner énfasis práctico con la descripción de alrededor de un centenar de técnicas de enseñanza; tratar de proporcionar un programa equilibrado para el desarrollo de las habilidades de lectura y escritura.


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Conversación y expresión oral son elementos fundamentales en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Este texto aumenta la conciencia de los profesores sobre el lenguaje hablado y sugiere formas de aplicar esos conocimientos a la enseñanza de habilidades de interacción de un segundo idioma, basado en las percepciones del análisis de la conversación. Presenta reseñas de los conceptos clave de análisis de la conversación y los resultados, conecta directamente los resultados con la pedagogía de la segunda lengua, presenta un modelo de prácticas interactivas basadas en dichos conceptos, incluye transcripciones de conversaciones reales, tareas para consolidar y ampliar su comprensión, actividades prácticas.


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This article discusses issues in measuring lexical diversity, before outlining an approach based on mathematical modelling that produces a measure, D, designed to address these problems. The procedure for obtaining values for D directly from transcripts using software (vocd) is introduced, and then applied to thirty-two children from the Bristol Study of Language Development (Wells 1985) at ten different ages. A significant developmental trend is shown for D and an indication is given of the average scores and ranges to be expected between the ages of 18 and 42 months and at 5 years for these L1 English speakers. The meaning attributable to further ranges of values for D is illustrated by analysing the lexical diversity of academic writing, and its wider application is demonstrated with examples from specific language impairment, morphological development, and foreign/second language learning.


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This study investigates the intonation of Chinese and Arabic learners of English using the computerized test battery Profiling Elements of Prosody for Speech and Communication (PEPS-C). The aims were to ascertain which aspects of intonation are difficult for these learners, and to determine whether PEPS-C can be used to assess the intonation of adult learners. Although some results were significantly different from native-speaker data, raw scores showed that the learner groups performed well in most tasks, which may indicate that the learners' level is too high for the PEPS-C to be useful. However, the PEPS-C did reveal that Arabic learners performed significantly worse at contrastive stress placement, and Chinese learners performed significantly worse assessing likes and dislikes.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of unaccusative verbs in Italian with respect to the consistency with which these verbs select the auxiliaries ‘be’ (essere) and ‘have’ (avere) in compound tense forms. The study builds on the gradient approach to split intransitivity (Sorace 2000) by exploring the behaviour of 29 intransitive Italian verbs with respect to their core-peripheral features: auxiliary selection acceptability ratings and associated variance measures. Although there is clear support for the gradient approach in relation to the general order of semantic categories along the unaccusativity gradient, the results reveal that the ordering of subclasses within the Change group conflict with that currently proposed in the literature. In addition, the findings demonstrate the aspectual and lexical semantic characteristics of internally-caused change-of-state verbs in Italian require further investigation before their auxiliary selection behaviour can be properly understood. Furthermore, contrary to the gradient account, Existence verbs, the most stative and therefore the most peripheral subclass in the unaccusativity hierarchy, exhibit behaviour more characteristic of core unaccusative verbs. This study examines a wider range of semantic subclasses of unaccusative verbs than has hitherto been reported and identifies the core-peripheral boundary for Italian.1


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Many researchers have tried to assess the number of words adults know. A general conclusion which emerges from such studies is that vocabularies of English monolingual adults are very large with considerable variation. This variation is important given that the vocabulary size of schoolchildren in the early years of school is thought to materially affect subsequent educational attainment. The data is difficult to interpret, however, because of the different methodologies which researchers use. The study in this paper uses the frequency-based vocabulary size test from Goulden et al (1990) and investigates the vocabulary knowledge of undergraduates in three British universities. The results suggest that monolingual speaker vocabulary sizes may be much smaller than is generally thought with far less variation than is usually reported. An average figure of about 10,000 English words families emerges for entrants to university. This figure suggests that many students must struggle with the comprehension of university level texts.


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This paper presents an investigation into learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of and criteria for task difficulty. Ten second language learners performed four oral narrative tasks and were retrospectively interviewed about which tasks they perceived as difficult, what factors affected this difficulty and how they identified and defined this task difficulty. Ten EFL/ESOL teachers were given the same tasks and asked to consider the difficulty of the tasks for their learners, and were invited to discuss the factors they believed contributed to this difficulty. Qualitative analysis of the data revealed that, although there were some differences between the two groups’ perceptions of task difficulty, there was substantial similarity between them in terms of the criteria they considered in identifying and defining task difficulty. The findings of this study lend support to the tenets of a cognitive approach to task-based language learning, and demonstrate which aspects of two models of task difficulty reflect the teachers’ and learners’ perceptions and perspectives.


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This Forum challenges and problematizes the term incomplete acquisition, which has been widely used to describe the state of competence of heritage speaker (HS) bilinguals for well over a decade (see, e.g., Montrul, 2008). It is suggested and defended that HS competence, while often different from monolingual peers, is in fact not incomplete (given any reasonable definition by the word incomplete), but simply distinct for reasons related to the realities of their environment.