302 resultados para apache


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La síndrome de distrés respiratori agut es caracteritza per hipoxemia, infiltrats bilaterals en la radiografia de tórax en absència de signes d'insuficiència cardíaca. Les teràpies destinades al tractament no han tingut resultats esperançadors per la impossibilitat de detectar precoçment la població en risc. El nostre objectiu és fer una anàlisi descriptiva i prospectiu dels pacients politraumatizats que van ingressar en la Fe de València durant 2009. Analitzant diverses variables: APACHE, pH, Làctic, etc; mesurant-les a l'ingrés, a les 12, 24 i 48h. Concloent que els únics factors amb significació estadística van ser l'A. Làctic i el pH a les 12h


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En aquest projecte es desenvolupa un software per a la gestió d’inventaris d’actius de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. El hardware pel qual està dissenyada aquesta aplicació és un notebook i una pistola lectora de codis de barres. Amb aquest software es poden crear inventaris per centres i espais important la informació mitjançant un fitxer extern. L’aplicació detecta automàticament canvis d’ubicació, elements perduts i permet inserir comentaris per a la identificació d’elements en mal estat. L’aplicació està basada en el web i pel seu desenvolupament s’han utilitzat tecnologies com el PHP, SQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, servidors Apache i MySQL.


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Cada vez es mayor el número de aplicaciones desarrolladas en el ámbito científico, como en la Bioinformática o en las Geociencias, escritas bajo el modelo MapReduce, empleando herramientas de código abierto como Apache Hadoop. De la necesidad de integrar Hadoop en entornos HPC, para posibilitar la ejecutar aplicaciones desarrolladas bajo el paradigma MapReduce, nace el presente proyecto. Se analizan dos frameworks diseñados para facilitar dicha integración a los desarrolladores: HoD y myHadoop. En este proyecto se analiza, tanto las posibilidades en cuanto a entornos que ofrecen dichos frameworks para la ejecución de aplicaciones MapReduce, como el rendimiento de los clúster Hadoop generados con HoD o myHadoop respecto a un clúster Hadoop físico.


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INTRODUCTION. Reduced cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) may worsen secondary damage and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), however the optimal management of CPP is still debated. STUDY HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that the impact of CPP on outcome is related to brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) level and that reduced CPP may worsen TBI prognosis when it is associated with brain hypoxia. DESIGN. Retrospective analysis of prospective database. METHODS. We analyzed 103 patients with severe TBI who underwent continuous PbtO2 and CPP monitoring for an average of 5 days. For each patient, duration of reduced CPP (\60 mm Hg) and brain hypoxia (PbtO2\15 mm Hg for[30 min [1]) was calculated with linear interpolation method and the relationship between CPP and PbtO2 was analyzed with Pearson's linear correlation coefficient. Outcome at 30 days was assessed with the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS), dichotomized as good (GOS 4-5) versus poor (GOS 1-3). Multivariable associations with outcome were analyzed with stepwise forward logistic regression. RESULTS. Reduced CPP (n=790 episodes; mean duration 10.2 ± 12.3 h) was observed in 75 (74%) patients and was frequently associated with brain hypoxia (46/75; 61%). Episodes where reduced CPP were associated with normal brain oxygen did not differ significantly between patients with poor versus those with good outcome (8.2 ± 8.3 vs. 6.5 ± 9.7 h; P=0.35). In contrast, time where reduced CPP occurred simultaneously with brain hypoxia was longer in patients with poor than in those with good outcome (3.3±7.4 vs. 0.8±2.3 h; P=0.02). Outcome was significantly worse in patients who had both reduced CPP and brain hypoxia (61% had GOS 1-3 vs. 17% in those with reduced CPP but no brain hypoxia; P\0.01). Patients in whom a positive CPP-PbtO2 correlation (r[0.3) was found also were more likely to have poor outcome (69 vs. 31% in patients with no CPP-PbtO2 correlation; P\0.01). Brain hypoxia was an independent risk factor of poor prognosis (odds ratio for favorable outcome of 0.89 [95% CI 0.79-1.00] per hour spent with a PbtO2\15 mm Hg; P=0.05, adjusted for CPP, age, GCS, Marshall CT and APACHE II). CONCLUSIONS. Low CPP may significantly worsen outcome after severe TBI when it is associated with brain tissue hypoxia. PbtO2-targeted management of CPP may optimize TBI therapy and improve outcome of head-injured patients.


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El objetivo del proyecto es la puesta en práctica de una aplicación orientada a resolver una necesidad real: proporcionar una herramienta sencilla y de bajo coste para el envío de campañas de email para pequeñas empresas. Está previsto que se comience a utilizar a finales de febrero en fase de pruebas en una empresa de organización de eventos. La aplicación consta básicamente de dos elementos: un programa cliente-servidor, realizado en Windows Forms con C#, y un servicio también realizado en C#.


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Patients who have overdosed on drugs commonly present to emergency departments, with only the most severe cases requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Such patients typically survive hospitalisation. We studied their longer term functional outcomes and recovery patterns which have not been well described. All patients admitted to the 18-bed ICU of a university-affiliated teaching hospital following drug overdoses between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2006 were identified. With ethical approval, we evaluated the functional outcome and recovery patterns of the surviving patients 31 months after presentation, by telephone or personal interview. These were recorded as Glasgow outcome score, Karnofsky performance index and present work status. During the three years studied, 43 patients were identified as being admitted to our ICU because of an overdose. The average age was 34 years, 72% were male and the mean APACHE II score was 16.7. Of these, 32 were discharged from hospital alive. Follow-up data was attained on all of them. At a median of 31 months follow-up, a further eight had died. Of the 24 surviving there were 13 unemployed, seven employed and four in custody. The median Glasgow outcome score of survivors was 4.5, their Karnofsky score 80. Admission to ICU for treatment of overdose is associated with a very high risk of death in both the short- and long-term. While excellent functional recovery is achievable, 16% of survivors were held in custody and 54% unemployed.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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En aquest projecte s'han desenvolupat tecnologies d'avantguarda, com ara la plataforma J2EE de Sun Microsystems i Jakarta Tomcat de Apache, totes de reconegut prestigi en la comunitat OpenSource. No s'han d'oblidar tampoc totes les que fan d'aquest projecte una solució professional, com ara XHTML o JavaScript.


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Treball centrat en el disseny i implementació d'una base de dades relacional (BD) per a la gestió d'incidències d'electrodomèstics, atenent als requeriments inicialment establerts. Inclou els procediments emmagatzemats, els sistema de diari (log). També es crea un magatzem de dades (DWH) i el procés d'extracció, transformació i càrrega (ETL) entre la BD i el DWH. Finalment es creen unes consultes específiques del DWH i una interfície HTML per a realitzar-les des d'un navegador i un servidor web.


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Arquitectura J2EE: integració dels frameworks Struts 2 + Hibernate. Pàgina web de venda de vins en línea.


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Comparación de los sistemas operativos Windows 7 Profesional, Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop y Mac OS X Snow Leopard Desktop respecto al rendimiento que ofrecen sobre el servidorweb Apache instalado en cada uno de ellos.


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Tenda on-line de llibres nous i de segona mà. Aplicació web distribuïda client-servidor, basada en l'especificació J2EE de java, i desenvolupada amb els frameworks Struts2, Hibernate i JSP per a la part visual. Desenvolupada i provada sobre un servidor d'aplicacions Apache Tomcat 7.0 i un SGBD MySQL Server 5.1. Aplicació que permet la gestió d'una tenda on-line per part dels propietaris del negoci, i per part dels clients que hi accedeixen i es registrin, efectuar comandes de llibres mitjançant un carretó de compra, o fer donacions de llibres usats per tal d'obtenir punts que llavors podran utilitzar per a comprar altres llibres de segona mà.


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El Centre Excursionista de Terrassa (C.E.T.) necessita que els seus socis puguin apuntar-se a les sortides muntanyenques a través d'Internet, evitant el tediós desplaçament a la seu del CET. En un nou servidor Linux, s'executarà la nostra aplicació. En aquest servidor residiran Apatxe i MySQL.


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Aplicatiu amb tecnologia J2EE, fent us de frameworks com Struts2 + Hibernate. Utilització de reports mitjantçant IReports i treball amb camps BLOB/LOB.


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Elaboració d'una senzilla aplicació client-servidor de localització geogràfica mitjançant el GPS integrat d'un Smartphone amb Sistema Operatiu Android


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INTRODUCTION Genetic variations may influence clinical outcomes in patients with sepsis. The present study was conducted to evaluate the impact on mortality of three polymorphisms after adjusting for confounding variables, and to assess the factors involved in progression of the inflammatory response in septic patients. METHOD The inception cohort study included all Caucasian adults admitted to the hospital with sepsis. Sepsis severity, microbiological information and clinical variables were recorded. Three polymorphisms were identified in all patients by PCR: the tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha 308 promoter polymorphism; the polymorphism in the first intron of the TNF-beta gene; and the IL-10-1082 promoter polymorphism. Patients included in the study were followed up for 90 days after hospital admission. RESULTS A group of 224 patients was enrolled in the present study. We did not find a significant association among any of the three polymorphisms and mortality or worsening inflammatory response. By multivariate logistic regression analysis, only two factors were independently associated with mortality, namely Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score and delayed initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy. In septic shock patients (n = 114), the delay in initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy was the only independent predictor of mortality. Risk factors for impairment in inflammatory response were APACHE II score, positive blood culture and delayed initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy. CONCLUSION This study emphasizes that prompt and adequate antibiotic therapy is the cornerstone of therapy in sepsis. The three polymorphisms evaluated in the present study appear not to influence the outcome of patients admitted to the hospital with sepsis.