993 resultados para anomalies chromosomiques


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether older paternal age increases the risk of fathering a pregnancy with Patau (trisomy 13), Edwards (trisomy 18), Klinefelter (XXY) or XYY syndrome. DESIGN: Case-control: cases with each of these syndromes were matched to four controls with Down syndrome from within the same congenital anomaly register and with maternal age within 6 months. SETTING: Data from 22 EUROCAT congenital anomaly registers in 12 European countries. PARTICIPANTS: Diagnoses with observed or (for terminations) predicted year of birth from 1980 to 2005, comprising live births, fetal deaths with gestational age ≥ 20 weeks and terminations after prenatal diagnosis of the anomaly. Data include 374 cases of Patau syndrome, 929 of Edwards syndrome, 295 of Klinefelter syndrome, 28 of XYY syndrome and 5627 controls with Down syndrome. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Odds ratio (OR) associated with a 10-year increase in paternal age for each anomaly was estimated using conditional logistic regression. Results were adjusted to take account of the estimated association of paternal age with Down syndrome (1.11; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.23). RESULTS: The OR for Patau syndrome was 1.10 (95% CI 0.83 to 1.45); for Edwards syndrome, 1.15 (0.96 to 1.38); for Klinefelter syndrome, 1.35 (1.02 to 1.79); and for XYY syndrome, 1.99 (0.75 to 5.26). CONCLUSIONS: There was a statistically significant increase in the odds of Klinefelter syndrome with increasing paternal age. The larger positive associations of Klinefelter and XYY syndromes with paternal age compared with Patau and Edwards syndromes are consistent with the greater percentage of these sex chromosome anomalies being of paternal origin.


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BACKGROUND: This study describes seasonality of congenital anomalies in Europe to provide a baseline against which to assess the impact of specific time varying exposures such as the H1N1 pandemic influenza, and to provide a comprehensive and recent picture of seasonality and its possible relation to etiologic factors. METHODS: Data on births conceived in 2000 to 2008 were extracted from 20 European Surveillance for Congenital Anomalies population-based congenital anomaly registries in 14 European countries. We performed Poisson regression analysis encompassing sine and cosine terms to investigate seasonality of 65,764 nonchromosomal and 12,682 chromosomal congenital anomalies covering 3.3 million births. Analysis was performed by estimated month of conception. Analyses were performed for 86 congenital anomaly subgroups, including a combined subgroup of congenital anomalies previously associated with influenza. RESULTS: We detected statistically significant seasonality in prevalence of anomalies previously associated with influenza, but the conception peak was in June (2.4% excess). We also detected seasonality in congenital cataract (April conceptions, 27%), hip dislocation and/or dysplasia (April, 12%), congenital hydronephrosis (July, 12%), urinary defects (July, 5%), and situs inversus (December, 36%), but not for nonchromosomal anomalies combined, chromosomal anomalies combined, or other anomalies analyzed. CONCLUSION: We have confirmed previously described seasonality for congenital cataract and hip dislocation and/or dysplasia, and found seasonality for congenital hydronephrosis and situs inversus which have not previously been studied. We did not find evidence of seasonality for several anomalies which had previously been found to be seasonal. Influenza does not appear to be an important factor in the seasonality of congenital anomalies.


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Anorectal anomalies occurring with other anomalies or as part of syndromes were analyzed to determine how their epidemiological characteristics differed from those of isolated anal anomalies. Almost 15% of cases were chromosomal, monogenic or teratogenic syndromes, whereas the rest were of unknown cause including sequences (9.3%), VACTERL associations (15.4%) and multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) (60.2%). Almost half of babies with MCA had one or two VACTERL anomalies with distribution frequencies that did not differ significantly from those in babies with the full VACTERL association. There were considerable differences in the frequency of the VACTERL association among babies with different types of anorectal anomaly. Babies with anal anomalies occurring with sequences, VACTERL or MCA showed the same sex differences as babies with isolated anal anomalies, namely male predominance in anal atresia without fistula or cloaca, no sex difference in anal atresia with fistula, and female predominance in ectopic anus and congenital anal fistula. These anomalies, however, were associated with significantly lower mean gestational lengths and birth weights, and higher frequencies of fetal death and pregnancy termination than babies with isolated anal anomalies. Twins were more frequent in sequences, VACTERL and MCA than in isolated anomalies, monogenic syndromes or chromosome anomalies. Five cases were conjoined twins, representing 15% of all cases of twin pregnancies with an anal anomaly. Indeterminate sex was more frequent in babies with anal atresias without fistula than in those with fistula. Anal anomalies are defects of blastogenesis attributable to disorders in expression of pattern determining genes. The differential sex involvement in different types of anal anomaly may be manifestations of expression of the HY/SRY genes during blastogenesis or of X-linkage.


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Atrial arrhythmias (AAs) are a common complication in adult patients with congenital heart disease. We sought to compare the lifetime prevalence of AAs in patients with right- versus left-sided congenital cardiac lesions and their effect on the prognosis. A congenital heart disease diagnosis was assigned using the International Disease Classification, Ninth Revision, diagnostic codes in the administrative databases of Quebec, from 1983 to 2005. Patients with AAs were those diagnosed with an International Disease Classification, Ninth Revision, code for atrial fibrillation or intra-atrial reentry tachycardia. To ensure that the diagnosis of AA was new, a washout period of 5 years after entry into the database was used, a period during which the patient could not have received an International Disease Classification, Ninth Revision, code for AA. The cumulative lifetime risk of AA was estimated using the Practical Incidence Estimators method. The hazard ratios (HRs) for mortality, morbidity, and cardiac interventions were compared between those with right- and left-sided lesions after adjustment for age, gender, disease severity, and cardiac risk factors. In a population of 71,467 patients, 7,756 adults developed AAs (isolated right-sided, 2,229; isolated left-sided, 1,725). The lifetime risk of developing AAs was significantly greater in patients with right- sided than in patients with left-sided lesions (61.0% vs 55.4%, p <0.001). The HR for mortality and the development of stroke or heart failure was similar in both groups (HR 0.96, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.86 to 1.09; HR 0.94, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.09; and HR 1.10, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.23, respectively). However, the rates of cardiac catheterization (HR 0.63, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.72), cardiac surgery (HR 0.40, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.45), and arrhythmia surgery (HR 0.77, 95% CI 0.6 to 0.98) were significantly less for patients with right-sided lesions. In conclusion, patients with right-sided lesions had a greater lifetime burden of AAs. However, their morbidity and mortality were no less than those with left-sided lesions, although the rate of intervention was substantially different.


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OBJECTIVE: To 'map' the current (2004) state of prenatal screening in Europe. DESIGN: (i) Survey of country policies and (ii) analysis of data from EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) population-based congenital anomaly registers. SETTING: Europe. POPULATION: Survey of prenatal screening policies in 18 countries and 1.13 million births in 12 countries in 2002-04. METHODS: (i) Questionnaire on national screening policies and termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA) laws in 2004. (ii) Analysis of data on prenatal detection and termination for Down's syndrome and neural tube defects (NTDs) using the EUROCAT database. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Existence of national prenatal screening policies, legal gestation limit for TOPFA, prenatal detection and termination rates for Down's syndrome and NTD. RESULTS: Ten of the 18 countries had a national country-wide policy for Down's syndrome screening and 14/18 for structural anomaly scanning. Sixty-eight percent of Down's syndrome cases (range 0-95%) were detected prenatally, of which 88% resulted in termination of pregnancy. Eighty-eight percent (range 25-94%) of cases of NTD were prenatally detected, of which 88% resulted in termination. Countries with a first-trimester screening policy had the highest proportion of prenatally diagnosed Down's syndrome cases. Countries with no official national Down's syndrome screening or structural anomaly scan policy had the lowest proportion of prenatally diagnosed Down's syndrome and NTD cases. Six of the 18 countries had a legal gestational age limit for TOPFA, and in two countries, termination of pregnancy was illegal at any gestation. CONCLUSIONS: There are large differences in screening policies between countries in Europe. These, as well as organisational and cultural factors, are associated with wide country variation in prenatal detection rates for Down's syndrome and NTD.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the surgical outcomes of partial cricotracheal resection in children with severe congenital subglottic stenosis and define the effect of concomitant anomalies or syndromes affecting outcome. METHODS: Forty-one children with subglottic stenosis of congenital and mixed (acquired on congenital) etiologies who underwent partial cricotracheal resection were identified from a prospectively collected database. Children with congenital subglottic stenosis and concomitant anomalies/syndromes were compared to children with congenital subglottic stenosis with no syndromes or concomitant anomalies. Operation-specific decannulation rates and complication rates were the primary outcome measures. We performed a two-sample test of proportion using the STATA-10 software for categorical variables to detect differences in proportions. Significance was set at p value<0.05. RESULTS: Twenty-seven (66%) of 41 children had concomitant anomalies/syndromes and 14 (34%) had congenital subglottic stenosis without concomitant anomalies/syndromes. Four patients needed revision surgery in the concomitant anomaly group and two patients needed revision surgery in the non concomitant anomaly group before achieving decannulation. The operation-specific decannulation rate in the concomitant anomaly group was 85% and 86% in the non anomaly group. When compared to children without concomitant anomaly, children with concomitant anomalies were more likely to have delayed decannulation following partial cricotracheal resection. However, this difference was not found to be statistically significant. The complication and operation-specific decannulation rates after partial cricotracheal resection were comparable to children without concomitant anomalies. Mortality rate was 11% (three of 27 patients) in the group with associated congenital anomalies or syndromes. Two patients succumbed to the primary pathology and one patient died due to tracheostomy-tube obstruction. There was no post-operative death in the non anomaly group. CONCLUSION: Partial cricotracheal resection can be done safely and effectively in children with concomitant anomalies/syndromes to achieve decannulation. The post-operative course may be prolonged but the decannulation and the complication rates are comparable to those children with congenital subglottic stenosis without concomitant anomalies.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of HIV infection on the reliability of the first-trimester screening for Down syndrome, using free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and fetal nuchal translucency, and of the second-trimester screening for neural tube defects, using alpha-fetoprotein. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Multicentre study comparing the multiples of the median of markers for Down syndrome and neural tube defect screening among 214 HIV-infected pregnant women and 856 HIV-negative controls undergoing a first-trimester Down syndrome screening test, and 209 HIV-positive women and 836 HIV-negative controls with a risk evaluation for neural tube defect. The influence of treatment, chronic hepatitis and HIV disease characteristics were also evaluated. RESULTS: Multiples of the median medians for pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin were lower in HIV-positive women than controls (0.88 vs. 1.05 and 0.84 vs. 1.09, respectively; P < 0.005), but these differences had no impact on risk estimation; no differences were observed for the other markers. No association was found between HIV disease characteristics, antiretroviral treatment use at the time of screening or chronic hepatitis and marker levels. CONCLUSION: Screening for Down syndrome during the first trimester and for neural tube defect during the second trimester is accurate for HIV-infected women and should be offered, similar to HIV-negative women.


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RÉSUMÉ Objectifs : Evaluer l'intérêt des examens paracliniques prescrits dans les morts du foetus in utéro pour aboutir à l'établissement d'un nouvel algorithme de prise en charge du bilan des morts in utero. Matériel et méthodes : Analyse rétrospective d'une série de 106 morts in utero recensées entre septembre 1989 et décembre 1998 dans le département de gynécologie - obstétrique du CHUV (maternité de type 3) à Lausanne. Nous avons défini la mort in utero à partir de la date limite de viabilité foetale. Seules les grossesses de 24 semaines ou plus ont été inclues dans cette série. Nous avons exclu les morts in utero survenues en cours d'interruption thérapeutique de grossesse ainsi que les cas présentant un dossier incomplet. La classification étiologique utilisée est celle décrite par Fretts. L'analyse a porté sur les différents examens demandés, ainsi que sur l'évaluation de leur pertinence dans l'établissement du diagnostic étiologique de chaque cas. La recherche de facteurs de risque significatifs a également été prise en considération. Nous avons comparé notre prise en charge aux données de la littérature, afin de proposer un nouvel algorithme. Résultats : L'étiologie de la mort foetale a pu être définie dans 90% des cas. Les causes principales en étaient les retards de croissance in utero (19,8 %), les anomalies congénitales et chromosomiques foetales (18,9%), les infections (15,1%), le décollement placentaire (7,5%), la prééclampsie (5,6%), le diabète maternel (3,8%). Le 18,9% restant se répartissant par petits nombres entre diverses autres causes. Dans 10,4% des cas nous n'avons pas trouvé d'explication à la mort in utero. Les examens les plus profitables dans le bilan de la mort in utero était l'autopsie foetale, qui était anormale dans 92,7% des cas examinés, l'anatomopathologie placentaire, anormale dans 93% des cas et le babygramme (radiographie du squelette foetal), pathologique dans 53% des cas. La sérologie maternelle infectieuse était informative dans 6,6% des cas. Conclusion : Nous présentons un protocole de prise en charge du bilan de la mort in utero différencié en fonction des circonstances entourant l'événement, afin de limiter les examens superflus.


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INTRODUCTION: Hypospadias is associated with anomalies of the urinary tract, but the exact prevalence and significance of these anomalies are still controversial. OBJECTIVES: To assess the percentage of patients with hypospadias and associated urological anomalies, either requiring or not requiring medical or surgical attention. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We searched several databases using the following Mesh terms: hypospadias AND urination, ultrasonography, urinary tract/abnormalities, urinary bladder/radiography, ureteral obstruction, hydronephrosis or vesico-ureteral reflux. Type of uroradiological studies performed, type of urological anomalies, medical or surgical interventions, number of patients available, enrolled and undergoing uroradiological studies and number of patients with abnormal uroradiological exams were recorded. RESULTS: We found 24 studies. Four studies included 100% of available patients. In the other ones, the percentage of patients undergoing uroradiological screening varied from 12 to 82%. Frequency of anomalies varied from 0 to 56%. The most common anomalies were kidney position anomalies, vesico-ureteral reflux and hydronephrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The data published about screening patients with hypospadias for associated anomalies of their urinary tract are of poor quality. The clinical significance of the anomalies found is difficult to evaluate. We found no relationship between the severity of the hypospadias and associated anomalies of the upper or lower urinary tract.


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The purpose of this study was to prospectively use a whole-heart three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography technique specifically adapted for use at 3 T and a parallel imaging technique (sensitivity encoding) to evaluate coronary arterial anomalies and variants (CAAV). This HIPAA-compliant study was approved by the local institutional review board, and informed consent was obtained from all participants. Twenty-two participants (11 men, 11 women; age range, 18-62 years) were included. Ten participants were healthy volunteers, whereas 12 participants were patients suspected of having CAAV. Coronary MR angiography was performed with a 3-T MR imager. A 3D free-breathing navigator-gated and vector electrocardiographically-gated segmented k-space gradient-echo sequence with adiabatic T2 preparation pulse and parallel imaging (sensitivity encoding) was used. Whole-heart acquisitions (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 4/1.35; 20 degrees flip angle; 1 x 1 x 2-mm acquired voxel size) lasted 10-12 minutes. Mean examination time was 41 minutes +/- 14 (standard deviation). Findings included aneurysms, ectasia, arteriovenous fistulas, and anomalous origins. The 3D whole-heart acquisitions developed for use with 3 T are feasible for use in the assessment of CAAV.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella esiintyykö Venäjän osakemarkkinoilla kalenterianomalioita. Tutkimus keskittyy Halloween-, kuukausi-, kuunvaihde-, viikonpäivä- ja juhlapäiväanomalioiden tarkasteluun. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään RTS (Russian Trading System) indeksiä. Tarkasteluaika alkaa 1. syyskuuta 1995 ja loppuu 31. joulukuuta 2005. Havaintojen kokonaismäärä on 2584. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään pienimmän neliösumman menetelmää (OLS). Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että Venäjän osakemarkkinoilla esiintyy Halloween-, kuunvaihde- ja viikonpäiväanomalioita. Sen sijaan kuukausi- ja juhlapäiväanomalioita ei tulosten mukaanesiinny Venäjän osakemarkkinoilla. Tulokset osoittavat lisäksi, että suurin osaanomalioista on merkittävämpiä nykyään kuin Venäjän osakemarkkinoiden ensimmäisinä vuosina. Näiden tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että Venäjän osakemarkkinat eivät ole vielä tehokkaat.