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This study investigated the potential of the goat's ruminal adaptation to reduce the negative effect of tannins on in vitro fermentation. Rumen fluid was obtained from goats fed a mixture of tannin-containing tree fruits (adapted rumen fluid) or tannin-free commercial protein supplements (unadapted rumen fluid) for 85 days. Dry, mature fruits of Acacia nilotica, Acacia erubescens, Acacia erioloba, Dichrostachys cinerea and Piliostigma thonningii were used as substrates for the in vitro fermentation. The effectiveness of adapted rumen fluid to ferment tannin-containing substrates was compared to the extent of fermentation when tannins were inactivated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), a known tannin-binding agent. Adapted rumen fluid (P < 0.05) increased gas production from all five substrates between 15.8% and 73.7%. In A. nilotica, D. cinerea and P thonningii, this increase was less than that obtained through PEG treatment. When PEG was added to adapted rumen fluid a further improvement in extent of fermentation was observed in four out of the five fruit samples. The largest PEG effect when incubated with adapted rumen fluid was observed in A. nilotica (43.1%) and D. cinerea (42.9%) fruits. It is concluded that some tannin-rich feedstuffs may still benefit from treatment even when these are offered to adapted animals. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Current gas-based in vitro evaluation systems are extremely powerful research techniques. However they have the potential to generate a great deal more than simple fermentation dynamics. Details from four experiments are presented in which adaptation, and novel application, of an in vitro system allowed widely differing objectives to be examined. In the first two studies, complement methodologies were utilised. In such assays, an activity or outcome is inferred through the occurrence of a secondary event rather than by direct observation. Using an N-deficient incubation medium, the increase in starch fermentation, when supplemented with individual amino acids (i.e., known level of N) relative to that of urea (i.e., known quantity and N availability), provided an estimate of their microbial utilisation. Due to the low level of response observed with some arnino acids (notably methionine and lysine), it was concluded, that they may not need to be offered in a rumen-inert form to escape rumen microbial degradation. In another experiment, the extent to which degradation of plant cell wall components was inhibited by lipid supplementation was evaluated using fermentation gas release profiles of washed hay. The different responses due to lipid source and level of inclusion suggested that the degree of rumen protection required to ameliorate this depression was supplement dependent. That in vitro inocula differ in their microbial composition is of little interest per se, as long as the outcome is the same (i.e., that similar substrates are degraded at comparable rates and end-product release is equivalent). However where a microbial population is deficient in a particular activity, increasing the level of inoculation will have no benefit. Estimates of hydrolytic activity were obtained by examining fermentation kinetics of specific substrates. A number of studies identified a fundamental difference between rumen fluid and faecal inocula, with the latter having a lower fibrolytic activity, which could not be completely attributed to microbial numbers. The majority of forage maize is offered as an ensiled feed, however most of the information on which decisions such as choice of variety, crop management and harvesting date are made is based on fresh crop measurements. As such, an attempt was made to estimate ensiled maize quality from an in vitro analysis of the fresh crop. Fermentation profiles and chemical analysis confirmed changes in crop composition over the growing season, and loss of labile carbohydrates during ensiling. In addition, examination of degradation residues allowed metabolizable energy (ME) contents to be estimated. Due to difficulties associated with starch analysis, the observation that this parameter could be predicted by difference (together with an assumed degradability), allowed an estimate of ensiled maize ME to be developed from fresh material. In addition, the contribution of the main carbohydrates towards ME showed the importance of delaying harvest until maximum starch content has been achieved. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This review considers microbial inocula used in in vitro systems from the perspective of their ability to degrade or ferment a particular substrate, rather than the microbial species that it contains. By necessity, this required an examination of bacterial, protozoal and fungal populations of the rumen and hindgut with respect to factors influencing their activity. The potential to manipulate these populations through diet or sampling time are examined, as is inoculum preparation and level. The main alternatives to fresh rumen fluid (i.e., caecal digesta or faeces) are discussed with respect to end-point degradabilities and fermentation dynamics. Although the potential to use rumen contents obtained from donor animals at slaughter offers possibilities, the requirement to store it and its subsequent loss of activity are limitations. Statistical modelling of data, although still requiring a deal of developmental work, may offer an alternative approach. Finally, with respect to the range of in vitro methodologies and equipment employed, it is suggested that a degree of uniformity could be obtained through generation of a set of guidelines relating to the host animal, sampling technique and inoculum preparation. It was considered unlikely that any particular system would be accepted as the 'standard' procedure. However, before any protocol can be adopted, additional data are required (e.g., a method to assess inoculum 'quality' with respect to its fermentative and/or degradative activity), preparation/inoculation techniques need to be refined and a methodology to store inocula without loss of efficacy developed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The requirement to rapidly and efficiently evaluate ruminant feedstuffs places increased emphasis on in vitro systems. However, despite the developmental work undertaken and widespread application of such techniques, little attention has been paid to the incubation medium. Considerable research using in vitro systems is conducted in resource-poor developing countries that often have difficulties associated with technical expertise, sourcing chemicals and/or funding to cover analytical and equipment costs. Such limitations have, to date, restricted vital feed evaluation programmes in these regions. This paper examines the function and relevance of the buffer, nutrient, and reducing solution components within current in vitro media, with the aim of identifying where simplification can be achieved. The review, supported by experimental work, identified no requirement to change the carbonate or phosphate salts, which comprise the main buffer components. The inclusion of microminerals provided few additional nutrients over that already supplied by the rumen fluid and substrate, and so may be omitted. Nitrogen associated with the inoculum was insufficient to support degradation and a level of 25 mg N/g substrate is recommended. A sulphur inclusion level of 4-5 mg S/g substrate is proposed, with S levels lowered through omission of sodium sulphide and replacement of magnesium sulphate with magnesium chloride. It was confirmed that a highly reduced medium was not required, provided that anaerobic conditions were rapidly established. This allows sodium sulphide, part of the reducing solution, to be omitted. Further, as gassing with CO2 directly influences the quantity of gas released, it is recommended that minimum CO, levels be used and that gas flow and duration, together with the volume of medium treated, are detailed in experimental procedures. It is considered that these simplifications will improve safety and reduce costs and problems associated with sourcing components, while maintaining analytical precision. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Milk solids yield in modern dairy cows has increased linearly over the last 50 years, stressing the need for maximal dietary energy intake to allow genetic potential for milk energy yield to be realized with minimal negative effects on health and reproduction. Feeding supplemental starch is a common approach for increasing the energy density of the ration and supplying carbon for meeting the substantial glucose requirement of the higher yielding cow. In this regard, it is a long held belief that feeding starch in forms that increase digestion in the small intestine and glucose absorption will benefit the cow in terms of energetic efficiency and production response, but data supporting this dogma are equivocal. This review will consider the impact of supplemental starch and site of starch digestion on metabolic and production responses of lactating dairy cows, including effects on feed intake, milk yield and composition, nutrient partitioning, the capacity of the small intestine for starch digestion, and nutrient absorption and metabolism by the splanchnic tissues (the portal-drained viscera and liver). Whilst there appears to be considerable capacity for starch digestion and glucose absorption in the lactating dairy cow, numerous strategic studies implementing postruminal starch or glucose infusions have observed increases in milk yield, but decreased milk fat concentration such that there is little effect on milk energy yield, even in early lactation. Measurements of energy balance confirm that the majority of the supplemental energy arising from postruminal starch digestion is used with high efficiency to support body adipose and protein retention, even in early lactation. These responses may be mediated by changes in insulin status, and be beneficial to the cow in terms of reproductive success and well-being. However, shifting starch digestion from the rumen impacts the nitrogen economy of the cow as well by shifting the microbial protein gained from starch digestion from potentially absorbable protein to endogenous faecal loss.


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The objective of the present studies was to determine effects of basal dietary forage source on the response of milk fatty acid composition to an oil supplement based (2:1, respectively, w/w) on soybean oil and marine algae biomass oil high in cis-9, cis-12 C18:2n − 3 and C22:6n − 3, respectively. In Study 1, Hampshire × Dorset ewes (48) were randomly assigned to one of four treatments and 12 pens in a completely randomized design blocked on the basis of lambing date and number of lambs suckled. Control rations (60:40 forage:concentrate, dry matter (DM) basis) based on alfalfa pellets (AP) or corn silage (CS) were fed from lambing. Beginning at 22 days postpartum, three pens of ewes fed AP and three pens of ewes fed CS were supplemented with oil (30 g/kg of ration DM) in place of corn meal. Average ewe DM intake (DMI) and average daily gain (ADG) were measured weekly. Milk yield and composition were measured at 42 days postpartum. DMI was lower (P<0.02) for CS and for oil, but milk yield was not affected by forage source or oil supplementation. Milk fat content was higher for oil (P<0.10) and milk protein content was higher for AP (P<0.04). Total CLA concentration (g/100 g fatty acids) increased (P<0.01) with CS and oil, and the response to oil was greater for AP (P<0.04). Similarly, total trans-C18:1 and C22:6ω−3 concentrations were higher for CS and oil, but the response to oil was greater for CS (P<0.06 and P<0.01, respectively). In Study 2, the experiment was repeated using alfalfa haylage (AH) instead of AP. The DMI decreased (P<0.05) with oil feeding, but was not affected by forage source. Milk yield was decreased by feeding oil with AH, but not by feeding oil with CS (P<0.03). Milk fat content tended to be increased by feeding oil with AH, but tended to be decreased by feeding oil with CS (P<0.08). Total CLA concentration was increased (P<0.01) for AH versus CS and by oil, and the response to oil supplementation was greater for AH (P<0.01). In contrast, total trans-C18:1 concentration was higher for CS versus AH, with a greater response to oil for CS (P<0.05). Feeding marine oil increased the C22:6ω−3 (P<0.01) concentration, and the response was greater for AH (P<0.04). To further characterize the response of milk fat composition to dietary oil in ewes, a third study used six pens of three ewes each assigned to either the control CS diet used for Study 2 or the same diet supplemented with 45 g/kg (DM basis) of the oil mixture. Feeding oil had no effect on DMI, milk yield or milk fat concentration, but again increased (P<0.001) total trans-C18:1 and C22:6ω−3 concentrations and numerically increased (114%) total CLA concentration. Milk fatty acid composition responses to supplemental vegetable and marine oils were affected by forage source. Milk trans-C18:1 concentration was higher when CS was fed in Studies 1 and 2, but the effect of forage species on CLA concentration differed between studies, which may reflect differences in diet PUFA content and consumption, as well as amounts of dietary starch and fiber consumed. Despite large increases in trans-C18:1 concentration, milk fat content was not decreased by feeding unsaturated oils to ewes, even at diet levels of 45 g/kg of ration DM.


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Feed samples received by commercial analytical laboratories are often undefined or mixed varieties of forages, originate from various agronomic or geographical areas of the world, are mixtures (e.g., total mixed rations) and are often described incompletely or not at all. Six unified single equation approaches to predict the metabolizable energy (ME) value of feeds determined in sheep fed at maintenance ME intake were evaluated utilizing 78 individual feeds representing 17 different forages, grains, protein meals and by-product feedstuffs. The predictive approaches evaluated were two each from National Research Council [National Research Council (NRC), Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, seventh revised ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2001], University of California at Davis (UC Davis) and ADAS (Stratford, UK). Slopes and intercepts for the two ADAS approaches that utilized in vitro digestibility of organic matter and either measured gross energy (GE), or a prediction of GE from component assays, and one UC Davis approach, based upon in vitro gas production and some component assays, differed from both unity and zero, respectively, while this was not the case for the two NRC and one UC Davis approach. However, within these latter three approaches, the goodness of fit (r(2)) increased from the NRC approach utilizing lignin (0.61) to the NRC approach utilizing 48 h in vitro digestion of neutral detergent fibre (NDF:0.72) and to the UC Davis approach utilizing a 30 h in vitro digestion of NDF (0.84). The reason for the difference between the precision of the NRC procedures was the failure of assayed lignin values to accurately predict 48 h in vitro digestion of NDF. However, differences among the six predictive approaches in the number of supporting assays, and their costs, as well as that the NRC approach is actually three related equations requiring categorical description of feeds (making them unsuitable for mixed feeds) while the ADAS and UC Davis approaches are single equations, suggests that the procedure of choice will vary dependent Upon local conditions, specific objectives and the feedstuffs to be evaluated. In contrast to the evaluation of the procedures among feedstuffs, no procedure was able to consistently discriminate the ME values of individual feeds within feedstuffs determined in vivo, suggesting that the quest for an accurate and precise ME predictive approach among and within feeds, may remain to be identified. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experiment was conducted to determine what effect simple treatments might have on the voluntary intake by goats in Nepal of Eupatorium adenophorum, an invasive weed that is usually only consumed by goats to a very limited extent. Samples of E. adenophorum were collected and either untreated, soaked for 2 h or wilted for 2 h before being oven dried (60 degrees C) and ground. Soaking and wilting had little effect on the chemical composition of E. adenophorum, but did increase (P=0.036) its in vitro organic matter degradability, by approximately 8%. The short-term intake rate (STIR) of treated and untreated E. adenophorum was then estimated with eight goats. Soaking time (from 2 to 24 h) was not related to STIR (r = -0.111, P=0.198), but the time E. adenophorum was left to wilt (from 2 to 48h), was positively related to STIR (r=0.521, P<0.001), with values of STIR (g dry matter/min kg goat liveweight(0.75)) being 0.405, 0.649,1.058, S.E.M. 0.088 for E. adenophorum, that had been wilted for 0, 24 and 48 h respectively (P<0.001). Liveweight change of goats and voluntary intake of E. adenophorum by goats was then estimated with 24 goats. E. adenophorum was fed either unwilted, or wilted for 24 or 48 h. It was fed as the sole forage or as a 3:1 mixture (dry matter basis) with Ficus cunia. There was a linear (P<0.001) and quadratic (P<0.01) increase in the intake of total forage and E. adenophorum with wilting time of E. adenophorum. Offering Ficus cunia increased total forage intake, but decreased E. adenophorum intake (P<0.05). After four weeks, there was virtually no change in goat liveweight and no significant difference between treatments. The results suggest that wilting E adenophorum for 24 h could increase its intake by goats, and thereby increase its usefulness, as a potential source of forage in the dry season of Nepal, when forage scarcity is a common constraint to livestock production. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Methodology used to measure in vitro gas production is reviewed to determine impacts of sources of variation on resultant gas production profiles (GPP). Current methods include measurement of gas production at constant pressure (e.g., use of gas tight syringes), a system that is inexpensive, but may be less sensitive than others thereby affecting its suitability in some situations. Automated systems that measure gas production at constant volume allow pressure to accumulate in the bottle, which is recorded at different times to produce a GPP, and may result in sufficiently high pressure that solubility of evolved gases in the medium is affected, thereby resulting in a recorded volume of gas that is lower than that predicted from stoichiometric calculations. Several other methods measure gas production at constant pressure and volume with either pressure transducers or sensors, and these may be manual, semi-automated or fully automated in operation. In these systems, gas is released as pressure increases, and vented gas is recorded. Agitating the medium does not consistently produce more gas with automated systems, and little or no effect of agitation was observed with manual systems. The apparatus affects GPP, but mathematical manipulation may enable effects of apparatus to be removed. The amount of substrate affects the volume of gas produced, but not rate of gas production, provided there is sufficient buffering capacity in the medium. Systems that use a very small amount of substrate are prone to experimental error in sample weighing. Effect of sample preparation on GPP has been found to be important, but further research is required to determine the optimum preparation that mimics animal chewing. Inoculum is the single largest source of variation in measuring GPP, as rumen fluid is variable and sampling schedules, diets fed to donor animals and ratios of rumen fluid/medium must be selected such that microbial activity is sufficiently high that it does not affect rate and extent of fermentation. Species of donor animal may also cause differences in GPP. End point measures can be mathematically manipulated to account for species differences, but rates of fermentation are not related. Other sources of inocula that have been used include caecal fluid (primarily for investigating hindgut fermentation in monogastrics), effluent from simulated rumen fermentation (e.g., 'Rusitec', which was as variable as rumen fluid), faeces, and frozen or freeze-dried rumen fluid (which were both less active than fresh rumen fluid). Use of mixtures of cell-free enzymes, or pure cultures of bacteria, may be a way of increasing GPP reproducibility, while reducing reliance on surgically modified animals. However, more research is required to develop these inocula. A number of media have been developed which buffer the incubation and provide relevant micro-nutrients to the microorganisms. To date, little research has been completed on relationships between the composition of the medium and measured GPP. However, comparing GPP from media either rich in N or N-free, allows assessment of contributions of N containing compounds in the sample. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A study was conducted to estimate variation among laboratories and between manual and automated techniques of measuring pressure on the resulting gas production profiles (GPP). Eight feeds (molassed sugarbeet feed, grass silage, maize silage, soyabean hulls, maize gluten feed, whole crop wheat silage, wheat, glucose) were milled to pass a I mm screen and sent to three laboratories (ADAS Nutritional Sciences Research Unit, UK; Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), UK; Wageningen University, The Netherlands). Each laboratory measured GPP over 144 h using standardised procedures with manual pressure transducers (MPT) and automated pressure systems (APS). The APS at ADAS used a pressure transducer and bottles in a shaking water bath, while the APS at Wageningen and IGER used a pressure sensor and bottles held in a stationary rack. Apparent dry matter degradability (ADDM) was estimated at the end of the incubation. GPP were fitted to a modified Michaelis-Menten model assuming a single phase of gas production, and GPP were described in terms of the asymptotic volume of gas produced (A), the time to half A (B), the time of maximum gas production rate (t(RM) (gas)) and maximum gas production rate (R-M (gas)). There were effects (P<0.001) of substrate on all parameters. However, MPT produced more (P<0.001) gas, but with longer (P<0.001) B and t(RM gas) (P<0.05) and lower (P<0.001) R-M gas compared to APS. There was no difference between apparatus in ADDM estimates. Interactions occurred between substrate and apparatus, substrate and laboratory, and laboratory and apparatus. However, when mean values for MPT were regressed from the individual laboratories, relationships were good (i.e., adjusted R-2 = 0.827 or higher). Good relationships were also observed with APS, although they were weaker than for MPT (i.e., adjusted R-2 = 0.723 or higher). The relationships between mean MPT and mean APS data were also good (i.e., adjusted R 2 = 0. 844 or higher). Data suggest that, although laboratory and method of measuring pressure are sources of variation in GPP estimation, it should be possible using appropriate mathematical models to standardise data among laboratories so that data from one laboratory could be extrapolated to others. This would allow development of a database of GPP data from many diverse feeds. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Browse plants play an important role in providing feed for livestock in semi-arid rangelands of Africa. Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal fermentation of leaves collected from Acacia burkei, Acacia tortilis, Acacia nilotica, Dichrostachys cinerea and Ehretia obtusifolia in communal grazing lands in the lowveld of Swaziland is presented. Leaves were collected from trees located on two soil types (i.e., lithosol and vertisol) in the communal land but it had no effect on the chemical composition of tree leaves. The NDFom and ADFom content were highest in D. cinerea and A. burkei and lowest in E. obtusifolia and A. nilotica. Crude protein (CP) contents ranged between 108 g/kg and 122 g/kg DM. D. cinerea had the highest Ca and Mg content, while A. tortilis had the lowest. There were marked variations in K level amongst browse species, with A. tortilis (9.1 g/kg DM) having the highest value. The P, Zn and Fe did not differ between browse species. Soil type and tree species interaction impacted in vitro fermentation parameters. Extent of fermentation, as measured by 48 h cumulative gas production, and organic matter degradability was highest in E. obtusifolia leaves and lowest in D. cinerea leaves within soil type. Fermentation efficiency, as measured by partitioning factors, was highest in A. nilotica leaves. Leaves of E. obtusifolia could be a valuable supplementary feedstuff for ruminant livestock due to its in vitro fermentation characteristics as well as low fibre and moderate CP levels. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three tropical legumes, namely Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania sesban and Cajanus cajan, were subjected to chemical analysis plus in vitro, in situ and in vivo evaluations. Three different assays were used to determine total tannins: adsorption to polyvinyl pyrrolidine (PVPP-tannins), radial diffusion (RD-tannins) and protein precipitation capacity (BSA-tannins). Total phenols, total tannins and condensed tannins were highest for Sesbania. RD-tannins were correlated with total phenols (r(2) = 0.93), PVPP-tannins (r(2) = 0.92) and condensed tannins (r(2) = 0.99). The protein precipitation capacity of Sesbania, Leucaena and Cajanus were 25.9, 6.13 and 4.05 mu g BSA/g DM, respectively. Gas production at 24h was negatively correlated with total phenols (r(2) = 0.99), PVPP-tannins (r(2) = 0.99) and condensed tannins (r(2) = 0.91). The RD-, PVPP-tannins and the response to polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the gas production assay appeared to be useful as a first screen for tannins. In situ degradability did not reflect any adverse effects of tannins. However, in vivo experiments showed that the apparent DM digestibility of Sesbania and Leucaena was lower than the basal diet. The apparent protein digestibility was lower for all legumes compared to the basal diet. Most treatments caused a negative nitrogen balance. The problems associated with browse feeding were not only related to tannin contents, other factors such as inherently poor digestibility and low energy intake may also have lead to the poor animal performance on these diets. We propose, given the limitations of current tannin assays, that it is not possible to predict beneficial or harmful nutritional effects from total tannin concentrations per se. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fibre, crude protein and tannin concentrations were measured in browse species from the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil during the dry and wet seasons. The effects of oven-, sun- and shade-drying and of urea treatment were also determined. Crude protein (CP) content varied from 103 to 161 g/kg dry matter (DM) and the browses had similar CP content in the two seasons (during 2002) (102-161 and 107-153 g/kg DM in the wet and dry seasons, respectively). Total tannin concentrations ranged from 13 to 201 g/kg DM amongst the browses and were higher in the dry season. A 30-d treatment with urea reduced extractable tannins significantly (P < 0.05). The urea treatment was also most effective at reducing the in vitro effects of tannins compared to the other drying treatments. This was demonstrated by measuring the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on gas production. Addition of PEG increased gas production of oven- (81.4%), sun- (78.5%) and shade-dried (76.7%) samples much more compared to urea treated samples (10.9%). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports effects of chestnut and mimosa tannins on N utilisation in sheep. Tannins were added to grass either at ensilage or incorporated into grass silage at feeding. The study used an 8 × 5 incomplete Latin Square design with eight mature wether sheep and five 21-day periods. Tannin additions reduced in vivo apparent digestibilities of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) compared with the untreated control silage (P<0.001). Reductions ranged from 7.6% for DM to 8.5% for aNDFom. Chestnut compared to mimosa tannin silages produced higher values for DM intake (734 g/day versus 625 g/day) and in vivo digestibility for DM, OM and aNDFom (0.66, 0.68 and 0.69 versus 0.61, 0.63 and 0.62; P<0.001). A substantial shift occurred in the pattern of N excretion in sheep fed the tannin versus control silages. As a proportion of daily N intake, urinary N losses were lower (56.4 g/100 g N versus 65.1 g/100 g N intake) and faecal N losses were higher (40.2 g/100 g N versus 29.8 g/100 g N intake) for sheep fed the tannin silages compared with those fed the control grass silage (P<0.001). Nitrogen intake was higher in sheep fed the chestnut compared to mimosa tannin silages (16.2 g/day versus 13.4 g/day; P<0.001), reflecting the lower DM intake of sheep fed the mimosa silages. However, faecal N loss was lower for chestnut compared to mimosa tannin silage fed sheep (38.2 g/100 g N versus 42.1 g/100 g N intake; P<0.01), resulting in higher N retentions with the chestnut compared to the mimosa silage fed sheep (5.49 g/100 g N versus 1.38 g/100 g N intake). Faecal N losses were also higher when tannins were added during ensiling rather than at feeding (P<0.05). Although there was no overall effect of tannins on N retention in mature wether sheep, it is likely that productive ruminants with higher protein requirements would retain more N from silages containing chestnut tannins. Tannins added externally to grass silages may generate some benefits on N utilisation and environmental N excretions in sheep fed the silages.


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This study focused on effects of structure, content and biological activity of condensed tannins (CT) in leaves, stems and whole plant of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on its in vivo and in situ digestive characteristics in sheep. Sainfoin was studied as fresh forage during the first vegetation cycle at two phenological stages (i.e., end of flowering and green seeds) and during the second vegetation cycle (i.e., start of flowering). The feeding experiment used 12 sheep; with six dosed, through the rumen cannula, with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to neutralise CT effects. Organic matter digestibility (OMD), total tract N disappearance and N balance were measured in sheep fed the whole plant. The residues of dry matter (DM) and N from nylon bags suspended in the rumen were determined on leaves and stems. Intestinal digestibility was measured using other, intestinally fistulated sheep. PEG addition and vegetation cycle increased total tract N digestibility (P<0.001) but PEG affected OMD only at the end of flowering. PEG inactivated the CT and increased urinary N excretion (P<0.05) but this was offset by lower faecal N excretion (P<0.001). Feeding sainfoin can be used to alter the form of excreted N (i.e., urine vs faeces) and thus potentially reduce environmental N pollution without affecting body N retention. Kinetic studies of total N, ammonia N (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in rumen fluid were made before and 1.5, 3 and 6 h after feeding. Sainfoin CT decreased rumen fluid soluble N (P<0.05) and NH3-N (P<0.01). Ruminal N disappearance (DisN) of leaves or stems was lower in the presence of active CT compared to PEG-inactivated CT (P<0.001) for both vegetation cycles. PEG also increased intestinal digestibility (P<0.05) of leaves and stems. Leaves had lower ruminal DisN, but higher N disappearing from intestine than stems. The biological activity and content of CT in the whole plant decreased as phenological stage increased. Prodelphinidin:procyanidin (PD:PC) ratios of leaves varied with vegetation cycle and phenological stage. The molecular size of CT in the whole plant, as indicated by their mean degree of polymerisation (mDP), was lowest at the start of flowering and coincided with the higher biological activity and content of CT.