856 resultados para allied health fields


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Cette étude s'est déroulée en Romandie en 2008-2009 et visait à connaître les stratégies de préservation de la santé chez les ambulanciers. Nous avons passé 416 heures à observer des ambulanciers travailler. Les stratégies observées touchent le travail d'équipe, l'organisation, la charge physique, etc. Un questionnaire a été envoyé à tous les ambulanciers en Romandie. Les ambulanciers sont nombreux à avoir des symptômes au dos et à avoir un score élevé pour le GHQ-12 (risque de trouble psychique). Des associations ont été observées entre certains symptômes et la fréquence et le type d'intervention, le ratio efforts-récompenses et certains aspects organisationnels.


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Financial support arrangements in the 2007/08 academic year for Allied Health Professional Students and Medical and Dental students from year five study


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The Department has produced a series of information sheets for doctors,nurses, those delivering personal health budgets, allied health professionals, health trainers and anyone supporting individuals with long term conditions. The information sheets cover a range of topics including care planning, care co-ordination, managing need and assessment of risk, motivating people to self care, goal setting and action planning and end of life care.Download information sheet 1: Personalised care planning (PDF, 2514K)Download information sheet 2: Personalised care planning diagram (PDF, 2213K)Download information sheet 3: Care co-ordination (PDF, 1967K.


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Saturday 8 October 2011 marks World Hospice and Palliative Care Day. The Public Health Agency would like to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world by raising awareness and understanding of the needs - medical, social, practical and spiritual - of people living with a life-limiting illness, and their families.This year's World Hospice and Palliative Care Day theme is 'Many diseases, manylives, many voices - palliative care fornon-communicableconditions'.The theme will focus on how people living with conditions thatare notinfectious can benefit from palliative care.Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory conditions and diabetes, make up60% of deaths worldwide. The majority of thesedeaths occur in low and middle income countries, where palliative care is often not available. To get involved in World Hospice and Palliative Care Day, log on to www.worldday.org/get-involved/ which gives you ideas and suggestions on what you can do on the day to support people living with life-limiting illnesses, and their families.Mary Hinds, Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professions, PHA, and Chair of the Implementation Process for End of Life Care in Northern Ireland, said: "Good quality palliative and end of life care will be important for us all. 'Living Matters, Dying Matters' is a five year strategy for palliative and end of life care in Northern Ireland, established to ensure that any person living with a life-threatening illness lives well and dies well, irrespective of their condition or care setting. "It has been encouraging to see the plans being taken forward by the Health and Social Care Trusts in partnership with local hospices and other providers, and involving local people."We aim to ensure that people receiving palliative care, their families and carers, are provided with high quality care across all settings and conditions, and are supported to enjoy a good quality of life, maximising their potential through the course of their illness."There is still some progress to be made within the context of the review of health and social services. We are looking for statutory and voluntary services to work together to make a significant difference in improving access to high quality services for those with life-limiting conditions, and to develop innovative approaches to care."


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In these challenging financial times the use of research as a basis for effective health and social care cannot be overstated. 'Shaping the Future', a joint Public Health Agency and University of Ulster workshop (27 January) takes a fresh look at research within the Allied Health Professions (AHPs) to improve the care and experiences of people across Northern Ireland.The AHPs provide a wide range of services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, podiatry, speech and language therapy and orthoptics.The nature of their work enables AHPs to carry out research that can rapidly benefit patient care and experience. 'Shaping the Future' will look at priorities for new AHP research and consider how existing research can be more effectively shared and used in health and social care development, rather than perhaps being limited to the academic world.Speaking at the event, Professor Bernie Hannigan, Director of Health and Social Care Research and Development (HSC R&D), aDivision of the PHA, said: "A sound base of evidence from research is vital for effective health and social care practice. I welcome this study as an important resource that will help generate new evidence and highlight the potential for existing evidence to be applied in practice. The evidence base points to beneficial innovations that use the most up-to-date knowledge and keep the service user at the centre of care practices. At this event, health and social care policy makers, commissioners, academics and researchers will be able to consider how they can do and use research to ensure our AHP services deliver the best outcomes for patients and are sufficiently cost-effective to be sustained."A recent study funded by HSC R&D was carried out by the University of Ulster working closely with leading AHPs, key stakeholders and service users* from throughout Northern Irealnd. Presenting the results of this study at the 'Shaping the Future' event will help to identify ways to gather evidence and contribute to innovative projects and programmes.Professor Suzanne McDonough, of the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Centre at the University of Ulster, said: "In our study we used the Delphi technique, which is a structured process using a series of questionnaires, to gather information and gain consensus from AHP groups, stakeholders and service users."The results identified seven major priority areas for research. These ranged from: the need for more practice evaluation particularly in the areas of mental health, cancer, obesity; diabetes; chronic disease management (especially stroke and brain injury); the role of AHPs in health promotion; service delivery issues such as access to services and waiting times. This study provides an important road map for AHP research priorities. It is the first step in the process of identifying what research still needs to be undertaken, what research already exists but needs to be translated, and some of the processes that need to be in place to ensure that research is an integral part of the day-to-day practice of AHPs and of service delivery."


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A study by the University of Ulster, funded by Health and Social Care Research and Development Division of the Public Health Agency, enabled members of six Allied Health Professions (AHPs) to express opinions on research needs within their areas of expertise.The respondents to 'A Delphi Study to Identify Research Priorities for the Therapy Professions in Northern Ireland', were selected from professionals based in clinical and academic settings in the areas of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, podiatry, nutrition and dietetics and orthoptics. The views of a group of key stakeholders in health and social care and a separate panel of service users were also gathered. A copy of this report, and an Executive Summary,�can be downloaded below.


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The Chief Executive is accountable to the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety for the performance of the Public Health Agency and its staff.The Chief Executive is required to appoint a senior professional at Board level to provide leadership in relation to Personal Public Involvement.� In the Public Health Agency this role is undertaken by the Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professions supported by the Assistant Director for Allied Health Professions and Personal Public Involvement. The Public Health Agency has also appointed a Regional Lead Officer for PPI.This document sets out the PHA's commitment to PPI and�recognises the importance of proper and timely consultation as an integral part of fulfilling its statutory obligation to make arrangements with a view to securing involvement and consultation with service users, their carers, the public and the Patient Client Council on decisions on planning and proposals for change affecting the provision of the health and social care services for which the PHA is responsible the�PHA will endeavour to conduct consultations in a timely, open and inclusive way.


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This is the Terms of Reference for the review of Allied Health Professional (AHP) support for children/young people with statements of special educational needs.It outlines expectations of the review and should be read in conjunction with the Project Initiation Document (PID) for Phase 1of the review, the Terms of Reference for the Project Board and the Engagement Plan for phase 1.


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This is the Terms of Reference for the Project Board of the review of Allied Health Professions (AHP) support for children/young people with statements of special educational needs.It outlines the:Purpose of the Project BoardResponsibilities of the Project BoardMembership of the Project Board


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Allied Health Professionals work with all age groups and conditions and are trained to assess, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate people with health and social care needs. They work in a range of settings including hospital, community, education, housing, independent and voluntary sectors.


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OBJECTIVE: The occurrence of the 2003 G8 summit in Evian and the threat of major civil riots or even terrorist attacks in the Swiss neighbourhood forced us to imagine a new system of rescue and medical care in case of numerous victims. Previous occurrences of the G8 in Europe or America have demonstrated the need of flexible and mobile structures, able to respond quickly to crowd movements, unlike the usual static structure of rescue systems designed for major accidents. METHODS: We developed a new concept of Mobile Medical Squadrons (MMS) consisting of several vehicles and medical care and rescue human resources. In our concept, each MMS consisted of 3 emergency doctors, 5 paramedics and 9 first-aid workers. They were designed to handle 15 patients, with a large autonomy in terms of rescue, medical care, evacuation and medical authority. The equipment included medical, resuscitation, simple decontamination, evacuation and communication materials. RESULTS: The MMS were dispatched four times during the G8 summit following civil riots. They took care of 12 injured patients. CONCLUSION: The concept of MMS as a reinforcement of the existing rescue and health care resources appears as a new flexible, a modular and useful concept for the medical management of collective prehospital emergency situations. Its use is suggested instead of the traditional static concept of rescue systems designed for major accidents.


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Problème : Les ambulanciers effectuent souvent des tâches en contexte de division de l'attention. Cette caractéristique du travail peut contribuer à augmenter les risques d'erreurs ou ralentir le déroulement des interventions. Dans les situations d'urgences préhospitalières, cela peut avoir des conséquences dramatiques pour le patient et pour les intervenants. Méthode : Nous avons analysé l'activité réelle de travail d'ambulanciers en contexte d'intervention d'urgences. Notre démarche a impliqué l'accompagnement d'ambulanciers lors d'interventions réelles qu'il nous a été possible de filmer. Les analyses effectuées par une équipe multidisciplinaire ont de plus été complétées et validées par des séances en auto-confrontation. Résultats : Nos analyses ont permis de constater plusieurs exemples de travail en contexte de division de l'attention. De plus, nous avons aussi été en mesure de documenter certaines stratégies mises en oeuvre par ces professionnels afin de diminuer la charge cognitive attribuable à la division de l'attention. Conclusion : Notre étude pilote a permis de mieux comprendre le travail des ambulanciers. Nous avons constaté que la division de l'attention est fréquente et que les professionnels confrontés à cette exigence développent diverses stratégies pour y faire face. Nous avons aussi montré la faisabilité et la pertinence de l'analyse de l'activité réelle de travail lors d'interventions d'urgences préhospitalières. [Auteurs]


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Le thème de la santé mentale des intervenants de l'Aide Médicale Urgente est particulièrement important. Le sens que revêt le travail pour ces professionnels semble central pour comprendre les motivations qui permettent aux personnes de gérer des situations à forte composante relationnelle. Comment faire pour éviter la perte de sens au travail ou la retrouver ? Une étude réalisée de suisse auprès de paramédics apporte quelques pistes de réflexion. Il convient de rappeler que les ambulanciers français ne disposent pas de la même formation que les ambulanciers suisses, paramédics. [Auteurs]


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Foi objetivo desta pesquisa analisar a produção científica de fatores de risco para quedas, a partir do diagnóstico da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, na literatura científica brasileira e estrangeira, de 2005 a 2010. Revisão integrativa, na qual foram utilizados os descritores: acidente por quedas e idoso, nas bases de dados da Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, sendo selecionados 32 artigos para análise de conteúdo. Os resultados são apresentados conforme os fatores de riscos indicados na North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, sendo eles: fatores de riscos ambientais, como recinto com móveis e objetos/tapetes espalhados pelo chão, pouca iluminação, piso escorregadio; fatores de riscos cognitivos, tais como estado mental rebaixado; fatores de riscos em adultos, como idade acima de 65 anos; fatores de riscos fisiológicos, como equilíbrio prejudicado, dificuldades visuais, incontinência, dificuldade na marcha, neoplasia; fatores de riscos para uso de alguns medicamentos. A análise dos fatores de risco de quedas nos idosos evidência a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas estratégias modificadoras dos ambientes e componentes intrínsecos.


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Objective To analyze the production of scientific knowledge about the use of patients’ classification instruments in care and management practice in Brazil. Method Integrative literature review with databases search in: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and SCOPUS, between January 2002 through December 2013. Results 1,194 studies were found, 31 met the inclusion criteria. We observed a higher number of studies in the category care plans and workload (n=15), followed by the category evaluation of psychometric properties (n=14). Conclusion Brazilian knowledge production has not yet investigated some purposes of using instruments for classifying patients in professional nursing practice. The identification of unexplored areas can guide future research on the topic.