974 resultados para air conditioning system


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This study is an attempt at achieving Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) using a solar Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) based on exergetic and economic measures. The working fluid, working conditions of the cycle, cycle configuration, and solar collector type are considered the optimization parameters for the solar ORC system. In the first section, a procedure is developed to compare ORC working fluids based on their molecular components, temperature-entropy diagram and fluid effects on the thermal efficiency, net power generated, vapor expansion ratio, and exergy efficiency of the Rankine cycle. Fluids with the best cycle performance are recognized in two different temperature levels within two different categories of fluids: refrigerants and non-refrigerants. Important factors that could lead to irreversibility reduction of the solar ORC are also investigated in this study. In the next section, the system requirements needed to maintain the electricity demand of a geothermal air-conditioned commercial building located in Pensacola of Florida is considered as the criteria to select the optimal components and optimal working condition of the system. The solar collector loop, building, and geothermal air conditioning system are modeled using TRNSYS. Available electricity bills of the building and the 3-week monitoring data on the performance of the geothermal system are employed to calibrate the simulation. The simulation is repeated for Miami and Houston in order to evaluate the effect of the different solar radiations on the system requirements. The final section discusses the exergoeconomic analysis of the ORC system with the optimum performance. Exergoeconomics rests on the philosophy that exergy is the only rational basis for assigning monetary costs to a system’s interactions with its surroundings and to the sources of thermodynamic inefficiencies within it. Exergoeconomic analysis of the optimal ORC system shows that the ratio Rex of the annual exergy loss to the capital cost can be considered a key parameter in optimizing a solar ORC system from the thermodynamic and economic point of view. It also shows that there is a systematic correlation between the exergy loss and capital cost for the investigated solar ORC system.


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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A battery powered air-conditioning device was developed to provide an improved thermal comfort level for individuals in inadequately cooled environments. This device is a battery powered air-conditioning system with the phase change material (PCM) for heat storage. The condenser heat is stored in the PCM during the cooling operation and is discharged while the battery is charged by using the vapor compression cycle as a thermosiphon loop. The main focus of the current research was on the development of the cooling system. The cooling capacity of the vapor compression cycle measured was 165.6 W with system COP at 2.85. It was able to provide 2 hours cooling without discharging heat to the ambient. The PCM was recharged in nearly 8 hours under thermosiphon mode.


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Traditional air delivery to high-bay buildings involves ceiling level supply and return ducts that create an almost-uniform temperature in the space. Problems with this system include potential recirculation of supply air and higher-than-necessary return air temperatures. A new air delivery strategy was investigated that involves changing the height of conventional supply and return ducts to have control over thermal stratification in the space. A full-scale experiment using ten vertical temperature profiles was conducted in a manufacturing facility over one year. The experimental data was utilized to validated CFD and EnergyPlus models. CFD simulation results show that supplying air directly to the occupied zone increases stratification while holding thermal comfort constant during the cooling operation. The building energy simulation identified how return air temperature offset, set point offset, and stratification influence the building’s energy consumption. A utility bill analysis for cooling shows 28.8% HVAC energy savings while the building energy simulation shows 19.3 – 37.4% HVAC energy savings.


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This paper presents an experimental study on the evolution of carrot properties along convective drying by hot air at different temperatures (50ºC, 60ºC and 70ºC). The thermo-physical properties calculated were: specific heat, thermal conductivity, diffusivity, enthalpy, heat and mass transfer coefficients. Furthermore, the data of drying kinetics were treated and adjusted according to the three empirical models: Page, Henderson & Pabis and Logarithmic. The sorption isotherms were also determined and fitted using the GAB model. The results showed that, generally, the thermo-physical properties presented a decline during the drying process, and the decrease was faster for the temperature of 70ºC. It was possible to verify that the Page model presented the best prediction ability for the representation of kinetics of the drying process. The GAB model used to fit the sorption isotherms showed a good prediction capacity and, at a given water activity, despite some variations, the amount of water sorbed increased with the decrease of drying temperature.


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This paper examines shifting approaches to urban sustainability in the Arabian Gulf by focusing on the issue of air conditioning and thermal comfort. It considers the recent foregrounding of tradition and heritage within the arena of mega-project development in Qatar, using the Msheireb Downtown Doha Project as an example of a wider regional trend around urban sustainability. Through its focus on air conditioning, the paper draws on Appadurai’s recent critique of design singularity to examine built environment sustainability in relation to the indoor comfort norms and practices, for both bodies and objects, which are now well established across the Gulf region.


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This paper demonstrates the application of the reliability-centred maintenance (RCM) process to analyse and develop preventive maintenance tasks for electric multiple units (EMU) in the East Rail of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC). Two systems, the 25 kV electrical power supply and the air-conditioning system of the EMU, have been chosen for the study. RCM approach on the two systems is delineated step by step in the paper. This study confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of RCM applications on the maintenance of electric trains.


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A racionalização do uso da energia elétrica nas edificações é um assunto atual e de grande importância face ao grande impacto ambiental produzido. O consumo de energia elétrica no Brasil nas edificações residenciais, comerciais, de serviços e públicas é bastante significativo. Calcula-se que quase 50% da energia elétrica produzida no país seja consumida não só na operação e manutenção das edificações como também nos sistemas artificiais, que proporcionam conforto ambiental para seus usuários como iluminação, climatização e aquecimento de água. O Regulamento Técnico de Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais e Serviços e Públicos, RQT-C do INMETRO surge como uma contribuição à etiquetagem do nível de eficiência energética das edificações de uso coletivo. Para a determinação da eficiência são considerados três requisitos: envoltória da edificação, sistema de iluminação e sistema de condicionamento de ar. Todos os requisitos têm cinco níveis de eficiência que variam de A (mais eficiente) até E (menos eficiente), que associados com algumas bonificações (uso da energia solar, ventilação natural, etc.) tornam possível a atribuição de uma classificação geral para o edifício em seu todo. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar esse desempenho energético para o prédio do Instituto Brasileiro de Adminstração Municipal -IBAM, situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, de concepção modernista. Foi mostrado como as decisões arquitetônicas tomadas e o uso da ventilação natural podem influenciar na avaliação de sua eficiência energética.


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[EU]Proiektu honen helburua, Makina eta Motor Termiko sailean dagoen aire girotu, aireztatze eta berogailu sistema elikatzen duen makinaren analisi bat egitea da. Makina behar duen bezala lan egiten duen eta bulegoetan airearen kalitatea bermatzen baden ikusiko dugu. Hortaz, testu honek aurreko egoerak betetzen diren edo ez argituko du eta ezezko kasua izatekotan funtzionamendu normalera bueltatzeko aukerak proposatuko dira. Horretarako neurketak bai bulegoetan egingo dira eta baita makinan ere. Datu hauek (tenperatuak, emariak, hezetasuna, eta abar…) Excel horri batean gordeko dira gero taulak lortzeko eta errazago identifikatzeko non dauden arazoak. Lana hurrengo eran egituratu da: Sistemaren sarrera eta deskribapena. Neurketak egiteko metodologia eta sistemaren analisia. Konklusioak, informazio iturriak eta eranskinak.


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At 8.18pm on 2 September 1998, Swissair Flight 111 (SR 111), took off from New York’s JFK airport bound for Geneva, Switzerland. Tragically, the MD-11 aircraft never arrived. According to the crash investigation report, published on 27 March 2003, electrical arcing in the ceiling void cabling was the most likely cause of the fire that brought down the aircraft. No one on board was aware of the disaster unfolding in the ceiling of the aircraft and, when a strange odour entered the cockpit, the pilots thought it was a problem with the air-conditioning system. Twenty minutes later, Swissair Flight 111 plunged into the Atlantic Ocean five nautical miles southwest of Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, with the loss of all 229 lives on board. In this paper, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the in-flight fire that brought down SR 111 is described. Reconstruction of the wreckage disclosed that the fire pattern was extensive and complex in nature. The fire damage created significant challenges to identify the origin of the fire and to appropriately explain the heat damage observed. The SMARTFIRE CFD software was used to predict the “possible” behaviour of airflow as well as the spread of fire and smoke within SR 111. The main aims of the CFD analysis were to develop a better understanding of the possible effects, or lack thereof, of numerous variables relating to the in-flight fire. Possible fire and smoke spread scenarios were studied to see what the associated outcomes would be. This assisted investigators at Transportation Safety Board (TSB) of Canada, Fire & Explosion Group in assessing fire dynamics for cause and origin determination.