975 resultados para agent-oriented programming


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Automated information system design and implementation is one of the fastest changing aspects of the hospitality industry. During the past several years nothing has increased the professionalism or improved the productivity within the industry more than the application of computer technology. Intuitive software applications, deemed the first step toward making computers more people-literate, object-oriented programming, intended to more accurately model reality, and wireless communications are expected to play a significant role in future technological advancement.


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In this paper the problem of the evolution of an object-oriented database in the context of orthogonal persistent programming systems is addressed. We have observed two characteristics in that type of systems that offer particular conditions to implement the evolution in a semi-transparent fashion. That transparency can further be enhanced with the obliviousness provided by the Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques. Was conceived a meta-model and developed a prototype to test the feasibility of our approach. The system allows programs, written to a schema, access semi-transparently to data in other versions of the schema.


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The life cycle of software applications in general is very short and with extreme volatile requirements. Within these conditions programmers need development tools and techniques with an extreme level of productivity. We consider the code reuse as the most prominent approach to solve that problem. Our proposal uses the advantages provided by the Aspect-Oriented Programming in order to build a reusable framework capable to turn both programmer and application oblivious as far as data persistence is concerned, thus avoiding the need to write any line of code about that concern. Besides the benefits to productivity, the software quality increases. This paper describes the actual state of the art, identifying the main challenge to build a complete and reusable framework for Orthogonal Persistence in concurrent environments with support for transactions. The present work also includes a successfully developed prototype of that framework, capable of freeing the programmer of implementing any read or write data operations. This prototype is supported by an object oriented database and, in the future, will also use a relational database and have support for transactions.


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Object-oriented modeling is spreading in current simulation of wastewater treatments plants through the use of the individual components of the process and its relations to define the underlying dynamic equations. In this paper, we describe the use of the free-software OpenModelica simulation environment for the object-oriented modeling of an activated sludge process under feedback control. The performance of the controlled system was analyzed both under normal conditions and in the presence of disturbances. The object-oriented described approach represents a valuable tool in teaching provides a practical insight in wastewater process control field.


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This paper reports on an experiment that was conducted to determine the extent to which group dynamics impacts on the effectiveness of software development teams. The experiment was conducted on software engineering project students at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).


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The well-known difficulties students exhibit when learning to program are often characterised as either difficulties in understanding the problem to be solved or difficulties in devising and coding a computational solution. It would therefore be helpful to understand which of these gives students the greatest trouble. Unit testing is a mainstay of large-scale software development and maintenance. A unit test suite serves not only for acceptance testing, but is also a form of requirements specification, as exemplified by agile programming methodologies in which the tests are developed before the corresponding program code. In order to better understand students’ conceptual difficulties with programming, we conducted a series of experiments in which students were required to write both unit tests and program code for non-trivial problems. Their code and tests were then assessed separately for correctness and ‘coverage’, respectively. The results allowed us to directly compare students’ abilities to characterise a computational problem, as a unit test suite, and develop a corresponding solution, as executable code. Since understanding a problem is a pre-requisite to solving it, we expected students’ unit testing skills to be a strong predictor of their ability to successfully implement the corresponding program. Instead, however, we found that students’testing abilities lag well behind their coding skills.


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Most Java programmers would agree that Java is a language that promotes a philosophy of “create and go forth”. By design, temporary objects are meant to be created on the heap, possibly used and then abandoned to be collected by the garbage collector. Excessive generation of temporary objects is termed “object churn” and is a form of software bloat that often leads to performance and memory problems. To mitigate this problem, many compiler optimizations aim at identifying objects that may be allocated on the stack. However, most such optimizations miss large opportunities for memory reuse when dealing with objects inside loops or when dealing with container objects. In this paper, we describe a novel algorithm that detects bloat caused by the creation of temporary container and String objects within a loop. Our analysis determines which objects created within a loop can be reused. Then we describe a source-to-source transformation that efficiently reuses such objects. Empirical evaluation indicates that our solution can reduce upto 40% of temporary object allocations in large programs, resulting in a performance improvement that can be as high as a 20% reduction in the run time, specifically when a program has a high churn rate or when the program is memory intensive and needs to run the GC often.


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Máster y Doctorado en Sistemas Informáticos Avanzados, Informatika Fakultatea - Facultad de Informática


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A modelagem orientada a agentes surge como paradigma no desenvolvimento de software, haja vista a quantidade de iniciativas e estudos que remetem à utilização de agentes de software como solução para tratar de problemas mais complexos. Apesar da popularidade de utilização de agentes, especialistas esbarram na falta de universalidade de uma metodologia para construção dos Sistemas Multiagentes (MAS), pois estas acabam pecando pelo excesso ou falta de soluções para modelar o problema. Esta dissertação propõe o uso de uma Ontologia sobre Metodologias Multiagentes, seguindo os princípios da Engenharia de Métodos Situacionais que se propõe a usar fragmentos de métodos para construção de metodologias baseados na especificidade do projeto em desenvolvimento. O objetivo do estudo é sedimentar o conhecimento na área de Metodologias Multiagentes, auxiliando o engenheiro de software a escolher a melhor metodologia ou o melhor fragmento de metodologia capaz de modelar um Sistema Multiagentes.


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CAD software can be structured as a set of modular 'software tools' only if there is some agreement on the data structures which are to be passed between tools. Beyond this basic requirement, it is desirable to give the agreed structures the status of 'data types' in the language used for interactive design. The ultimate refinement is to have a data management capability which 'understands' how to manipulate such data types. In this paper the requirements of CACSD are formulated from the point of view of Database Management Systems. Progress towards meeting these requirements in both the DBMS and the CACSD community is reviewed. The conclusion reached is that there has been considerable movement towards the realisation of software tools for CACSD, but that this owes more to modern ideas about programming languages, than to DBMS developments. The DBMS field has identified some useful concepts, but further significant progress is expected to come from the exploitation of concepts such as object-oriented programming, logic programming, or functional programming.


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Ratcliffe, M. Thomas, L. Ellis, W. Thomasson, B. Capturing Collaborative Designs to Assist the Pedagogical Process.ACM SIGCSE Bulletin Volume 35 , Issue 3 (September 2003)