893 resultados para after Peeters et al. 2004


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Ghost fishing is the term used to describe the continued capture of fish and other living organisms after a fisherman has lost all control over the gear. Traps may be lost for a variety of reasons including theft, vandalism, abandonment, interactions with other gear, fouling on the bottom (i.e., traps and ropes are caught on rocky substrate), bad weather, and human error (Laist, 1995). Annual trap loss can be as high as 20% to 50% of fished traps in some fisheries (Al-Masroori et al., 2004). Because lost traps can continue to fish for long periods, albeit with decreasing efficiency over time (e.g., Smolowitz, 1978; Breen, 1987, 1990; Guillory, 1993), ghost fishing is a concern in fisheries worldwide.


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Os fibrócitos foram inicialmente identificados pelo seu recrutamento rápido para os tecidos lesionados e por atuar diretamente na resposta imune através do reconhecimento, apresentação antigênica e produção de citocinas e quimiocinas. Segundo Grab (2004) fibrócitos podem participar da resposta imune na leishmaniaose e por isso no presente estudo propomos analisar a resposta celular e apresentação antigênica dos fibrócitos na infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis. Para os experimentos in vivo camundongos C57BL/6 e knockout para o receptor TLR-2 foram inoculados na derme auricular com 105 formas promastigotas de L. (L.) amazonensis e 1, 7, 15 dias após a infecção as regiões de inóculo e os linfonodos foram retirados e processados para citometria de fluxo. Para os experimentos in vitro fibrócitos foram obtidos de mononucleares do sangue periférico de camundongos C57BL/6. Os fibrócitos foram avaliados quanto às suas características morfológicas e fenotípicas, infecção, expressão de MHC-II/B7-1/B7-2 e ativação de linfócitos T CD4+. As análises na região de inóculo mostraram o aumento no percentual de fibrócito na derme de camundongos após 15 dias de infecção tanto em animais C57BL/6 quanto em animais KO TLR-2. Neste sítio, os fibrócitos produziram citocinas e expressaram MHC-II, B7-1 e B7-2 podendo participar da resposta imune. As análises no linfonodo mostraram a existência de um alto percentual de fibrócitos nos animais controle, contudo, após infecção este percentual foi reduzido. Após infecção verificamos que os fibrócitos de animais WT C57BL/6 foram capazes de produzir as citocinas IL-4, IL-10 e IFN- durante o primeiro dia. Entretanto, na ausência de TLR-2 os fibrócitos presentes no linfonodo produziram TNF-α e IFN- que podem estar relacionadas com a ativação celular e aumento da capacidade de apresentação antigênica destas células durante a infecção. No linfonodo verificamos que os fibrócitos podem participar da apresentação antigênica após a infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis. Contudo, nos linfonodos de animais WT C57BL/6 observamos a redução significativa no percentual destas células expressando MHC-II e B7-1, o que pode estar relacionada a presença do TLR-2. Nos ensaios in vitro fibrócitos de camundongos C57BL/6 apresentaram alta capacidade endocítica, eliminaram os parasitas nas primeiras 24 horas de infecção, expressaram MHC-II/B7-1/B7-2 e foram capazes de ativar linfócitos T CD4+. Com isso, nossos resultados sugerem que os fibrócitos podem atuar na resposta celular e na apresentação antigênica durante a infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis, contudo estas funções podem ser moduladas pela participação do TLR-2 e pelo microambiente onde estes se encontram.


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Seasonal variation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in fish (Etroplus sauratensis) and prawn (Metapenaeus dobsoni) was monitored from March 1982 to February 1983. Analyses of total viable count, vibrio-like organisms, V. parahaemolyticus like organisms and V. parahaemolyticus showed that they occur more in prawn than in fish. In a more polluted environment, the counts of V. parahaemolyticus associated with fish were found to be higher than in prawn.


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Growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, a family of proteins that play diverse roles in many aspects of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. GDF-5 has also been shown to be a trophic factor for embryonic midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro (Krieglstein et al. 1995) and after transplantation to adult rats in vivo (Sullivan et al. 1998). GDF-5 has also been shown to have neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects on adult dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in animal models of Parkinson’s disease (Sullivan et al. 1997, 1999; Hurley et al. 2004). This experimental evidence has lead to GDF-5 being proposed as a neurotrophic factor with potential for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. However, it is not know if GDF-5 is expressed in the brain and whether it plays a role in dopaminergic neuron development. The experiments presented here aim to address these questions. To that end this thesis is divided into five separate studies each addressing a particular question associated with GDF-5 and its expression patterns and roles during the development of the rat midbrain. Expression of the GDF-5 in the developing rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) was found to begin at E12 and peak on E14, the day that dopaminergic neurons undergo terminal differentiation. In the adult rat, GDF-5 was found to be restricted to heart and brain, being expressed in many areas of the brain, including striatum and midbrain. This indicated a role for GDF-5 in the development and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons. The appropriate receptors for GDF-5 (BMPR-II and BMPR-Ib) were found to be expressed at high levels in the rat VM at E14 and BMPR-II expression was demonstrated on dopaminergic neurons in the E13 mouse VM. GDF-5 resulted in a three-fold increase in the numbers of dopaminergic neurons in cultures of E14 rat VM, without affecting the numbers of neurones or total cells. GDF-5 was found to increase the proportion of neurons that were dopaminergic. The numbers of Nurr1-positive cells were not affected by GDF-5 treatment, but GDF-5 did increase the numbers of Nurr1- positive cells that expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Taken together this data indicated that GDF-5 increases the conversion of Nurr1-positive, TH-negative cells to Nurr1-positive, TH-positive cells. In GDF-5 treated cultures, total neurite length, neurite arborisation and somal area of dopaminergic were all significantly increased compared to control cultures. Thus this study showed that GDF-5 increased the numbers and morphological differentiation of VM dopaminergic neurones in vitro. In order to examine if GDF-5 could induce a dopaminergic phenotype in neural progenitor cells, neurosphere cultures prepared from embryonic rat VM were established. The effect of the gestational age of the donor VM on the proportion of cell types generated from neurospheres from E12, E13 and E14 VM was examined. Dopaminergic neurons could only be generated from neurospheres which were prepared from E12 VM. Thus in subsequent studies the effect of GDF-5 on dopaminergic induction was examined in progentior cell cultures prepared from the E12 rat VM. In primary cultures of E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the numbers of TH-positive cells without affecting the proliferation or survival of these cells. In cultures of expanded neural progenitor cells from the E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the expression of Nurr1 and TH, an action that was dependent on signalling through the BMPR-Ib receptor. Taken together, these experiments provide evidence that GDF-5 is expressed in the developing rat VM, is involved in both the induction of a dopaminergic phenotype in cells of the VM and in the subsequent morphological development of these dopaminergic neurons


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The application of sourdough can improve texture, structure, nutritional value, staling rate and shelf life of wheat and gluten-free breads. These quality improvements are associated with the formation of organic acids, exopolysaccharides (EPS), aroma or antifungal compounds. Initially, the suitability of two lactic acid bacteria strains to serve as sourdough starters for buckwheat, oat, quinoa, sorghum and flours was investigated. Wheat flour was chosen as a reference. The obligate heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium (LAB) Weissella cibaria MG1 (Wc) formed the EPS dextran (a α-1,6-glucan) from sucrose in situ with a molecular size of 106 to 107 kDa. EPS formation in all breads was analysed using size exclusion chromatography and highest amounts were formed in buckwheat (4 g/ kg) and quinoa sourdough (3 g/ kg). The facultative heterofermentative Lactobacillus plantarum FST1.7 (Lp) was identified as strong acidifier and was chosen due to its ubiquitous presence in gluten-free as well as wheat sourdoughs (Vogelmann et al. 2009). Both Wc and Lp, showed highest total titratable acids in buckwheat (16.8 ml; 26.0 ml), teff (16.2 ml; 24.5 ml) and quinoa sourdoughs (26.4 ml; 35.3 ml) correlating with higher amounts of fermentable sugars and higher buffering capacities. Sourdough incorporation reduced the crumb hardness after five days of storage in buckwheat (Wc -111%), teff (Wc -39%) and wheat (Wc -206%; Lp -118%) sourdough breads. The rate of staling (N/ day) was reduced in buckwheat (Ctrl 8 N; Wc 3 N; Lp 6 N), teff (Ctrl 13 N; Wc 9 N; Lp 10 N) and wheat (Ctrl 5 N; Wc 1 N; Lp 2 N) sourdough breads. Bread dough softening upon Wc and Lp sourdough incorporation accounted for increased crumb porosity in buckwheat (+10.4%; +4.7), teff (+8.1%; +8.3%) and wheat sourdough breads (+8.7%; +6.4%). Weissella cibaria MG1 sourdough improved the aroma quality of wheat bread but had no impact on aroma of gluten-free breads. Microbial shelf life however, was not prolonged in any of the breads regardless of the starter culture used. Due to the high prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus particular amongst coeliac patients, glycaemic control is of great (Berti et al. 2004). The in vitro starch digestibility of gluten-free breads with and without sourdough addition was analysed to predict the GI (pGI). Sourdough can decrease starch hydrolysis in vitro, due to formation of resistant starch and organic acids. Predicted GI of gluten-free control breads were significantly lower than for the reference white wheat bread (GI=100). Starch granule size was investigated with scanning electron microscopy and was significantly smaller in quinoa flour (<2 μm). This resulted in higher enzymatic susceptibility and hence higher pGI for quinoa bread (95). Lowest hydrolysis indexes for sorghum and teff control breads (72 and 74, respectively) correlate with higher gelatinisation peak temperatures (69°C and 71°C, respectively). Levels of resistant starch were not increased by addition of Weissella cibaria MG1 (weak acidifier) or Lactobacillus plantarum FST1.7 (strong acidifier). The pGI was significantly decreased for both wheat sourdough breads (Wc 85; Lp 76). Lactic acid can promote starch interactions with gluten hence decreasing starch susceptibility (Östman et al. 2002). For most gluten-free breads, the pGI was increased upon sourdough addition. Only sorghum and teff Lp sourdough breads (69 and 68, respectively) had significantly decreased pGI. Results suggest that the increase of starch hydrolysis in gluten-free breads was related to mechanism other than presence of organic acids and formation of resistant starch.


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Exercise can have deleterious effects on the secretion of salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), which appears to be related to perturbations in sympatheticoadrenal activation (Teeuw et al., 2004). Caffeine, commonly used for its ergogenic properties is associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activity, and it has been previously shown that caffeine ingestion before intensive cycling enhances s-IgA responses during exercise (Bishop et al., 2006). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of a performance cereal bar, containing caffeine, before and during prolonged exhaustive cycling on exercise performance and the salivary secretion of IgA, alpha-amylase activity and cortisol. Using a randomised cross-over design and following a 10 – 12 hour overnight fast, 12 trained cyclists, mean (SEM) age: 21(1) yr; height: 179(2) cm; body mass: 73.6(2.5) kg; maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max: 57.9(1.2) completed 2.5 h of cycling at 60%VO2max (with regular water ingestion) on a stationary ergometer, which was followed by a ride to exhaustion at 75% VO2max. Immediately before exercise, and after 55 min and 115 min of exercise participants ingested a 0.9 MJ cereal bar containing 45 g carbohydrate, 5 g protein, 3 g fat and 100 mg of caffeine (CAF) or an isocaloric noncaffeine bar (PLA). Unstimulated timed saliva samples were collected immediately before exercise, after 70 min and 130 min of exercise, and immediately after the exhaustive exercise bout. Saliva was analysed for s-IgA, alpha-amylase activity and cortisol concentration. Saliva flow rates were determined to calculate the s-IgA secretion rate. Data were analysed using a 2-way repeated measures ANOVA and post-hoc t-tests with Holm Bonferroni adjustments applied where appropriate. Time to exhaustion was 35% longer in CAF compared with PLA ((2177 (0.2) vs 1615 (0.16) s; P < 0.05)). Saliva flow rate did not change significantly during the exercise protocol. Exercise was associated with elevations in s-IgA concentration (9% increase), s-IgA secretion rate (24% increase) and alpha-amylase activity (224% increase) post-exhaustion (P < 0.01), but there was no effect of CAF on these responses. Salivary cortisol concentration increased by 64% post-exhaustion in the CAF trial only (P < 0.05), indicating an increase in adrenal activity following caffeine ingestion. Values were 35.7 (5.5) and 19.6 (3.4) nmol/L post-exhaustion for CAF and PLA, respectively. These findings show that ingestion of a caffeine containing cereal bar during prolonged exhaustive cycling enhances endurance performance, increases salivary cortisol secretion post-exhaustion, but does not affect the exercise-induced increases in s-IgA or alpha-amylase activity.