1000 resultados para afluentes do Amazonas
Envenoming snakebites are thought to be a particularly important threat to public health worldwide, especially in rural areas of tropical and subtropical countries. The true magnitude of the public health threat posed by snakebites is unknown, making it difficult for public health officials to optimize prevention and treatment. The objective of this work was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to gather data on snakebite epidemiology in the Amazon region and describe a case series of snakebites from epidemiological surveillance in the State of Amazonas (1974-2012). Only 11 articles regarding snakebites were found. In the State of Amazonas, information regarding incidents involving snakes is scarce. Historical trends show an increasing number of cases after the second half of the 1980s. Snakebites predominated among adults (20-39 years old; 38%), in the male gender (78.9%) and in those living in rural areas (85.6%). The predominant snake envenomation type was bothropic. The incidence reported by the epidemiological surveillance in the State of Amazonas, reaching up to 200 cases/100,000 inhabitants in some areas, is among the highest annual snakebite incidence rates of any region in the world. The majority of the cases were reported in the rainy season with a case-fatality rate of 0.6%. Snakebite envenomation is a great disease burden in the State of Amazonas, representing a challenge for future investigations, including approaches to estimating incidence under-notification and case-fatality rates as well as the factors related to severity and disabilities.
In the State of Amazonas, Brazil, urban expansion together with precarious basic sanitation conditions and human settlement on river banks has contributed to the persistence of waterborne and intestinal parasitic diseases. Time series of the recorded cases of cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and leptospirosis are described, using data from different levels of the surveillance systems. The sources for intestinal parasitosis prevalence data (non-compulsory reporting in Brazil) were Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana (LILACS) and the annals of major scientific meetings. Relevant papers and abstracts in all languages were accessed by two independent reviewers. The references cited by each relevant paper were scrutinized to locate additional papers. Despite its initial dissemination across the entire State of Amazonas, cholera was controlled in 1998. The magnitude of typhoid fever has decreased; however, a pattern characterized by eventual outbreaks still remains. Leptospirosis is an increasing cause of concern in association with the annual floods. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites is high regardless of the municipality and the characteristics of areas and populations. The incidence of hepatitis A has decreased over the past decade. A comparison of older and recent surveys shows that the prevalence of intestinal parasitic diseases has remained constant. The load of waterborne and intestinal parasitic diseases ranks high among the health problems present in the State of Amazonas. Interventions aiming at basic sanitation and vaccination for hepatitis A were formulated and implemented, but assessment of their effectiveness in the targeted populations is still needed.
Leprosy is an ancient infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. According to comparative genomics studies, this disease originated in Eastern Africa or the Near East and spread with successive human migrations. The Europeans and North Africans introduced leprosy into West Africa and the Americas within the past 500 years. In Brazil, this disease arrived with the colonizers who disembarked at the first colonies, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Recife, at the end of the sixteenth century, after which it was spread to the other states. In 1854, the first leprosy cases were identified in State of Amazonas in the north of Brazil. The increasing number of leprosy cases and the need for treatment and disease control led to the creation of places to isolate patients, known as leprosaria. One of them, Colonia Antônio Aleixo was built in Amazonas in 1956 according to the most advanced recommendations for isolation at that time and was deactivated in 1979. The history of the Alfredo da Matta Center (AMC), which was the first leprosy dispensary created in 1955, parallels the history of leprosy in the state. Over the years, the AMC has become one of the best training centers for leprosy, general dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases in Brazil. In addition to being responsible for leprosy control programs in the state, the AMC has carried out training programs on leprosy diagnosis and treatment for health professionals in Manaus and other municipalities of the state, aiming to increase the coverage of leprosy control activities. This paper provides a historical overview of leprosy in State of Amazonas, which is an endemic state in Brazil.
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the infectious diseases that contributes most to the morbidity and mortality of millions of people worldwide. Brazil is one of 22 countries that accounts for 80% of the tuberculosis global burden. The highest incidence rates in Brazil occur in the States of Amazonas and Rio de Janeiro. The aim of this study was to describe the temporal distribution of TB in the State of Amazonas. Between 2001 and 2011, 28,198 cases of tuberculosis were reported in Amazonas, distributed among 62 municipalities, with the capital Manaus reporting the highest (68.7%) concentration of cases. Tuberculosis was more prevalent among males (59.3%) aged 15 to 34 years old (45.5%), whose race/color was predominantly pardo (64.7%) and who had pulmonary TB (84.3%). During this period, 81 cases of multidrug-resistant TB were registered, of which the highest concentration was reported from 2008 onward (p = 0.002). The municipalities with the largest numbers of indigenous individuals affected were São Gabriel da Cachoeira (93%), Itamarati (78.1%), and Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (70.1%). The future outlook for this region includes strengthening the TB control at the primary care level, by expanding diagnostic capabilities, access to treatment, research projects developed in collaboration with the Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado Tropical Medicine Foundation .;Fundação de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD).; and financing institutions, such as the project for the expansion of the Clinical Research Center and the creation of a hospital ward for individuals with transmissible respiratory diseases, including TB.
A scoping review was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, from 2001 to 2012, and temporary patterns were estimated from surveillance data. The results suggest that in its third decade, the Amazon HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from being stabilized and displays rising AIDS incidence and mortality rates and late diagnoses. The data suggest that AIDS cases are hitting mostly young adults and have recently shifted toward men, both homosexual and heterosexual. AIDS cases among the indigenous people have remained stable and low. However, the epidemic has disseminated to the interior of the state, which adds difficulties to its control, given the geographical isolation, logistical barriers, and culturally and ethnically diverse population. Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy has been decentralized, but peripheral ARV services are still insufficient and too distant from people who need them. Recently, the expansion of point-of-care (POC) rapid HIV testing has been contributing to overcoming logistical barriers. Other new POC devices, such as the PIMA CD4 analyzer, will bring the laboratory to the patient. AIDS uniquely coexists with other tropical infections, sharing their epidemiological profiles. The increased demand for HIV/AIDS care services can only be satisfied through increased decentralization to peripheral health units, which can also naturally integrate care with other tropical infections and can promote a shift from vertical to integrated programming. Future challenges involve building surveillance data on HIV case notification and covering the spectrum of engagement in care, including adherence to treatment and follow-up loss.
INTRODUCTION: In the State of Amazonas, particularly in the capital Manaus, meningitis has affected populations of different cultures and social strata over the years. Bacterial meningitis is caused by several different species and represents a major issue of public health importance. The present study reports the meningitis case numbers with different etiologies in Amazonas from January 1976 to December 2012. METHODS: Since the 1970s, the (currently named) Tropical Medicine Foundation of Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado [Fundação de Medicina Tropical Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD)] has remained a reference center in Amazonas for the treatment of meningitis through the diagnosis and notification of cases and the confirmation of such cases using specific laboratory tests. RESULTS: The foundation has achieved coverage of over 90% of the state medical records for many years. Between 1990 and 2012, meningitis cases caused by Haemophilus influenzae decreased with the introduction of the H. influenzae vaccine. Meningococcal disease previously had a higher frequency of serogroup B disease, but starting in 2008, the detection of serogroup C increased gradually and has outpaced the detection of serogroup B. Recently, surveillance has improved the etiological definition of viral meningitis at FMT-HVD, with enteroviruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and varicella zoster virus (VZV) prevailing in this group of pathogens. With the advent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), cryptococcal meningitis has become an important disease in Amazonas. Additionally, infectious meningitis is an important burden in the State of Amazonas. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in the epidemiological profile for the different etiology-defined cases are the result of continuous epidemiological surveillance and laboratory capacity improvements and control measures, such as Haemophilus influenzae vaccination.
Neste trabalho, é discutida a composição do conteúdo estomacal de três espécies de sardinha: Triportheus angulatus, Triportheus elongatus e Triportheus culter, do lago do Castanho, um lago de várzea localizado na Amazônia Central, com o objetivo de determinar o comportamento alimentardessas espécies, comparativamente, em funções de variações hidrológicas e ecológicas regionais, e desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. Paralelamente, procura-se correlacionar determinadas estruturas morfoanatômicas de adaptação ligadas mais diretamente ao tipo de regime alimentar de cada espécie como dentes e rastros branquiais. Em conseqüência dos tipos de alimentos ingeridos e observações de campo é feita a caracterização do possível bíotopo ocupado pelas espécies.
Foram analisadas e comparadas neste trabalho, quanto às qualidades físico-químicas, amostras de água de 29 (vinte e nove) afluentes do rio Negro, A maioria das águas e muito pobre em sais dissolvidos, e por outro lado bastante ácida, sendo observado que. as substâncias coloridas exercem influencia sobre algum parâmetros químicos isto bem demonstrado pelos resultados de coeficiente, de correlação a 5%. Os rios da margem esquerda provenientes das, montanhas localizadas ao norte são mais férteis em substâncias nutritivas minerais. Já os da margem direita, que em sua maioria nascem em terras alagadiças e em campinas, são considerados extremamente pobres. De um modo geral, são as condições físico-químicas e biológicas que influenciam os resultados de nitrogênio. Discute-se também a hipótese da fertilização de pequenas áreas inundáveis que atualmente estão de formando no baixo rio Negro, bem como o aparecimento de macrófitas aquáticas.
Five nem species of Amazonian fungi are described based on recently collected material: Hypomycespseudopolyporinus Samuels & Rogerson (anamorph = Arnoldiomyces macrosporus Samuels & Rogerson), H. villosus Samuels & Rogerson, Hypocrea dipterobia Samuels & Rogerson and Ontectodiscus nectriodes Samuels & Rogerson.
Foi testado o potencial de crescimento e de produção de jaraquis em açude de igarapé de terra firme, de águas quimicamente pobres, utilizando resíduos de lavagem de dejetos de criação de suínos como fonte de alimento e de adubação orgânica. Em período experimental de 383 dias, à taxa de estocagem de 1 peixe / m2, a produção foi de 1277 kg/ha, com crescimento análogo àquele obtido em ambiente natural. As condições físico-químicas da água do açude foram acompanhadas mensalmente. Os resultados evidenciam que os jaraqui apresentam um bom potencial para cultivo na Amazônia.
Foram coletadas amostras de água em 13 rios pertencentes a bacia do Rio Branco e analizados, quanto aos seguintes parêmetros físico-químicos: pH, condutibilidade elétrica, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe solúvel, Fe complexado e total, Mn, P tota, N-Kjedahl, NH4, N-orgânigo, SO4, Côr, Material Húmico, Cl, Si e Al total. Foram analizados os resultados estatísticos do coeficiente de correlação a 5%. Essa bacia possui rios com relativas concentrações de sais minerais no que é muito bem demonstrado pelo PROJETO RADAM BRASILvol. 8 1975, e rios bastantes pobres em eletrólitos. Três desses rios, o Uraricoera, Mucajaí e o Branco, possuem várzeas agricultáveis, principalmente a região do baixo Rio Branco, que deveria ser melhor aproveitada para cultura de subsistência do Território de Roraima.
Apreliminary survey of Phragmobasidiomycetes from the Brazilian Amazon revealed three new species: Tremella riobrancensis Lowy, Ductifera elastica Lowy, and Dacryopinax maxidorii Lowy. Ten other species representing the families Auriculariaceae, Tremellaceae, and Dacrymycetaceae previously unreported from Acre and Amazonas were also collected.
Nove taxa de Octoblepharum Hedw. são relatados para o Alto Rio Negro, Amazonas, coletados em expedição realizada no período de junho a julho de 1979, quais sejam: O. albidum Hedw. var violascens C. Muell., O. ampullaceumMitt., O. cylindricum Mont., O. cocuienseMitt., O. erectifolium Mitt. ex. Williams, O. pellucidum C. Muell., O. albidum Hedw. var. albidum, O. pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. e O. stramineum Mitt. As três últimas ocorreram com maior frequência. Uma chave para identificação dos táxons infragenéricos de Octoblepharum é apresentada.
Apresenta análise de alguns fatores de produção, industrialização e comercialização dos serrarias e das fábricas de laminados e compensados do Estado do Amazonas nos anos de 1981 , 1983 e 1985. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário e entrevista pessoal, sendo que os tópicos abordados foram os seguintes: principais espécies consumidas, rendimento médio da matéria prima, transportes, fonte e local de compra das toras, custo médio por metro cúbico, problemas relacionados à obtenção da madeira, problemas enfrentados pelas empresas na produção, mão de obra utilizada, principais produtos e sua colocação no mercado e exportação. Observou-se que no máximo 45 espécies foram consumidas pelas serrarias e que dentre estas a jacareúba (Calophyllum brasliensis) e o louro inhamui (Ocotea guianensis) representaram mais de 50% do consumo total. O número de espécies consumidas pelas fabricas de laminados e compensados foi em torno de 20, sendo que a ucuúba (Virola surinamensis), a copaíba (Copaifera multijuga), a muiratinga (Naucleopsis caloneura) e a sumaúma (Ceiba pentandra) representaram mais de 80% do consumo total. Constatou-se que de 75% a 80% da produção de madeira serrada e 10% a 15% de madeira laminada e compensada foram consumidas no próprio Estado. Do total de madeira serra da, laminada e compensada produzida no Estado do Amazonas, observou-se que os dois principais tipos de compradores foram os atacadistas e a construção civil. De 1981 para 1985, o consumo total de toras, em metros cúbicos, sofreu redução de 50,9% nas serrarias e 39,3% nas fabricas de laminados e compensados. A produção de madeira serrada do Estado do Amazonas comparada aos Estados do Pará ou do Paraná, representa menos de 10% da produção de cada um deles.
Analisa os resultados de cinco inventários florestais realizados num raio de 200 km em torno de Manaus, em florestas de terra firme, avaliando o potencial das mesmas em função da demanda das serrarias do Estado do Amazonas. Conclui que existem trinta e quatro espécies madeireiras de terra firme que já são industrializadas, as quais representam um volume potencial médio por hectare de 53,819 m3, repartido em 30% para a classe diamétrica abaixo de 40 cm e 70% para a classe acima de 40 cm. Afirma que o volume de espécies com mercado garantido representa menos da metade do potencial volumétrico das espécies de terra firme que já são demandadas, em pequena escala, pelas serrarias do Estado. Das espécies consideradas vinte são de ocorrência comum em todas as áreas e quinze destas representam 83,19% do volume total. Recomenda para o manejo das espécies, cujo volume esta concentrado nas classes diamétricas superiores, com mais de 90%, a manutenção de arvores portas ementes para garantir a regeneração natural das mesmas.