958 resultados para adaptive study


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Overlay networks have emerged as a powerful and highly flexible method for delivering content. We study how to optimize throughput of large, multipoint transfers across richly connected overlay networks, focusing on the question of what to put in each transmitted packet. We first make the case for transmitting encoded content in this scenario, arguing for the digital fountain approach which enables end-hosts to efficiently restitute the original content of size n from a subset of any n symbols from a large universe of encoded symbols. Such an approach affords reliability and a substantial degree of application-level flexibility, as it seamlessly tolerates packet loss, connection migration, and parallel transfers. However, since the sets of symbols acquired by peers are likely to overlap substantially, care must be taken to enable them to collaborate effectively. We provide a collection of useful algorithmic tools for efficient estimation, summarization, and approximate reconciliation of sets of symbols between pairs of collaborating peers, all of which keep messaging complexity and computation to a minimum. Through simulations and experiments on a prototype implementation, we demonstrate the performance benefits of our informed content delivery mechanisms and how they complement existing overlay network architectures.


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Modern cellular channels in 3G networks incorporate sophisticated power control and dynamic rate adaptation which can have a significant impact on adaptive transport layer protocols, such as TCP. Though there exists studies that have evaluated the performance of TCP over such networks, they are based solely on observations at the transport layer and hence have no visibility into the impact of lower layer dynamics, which are a key characteristic of these networks. In this work, we present a detailed characterization of TCP behavior based on cross-layer measurement of transport, as well as RF and MAC layer parameters. In particular, through a series of active TCP/UDP experiments and measurement of the relevant variables at all three layers, we characterize both, the wireless scheduler in a commercial CDMA2000 network and its impact on TCP dynamics. Somewhat surprisingly, our findings indicate that the wireless scheduler is mostly insensitive to channel quality and sector load over short timescales and is mainly affected by the transport layer data rate. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate the impact of the wireless scheduler on various TCP parameters such as the round trip time, throughput and packet loss rate.


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Modern cellular channels in 3G networks incorporate sophisticated power control and dynamic rate adaptation which can have significant impact on adaptive transport layer protocols, such as TCP. Though there exists studies that have evaluated the performance of TCP over such networks, they are based solely on observations at the transport layer and hence have no visibility into the impact of lower layer dynamics, which are a key characteristic of these networks. In this work, we present a detailed characterization of TCP behavior based on cross-layer measurement of transport layer, as well as RF and MAC layer parameters. In particular, through a series of active TCP/UDP experiments and measurement of the relevant variables at all three layers, we characterize both, the wireless scheduler and the radio link protocol in a commercial CDMA2000 network and assess their impact on TCP dynamics. Somewhat surprisingly, our findings indicate that the wireless scheduler is mostly insensitive to channel quality and sector load over short timescales and is mainly affected by the transport layer data rate. Furthermore, with the help of a robust correlation measure, Normalized Mutual Information, we were able to quantify the impact of the wireless scheduler and the radio link protocol on various TCP parameters such as the round trip time, throughput and packet loss rate.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the dosimetric effects of adaptive planning on lung stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Forty of 66 consecutive lung SBRT patients were selected for a retrospective adaptive planning study. CBCT images acquired at each fraction were used for treatment planning. Adaptive plans were created using the same planning parameters as the original CT-based plan, with the goal to achieve comparable comformality index (CI). For each patient, 2 cumulative plans, nonadaptive plan (PNON) and adaptive plan (PADP), were generated and compared for the following organs-at-risks (OARs): cord, esophagus, chest wall, and the lungs. Dosimetric comparison was performed between PNON and PADP for all 40 patients. Correlations were evaluated between changes in dosimetric metrics induced by adaptive planning and potential impacting factors, including tumor-to-OAR distances (dT-OAR), initial internal target volume (ITV1), ITV change (ΔITV), and effective ITV diameter change (ΔdITV). RESULTS: 34 (85%) patients showed ITV decrease and 6 (15%) patients showed ITV increase throughout the course of lung SBRT. Percentage ITV change ranged from -59.6% to 13.0%, with a mean (±SD) of -21.0% (±21.4%). On average of all patients, PADP resulted in significantly (P=0 to .045) lower values for all dosimetric metrics. ΔdITV/dT-OAR was found to correlate with changes in dose to 5 cc (ΔD5cc) of esophagus (r=0.61) and dose to 30 cc (ΔD30cc) of chest wall (r=0.81). Stronger correlations between ΔdITV/dT-OAR and ΔD30cc of chest wall were discovered for peripheral (r=0.81) and central (r=0.84) tumors, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Dosimetric effects of adaptive lung SBRT planning depend upon target volume changes and tumor-to-OAR distances. Adaptive lung SBRT can potentially reduce dose to adjacent OARs if patients present large tumor volume shrinkage during the treatment.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: The obesity epidemic has spread to young adults, and obesity is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The prominence and increasing functionality of mobile phones may provide an opportunity to deliver longitudinal and scalable weight management interventions in young adults. The aim of this article is to describe the design and development of the intervention tested in the Cell Phone Intervention for You study and to highlight the importance of adaptive intervention design that made it possible. The Cell Phone Intervention for You study was a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-sponsored, controlled, 24-month randomized clinical trial comparing two active interventions to a usual-care control group. Participants were 365 overweight or obese (body mass index≥25 kg/m2) young adults. METHODS: Both active interventions were designed based on social cognitive theory and incorporated techniques for behavioral self-management and motivational enhancement. Initial intervention development occurred during a 1-year formative phase utilizing focus groups and iterative, participatory design. During the intervention testing, adaptive intervention design, where an intervention is updated or extended throughout a trial while assuring the delivery of exactly the same intervention to each cohort, was employed. The adaptive intervention design strategy distributed technical work and allowed introduction of novel components in phases intended to help promote and sustain participant engagement. Adaptive intervention design was made possible by exploiting the mobile phone's remote data capabilities so that adoption of particular application components could be continuously monitored and components subsequently added or updated remotely. RESULTS: The cell phone intervention was delivered almost entirely via cell phone and was always-present, proactive, and interactive-providing passive and active reminders, frequent opportunities for knowledge dissemination, and multiple tools for self-tracking and receiving tailored feedback. The intervention changed over 2 years to promote and sustain engagement. The personal coaching intervention, alternatively, was primarily personal coaching with trained coaches based on a proven intervention, enhanced with a mobile application, but where all interactions with the technology were participant-initiated. CONCLUSION: The complexity and length of the technology-based randomized clinical trial created challenges in engagement and technology adaptation, which were generally discovered using novel remote monitoring technology and addressed using the adaptive intervention design. Investigators should plan to develop tools and procedures that explicitly support continuous remote monitoring of interventions to support adaptive intervention design in long-term, technology-based studies, as well as developing the interventions themselves.


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Satellite altimetry has revolutionized our understanding of ocean dynamics thanks to frequent sampling and global coverage. Nevertheless, coastal data have been flagged as unreliable due to land and calm water interference in the altimeter and radiometer footprint and uncertainty in the modelling of high-frequency tidal and atmospheric forcing. Our study addresses the first issue, i.e. altimeter footprint contamination, via retracking, presenting ALES, the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform retracker. ALES is potentially applicable to all the pulse-limited altimetry missions and its aim is to retrack both open ocean and coastal data with the same accuracy using just one algorithm. ALES selects part of each returned echo and models it with a classic ”open ocean” Brown functional form, by means of least square estimation whose convergence is found through the Nelder-Mead nonlinear optimization technique. By avoiding echoes from bright targets along the trailing edge, it is capable of retrieving more coastal waveforms than the standard processing. By adapting the width of the estimation window according to the significant wave height, it aims at maintaining the accuracy of the standard processing in both the open ocean and the coastal strip. This innovative retracker is validated against tide gauges in the Adriatic Sea and in the Greater Agulhas System for three different missions: Envisat, Jason-1 and Jason-2. Considerations of noise and biases provide a further verification of the strategy. The results show that ALES is able to provide more reliable 20-Hz data for all three missions in areas where even 1-Hz averages are flagged as unreliable in standard products. Application of the ALES retracker led to roughly a half of the analysed tracks showing a marked improvement in correlation with the tide gauge records, with the rms difference being reduced by a factor of 1.5 for Jason-1 and Jason-2 and over 4 for Envisat in the Adriatic Sea (at the closest point to the tide gauge).


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Lipids are key constituents of marine phytoplankton, and some fatty acids (key constituents of lipids) are essential dietary components for secondary producers. However, in natural marine ecosystems the interactions of factors affecting seasonal phytoplankton lipid composition are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the roles of seasonal succession in phytoplankton community composition and nutrient concentrations, on the lipid composition of the phytoplankton community. Fatty acid and polar lipid composition in seston was measured in surface waters at the time series station L4, an inshore station in the Western English Channel, from January to December 2013. Redundancy analyses (RDA) were used to identify factors (abiotic and biotic) that explained the seasonal variability in phytoplankton lipids. RDA demonstrated that nutrients (namely nitrogen) explained the majority of variation in phytoplankton lipid composition, as well as a smaller explanatory contribution from changes in phytoplankton community composition. The physiological adaptations of the phytoplankton community to nutrient deplete conditions during the summer season when the water column was stratified, was further supported by changes in the polar lipid to phytoplankton biomass ratios (also modelled with RDA) and increases in the lipid to chlorophyll a ratios, which are both indicative of nutrient stress. However, the association of key fatty acid markers with phytoplankton groups e.g. 22:6 n-3 and dinoflagellate biomass (predominant in summer), meant there were no clear seasonal differences in the overall degree of fatty acid saturation, as might have been expected from typical nutrient stress on phytoplankton. Based on the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) as markers of ‘food quality’ for grazers, our results suggest that in this environment high food quality is maintained throughout summer, due to seasonal succession towards flagellated phytoplankton species able to maintain PUFA synthesis under surface layer nutrient depletion.


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Aim.  This paper is a presentation of a study protocol to establish the prevalence of orthopaedic problems (hip dislocation, pelvic obliquity, spinal deformity and contractures) and their impact on pain, function, participation and health in a population of children and young people with severe cerebral palsy.

Background.  Cerebral palsy is the commonest cause of motor impairment in childhood and is associated with life-long disability. An estimated 30% of people with cerebral palsy have severe forms and are non-ambulant. Although the underlying neurological damage is not amenable to correction, many health services are dedicated to providing therapeutic and adaptive support to help people with the condition reach their potential.

Method.  A cross-sectional survey of children and young people, aged 4–25 years with severe, non-ambulant cerebral palsy as defined using the Gross Motor Function Classification System (Levels IV and V). Study participants will be identified from a pre-existing, geographically defined case register and recruited via a healthcare professional known to them. Two assessments will be undertaken: one involving parents/carers at home and using questionnaires; the other involving the child/young person ideally in one of three settings and including X-rays if clinically indicated.

Discussion.  This study will contribute to our knowledge of the history and epidemiology of orthopaedic problems in children and young people with cerebral palsy and how these problems accumulate and impact on participation, health and well-being. The study will also identify unmet need and make recommendations for good practice in relation to the orthopaedic care and management for people with severe cerebral palsy


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To elucidate the contribution of environmental versus genetic factors to the significant losses in visual function associated with normal aging.
A classical twin study.
Forty-two twin pairs (21 monozygotic and 21 dizygotic; age 57-75 years) with normal visual acuity recruited through the Australian Twin Registry.
Cone function was evaluated by establishing absolute cone contrast thresholds to flicker (4 and 14 Hz) and isoluminant red and blue colors under steady state adaptation. Adaptation dynamics were determined for both cones and rods. Bootstrap resampling was used to return robust intrapair correlations for each parameter.
Psychophysical thresholds and adaptational time constants.
The intrapair correlations for all color and flicker thresholds, as well as cone absolute threshold, were significantly higher in monozygotic compared with dizygotic twin pairs (P<0.05). Rod absolute thresholds (P = 0.28) and rod and cone recovery rate (P = 0.83; P = 0.79, respectively) did not show significant differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins in their intrapair correlations, indicating that steady-state cone thresholds and flicker thresholds have a marked genetic contribution, in contrast with rod thresholds and adaptive processes, which are influenced more by environmental factors over a lifetime.
Genes and the environment contribute differently to important neuronal processes in the retina and the role they may play in the decline in visual function as we age. Consequently, retinal structures involved in rod thresholds and adaptive processes may be responsive to appropriate environmental manipulation. Because the functions tested are commonly impaired in the early stages of age-related macular degeneration, which is known to have a multifactorial etiology, this study supports the view that pathogenic pathways early in the disease may be altered by appropriate environmental intervention.


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1. The adaptive radiation of fishes into benthic (littoral) and pelagic (lentic) morphs in post-glaciallakes has become an important model system for speciation. Although these systems are well stud-ied, there is little evidence of the existence of morphs that have diverged to utilize resources in theremaining principal lake habitat, the profundal zone.
2. Here, we tested phenotype-environment correlations of three whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)morphs that have radiated into littoral, pelagic and profundal niches in northern Scandinavianlakes. We hypothesized that morphs in such trimorphic systems would have a morphology adaptedto one of the principal lake habitats (littoral, pelagic or profundal niches). Most whitefish popula-tions in the study area are formed by a single (monomorphic) whitefish morph, and we furtherhypothesized that these populations should display intermediate morphotypes and niche utiliza-tion. We used a combination of traditional (stomach content, habitat use, gill raker counts) andmore recently developed (stable isotopes, geometric morphometrics) techniques to evaluate pheno-type-environment correlations in two lakes with trimorphic and two lakes with monomorphicwhitefish.
3. Distinct phenotype-environment correlations were evident for each principal niche in whitefishmorphs inhabiting trimorphic lakes. Monomorphic whitefish exploited multiple habitats, hadintermediate morphology, displayed increased variance in gillraker-counts, and relied significantlyon zooplankton, most likely due to relaxed resource competition.
4. We suggest that the ecological processes acting in the trimorphic lakes are similar to each other,and are driving the adaptive evolution of whitefish morphs, possibly leading to the formation ofnew species.


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In ultra-low data rate wireless sensor networks (WSNs) waking up just to listen to a beacon every superframe can be a major waste of energy. This study introduces MedMAC, a medium access protocol for ultra-low data rate WSNs that achieves significant energy efficiency through a novel synchronisation mechanism. The new draft IEEE 802.15.6 standard for body area networks includes a sub-class of applications such as medical implantable devices and long-term micro miniature sensors with ultra-low power requirements. It will be desirable for these devices to have 10 years or more of operation between battery changes, or to have average current requirements matched to energy harvesting technology. Simulation results are presented to show that the MedMAC allows nodes to maintain synchronisation to the network while sleeping through many beacons with a significant increase in energy efficiency during periods of particularly low data transfer. Results from a comparative analysis of MedMAC and IEEE 802.15.6 MAC show that MedMAC has superior efficiency with energy savings of between 25 and 87 for the presented scenarios. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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The study of parallel evolution facilitates the discovery of common rules of diversification. Here, we examine the repeated evolution of thick lips in Midas cichlid fishes (the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex) - from two Great Lakes and two crater lakes in Nicaragua - to assess whether similar changes in ecology, phenotypic trophic traits and gene expression accompany parallel trait evolution. Using next-generation sequencing technology, we characterize transcriptome-wide differential gene expression in the lips of wild-caught sympatric thick- and thin-lipped cichlids from all four instances of repeated thick-lip evolution. Six genes (apolipoprotein D, myelin-associated glycoprotein precursor, four-and-a-half LIM domain protein 2, calpain-9, GTPase IMAP family member 8-like and one hypothetical protein) are significantly underexpressed in the thick-lipped morph across all four lakes. However, other aspects of lips' gene expression in sympatric morphs differ in a lake-specific pattern, including the magnitude of differentially expressed genes (97-510). Generally, fewer genes are differentially expressed among morphs in the younger crater lakes than in those from the older Great Lakes. Body shape, lower pharyngeal jaw size and shape, and stable isotopes (dC and dN) differ between all sympatric morphs, with the greatest differentiation in the Great Lake Nicaragua. Some ecological traits evolve in parallel (those related to foraging ecology; e.g. lip size, body and head shape) but others, somewhat surprisingly, do not (those related to diet and food processing; e.g. jaw size and shape, stable isotopes). Taken together, this case of parallelism among thick- and thin-lipped cichlids shows a mosaic pattern of parallel and nonparallel evolution. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Fixed and wireless networks are increasingly converging towards common connectivity with IP-based core networks. Providing effective end-to-end resource and QoS management in such complex heterogeneous converged network scenarios requires unified, adaptive and scalable solutions to integrate and co-ordinate diverse QoS mechanisms of different access technologies with IP-based QoS. Policy-Based Network Management (PBNM) is one approach that could be employed to address this challenge. Hence, a policy-based framework for end-to-end QoS management in converged networks, CNQF (Converged Networks QoS Management Framework) has been proposed within our project. In this paper, the CNQF architecture, a Java implementation of its prototype and experimental validation of key elements are discussed. We then present a fuzzy-based CNQF resource management approach and study the performance of our implementation with real traffic flows on an experimental testbed. The results demonstrate the efficacy of our resource-adaptive approach for practical PBNM systems


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In this paper, we investigate adaptive linear combinations of graph coloring heuristics with a heuristic modifier to address the examination timetabling problem. We invoke a normalisation strategy for each parameter in order to generalise the specific problem data. Two graph coloring heuristics were used in this study (largest degree and saturation degree). A score for the difficulty of assigning each examination was obtained from an adaptive linear combination of these two heuristics and examinations in the list were ordered based on this value. The examinations with the score value representing the higher difficulty were chosen for scheduling based on two strategies. We tested for single and multiple heuristics with and without a heuristic modifier with different combinations of weight values for each parameter on the Toronto and ITC2007 benchmark data sets. We observed that the combination of multiple heuristics with a heuristic modifier offers an effective way to obtain good solution quality. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach delivers promising results. We conclude that this adaptive linear combination of heuristics is a highly effective method and simple to implement.


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This paper presents a preliminary study of developing a novel distributed adaptive real-time learning framework for wide area monitoring of power systems integrated with distributed generations using synchrophasor technology. The framework comprises distributed agents (synchrophasors) for autonomous local condition monitoring and fault detection, and a central unit for generating global view for situation awareness and decision making. Key technologies that can be integrated into this hierarchical distributed learning scheme are discussed to enable real-time information extraction and knowledge discovery for decision making, without explicitly accumulating and storing all raw data by the central unit. Based on this, the configuration of a wide area monitoring system of power systems using synchrophasor technology, and the functionalities for locally installed open-phasor-measurement-units (OpenPMUs) and a central unit are presented. Initial results on anti-islanding protection using the proposed approach are given to illustrate the effectiveness.