923 resultados para acquisition of data system
Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden käyttö on yleistä iäkkäässä väestössä. Erityisen yleistä käyttö on pitkäaikaisessa laitoshoidossa asuvilla iäkkäillä. Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden haittavaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon, ja useat hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkeaineryhmät on tunnistettu murtumien riskitekijöiksi. Aikaisemmin ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön yhteyksiä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa havaittiin, että usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkeaineen yhtäaikainen käyttö oli hyvin yleistä Porin kaupunginsairaalan viidellä pitkäaikaisen laitoshoidon osastolla (n = 154) vuosien 2004 ja 2005 vaihteessa. Kolmasosa tutkituista käytti säännöllisesti kolmea tai useampaa hermostoon vaikuttavaa lääkettä samanaikaisesti. Kun huomioitiin myös tarvittaessa otettavat lääkkeet, vastaava luku oli 53 %. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös viitteitä lääkkeiden epäasianmukaisesta käytöstä, kun potilaiden käyttämiä lääkkeitä verrattiin heidän kognitiiviseen ja fyysiseen suorituskyynsä sekä asetettuihin diagnooseihin. Liedon kunnassa 1990-luvulla toteutettuun väestöpohjaiseen Liedon Iäkkäät -seurantatutkimukseen osallistui 1177 lietolaista 65 vuotta täyttänyttä. Lääkitystietoja sekä seuranta-aikana tapahtuneita murtumia analysoimalla havaittiin, että kahden tai useamman bentsodiatsepiinin sekä kahden tai useamman psykoosilääkkeen käyttö oli yhteydessä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä miehillä. Opioidin ja psykoosilääkkeen yhteiskäyttö sekä opioidin ja bentsodiatsepiinin yhteiskäyttö oli yhteydessä iäkkäiden miesten murtuman riskiin. Naisilla vastaavia tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä ei havaittu. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen uusin osa-aineisto perustui Porissa vuosina 2009–2010 toteutetun Satauni-tutkimuksen aineistoon. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin 89 potilaan aineistossa, että hallittu, yhden kuukauden aikana lääkärin ja hoitajan tuella toteutettu bentsodiatsepiinivieroitus paransi merkitsevästi 55 vuotta täyttäneiden naisten käden puristusvoimaa kuuden kuukauden seuranta-aikana. Vastaavaa yhteyttä ei havaittu miehillä. Bentsodiatsepiinivieroituksella ei ollut yhteyttä osallistujien tasapainotestin tulosten paranemiseen kuuden kuukauden seurantaaikana. Murtumilla on vakavia seurauksia sekä yksilötasolla että yhteiskunnallisesti iäkkäässä väestössä. Murtumien ehkäisy on hyvin tärkeää. Siinä tulee kiinnittää huomiota potilaan käyttämään lääkitykseen ja arvioida erityisesti usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön tarpeellisuutta.
This article discusses, from the standpoint of cellular biology, the deterministic and indeterministic androgenesis theories. The role of the vacuole and of various types of stresses on deviation of the microspore from normal development and the point where androgenetic competence is acquired are examined. Based on extensive literature review and data on wheat studies from our laboratory, a model for androgenetic capacity of pollen grain is proposed. A two point deterministic model for in vitro androgenesis is our proposal for acquisition of androgenetic potential of the pollen grain: the first switch point would be early meiosis and the second switch point the uninucleate pollen stage, because the elimination of cytoplasmatic sporophytic determinants takes place at those two strategic moments. Any abnormality in this process allowing the maintenance of sporophytic informational molecules results in the absence of establishment of a gametophytic program, allowing the reactivation of the embryogenic process
Based on the concept that the trellising system affects not only sunlight interception and carbon assimilation, but also the fruitzone microclimate, which has a great impact on fruit composition and consequently on wine quality, the effect of two trellising systems - Vertical Shoot Position (VSP) and modified Geneva Double Curtain (GDC) - on wine and berry composition of Syrah grapes grown in João Pinheiro, Northeast region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil was investigated. The parameters such as pH, berry size and weight, and seeds total phenolic contents were not affected by the training system. The GDC system produced fruits with the highest Brix and lowest titratable acidity. Berries from the VSP system presented lower anthocyanin concentration than those from the GDC system. Similar results were found for the total phenolic content of the skin of grape berries from the VSP system. GDC wines were characterized by high anthocyanin content and red color, resulting in wines with high color intensity. These data suggest that in the tropical region of Minas Gerais state, with high temperature and high sunlight intensity, the trellising system, which protects bunches against excessive radiation, should be chosen.
A quadcopter is a helicopter with four rotors, which is mechanically simple device, but requires complex electrical control for each motor. Control system needs accurate information about quadcopter’s attitude in order to achieve stable flight. The goal of this bachelor’s thesis was to research how this information could be obtained. Literature review revealed that most of the quadcopters, whose source-code is available, use a complementary filter or some derivative of it to fuse data from a gyroscope, an accelerometer and often also a magnetometer. These sensors combined are called an Inertial Measurement Unit. This thesis focuses on calculating angles from each sensor’s data and fusing these with a complementary filter. On the basis of literature review and measurements using a quadcopter, the proposed filter provides sufficiently accurate attitude data for flight control system. However, a simple complementary filter has one significant drawback – it works reliably only when the quadcopter is hovering or moving at a constant speed. The reason is that an accelerometer can’t be used to measure angles accurately if linear acceleration is present. This problem can be fixed using some derivative of a complementary filter like an adaptive complementary filter or a Kalman filter, which are not covered in this thesis.
This thesis introduces heat demand forecasting models which are generated by using data mining algorithms. The forecast spans one full day and this forecast can be used in regulating heat consumption of buildings. For training the data mining models, two years of heat consumption data from a case building and weather measurement data from Finnish Meteorological Institute are used. The thesis utilizes Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services data mining tools in generating the data mining models and CRISP-DM process framework to implement the research. Results show that the built models can predict heat demand at best with mean average percentage errors of 3.8% for 24-h profile and 5.9% for full day. A deployment model for integrating the generated data mining models into an existing building energy management system is also discussed.
This thesis aims to redesign the supply chain system in an automotive industry in order to obtain space reduction in the inventory by using tailored logistics network. The redesigning process by tailored supply chain will combine all possible shipment methods including direct shipment, milk-run, milk-run via distribution center and Kanban delivery. The current supply chain system in Nissan goes rather well when the production volume is in moderate level. However, when the production volume is high, there is a capacity problem in the warehouse to accommodate all delivered parts from suppliers. Hence, the optimization of supply chain system is needed in order to obtain efficient logistics process and effective inventory consumption. The study will use primary data for both qualitative and quantitative approach as the research methods. Qualitative data will be collected by conducting interviews with people related to procurement and inventory control. Quantitative data consists of list of suppliers with their condition in several parameters which will be evaluated and analyzed by using scoring method to assign the most suitable transportation network to each suppliers for improvement of inventory reduction in a cost efficient manner.
Middle ear infections (acute otitis media, AOM) are among the most common infectious diseases in childhood, their incidence being greatest at the age of 6–12 months. Approximately 10–30% of children undergo repetitive periods of AOM, referred to as recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM). Middle ear fluid during an AOM episode causes, on average, 20–30 dB of hearing loss lasting from a few days to as much as a couple of months. It is well known that even a mild permanent hearing loss has an effect on language development but so far there is no consensus regarding the consequences of RAOM on childhood language acquisition. The results of studies on middle ear infections and language development have been partly discrepant and the exact effects of RAOM on the developing central auditory nervous system are as yet unknown. This thesis aims to examine central auditory processing and speech production among 2-year-old children with RAOM. Event-related potentials (ERPs) extracted from electroencephalography can be used to objectively investigate the functioning of the central auditory nervous system. For the first time this thesis has utilized auditory ERPs to study sound encoding and preattentive auditory discrimination of speech stimuli, and neural mechanisms of involuntary auditory attention in children with RAOM. Furthermore, the level of phonological development was studied by investigating the number and the quality of consonants produced by these children. Acquisition of consonant phonemes, which are harder to hear than vowels, is a good indicator of the ability to form accurate memory representations of ambient language and has not been studied previously in Finnish-speaking children with RAOM. The results showed that the cortical sound encoding was intact but the preattentive auditory discrimination of multiple speech sound features was atypical in those children with RAOM. Furthermore, their neural mechanisms of auditory attention differed from those of their peers, thus indicating that children with RAOM are atypically sensitive to novel but meaningless sounds. The children with RAOM also produced fewer consonants than their controls. Noticeably, they had a delay in the acquisition of word-medial consonants and the Finnish phoneme /s/, which is acoustically challenging to perceive compared to the other Finnish phonemes. The findings indicate the immaturity of central auditory processing in the children with RAOM, and this might also emerge in speech production. This thesis also showed that the effects of RAOM on central auditory processing are long-lasting because the children had healthy ears at the time of the study. An effective neural network for speech sound processing is a basic requisite of language acquisition, and RAOM in early childhood should be considered as a risk factor for language development.
The study develops an approach that tries to validate software functionality to work systems needs in SMEs. The formulated approach is constructed by using a SAAS based software i.e., work collaboration service (WCS), and SMEs as the elements of study. Where the WCS’s functionality is qualified to the collaboration needs that exist in operational and project work within SMEs. For this research constructivist approach and case study method is selected because the nature of the current study requires an in depth study of the work collaboration service as well as a detailed study of the work systems within different enterprises. Four different companies are selected in which fourteen interviews are conducted to gather data pertaining. The work systems method and framework are used as a central part of the approach to collect, analyze and interpret the enterprises work systems model and the underlying collaboration needs on operational and project work. On the other hand, the functional model of the WCS and its functionality is determined from functional model analysis, software testing, documentation and meetings with the service vendor. The enterprise work system model and the WCS model are compared to reveal how work progression differs between the two and make visible unaddressed stages of work progression. The WCS functionality is compared to work systems collaboration needs to ascertain if the service will suffice the needs of the project and operational work under study. The unaddressed needs provide opportunities to improve the functionality of the service for better conformity to the needs of enterprise and work. The results revealed that the functional models actually differed in how operational and project work progressed within the stages. WCS shared similar stages of work progression apart from the stages of identification and acceptance, and progress and completion stages were only partially addressed. Conclusion is that the identified unaddressed needs such as, single point of reference, SLA and OLA inclusion etc., should be implemented or improved within the WCS at appropriate stages of work to gain better compliance of the service to the needs of the enterprise an work itself. The developed approach can hence be used to carry out similar analysis for the conformance of pre-built software functionality to work system needs with SMEs.
Recent studies have shown that providing learners Knowledge of Results (KR) after “good trials” rather than “poor trials” is superior for learning. The present study examined whether requiring participants to estimate their three best or three worst trials in a series of six trial blocks before receiving KR would prove superior to learning compared to not estimating their performance. Participants were required to push and release a slide along a confined pathway using their non-dominant hand to a target distance (133cm). The retention and transfer data suggest those participants who received KR after good trials demonstrated superior learning and performance estimations compared to those receiving KR after poor trials. The results of the present experiment offer an important theoretical extension in our understanding of the role of KR content and performance estimation on motor skill learning.
Data centre is a centralized repository,either physical or virtual,for the storage,management and dissemination of data and information organized around a particular body and nerve centre of the present IT revolution.Data centre are expected to serve uniinterruptedly round the year enabling them to perform their functions,it consumes enormous energy in the present scenario.Tremendous growth in the demand from IT Industry made it customary to develop newer technologies for the better operation of data centre.Energy conservation activities in data centre mainly concentrate on the air conditioning system since it is the major mechanical sub-system which consumes considerable share of the total power consumption of the data centre.The data centre energy matrix is best represented by power utilization efficiency(PUE),which is defined as the ratio of the total facility power to the IT equipment power.Its value will be greater than one and a large value of PUE indicates that the sub-systems draw more power from the facility and the performance of the data will be poor from the stand point of energy conservation. PUE values of 1.4 to 1.6 are acievable by proper design and management techniques.Optimizing the air conditioning systems brings enormous opportunity in bringing down the PUE value.The air conditioning system can be optimized by two approaches namely,thermal management and air flow management.thermal management systems are now introduced by some companies but they are highly sophisticated and costly and do not catch much attention in the thumb rules.
Data mining is one of the hottest research areas nowadays as it has got wide variety of applications in common man’s life to make the world a better place to live. It is all about finding interesting hidden patterns in a huge history data base. As an example, from a sales data base, one can find an interesting pattern like “people who buy magazines tend to buy news papers also” using data mining. Now in the sales point of view the advantage is that one can place these things together in the shop to increase sales. In this research work, data mining is effectively applied to a domain called placement chance prediction, since taking wise career decision is so crucial for anybody for sure. In India technical manpower analysis is carried out by an organization named National Technical Manpower Information System (NTMIS), established in 1983-84 by India's Ministry of Education & Culture. The NTMIS comprises of a lead centre in the IAMR, New Delhi, and 21 nodal centres located at different parts of the country. The Kerala State Nodal Centre is located at Cochin University of Science and Technology. In Nodal Centre, they collect placement information by sending postal questionnaire to passed out students on a regular basis. From this raw data available in the nodal centre, a history data base was prepared. Each record in this data base includes entrance rank ranges, reservation, Sector, Sex, and a particular engineering. From each such combination of attributes from the history data base of student records, corresponding placement chances is computed and stored in the history data base. From this data, various popular data mining models are built and tested. These models can be used to predict the most suitable branch for a particular new student with one of the above combination of criteria. Also a detailed performance comparison of the various data mining models is done.This research work proposes to use a combination of data mining models namely a hybrid stacking ensemble for better predictions. A strategy to predict the overall absorption rate for various branches as well as the time it takes for all the students of a particular branch to get placed etc are also proposed. Finally, this research work puts forward a new data mining algorithm namely C 4.5 * stat for numeric data sets which has been proved to have competent accuracy over standard benchmarking data sets called UCI data sets. It also proposes an optimization strategy called parameter tuning to improve the standard C 4.5 algorithm. As a summary this research work passes through all four dimensions for a typical data mining research work, namely application to a domain, development of classifier models, optimization and ensemble methods.
En este trabajo se describe la naturaleza y secuencia de adquisición de las preguntas interrogativas parciales en niños de habla catalana y/o castellana dentro de un marco de análisis según el cual la adquisición de las estructuras lingüísticas se construye gradualmente desde estructuras concretas hasta estructuras más abstractas. La muestra utilizada se compone de 10 niños y niñas procedentes de corpus longitudinales cuyas edades van de los 17 meses a los 3 años. El análisis se ha realizado atendiendo a la estructura sintáctica de la oración, los errores, los pronombres y adverbios interrogativos, y la tipología verbal. Los resultados muestran que la secuencia de adquisición pasa por un momento inicial caracterizado por producciones estereotipadas o fórmulas, durante el cual sólo aparecen algunas partículas interrogativas en estructuras muy concretas. Posteriormente la interrogación aparece con otros pronombres y adverbios y se diversifica a otros verbos, además, no se observan errores en la construcción sintáctica. Estos resultados suponen un hecho diferencial respecto de estudios previos en lengua inglesa
When assessing hypotheses, the possibility and consequences of false-positive conclusions should be considered along with the avoidance of false-negative ones. A recent assessment of the system of rice intensification (SRI) by McDonald et al. [McDonald, A.J., Hobbs, P.R., Riha, S.J., 2006. Does the system of rice intensification outperform conventional best management? A synopsis of the empirical record. Field Crops Res. 96, 31-36] provides a good example where this was not done as it was preoccupied with avoiding false-positives only. It concluded, based on a desk study using secondary data assembled selectively from diverse sources and with a 95% level of confidence, that 'best management practices' (BMPs) on average produce 11% higher rice yields than SRI methods, and that, therefore, SRI has little to offer beyond what is already known by scientists.
Experimental data for the title reaction were modeled using master equation (ME)/RRKM methods based on the Multiwell suite of programs. The starting point for the exercise was the empirical fitting provided by the NASA (Sander, S. P.; Finlayson-Pitts, B. J.; Friedl, R. R.; Golden, D. M.; Huie, R. E.; Kolb, C. E.; Kurylo, M. J.; Molina, M. J.; Moortgat, G. K.; Orkin, V. L.; Ravishankara, A. R. Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation Number 15; Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Pasadena, California, 2006)(1) and IUPAC (Atkinson, R.; Baulch, D. L.; Cox, R. A.: R. F. Hampson, J.; Kerr, J. A.; Rossi, M. J.; Troe, J. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data. 2000, 29, 167) 2 data evaluation panels, which represents the data in the experimental pressure ranges rather well. Despite the availability of quite reliable parameters for these calculations (molecular vibrational frequencies (Parthiban, S.; Lee, T. J. J. Chem. Phys. 2000, 113, 145)3 and a. value (Orlando, J. J.; Tyndall, G. S. J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100,. 19398)4 of the bond dissociation energy, D-298(BrO-NO2) = 118 kJ mol(-1), corresponding to Delta H-0(circle) = 114.3 kJ mol(-1) at 0 K) and the use of RRKM/ME methods, fitting calculations to the reported data or the empirical equations was anything but straightforward. Using these molecular parameters resulted in a discrepancy between the calculations and the database of rate constants of a factor of ca. 4 at, or close to, the low-pressure limit. Agreement between calculation and experiment could be achieved in two ways, either by increasing Delta H-0(circle) to an unrealistically high value (149.3 kJ mol(-1)) or by increasing
The associative sequence learning model proposes that the development of the mirror system depends on the same mechanisms of associative learning that mediate Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning. To test this model, two experiments used the reduction of automatic imitation through incompatible sensorimotor training to assess whether mirror system plasticity is sensitive to contingency (i.e., the extent to which activation of one representation predicts activation of another). In Experiment 1, residual automatic imitation was measured following incompatible training in which the action stimulus was a perfect predictor of the response (contingent) or not at all predictive of the response (noncontingent). A contingency effect was observed: There was less automatic imitation indicative of more learning in the contingent group. Experiment 2 replicated this contingency effect and showed that, as predicted by associative learning theory, it can be abolished by signaling trials in which the response occurs in the absence of an action stimulus. These findings support the view that mirror system development depends on associative learning and indicate that this learning is not purely Hebbian. If this is correct, associative learning theory could be used to explain, predict, and intervene in mirror system development.