989 resultados para acidic conditions
The effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in the calcifying algae Halimeda macroloba and Halimeda cylindracea and the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera Marginopora vertebralis were investigated through exposure to a combination of four temperatures (28°C, 30°C, 32°C, and 34°C) and four CO2 levels (39, 61, 101, and 203 Pa; pH 8.1, 7.9, 7.7, and 7.4, respectively). Elevated CO2 caused a profound decline in photosynthetic efficiency (FV : FM), calcification, and growth in all species. After five weeks at 34°C under all CO2 levels, all species died. Chlorophyll (Chl) a and b concentration in Halimeda spp. significantly decreased in 203 Pa, 32°C and 34°C treatments, but Chl a and Chl c2 concentration in M. vertebralis was not affected by temperature alone, with significant declines in the 61, 101, and 203 Pa treatments at 28°C. Significant decreases in FV : FM in all species were found after 5 weeks of exposure to elevated CO2 (203 Pa in all temperature treatments) and temperature (32°C and 34°C in all pH treatments). The rate of oxygen production declined at 61, 101, and 203 Pa in all temperature treatments for all species. The elevated CO2 and temperature treatments greatly reduced calcification (growth and crystal size) in M. vertebralis and, to a lesser extent, in Halimeda spp. These findings indicate that 32°C and 101 Pa CO2, are the upper limits for survival of these species on Heron Island reef, and we conclude that these species will be highly vulnerable to the predicted future climate change scenarios of elevated temperature and ocean acidification.
Coccolithophores are an important component of the Earth system, and, as calcifiers, their possible susceptibility to ocean acidification is of major concern. Laboratory studies at enhanced pCO2 levels have produced divergent results without overall consensus. However, it has been predicted from these studies that, although calcification may not be depressed in all species, acidification will produce "a transition in dominance from more to less heavily calcified coccolithophores" [Ridgwell A, et al., (2009) Biogeosciences 6:2611-2623]. A recent observational study [Beaufort L, et al., (2011) Nature 476:80-83] also suggested that coccolithophores are less calcified in more acidic conditions. We present the results of a large observational study of coccolithophore morphology in the Bay of Biscay. Samples were collected once a month for over a year, along a 1,000-km-long transect. Our data clearly show that there is a pronounced seasonality in the morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi, the most abundant coccolithophore species. Whereas pH and CaCO3 saturation are lowest in winter, the E. huxleyi population shifts from <10% (summer) to >90% (winter) of the heavily calcified form. However, it is unlikely that the shifts in carbonate chemistry alone caused the morphotype shift. Our finding that the most heavily calcified morphotype dominates when conditions are most acidic is contrary to the earlier predictions and raises further questions about the fate of coccolithophores in a high-CO2 world.
The long-term stability of ceramic materials that are considered as potential nuclear waste forms is governed by heterogeneous surface reactivity. Thus, instead of a mean rate, the identification of one or more dominant contributors to the overall dissolution rate is the key to predict the stability of waste forms quantitatively. Direct surface measurements by vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) and their analysis via material flux maps and resulting dissolution rate spectra provide data about dominant rate contributors and their variability over time. Using pyrochlore (Nd2Zr2O7) pellet dissolution under acidic conditions as an example, we demonstrate the identification and quantification of dissolution rate contributors, based on VSI data and rate spectrum analysis. Heterogeneous surface alteration of pyrochlore varies by a factor of about 5 and additional material loss by chemo-mechanical grain pull-out within the uppermost grain layer. We identified four different rate contributors that are responsible for the observed dissolution rate range of single grains. Our new concept offers the opportunity to increase our mechanistic understanding and to predict quantitatively the alteration of ceramic waste forms.
In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process-biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion- has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges' bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alters the chemistry of the oceans towards more acidic conditions. Polar oceans are particularly affected due to their low temperature, low carbonate content and mixing patterns, for instance upwellings. Calcifying organisms are expected to be highly impacted by the decrease in the oceans' pH and carbonate ions concentration. In particular, sea urchins, members of the phylum Echinodermata, are hypothesized to be at risk due to their high-magnesium calcite skeleton. However, tolerance to ocean acidification in metazoans is first linked to acid-base regulation capacities of the extracellular fluids. No information on this is available to date for Antarctic echinoderms and inference from temperate and tropical studies needs support. In this study, we investigated the acid-base status of 9 species of sea urchins (3 cidaroids, 2 regular euechinoids and 4 irregular echinoids). It appears that Antarctic regular euechinoids seem equipped with similar acid-base regulation systems as tropical and temperate regular euechinoids but could rely on more passive ion transfer systems, minimizing energy requirements. Cidaroids have an acid-base status similar to that of tropical cidaroids. Therefore Antarctic cidaroids will most probably not be affected by decreasing seawater pH, the pH drop linked to ocean acidification being negligible in comparison of the naturally low pH of the coelomic fluid. Irregular echinoids might not suffer from reduced seawater pH if acidosis of the coelomic fluid pH does not occur but more data on their acid-base regulation are needed. Combining these results with the resilience of Antarctic sea urchin larvae strongly suggests that these organisms might not be the expected victims of ocean acidification. However, data on the impact of other global stressors such as temperature and of the combination of the different stressors needs to be acquired to assess the sensitivity of these organisms to global change.
Peroxynitrite-dependent formation of nitrotyrosine has been associated with inactivation of various enzymes and proteins possessing functionally important tyrosines. We have previously reported an enzymatic activity modifying the nitrotyrosine residues in nitrated proteins. Here we are describing a nonenzymatic reduction of nitrotyrosine to aminotyrosine, which depends on heme and thiols. Various heme-containing proteins can mediate the reaction, although the reaction also is catalyzed by heme. The reaction is most effective when vicinal thiols are used as reducing agents, although ascorbic acid also can replace thiols with lesser efficiency. The reaction could be inhibited by (z)-1-[2-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1, but not other tested NO donors. HPLC with electrochemical detection analysis of the reaction identified aminotyrosine as the only reaction product. The reduction of nitrotyrosine was most effective at a pH close to physiological and was markedly decreased in acidic conditions. Various nitrophenol compounds also were modified in this reaction. Understanding the mechanism of this reaction could help define the enzymatic modification of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins. Furthermore, this also could assist in understanding the role of nitrotyrosine formation and reversal in the regulation of various proteins containing nitrotyrosine. It also could help define the role of nitric oxide and other reactive species in various disease states.
Viral fusion protein trimers can play a critical role in limiting lipids in membrane fusion. Because the trimeric oligomer of many viral fusion proteins is often stabilized by hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeats, higher-order oligomers might be stabilized by similar sequences. There is a hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat contiguous to a putative oligomerization domain of Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus envelope glycoprotein GP64. We performed mutagenesis and peptide inhibition studies to determine if this sequence might play a role in catalysis of membrane fusion. First, leucine-to-alanine mutants within and flanking the amino terminus of the hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat motif that oligomerize into trimers and traffic to insect Sf9 cell surfaces were identified. These mutants retained their wild-type conformation at neutral pH and changed conformation in acidic conditions, as judged by the reactivity of a conformationally sensitive mAb. These mutants, however, were defective for membrane fusion. Second, a peptide encoding the portion flanking the GP64 hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat was synthesized. Adding peptide led to inhibition of membrane fusion, which occurred only when the peptide was present during low pH application. The presence of peptide during low pH application did not prevent low pH–induced conformational changes, as determined by the loss of a conformationally sensitive epitope. In control experiments, a peptide of identical composition but different sequence, or a peptide encoding a portion of the Ebola GP heptad motif, had no effect on GP64-mediated fusion. Furthermore, when the hemagglutinin (X31 strain) fusion protein of influenza was functionally expressed in Sf9 cells, no effect on hemagglutinin-mediated fusion was observed, suggesting that the peptide does not exert nonspecific effects on other fusion proteins or cell membranes. Collectively, these studies suggest that the specific peptide sequences of GP64 that are adjacent to and include portions of the hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat play a dynamic role in membrane fusion at a stage that is downstream of the initiation of protein conformational changes but upstream of lipid mixing.
On exposure to mildly acidic conditions, apomyoglobin forms a partially folded intermediate, I. The A, B, G, and H helices are significantly structured in this equilibrium intermediate, whereas the remainder of the protein is largely unfolded. We report here the effects of mutations at helix pairing sites on the stability of I in three classes of mutants that: (i) truncate hydrophobic side chains in native helix packing sites, (ii) truncate hydrophobic side chains not involved in interhelical contacts, and (iii) extend hydrophobic side chains at residues not involved in interhelical contacts. Class I mutants significantly decrease the stability and cooperativity of folding of the intermediate. Class II and III mutants show smaller effects on stability and have little effect on cooperativity. Qualitatively similar results to those found in I were obtained for all three classes of mutants in native myoglobin (N), demonstrating that hydrophobic burial is fairly specific to native helix packing sites in I as well as in N. These results suggest that hydrophobic burial along native-like interhelical contacts is important for the formation of the cooperatively folded intermediate.
Reaction of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− and the protected thiol anion, [SC(O)OC(CH3)3]−, produces an unexpected isomer of [B20H17SC(O)OC(CH3)3]4− directly and in good yield. The isomer produced under mild conditions is characterized by an apical–apical boron atom intercage connection as well as the location of the thiol substituent on an equatorial belt adjacent to the terminal boron apex. Although the formation of this isomer from nucleophilic attack of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− has not been reported previously, the isomeric assignment has been unambiguously confirmed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 11B NMR spectroscopy. Deprotection of the thiol substituent under acidic conditions produces a protonated intermediate, [B20H18SH]3−, which can be deprotonated with a suitable base to yield the desired product, [B20H17SH]4−. The sodium salt of the resulting [B20H17SH]4− ion has been encapsulated in small, unilamellar liposomes, which are capable of delivering their contents selectively to tumors in vivo, and investigated as a potential agent for boron neutron capture therapy. The biodistribution of boron was determined after intravenous injection of the liposomal suspension into BALB/c mice bearing EMT6 mammary adenocarcinoma. At low injected doses, the tumor boron concentration increased throughout the time-course experiment, resulting in a maximum observed boron concentration of 46.7 μg of B per g of tumor at 48 h and a tumor to blood boron ratio of 7.7. The boron concentration obtained in the tumor corresponds to 22.2% injected dose (i.d.) per g of tissue, a value analogous to the most promising polyhedral borane anions investigated for liposomal delivery and subsequent application in boron neutron capture therapy.
2-Keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) aldolase catalyzes the reversible cleavage of KDPG to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The enzyme is a class I aldolase whose reaction mechanism involves formation of Schiff base intermediates between Lys-133 and a keto substrate. A covalent adduct was trapped by flash freezing KDPG aldolase crystals soaked with 10 mM pyruvate in acidic conditions at pH 4.6. Structure determination to 1.95-Å resolution showed that pyruvate had undergone nucleophilic attack with Lys-133, forming a protonated carbinolamine intermediate, a functional Schiff base precursor, which was stabilized by hydrogen bonding with active site residues. Carbinolamine interaction with Glu-45 indicates general base catalysis of several rate steps. Stereospecific addition is ensured by aromatic interaction of Phe-135 with the pyruvate methyl group. In the native structure, Lys-133 donates all of its hydrogen bonds, indicating the presence of an ɛ-ammonium salt group. Nucleophilic activation is postulated to occur by proton transfer in the monoprotonated zwitterionic pair (Glu-45/Lys-133). Formation of the zwitterionic pair requires prior side chain rearrangement by protonated Lys-133 to displace a water molecule, hydrogen bonded to the zwitterionic residues.
O aumento na demanda mundial por energia, a perspectiva de encolhimento dos recursos energéticos e a preocupação global com a questão ambiental, despertaram o interesse por fontes alternativas de energia. A biomassa lignocelulósica é abundante e de baixo custo, com potencial para complementar a produção em larga escala de combustíveis. A degradação das moléculas constituintes da parede celular à açúcares fermentescíveis e então à etanol, ocorre através da hidrólise enzimática da biomassa. Contudo, a utilização de enzimas para esse fim encontra-se em estágio exploratório e representa um gargalo na implementação de tecnologias de etanol 2G em escala industrial, desencadeando a busca de celulases bioquimicamente mais ativas, estáveis e economicamente viáveis. O presente trabalho visou a caracterização da endoglucanase I do fungo Trichoderma harzianum, e para isso foi realizada expressão, ensaios bioquímicos e biofísicos do domínio catalítico (ThCel7B-CCD) e da proteína inteira (ThCel7B-full). A enzima exibiu um perfil acidofílico, com atividade ótima em pH 3,0 a 55°C. A proteína também se mostrou capaz de hidrolisar uma variedade de substratos, sendo a maior atividade hidrolítica em β-glucano (75 U mg-1). Ao analisar a estabilidade térmica medida a 55°C em pH 5, a atividade residual manteve-se intacta por mais de 2 meses. Outra característica relevante foi o elevado grau de sinergismo entre ThCel7B e ThCel7A. Análises de microscopia eletrônica de flocos de aveia submetidas à hidrólise com ThCel7B evidenciaram os efeitos de degradação do substrato em relação às amostras controle. O conjunto desses resultados, além de importante para a compreensão do mecanismo molecular de ThCel7B e de outras endoglucanases da família GH7, também revelou uma enzima de interesse biotecnológicos uma vez que o comportamento ácido e sua estabilidade térmica são características relevantes para aplicações industriais sob condições extremamente ácidas.
l-Prolinol-based ligands anchored to Merrifield or Wang-type resins have been shown to form efficient catalysts for the enantioselective addition of dialkylzinc reagents to N-(diphenylphosphinyl)imines. The enantioselectivity achieved with the polymeric catalyst (ee up to 88%) is slightly lower than the one obtained with the homogeneous ligand N-benzyl-l-prolinol, but the polymer-supported ligand presents the advantage of its recyclability: it can be recovered and used in up to six consecutive catalytic cycles with only a slight decrease in the enantiomeric excess. The phosphinamides obtained as addition products can be transformed into the corresponding enantiomerically enriched α-branched primary amines under mild acidic conditions.
Treatment of N-tritylated tetrazoles bearing aliphatic, aromatic, or heteroaromatic substituents (including functionalized ones) with lithium powder and a catalytic amount of naphthalene led to reductive removal of the trityl group to give excellent yields of the corresponding free tetrazoles without decomposition of the tetrazole ring. The detritylation process was successfully extended to several tetrazoles that are components of sartans, an interesting class of drugs. The chemoselectivity between trityl–tetrazole and trityl–amine bond-cleavage reactions was also studied. This method represents an efficient technique for deprotection of tritylated tetrazoles under non-acidic conditions.
The probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, were encapsulated into uncoated calcium alginate beads and the same beads were coated with three types of material, chitosan, sodium alginate, and poly-L-lysine in combination with alginate. The thickness of the alginate beads increased with the addition of coating materials. No differences were detectable in the bead strength by texture analysis or in the thickness of the beads with different types of coating materials by transmission electron microscopy. The survivability of three probiotics in uncoated beads, coated beads, and as free cells (unencapsulated) was conducted in 0.6% bile salt solution and simulated gastric juice (pH 1.55) followed by incubation in simulated intestinal juice with and without 0.6% bile salt. Chitosan-coated alginate beads provided the best protection for L. acidophilus and L. casei in all treatments. However, B. bifidum did not survive the acidic conditions of gastric juice even when encapsulated in coated heads. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A systematic study using solid phase peptide synthesis has been undertaken to examine the role of the disulfide bonds in the structure and function of mEGF. A combination of one, two and three native disulfide pair analogues of an active truncated (4-48) form of mEGF have been synthesised by replacing specific cysteine residues with isosteric alpha-amino-n-butyric acid (Abu). Oxidation of the peptides was performed using either conventional aerobic oxidation at basic pH, in DMSO under acidic conditions or via selective disulfide formation using orthogonal protection of the cysteine pairs. The contribution of individual, or pairs of, disulfide bonds to EGF structure was evaluated by CD and H-1-NMR spectroscopy. The mitogenic activity of each analogue was determined using Balb/c 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. As we have reported previously (Barnham et al. 1998), the disulfide bond between residues 6 and 20 can be removed with significant retention of biological activity (EC50 20-50 nM). The overall structure of this analogue was similar to that of native mEGF, indicating that the loss of the 6-20 disulfide bridge did not affect the global fold of the molecule. We now show that removal of any other disulfide bond, either singly or in pairs, results in a major disruption of the tertiary structure, and a large loss of activity (EC50>900 nM). Remarkably, the linear analogue appears to have greater activity (EC50 580 nM) than most one and two disulfide bond analogues although it does not have a definable tertiary structure.