331 resultados para aboveground


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植物性状是植物与环境长期互作过程中表现出的内在或外部的特征。目前植物生态学界关于植物性状的研究,主要包括以下三个方面的研究内容:植物性状与环境因子间的关系,反映植物性状对环境变化的响应或适应机制;植物性状与生态系统功能的关系,以更好地揭示生态系统功能的内在驱动机制;植物性状间的相关关系和消长对策,反映植物性状的协同进化机制。 本试验所在地区内蒙古多伦十三里滩为典型克氏针茅草原,水分为当地生态系统的主要限制因素。我们在当地的围封样地内,采用人工模拟生长季降雨变化梯度的方法,研究了内蒙古典型草原几种常见植物叶片功能性状对模拟降雨量梯度的响应、性状之间的协变关系以及植物性状与地上部分生物量间的关系。研究工作在2005-2006年期间进行。观测的叶片性状包括叶片干物质含量(LDMC),比叶面积(SLA)和叶片氮含量(LNCmass, LNCarea),以地上部分生物量作为年净初级生产力(ANPP)估计,降雨量梯度模拟了两个水平,即对照(接收正常降雨)和增雨。主要结论如下:1) 叶片性状在降雨量梯度上的变化趋势在物种水平上表现出多样化的特点,性状的变化趋势是否有显著的格局取决于物种或特定性状。2) 叶片性状对水分梯度的响应在功能群水平上表现出各自的特点,Grass功能群对水分梯度的响应敏感性较低,Forb居中,Legume表现出较强的敏感性,表明Grass功能群对水分的耐受性比较强,这在一定程度上解释了当地克氏针茅草原上目前以禾草类为主的现状,对物种之间的替代有一定的指示性。而群落水平上探讨性状在环境梯度上的变异趋势,研究结论存在较大的不确定性,主要是难以区分环境和系统发育背景对植物性状的影响。3)叶片功能性状间的协变关系,不同物种因其自身发生背景不同,在不同环境背景下总体表现出一致的变化规律,但也存在例外。相对而言,对功能性状间协变关系的研究在物种水平或功能群水平上更有意义,而在群落水平上所得结论,可能会掩盖了群落内部不同物种或不同功能群间的信息。4)叶片功能性状与草原地上部生物量的关系在功能群水平上呈显著正相关关系,再次验证了土壤含水量的变化同土壤氮元素的动态,共同影响了植物的氮利用策略,进一步影响了初级生产力等和氮元素直接相关植物性状参数。在群落水平上叶片功能性状与生物量的之间并没有表现出可遵循的规律性,说明叶片功能性状对生物量的作用更多地局限在群落内部的组织层次上发挥作用。5)本研究的虽然从不同的组织层次上探讨了叶片功能性状对环境、性状之间的协变关系以及与地上部分生物量间的关系,由于植物性状变化幅度可能与环境梯度密切相关,如果模拟环境梯度不够大,可能会影响结论的普遍性。此外,本次野外控制试验时间较短,数据量偏少,本文的结论尚需要进一步验证。


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为了研究草地群落发展的初期阶段物种多样性和生产力的关系及对降雨梯度的响应,同时确定草地群落面对降雨量的波动时物种多样性和地上生物量稳定性的关系,我们在2004-2005年在内蒙古草原进行一个为期二年的实验。我们在降雨梯度内(增雨、对照、减雨)模拟群落物种丰富度(4种,8种和14种)。我们的结果表明,在草地群落早期阶段观测到的物种丰富度及地上生物量的关系不同于群落发展成熟稳定时的关系。我们发现:1)无论是在群落水平还是功能群水平,盖度相对物种丰富度都是一个决定群落地上生物量的重要因素; 2)不同植物功能群表现出不同的物种丰富度-地上生物量的关系。这可能是因为不同功能群植物的横向扩展能力不同导致;3)在群落水平和豆科固氮功能群,地上生物量随着土壤含水量的增加而增加,但禾本功能群和非豆科非禾本功能群的关系不显著;4)降雨量变化对物种多样性和地上生物量的关系影响不大;5)在我们实验中,具有较高的物种丰富度植物群落的地上生物量比那些物种丰富度低的群落较为稳定,我们的研究结果因此支持“保险假说”;6)土壤含氮量和含碳量呈现非常显著的正相关关系。 为了补充2004-2005年实验结果,我们在2006年同一个实验样地进行了另一个实验。2006年实验土壤经过翻耕平整,然后选择植物幼苗移载。在这种情况下,我们发现:1)物种组成是决定地上生物量一个关键因素;2)降雨量变化对物种多样性和地上生物量的关系影响不大; 3)混合群落表现出超产效应,物种丰富度高的群落超产的比例较高;4)在三个水分处理梯度都没有发现物种丰富度和群落可靠度存在相关关系;5)在所有水分处理样方都发现地上生物量和土壤含氮量呈现非常显著的负相关关系;6)土壤含氮量和土壤含碳量与土壤湿度呈现非常显著的正相关关系;7)土壤含氮量和含碳量呈现非常显著的正相关关系。


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采用样方法研究了首曲湿地功能区"黑土滩"退化草甸改良后3 a的群落特征变化,分析了围栏封育和补播"高寒1号"生态组合草种对退化草甸的恢复改良效果.结果显示:仅封育3 a后,"黑土滩"退化草甸群落的盖度、高度、地上生物量和可食牧草比例均显著提高,丰富度指数由0.55增加到0.75,多样性指数由0.07增加到了0.25;封育后补播"高寒1号"生态草种相对于封育前,使得退化草甸的盖度增加了56.00%,高度增加了11.74 cm,地上生物量增加了222.24 g/m~2,可食牧草比例增加了55.98%,物种数由5种/m~2增加到了15种/m~2,丰富度指数由0.55增加到了3.29,多样性指数由0.07增加到了1.85,均匀度指数由0.06增加到了0.27.相对围栏封育而言,封育后补播是一种更有效的"黑土滩"退化草甸改良恢复措施.围栏封育和补播配套实施可以显著改善"黑土滩"退化草地的群落貌相、草地生产力和组分结构状况.


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结合野外调查与室内试验对子午岭辽东栎天然林的种群生长状况,枯落层种子库,不同坡位土壤种子库物种组成、数量特征、生活型及其与地上植被的相似性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明:(1)试验萌发鉴定出的幼苗共有24种,隶属于16科,其中多年生草本和落叶灌木物种比例最高,分别占种子库物种总数的58.33%和12.5%;(2)整个子午岭天然辽东栎林土壤种子库总密度为12 761.44粒/m2,种子主要分布在枯枝落叶层和0-2.5 cm土层中,其中,辽东栎种子密度为752.5粒/m2,占整个样地土壤种子库总密度的5.89%,表明辽东栎种子萌发能力很差,该林分群落天然更新缓慢。(3)子午岭天然辽东栎林的下坡位物种多样性指数较其它坡位高,但各个样地物种多样性指数均高于对照;(4)天然辽东栎纯林的种群生长状况良好,树龄均为成年树种;(5)方差分析表明:辽东栎的胸径、地径在不同坡位之间均具有显著性差异(P>0.05);(6)相关分析表明:枯枝落叶层厚度,重量与土壤种子库密度之间具无显著相关性(P<0.05)。


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基于苜蓿长期连续种植定位试验,研究了不同施肥与采样位置差异对苜蓿草地地上部分生物量和土壤水分的影响。苜蓿长期连续种植19年后,施肥对苜蓿地上部分生物量的影响不显著;试验样地内呈由外及内植株高度逐渐下降、地上部分生物量积累逐渐减小的"生物漏斗"现象,距样地中心位置不同引起的差异远远超过施肥处理引起的差异。中下层土壤水分也呈类似的漏斗状分布。相关分析表明,苜蓿地上部分生物量与1 m以下土壤水分含量呈显著相关,表明在长期连续种植条件下下层土壤水分状况是决定苜蓿草地生长状况的主要因素。


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以宁夏固原上黄东山封育的人工柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)灌丛林下草地为研究对象,并以设置在其周围的放牧地天然草地作为对照,采用样线法进行群落调查,分析二者群落数量特征和地上生物量变化,以期为退化草地植被恢复提供理论依据。结果表明:上黄东山封育后的人工柠条灌丛林下草地群落物种数较放牧地显著增加,封育区本氏针茅(Stipa bungeana Trin.)的优势地位明显加强,重要值远大于放牧地;人工灌丛林下草地与放牧地的相似性系数为0.585,表明二者的相似程度不高,人工种植的柠条对群落的结构影响较大,能够改善草地群落的小生境,为新物种出现提供良好的环境;物种丰富度指数和多样性指数(Shannon-winner指数)均表现为人工灌丛林下草地显著高于放牧地(P<0.05),而均匀度指数则相反(P<0.01);人工柠条灌丛林下草地地上生物量鲜重极显著高于放牧地(P<0.01)。


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退耕草地演替的研究对了解现有退耕草地的变化趋势有重要意义,也可以为退耕地的植被恢复提供科学依据。本研究采用以空间代替时间的方法,对处于不同演替时间阶段退耕草地的土壤碳储量以及植被的地上部分与根系生物碳储量变化进行了研究,结果表明,退耕草地演替过程中,地上部分生物碳储量呈阶梯式上升趋势,演替初期地上部分生物碳储量先降后升,并在演替的22~32年,保持相对平稳,之后在演替的40~60年,达到第2个相对平稳的阶段。根系生物碳储量也呈分阶段的阶梯式上升趋势,但第1个相对平稳的阶段出现在演替的第12~28年,在演替的第32~60年出现第2个相对平稳的阶段。退耕草地的土壤碳储量在退耕演替的初期下降,且在演替的第1~12年一直小于农地,在演替的第15年之后,土壤碳储量逐步上升。在0~150 cm的不同土层中,土壤有机碳含量以0~15 cm最高,在演替的1~12年,各土层有机碳含量均小于农地,之后在演替的第15~60年,各土层土壤有机碳含量均随演替时间的增加有所增加,且0~50 cm表层土壤有机碳含量在演替第34~60年迅速积累,增幅较大。在演替初期,草地地上部分生物碳储量、根系生物碳储量和土壤碳储量较演替第1年均表现为下降...


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近年来,随着对作物重茬障碍原因的深入研究,植物的化感作用越来越受到国内外众多学者的重视。花椒(Zanthoxy piperitum.)为芸香科植物,是一种收益早、用途广、价值高的经济树种,是川西干旱河谷地区的重要经济作物,其连作障碍也倍受关注,系统研究花椒化感作用将有助于理解和最终解决花椒连作障碍问题。本文首先通过萃取、层析等方法分离花椒主效化感成分;通过外加不同浓度的花椒叶水浸液研究了对土壤氮素养分循环的影响;研究了花椒叶水浸液对苜蓿生理生化、光合作用、氮素养分吸收的影响,并对外施氮肥对这种化感影响的缓解作用做了研究;研究了花椒化感潜力对全球变化——UV-B增强辐射的响应。主要研究结果如下: 1.用不同极性的有机溶剂对花椒叶水浸液浓缩浸膏萃取、柱层析,结合生物活性检测,分离得到主效化感作用组分的一种化感物质——对甲氧基苯酚。采用该物质纯品进行生物活性检测,证明其具有化感作用。 2.花椒叶水浸液处理土壤30天后,土壤硝态氮、铵态氮、无机氮(硝态氮+铵态氮)与对照相比,随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加呈现降低的趋势,其中土壤铵态氮含量显著降低,而硝态氮含量的变化则不显著,无机氮含量也显著降低。土壤脲酶和蛋白酶的活性与无机氮含量的变化趋势相同。随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加,氨化细菌数量显著降低,固氮菌的数量变化不显著,硝化细菌和反硝化细菌数量有减少的趋势。60天后,硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、无机氮随水浸液浓度增加的变化趋势与30天时相似;随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加,氨化细菌、固氮菌的数量显著减少,硝化细菌数量、反硝化细菌数量仍呈减少趋势;土壤脲酶、蛋白酶活性与第30天的变化趋势相同。第60天与第30天的结果相比,相同水浸液浓度处理的硝态氮、铵态氮、无机氮均有下降的趋势,但除了25g.L-1水浸液处理的外,其它相同浓度的处理间差异均不显著;除了12.5 g.L的处理外土壤脲酶活性均呈增强的趋势;蛋白酶活性都有不同程度的增加;花椒叶水浸液处理的土壤硝化细菌和反硝化细菌数量呈增加趋势。 3.随着花椒叶水浸液浓度的增加,显著抑制了苜蓿根长、地上地下生物量、叶绿素含量、叶片中可溶性蛋白的含量,净光合速率。苜蓿体内四种抗氧化酶(POD、SOD、CAT、APX) 活性随着水浸液浓度的增加而降低,而丙二醛含量则增加。苜蓿氮初级同化相关酶硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)的活性随着水浸液浓度的增加受到不同程度的影响。总的来说,苜蓿硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰合成酶的活性受到抑制,而谷氨酸脱氢酶活性的变化则比较复杂,根呈先降低后增加的趋势,叶片则无显著变化。外施两种不同浓度的硝酸铵氮肥后,对12.5、25 g.L-1花椒叶水浸液处理的苜蓿化感作用有显著的缓解作用,表现在株高、生物量、光合作用等方面,大多达到与对照(0 g.L-1)未施氮肥无显著差异的水平,而对50 g.L-1水浸液处理的苜蓿幼苗,虽有一定的缓解作用,但这种作用均未达到与对照(0 g.L-1)未施氮肥时无显著差异的水平。 4. UV-B增强辐射处理花椒后,花椒的化感潜力显著增强。花椒叶片内UV-B吸收物质的含量和总酚含量均显著增加。 In recent years, with profound research on the reasons of continuous cropping obstacles, allelopathy received increasing attention to many scholars at home and abroad. Zanthoxy bungeanum as a Rutaceae plant is a high economic value species which gains early and uses widely. Zanthoxylum is an important economic crop in the arid valley of western Sichuan region, and its not even has received much concern for the continuous cropping obstacles. The systematic study of allelopathy of Zanthoxylum will contribute to the understanding and final settlement of this issue. The major allelopathic composition was separated through the extraction, chromatography combined with other methods. The impact on soil nutrient cycling was also studied through the addition of different concentrations of water extracts of Zanthoxylum. Furthermore, the effects of water extracts of Zanthoxylum leaves on alfalfa leaf physiological and biochemical indexes, photosynthesis, soil enzymes and nutrient uptake of nitrogen and the mitigation of allelopathy through using external fertilizer were studied to put forward scientific resolvent for Zanthoxylum continuous cropping obstacles .The response of allelopathic potential of Zanthoxylum to global change - UV-B enhanced radiation was studied . The main findings are as follows: 1. Through extraction with different polar organic solvents on concentrated water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf and then using column chromatography combined with detection of biological activity, one of the main allelopathic components- methoxy-phenol was isolated. The biological activity testing of the pure material of methoxy-phenol proved that it does have allelopathic potential. 2. Thirty days after treating soil with water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, as compared with the control, the contents of soil nitrate, ammonium, nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen showed a trend of decrease with the increase of the concentration of water extract whereas the content of ammonium nitrogen showed a significant reduction, and the content of nitrate did not change significantly, the content of nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen also showed a significant (P <0.05) redction. The activity of soil urease and protease showed the same trend as the content of nitrate nitrogen plus ammonium nitrogen. With the increase in the concentration of water extract, the number of ammonification bacteria significantly reduced but nitrogen-fixing bacteria did not change significantly and there was a decreasing trend in the number of nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria. Sixty days after the treatment, with the increase in solution concentration of water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, the content of nitrate、 ammonium nitrogen, nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen showed a similar change trend to 30 days’; the number of ammonification bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria significantly reduced ; the number of nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria was still an downward trend; the activity of soil urease and protease showed the same trend as the 30th days’. Compared to the results of the 30th days’, the content of nitrate, ammonium, nitrate plus ammonium nitrogen showed a decrease trend between the treatment of same concentration, but there was no significant difference except the treatment of 25g.L-1 between the same concentration; the activity of soil urease showed enhanced trend except the treatment of 12.5 g.L-1; the activity of protease increased to varying degrees; the number of ammonification bacteria、 nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria were growing while nitrogen-fixing bacteria reduced.. 3. With the increase of the concentration of water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, the water extract significantly inhibited the root length, aboveground biomass, content of chlorophyll and soluble protein in leaf and net photosynthetic rate. The activity of four antioxidant enzymes (POD, SOD, CAT, APX) reduced with the increase in concentration of the water extract but the content of MDA increased. The activity of enzymes related to primary nitrogen assimilation such nitrate reductase (NR), glutamyl synthetase (GS), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were subject to different degrees with an increase in the concentration of water extracts. In general, the activity of nitrate reductase, glutamyl synthetase were inhibited, while change in the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase was more complex. The activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in leaf was first reduced and then increase,but did not change significantly in root. After using two external different concentrations of nitrogen fertilizer, there was a significant mitigation in inhibiton in plant height, biomass, photosynthesis, etc. in the treatment of 12.5,25 gL-1 of water extract of Zanthoxylum leaf, and most of these indexes showed no significant difference with the control (0 g.L-1, no external fertilizer was added) .Although there showed a certain degree of ease in the treatment of 50 g.L-1 , there was still a significant difference compared with the control (0 gL-1) in which no external fertilizer was used. 4.The allelopathic potential of Zanthoxylum positively responded to enhanced UV-B significantly. The content of UV-B absorbing compounds and the total phenol also significant increased.


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土壤微生物量、可溶性有机碳与氮虽然只占土壤有机碳、氮总量的较小部分,但可以在土壤全碳、氮变化之前反映土壤微小的变化,又直接参与土壤生物化学转化过程,因而在植被恢复过程中,较其它土壤理化性质等能够更好地指示土壤恢复情况。在青藏高原东缘存在大面积的次生人工林替代灌丛或采伐迹地,而关于这些人工林替代后的生态效果和生态过程的评估却十分缺乏,本研究通过评估岷江上游植被恢复重建过程中典型人工替代次生植被凋落物层与土壤碳、氮等养分大小,动态监测土壤微生物生物量、水溶性碳、氮等指标,结合温度与凋落物输入等影响土壤活性有机碳、氮因子的控制试验,系统分析不同人工替代次生植被土壤碳、氮等养分的差异原因,试图寻找低效人工林优化调控与持续管理技术,为区域生态公益林持续管理提供理论和技术依据。主要结论如下: 1. 通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物层和土壤碳、氮分析发现,油松和华山松人工林替代次生灌丛后土壤碳、氮含量较灌丛和阔叶人工林低,主要原因可能为凋落物质量(C/N)较差,而引起碳、氮等元素难以归还土壤。进而通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物层和土壤微生物生物量、水溶性有机碳、氮等指标的季节性动态模式的分析,发现各次生植被土壤微生物生物量C、N,P以及土壤水溶性碳、氮含量均呈明显季节性动态,呈现秋季明显大于其它季节,冬季最低,在表层土壤最为明显。 2. 油松、华山松人工林凋落物层和土壤水溶性有机碳(WDOC)、土壤水溶性有机氮(WDON)明显低于灌丛和连香树,土壤微生物生物量C、N也以油松和华山松人工林最低,而落叶类植被,如灌丛、连香树和落叶松之间没有明显差异,说明可利用底物的数量和质量差异是影响各次生植被凋落物分解和土壤微生物活性的主要原因。MBC/OC和MBN/ON能较好地指示土壤微生物活性的变化,MBC/OC凋落层总体以灌丛和连香树人工林最高,油松和华山松人工林最低;而土壤中MBC/OC连香树人工最高,华山松人工林最低。说明以油松和华山松为主的人工造林替代乡土阔叶灌丛造成土壤C、N等养分严重匮乏,微生物活性低下是影响其养分周转的主要原因。 3. 从各次生植被凋落物产生看,凋落物年归还量最大的为华山松人工林(5.1×103 kg ha-1),其次为落叶松人工林(4.8×103 kg ha-1),阔叶灌丛林地凋落物产生总量(4.4×103 kg ha-1)略大于油松人工林(4.2×103 kg ha-1),最小的为连香树人工林(3.6×103 kg ha-1);叶是凋落物的主体,落叶类树种月动态表现为单峰型,高峰主要在10-11月,如落叶松、连香树和灌丛林;常绿的松类月动态不明显,各月基本相同,最为明显地为油松林,华山松人工林略有二个小峰,分别出现在11月和5月。落叶阔叶灌丛的凋落物分解速率大于常绿针叶林,如油松和华山松。结合凋落物的产生量和分解速率,不同树种人工林替代次生阔叶灌丛后,人工油松和华山松林枯落物总贮量和厚度明显大于落叶松人工林、灌丛林和连香树人工林,说明以油松和华山松为主的人工造林替代乡土阔叶灌丛延缓了有机物向土壤的顺利归还,不利于土壤C、N等养分循环。 4. 通过控制地面凋落物和地下根系输入有机物对土壤碳、氮的影响研究发现,(1) 单独去除根系以及根系与地面凋落物同时去除处理1年后对表层(0-10cm)土壤WDOC均没有显著影响,而土壤WDON显著增加,油松人工林土壤微生物生物量C、N显著降低,人工落叶松林没有显著差异,说明油松人工林土壤微生物活性对地下碳输入的依赖大于其它次生植被,而落叶松土壤微生物活性对地下碳输入依赖性较小;去除地面凋落物,明显降低了落叶松人工林土壤WDOC,华山松和连香树土壤WDON均较对照显著减少,油松人工林土壤微生物量C较对照显著减少;双倍增加地面凋落物处理对土壤微生物生物量、WDOC和WDON没有明显地增加,相反,连香树、华山松和油松人工林土壤WDON较对照减少。说明油松人工林微生物活性不仅依赖于地下碳输入,而且对地上有机物输入的依赖性也较大;连香树、落叶松和华山松人工林土壤微生物生物量并没有因地面凋落物的去除减少可能与土壤总有机碳含量及活性均较高有关,而双倍增加地面凋落物反而降低了土壤微生物生物量,说明凋落物覆盖后改变了土壤微气候。 5. 碳矿化累积量与有机碳含量和活性有机碳含量之间存在显著地正相关关系。凋落物碳累积矿化量、矿化速率以连香树最高,油松和华山松人工林次之,落叶阔叶灌丛低于常绿针叶纯林,导致其差异的主要原因可能为凋落物产生的时间动态模式不一样,致使凋落物起始分解时间不一致。而土壤层有机碳矿化速率和矿化量以阔叶落叶灌丛和连香树最高,油松和华山松人工土壤最低,再次证实利用针叶纯林恢复植被阻碍了有机质周转与循环。 6. 凋落物累积矿化量与C/N值呈显著地相关关系,并随着温度的升高而明显增加,而土壤累积矿化量与C/N值没有显著相关关系,说明土壤有机碳质量(C/N)对温度的响应不十分明显。通过双指数模型对不同温度下碳矿化过程进行模拟和计算出活性有机碳与惰性有机碳比例,发现温度升高促进了惰性有机碳向活性有机碳的转化,增加了活性有机碳含量,说明温度升高可促进次生植被凋落物与土壤有机质的分解,进而可影响到林地碳源/汇关系的变化。 综上,通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物与土壤C、N大小、以及土壤微生物生物量、水溶性C、N等指标动态变化模式研究,结合温度与凋落物数量输入等影响土壤活性C、N因子的综合分析,以油松和华山松人工纯林对山地植被恢复,延缓或阻碍了有机质周转与循环,造成了土壤肥力退化。对现有低效人工纯林改造,应为地面大量有机物分解创造条件。 Although soil microbial biomass, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are a small part of total soil organic carbon and nitrogen, they can directly participate in the process of soil biochemical translation and indicate the fine changes before changes of soil total organic carbon and nitrogen occur. So, they are good indexes to indicate soil restoration condition during the process of vegetation rehabilitation. There are large areas of secondary vegetations which substitute for indigenous shrubs in the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, it is not well known that the ecological effect and process after substitution by different secondary plantations. Based on comparison of soil organic and nitrogen contents in litter layer and soil under different secondary vegetations in upper reaches of Minjiang River, soil microbial biomass, DOC and DON in litter layer and soil were investigated in order to analyze the seasonal dynamic. Combining the effects of temperature, litter input and root exclusion on soil microbial biomass, DOC and DON, we also aim to understand the reason and mechanism of difference in soil carbon and nitrogen contents among different secondary vegetations. The study would contribute to comprehensively understanding C and N cycling processes and provide optimal control and sustainable technology of low-effect plantations in these regions. The results are as follows: (1) Organic carbon and nitrogen in litter layers and soil under different substitution plantations were investigated. The results showed that contents of soil organic carbon and nitrogen were lower in P. tabulaeformis (PT) and P. armandi Franch(PA) than those in native broad-leaf shrub and broad-leaf plantation. The low quality (C/N) of litter in PT and PA plantations caused carbon and nitrogen returning to soil difficultly. Seasonal dynamic of soil microbial carbon (MBC),-nitrogen (MBN),-phosphor (MBP), and WDOC and WDON showed similar pattern, which had the highest values in autumn and the lowest values in winter. (2) WDOC and WDON in litter layers and soil under PT and PA plantations were significantly lower than those in native broad-leaf shrub and Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc.(CJ). Soil MBC and MBN were also the lowest, while there were no significant differences among deciduous vegetations, i.e. native broad-leaf shrub, CJ and Larix kaempferi Lamb.(LK) plantation. The results suggested that difference in quantity and quality of available substance was main reason that affected the activity of microbe in soil and litter layer. MBC/OC and MBN/ON were good indexes to indicate the change of soil microbial activity. MBC/OC of litter had the highest value under native broad-leaf shrub and CJ plantation, and had the lowest value in PT and PA plantations, while MBC/OC of soil was the highest under CJ plantation, and was the lowest in PT and PA plantations. These results indicated that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub caused deficit of carbon and nitrogen in soil, low microbial activity was a main reason influencing the cycling and turnover of carbon and nitrogen in soil. (3) The annual litter fall production, composition, seasonal dynamic and decomposition of five typical secondary stands in upper reaches of Minjiang River were studied in this paper. The annual litter productions were: PA (5.1×103 kg ha-1), LK(4.8×103 kg ha-1), native broad-leaf shrub (4.4×103 kg ha-1), PT(4.2×103 kg ha-1),CJ(3.6×103 kg ha-1). The litter production of leaves in five secondary vegetations occupied a higher percentage in the annual total litter production than those of other components. The litterfall was mostly producted in the cool and dry period (October-November) for deciduous vegetations and relatively equably producted in every season for evergreen coniferous vegetations. The decomposition rate of leaf litter in the broad-leaf stand was higher than those in evergreen coniferous stand. Combined with annual litter fall production and decomposition rate of leaf litter, we found that stock and depth of litter layer were significantly larger in PT and PA plantations than those in native broad-leaf shrub, LK and CJ plantations. The results confirmed that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub delayed organic matter returning to soil and hindered cycling of carbon and nitrogen again. (4) We explored plant litter removal, double litter addition, root trenching, and combining root trenching and litter removal treatments to examine the effects of above- and belowground carbon inputs on soil microbial biomass, WDOC and WDON in four secondary plantations. During the experimental period from June 2007 to July 2008, 1 year after initiation of the treatments, WDOC in soil did not vary in root trenching, and combining root trenching and litter removal treatments, while WDON in soil significantly increased compared with CK treatment. Root trenching reduced soil MBC and MBN in PT plantation, while MBC and MBN in soil did not vary in LK plantation. The rasults implied that soil microbial activity was more dependent on belowground carbon input in PT plantation than those in other secondary plantations, on the contrary, soil microbial activity in LK plantation was not dependent on belowground carbon input. Plant litter removal significantly decreased soil WDOC in LK plantation, decreased WDON in PA and CJ plantations, and also significantly reduced soil MBC in PT plantation. However, double litter addition did not increase soil microbial biomass, WDOC and WDON, on the contrary, soil WDON in CJ, PA and PT plantations were decreased. These suggested that soil microbial activity was not only dependent on belowground carbon input, but also on aboveground organic material input. Double litter addition could change the microclimate and result in the decrease of soil microbial activity in CJ, PA and PT plantations. (5) We measured carbon mineralization in a 107 days incubation experiment in 5℃,15℃ and 25℃. Carbon cumulative mineralization was positively correlated with organic matter and labile organic carbon in litter layer and soil. Cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate of litter layers in PT and PA plantations were higher than that in native broad-leaf shrub. This difference between native broad-leaf shrub and coniferous plantations in cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate of litter layers could be attributed to the initiating time of decomposition due to the difference in seasonal dynamic of litter fall production between two types of secondary plantations. However, cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate in soil were the highest in native broad-leaf shrub and CJ plantation, and were the lowest in PT and PA plantations. This also confirmed that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub hindered the cycling and turnover of organic matter again. (6) Carbon cumulative mineralization was positively correlated with C/N in litter layer and increased with temperature increasing, while carbon cumulative mineralization was not correlated with C/N in soil. This indicated that soil organic matter quality (C/N) was insensitive to temperature. Applying bi-exponential model, we computed the percent of labile and stable carbon in different temperature incubation and found that temperature increasing would accelerate the transform from stable carbon to labile carbon and increase the percentage of labile organic carbon. This illuminated that temperature incraesing could facilitate the decomposition of litter and soil organic matter in secondary vegetations and hence affect the relationship between carbon source and sink.


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由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20世纪升高了0.6 ℃,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ℃。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统影响深远,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。高海拔、高纬度地带的生态系统对气候变化最敏感。而在高原和高山极端环境影响下所形成的高寒草甸生态系统极其脆弱,对由于温室效应引起的全球气候变化极其敏感,对这些变化的响应更具有超前性。 本研究以川西北高寒草甸植物群落及几种主要物种为研究对象,采用国际山地综合研究中心(ITEX)普遍所采用的增温方法-----开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对高寒草甸植物群落结构、物质分配及其主要物种生长和生理的影响,以探讨高寒草甸植物响应与适应气候变暖的生物学和生态学机制。主要研究结论如下: 1、OTC的增温效果 由于地温、地表温度和气温的平均值在OTC内分别高出对照样地0.28℃、0.46℃和1.4℃,这说明本研究所采用的开顶式生长室(OTC)起到了增温的作用;同时,由于温室内与温室外接受的降水量相同,温室内由于热量条件的改善,土壤蒸发和植被的蒸腾作用增强,直接导致了OTC内土壤表层相对湿度的减少。 2、群落结构对增温的响应 由于增温时间较短,增温内外样地的物种组成并未发生改变;但增温后一定程度上改变了植物群落的小气候环境,从而导致物种间的竞争关系被破坏,种间竞争关系的破坏引起群落优势种组成发生相应的改变,在对照样地,鹅绒委陵菜、甘青老鹳草、遏蓝菜和蚤缀是占绝对优势的物种,而在OTC内,小米草、尼泊尔酸模、垂穗披碱草、发草和羊茅的重要性显著增加。 禾草和杂草由于对增温的生物学特性及其资源利用响应的不同,加之增温造成土壤含水量下降等环境因子的改变。与对照样地相比较,OTC内禾草的盖度及生物量都显著增加,而杂草的盖度和生物量则显著下降。 3、植物生长期对增温的响应 OTC内立枯和调落物的生物量在生长季末(10月份)都要小于对照样地的立枯和调落物生物量,而OTC内的地上鲜体生物量在10月份却略高于对照样地。这说明OTC内植物的衰老或死亡得以延缓,而植物的生长期得以延长。 4、群落生物量及分配对增温的响应 OTC内的地上鲜体生物量(10月份除外)和地下0-30cm的根系生物量与对照样地相比较,都出现了不同程度的减少;土壤根系的分配格局也发生了明显的改变,其中,OTC内0-10cm土层的生物量分配比例增加,而20-30cm土层生物量分配比例的减少。 5、群落碳、氮对增温的响应 增温后,OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的碳浓度不同程度的高于对照样地,植物群落的碳库在OTC内也略高于对照样地;而OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的氮浓度不同程度的低于对照样地,其植物群落的氮库与对照样地相比也略有下降。 6、几种主要植物的生长及物质分配对增温的响应 垂穗披碱草在增温后株高、比叶面积和地上生物量均显著地增加;尼泊尔酸模在增温后比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地增加,而各组分中,增温处理使叶的生物量显著增加,而根的生物量却显著下降;鹅绒委陵菜在增温后株高、比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地减少,而各组分中,增温处理使叶和茎的生物量显著减少,根的生物量却显著地增加。 尼泊尔酸模的LMR、RMR、R/S、根部碳含量、碳和氮在叶片与根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、根部氮含量、碳和氮在茎部的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低;鹅绒委陵菜的RMR、R/S、碳和氮在根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、LMR、碳在叶片的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低 7、几种主要植物的光合生理过程对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片中的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量在增温后显著减少,类胡萝卜素含量在增温后却显著增加。 增温对3种植物的气体交换产生了显著影响。其中,垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的光响应曲线在增温后明显高于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著增加,而LCP则显著降低;鹅绒委陵菜的光响应曲线在增温后则明显的低于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著减少,而LCP则显著增加。 增温后垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP则显著减少,qN却显著地增加。 8、几种主要植物的抗氧化酶系统对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,植物膜脂过氧化作用降低;鹅绒委陵菜叶片中酶促反应和非酶促反应在增温后也显著提高,但可能由于增温后的土壤干旱超过了鹅绒委陵菜叶的抗氧化保护能力,抗氧化酶活性及非酶促反应(脯氨酸、类胡萝卜素)的提高不足以完全清除干旱诱导形成的过量活性氧,因此叶片的膜脂过氧化程度仍然显著提高。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6 ℃ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase in this century by 1.4-5.8 ℃. The global warming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems. The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become the very important issuses of global change research. The terrestrial habitats of high-elevation and high-latitude ecosystems are regarded as the most sensitive to changing climate. The alpine meadow ecosystme, which resulted from the composite effects of mountain extreme climatic factors in Tibetan Plateau, is thus thought to be especially vulnerable and sensitive to global warming. In this paper, the response of plant community and several main species in the alpine meadow of Northewst Sichuan to experimemtal warming was studied by using open-top chambers (OTC). The aim of the this study was to research the warming effects on plant community structure, substance allocation, growth and physiological processes of several mian species, and to explore the biological and ecological mechanism of how the alpine meadow plants acclimate and adapt to future global warming. The results were as follows: 1. Warming effects of OTC The mean soil temperature, soil surface temperature and air temperature in OTC manipulation increased by 0.28℃、0.46℃ and 1.4℃ compared to the control during the growing season. This suggested that the OTC used in our study had increased temperature there. Meanwhile, the OTC manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions, but the same amount of precipitation was supplied to both the OTC manipulation and the control, so higher soil evaporation and plant transpiration in OTC manipulation directly lead to the decrease of soil surface water content. 2. The reponse of community structure to experimental warming The species richness was not changed by the short-term effect of OTC manipulation. However, experimental warming changed the microenvironment of plant community, therefore competitive balances among species were shift, leading to changes in species dominance. In the present study, the dominant plant species in the control plots were some forbs including Potentilla anserine, Geranium pylzowianum, Thlaspi arvense and Arenaria serpyllifolia, however, the importance value of some gramineous grasses including Elymus nutans, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca ovina, and some forbs including Euphrasia tatarica and Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC. The different biology characteristics and resource utilizations between gramineous grasses and forbs, and enhanced temperature caused change in some environment factors such as soil water content. As a result, the coverage and biomass of gramineous grasses significantly increased in OTC compared to the control, however, the coverage and biomass of forbs singnifciantly decreased in OTC compared to the control. 3. The reponse of plant growing season to experimental warming Both the standing dead and fallen litter biomass in OTC were lower than those in the control in October, and the biomass of aboveground live-vegetation in OTC was higher than that of the control. The results indicated that the senescence of plants was postponed, and the growing season was prolonged in our research. 4. The reponse of community biomass accumulation and its allocation to experimental warming Experimental warming caused the decrease of aboveground live biomass and belowground root biomass except for the aboveground live biomass in October. Experimental warming also had pronounced effects on the pattern of root biomass allocation. In the present study, the root biomass in 0-10cm soil layer increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, however, the root biomass in the 20-30cm soil layer decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 5. The reponse of community C and N content to experimental warming The C concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the N concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 6. The reponse of gowth and biomass, C and N alloction of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased the height, SLA (specific leaf area) and aboveground biomass of Elymus nutans in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The SLA and total biomass of Rumex acetosa also significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to control, among the different components of Rumex acetosa, leaf biomass significantly increased, but root biomass significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the height, SLA and total biomass of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, among the different component of Potentilla anserina, leaf and stem biomass significantly decreased, but root biomass significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The LMR (leaf mass ratio), RMR (root mass ratio), R/S (shoot/root biomass ration) and root C concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively more C and N content to leaf and root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR (stem mass ration) and root N concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively less C and N content to stem in response to experimental warming. The RMR and R/S of Potentilla anserina significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively more C and N content to root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR and LMR of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively less C and N content to leaf in response to experimental warming. 7. The reponse of physiological processes of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control. However, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation significantly decreased compared to outside control. Experimental warming had pronounced effects on gas exchange of Elymus nutans, Rumex acetosa and Potentilla anserine. In the present study, warming markedly increased the light response curves of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly increased A (net photosynthesis rate), E (transpiration rate), gs (stomatal conductance), Pmax (maximum net photosynthetic rate), Rday (dark respiration rate), AQY (apparent quantum yield) and LSP (light saturation point), but LCP (photosynthetic light compensation) of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased compared to outside control. However, warming markedly decreased the light response curves of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly decreased A, E, gs, Pmax, Rday, AQY and LSP, but LCP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly increased compared to outside control. Experimental warming singnificantly increased the chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters such as Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa and qN of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation, but Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased. 8. The reponse of antioxidative systems of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming tended to increase the activities of antioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymes of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa. As a result, MDA content of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa decreased. The activities of antioxidative enzymes and non-enzymes of Potentilla anserina also significantly increased in OTC manipulation, but more O2- was produced because of lower soil water content, and the O2- accumulation exceeded the defense ability of antioxidative systems and non-enzymes fuctions. As a result, MDA content of Potentilla anserine still increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control.


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九寨沟湖泊湿地在维持九寨沟的生态平衡中起着重要的作用,在旅游产业的发展下,湿地生态系统及生物多样性面临着较大的威胁。尽管九寨沟湿地具有重要的生态价值,但目前对其研究尚比较薄弱。湿地植物群落和植物地理研究可以为湿地资源的可持续利用和监测保护提供科学依据。作者从2004年8月到2007年11月对九寨沟湿地的植物物种组成、地理分布、优势植物群落的结构、生长动态、湿地土壤种子库进行了调查研究。主要结果如下: 1. 九寨沟湿地物种组成、地理分布特点及湿地植物群落特点 九寨沟湿地共有苔藓植物8科13属16种,维管植物为48科107属199种。九寨沟湿地植物的地理成份较为丰富,维管植物在科级水平上有7种地理分布型(变型),在属级水平上有13种地理分布型(变型), 在种级水平上共有29种地理分布型(变型)。九寨沟湿地植物以温带成份和我国特有成份为主,同时兼有热带、亚热带成份和环极—高山成份。九寨沟湿地植物的分布表现出明显的垂直地带性和水平地带性。湿地植物群落可划分21个群落类型,不同植物群落类型的物种多样性及物种组成存在较大的差异。九寨沟湿地植物的物种多样性和群落多样性以及较高的生产力特征,是维持其湿地生态景观多样性和稳定性的基础。 2. 土壤、水环境、海拔等对湿地植物的分布及生物多样性的影响 九寨沟湿地土壤、水等环境因子存在较大的差异。帕米尔苔草和宽叶香蒲等群落的凋落物较多,土壤有机碳、土壤总磷较高,可能是九寨沟湿地的重要土壤碳库。 九寨沟湿地植物沿水环境梯度的分布规律表现为:沉水植物(轮藻—篦齿眼子菜,水苦荬,杉叶藻)——挺水植物(水木贼,芦苇,宽叶香蒲)——湿生草本(苔草、节节草、披散木贼)——湿生灌木(柳灌丛,小檗灌丛)等。海拔也影响湿地植物的物种组成。 水深对物种多样性有影响,水深与物种丰富度负相关。随着水深的增加,水木贼、芦苇、杉叶藻、宽叶香蒲等群落的物种多样性下降;在长期淹水和季节性淹水的地方,水木贼群落物种多样性存在显著差异。土壤总氮与水木贼群落物种丰富度正相关。 3. 土壤营养元素、水环境对植物生长的影响 水深影响湿地植物生物量的分配。芦苇无性系分株在47 cm水深的环境中单株平均生物量最大;在干滩地中(地面水深0 cm),叶生物量百分比最大,而茎生物量百分比最小,茎的生物量百分比和生长速率随水深的增加而增加;在较干的滩地生境中,开花率、花序的生物量百分比明显大于水较深的生境。 水深与水木贼地上生物量负相关,但水木贼地上生物量在长期淹水和季节性淹水的地方没有显著的差异。在水浅的地方,杉叶藻、水木贼、芦苇等植物群落中,其他伴生物种的生物量占样方总生物量的百分比较大。 土壤有机碳、土壤总氮、土壤总磷等对湿地植物生物量的影响比较大:宽叶香蒲地上生物量与土壤总磷正相关;水木贼地上生物量与土壤总氮正相关;杉叶藻地上生物量与土壤有机碳正相关。 水深、土壤营养成分对湿地植物高度、密度等有影响。水木贼的平均高度在季节性淹水的地方比长期淹水的地方低,平均密度在长期淹水的地方比季节性淹水的地方低;除了5月份,其他观察月份水木贼的密度都与水深负相关,同时与土壤有机碳正相关。另外,芦苇密度与土壤有机碳含量正相关,宽叶香蒲密度与水深负相关,帕米尔苔草高度与土壤有机碳负相关。 4. 优势植物群落的动态变化 在优势植物群落中,优势种的高度、密度、盖度、生物量等在群落中占绝对优势。除五花海,水木贼群落的物种组成、高度、生物量在两年间没有显著的变化。芦苇群落的物种丰富度在近两年有所增加。 湿地植物生长表现为明显的季节动态,生长的峰值大多在7月-8月。优势植物群落的物候与水文周期有关。湿地植物群落的物种组成和密度,可以作为对湿地监测和保护的生物指示。 5. 九寨沟湿地土壤种子库特征及其在湿地生物多样性恢复中的作用 水深和现存植被物种丰富度可以解释湿地土壤种子库的变化。水深可以解释表层物种丰富度45%的变化。现存植被物种丰富度可以分别解释10 cm土层、2-5 cm土层及5-10 cm土层土壤种子库45%、48%和25%的变化。 湿地土壤种子库的密度为0-15945粒m-2, 种子库中共发现23个物种。现存植被优势物种和种子库优势物种不同。各层土壤种子库密度和物种丰富度并不存在显著的差异,但第二层土壤种子库密度最大。海拔、现存植被优势种盖度、土壤总磷、土壤总氮、土壤有机碳对湿地土壤种子库的密度和垂直结构没有影响。土壤种子库物种丰富度小于地上植被物种丰富度。湿地土壤种子库与地上植被的相关性不大。在浅水区域,湿地土壤种子库在湿地植被恢复中有一定作用。但在深水区域,保护现存植被更重要。 The lakeshore wetlands are valuable ecological units of the Jiuzhaigou lakes. Pressure for travel industry development pose a continuing and severe threat to the biodiversity-support function of the wetland system. Despite the ecological importance of wetlands in Jiuzhaigou, they are so far poorly studied. Both general plant communties and biogeographical studies are needed in order to attain basis for sustainable use the wetland resources and adequate protection of these areas. The present study was undertaken to examine aquatic plants distribution and the species compositon, structure and growth dynamics of their communities with variations of environmental factors along altitudes, water depth and soil properities gradients in Jiuzhaigou. Analysis of field survey data collected during August 2004 and November 2007 in lakeshore wetlands in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. The results were as following: (i) Species composition and biogeography in wetland vegetation 8 families, 13 genus, 16 species of moss and 48 families, 107 genus and 199 species of vascular plants in Jiuzhaigou wetlands were found. The floristic compositions were abundunt. Ten geographical distribution types at family level, 13 geographical distributions types at generic level and 29 geographical distribution types at specific level in vascular plants were found. Most species in Jiuzhaigou wetlands are temperate elements and Chinese endemic elements, with a few of tropical and subtropical and some circumarctic elements. And the plant distributions show clear vertical and horizontal patterns. There were 21 major wetland plant community types. Species composition and species richness in different plant communities are different. The species diversity and plant community diversity and their high biomass are the basis for the diversity and stability of wetland landscapes in Jiuzhaigou. (ii) Water depth, soil nutrients and altitudes influence on the species diversity and plant distribution. Total phosphorous and organic cabon in soil were higher in C. pamiernensis and T. latifolia communities, where are important cabon reservoirs in Jiuzhaigou wetlands. Along gradients of water depth, among populations of the dominant plant species present: submerged macrophytes (Chara vulgaris, Potagemonton pectinatus, Veronica anagalis-aquatica,Hippuris vulgaris), emergent macrophytes (Equisetum fluviatile, Phragamites australis, Typha latifolia), helophytes (Carex pamirensis )and shrubs (Salix sp., Berberis sp. ). Altitudes influence on the assemblage of plant communities. Water depth negatively correlated with species richness. Specie richness showed differences between permanently flooded sites and seasonally flooded sites in E. fluvatile communities. And total nitrogen in soil was negatively correlated with species richness in E. fluviatile communities. Altitudes show no significant influence on species richness, but in fact, through our analyses, they do have influence on the assemblage of wetland plants. (iii) Water depth, soil nutrients influence on the plant growth Water depth influences the biomass allocation in Phragmities australis. The average aboveground biomass of a single ramet (4.2 g) was the largest in the habitat with water level 47 cm above the soil surface. At the habitat with water level under soil surface 15 cm (-15 cm), the leaf biomass percentage (of the total ramet biomass) was the largest (46.1%), and the height and percentage of ramose ramets ( with branches on stem )(of the total ramets in a plot) were found obviously different. The deeper in water, the larger the biomass percentage and growth rate of stems were. The flowering rate and biomass of panicles were greater in shallow water than those in deep water. Water depth negatively correlated with aboveground biomass of E. fluviatile. However, above-ground biomass of E. fluviatile showed no significant difference between permanently flooded sites and seasonally flooded sites. But in shallow water, more biomasses of accompanying species were found in dominant plant communities such as H. vulgaris communities, E. fluviatile communities and P. australis communities. Water depth, soil nutrients influence on shoot density and shoot length of wetland plants. The shoot density of E. fluviatile was correlated to water depth in all growth months. Annual average density was significantly lower at permanently flooded sites than at seasonally flooded sites. But the annual average shoot length was significantly lower at seasonally flooded sites than at permanently flooded sites. (iv) Growth dynamics of dominant communities in Jiuzhaigou wetland The shoot length and shoot density, coverage and biomass of domiant species were dominated in plant communities. The species composition increased in P. australis communities in recent two years. The species richness in E. fluviatile communities showed no difference between 2005 and 2007. The above-ground biomass and shoot density in Five-flower Lake from July 2005 to July 2007 were significantly different, while in other sites, the differences were not significant. Shoot height, shoot density and above-ground biomass showed significant seasonal changes in all sites. Growth dynamics correlated with the cycle of water levels in lakes. Most plants growth parameters peaked at July or August. The biomass of T. latifolia peaked in August. But the shoot length of T. latifolia in deeper water peaked in July. The shoot length of E. fluviatile increased significantly from May to August except in seasonally flooded sites in Arrow-bamboo Lake. The species composition of communities and shoot density can be used as bioindicators in Jiuzhaigou wetland. (v) Soil seed bank in Jiuzhaigou wetland and its role in vegetation restoration Seed density in all soil layer samples was negatively correlated to water depth. Water depth can explain 45% variance of species richness in surface layer in sediment. Species richness in extant vegetation can explain 45%, 48%, 25% variance of species richness in total 10 cm and in 2-5 cm and 5-10 cm layer sediment respectively. Mean seed densities in wetlands ranged from 0 to 15945 m–2. A total of 23 species germinated in seed bank. The dominant species in seed bank and extant vegetation showed great difference. The total number of species and seedlings that germinated in different layers was not significantly different. But the second layer had the greatest seed density. In shallow water, seed bank can contribute to vegetation restoration, while in deeper water, protection of extant vegetation may be a better strategy.


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花椒(Zanthoxylum piperitum)是川西干旱河谷地区的重要经济作物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的原因之一。系统研究花椒化感作用有助于深入理解并最终解决花椒连作障碍。本文通过研究花椒叶、林下土壤浸提液及单一纯化感物质对花椒幼苗生长、苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响作用,从生理生化角度揭示浸提液及纯化感物质的作用方式。通过室外和室内模拟实验,对浸提液及纯化感物质的化感效应进行比较,为花椒连作障碍的解决和化感作用机制的深入理解提供依据。主要结果如下: 1.花椒叶及林下土壤浸提液对地下生物量影响作用强与对地上生物量的化感效应,两种浸提液的化感效应强度不同,叶浸提液作用表现更显著。其中在Y6、Y8 、T6和T8处理时,花椒幼苗地下生物量分别降低了31.2%、32.1%、31.6%和31.7%。 2.两种浸提液均能显著影响花椒幼苗体内的保护性酶活性,总体说来,在高浓度下抑制各种抗氧化物酶活性,幼苗体内丙二醛含量增加,幼苗受害严重;在较低浓度下,各种保护性酶活性有所增加,丙二醛含量减少,幼苗伤害减轻。同时,不同月份里,各种酶的活性高低显著不同,9月份的活性显著低于7月份的酶活性。对于养分含量的影响,Y8、T8的影响强度最大,分别使碳元素含量降低了27.8%和30.8%,使钾元素含量降低了34.7%和25.6%。 3.花椒叶及林下土壤浸提液对苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生长有化感作用,表现在最终萌发率、不同物质代谢及保护性酶活性的差异上。两种浸提液对苜蓿种子萌发过程中蛋白质的含量均无显著性影响,对淀粉和可溶性糖的影响作用类似,高浓度处理无明显化感效应,较低浓度处理显著降低二者在萌发苜蓿种子中的含量。Y2、Y4与T4处理分别使可溶性糖含量减少了32.3%、29.1%和18.8%,Y2与T2处理分别使淀粉含量降低了29.3%和26.8%。 4.苜蓿种子在4种单一化感物质最高浓度即10-3 mol•L-1处理下,萌发率显著降低,半数萌发时间推迟,随着处理浓度降低,抑制作用逐渐减弱,当降低到10-6 mol•L-1时,又能够表现出对苜蓿种子萌发的促进作用。 5.纯化感物质在10-6 mol•L-1时使苜蓿幼苗叶片的保护性酶活性显著升高,丙二醛含量显著降低;在10-3 mol•L-1时使苜蓿叶片中保护性酶活性显著降低,丙二醛含量增加,膜脂过氧化程度加重。 Zanthoxylum piperitum is one of the most important cash crops and has been extensively cultivated in Eastern Tibetan Plateau, especially in the fragile dry valley areas. Allelopathic effects could be a reason for Z. piperitum’s continuous cropping impediment. Systemmatically research of the effect of Z. piperitum allelopathy could help to comprehend the continuous cropping impediment. The allelopathic effects on seedlings growth and seed germination of aqueous extracts of Zanthoxylum piperitum and phenolic allelochemicals were studied, and the action mechanism of the two substances was also discussed from physiology. Indoor and outdoor experiments were set to compare the difference between aqueous extracts and pure allelochemicals. The main results showed that: 1. The aqueous extracts of leaf and soil had significant allelopathic effects on aboveground and underground biomass, but the effect on underground biomass was stronger than the effect on underground evidently. Treated with Y6、Y8 、T6 and T8, the underground biomass was reduced 31.2%、32.1%、31.6% and 31.7% respectively. 2. The activity of activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase were significantly reduced, while the content of MDA was increased and the seedlings were suffered stronger, when treated by the high concentration; but at the low concentration, these were reversed. And then, at the different month, the activities of antioxidant enzyme were significantly distinct. As for the contents of nutrient element, Y8、T8 had the more intensive effects than other treatments. 3. The results showed that the two types of aqueous extracts had significant allelopathic effects on seed germination, substances metabolize and the activity of antioxidant enzyme. But the aqueous extracts had no effects on the content of protein, while had the similar effects on the content of starch and soluble sugar. At Y2、Y4 and T4, the content of soluble sugar decreased 32.3%、29.1% and 18.8% respectively. 4. Treated with 10-3 mol•L-1 of the four allelochemicals, the seed germination of alfalfa was significantly inhibited. Ferulic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid at 10-3 mol•L-1 significantly reduced the activities of antioxidant enzyme, while the content of MDA in alfalfa seedling was significantly increased. The restrain effects became weakened with the treat concentration falled. However, ferulic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid could increase the activities of antioxidant enzyme at 10-6mol•L-1.


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本研究针对川西北高山草甸缺乏科学管理,过度放牧导致草场退化,并由此引发的一系列生态环境问题,选取红原县瓦切乡1996 年草地承包后形成的四个放牧强度草场,即不放牧、轻度(1.2 头牦牛hm-1)、中度(2.0 头牦牛hm-1)和重度放牧(2.9 头牦牛hm-1),作为研究对象,研究了不同放牧强度对草地植物-土壤系统中碳、氮这两个最基本物质的分布格局和循环过程的影响,并探讨了放牧干扰下高山草甸生态系统的管理。 1.放牧对草地植物群落物种组成,尤其是优势种,产生了明显的影响。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地群落物种数分别为22,23,26,20 种,群落盖度分别是不放牧96.2%>中度93.6%>轻度89.7%>重度73.6%。随放牧强度的增加, 原植物群落中的优势种垂穗鹅冠草( Roegneria nutans )、发草(Deschampsia caespitosa)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)等禾草逐渐被莎草科的川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)和高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)所取代成为优势种。同时,随放牧强度的增加,高原毛茛(Ranunculus brotherusii)、狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和车前(Plantagodepressa)等杂类草的数量也随之增加。 2.生长季6~9 月份,草地植物地上和地下生物量(0~30cm)都是从6 月份开始增长,8 月份达到最高值,9 月份开始下降。每个月份,通常地上生物量以不放牧为最高,重度放牧总是显著小于不放牧;地下生物量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总生物量平均值分别是1543、1622、2295 和2449 g m-2,但随放牧强度的增加越来越来多的生物量被分配到了地下部分,地下生物量占总生物量比例的大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%。生物量这种变化主要是由于放牧使得群落优势种发生改变而引起的,其分配比例的变化体现了草地植物对放牧干扰的适应策略。 3.植物碳氮贮量的季节变化类似与生物量的变化。每个月份,不同放牧强度间植物地上碳氮的贮量有所不同,一般重度放牧会显著减少植物地上碳氮贮量。植物根系(0~30cm)碳氮贮量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总碳平均值分别是547、586、847 和909 g m-2,根系碳贮量占植物总碳的比例大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%;放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总氮平均值分别是17、17、23 和26 g m-2,根系氮贮量占植物总氮的比例大小顺序分别是重度79%>轻度71%>中度70%>不放牧65%。 4. 土壤有机碳贮量(0~30cm)的季节变化表现为7 月份略有下降,8 月开始增加,9 月份达到的最大值。土壤氮贮量的季节变化表现为随季节的推移逐渐增加的趋势。增加的放牧强度不同程度的增加土壤有机碳氮的贮量。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧6~9 月份4 个月的土壤有机碳贮量的平均值分别是9.72、10.36、10.62 和11.74 kg m-2,土壤氮贮量分别为1.45、1.56、1.66 和1.83 kg m-2。土壤中有机碳(氮)的贮量都占到了植物-土壤系统有机碳(氮)的90%以上,但不同放牧强度之间的差异不明显。 5. 土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化,温室气体N2O 和CO2 的释放率的季节变化表现为从6 月份开始增加,7 月份达到最大值,8 月份开始下降,9 月份降为最小值。增加的放牧强度趋向于增加土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化作用,温室气体N2O和CO2 的释放率,通常情况下,中度放牧和重度放牧显著地加强了这些过程。 6.垂穗鹅冠草(Roegneria nutans)和川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)凋落物在不同放牧强度下经过1 年的分解,两种凋落物的失重率及其碳氮的损失率3都随放牧增加表现为增加的趋势。在同一放牧强度下,川嵩草凋落物的失重率和碳氮的损失率都高于垂穗鹅冠草凋落物。 7. 尽管重度放牧显著增加了土壤碳氮的贮量,但同时也显著降低了植被群落盖度,降低了植物地上生物量,因此,久而久之会减少植物向土壤中的碳氮归还率;与不放牧和轻度放牧相比,重度放牧又显著增加了土壤CO2 和NO2 的排放量,这是草地生态系统碳氮损失的重要途径。由此可见,对于这些地处青藏高原的非常脆弱的高山草甸生态系统,长期重度放牧不仅导致植物生产力降低,而且将导致草地生态系统退化,甚至造成土壤中碳氮含量减少。 Long-term overgrazing has resulted in considerable deterioration in alpine meadowof the northwest Sichan Province. In order to explore management strategies for thesustainability of these alpine meadows, we selected four grasslands with differentgrazing intensity (no grazing-NG: 0, light grazing-LG: 1.2, moderate grazing-MG: 2.0,and heavy grazing-HG: 2.9 yaks ha-1) to evaluate carbon, nitrogen pools and cyclingprocesses within the plant-soil system in Waqie Village, Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province. 1. Grazing obviously changed the plant species composition, especially ondominant plant species. Total number of species is 22, 23, 26, and 20 for NG, LG, MGand HG, respectively. Vegetation coverage under different grazing intensity ranked inthe order of 96.2% for HG>93.6% for MG>89.7% for LG>73.6% for NG. Thedominator of HG community shifted from grasses-Roegneria nutans andDeschampsia caespitosa dominated in the NG and LG sites into sedges-Kobresiapygmaea and K. setchwanensis. At the same time, with the increase of grazingintensity, the numbers of forbs, such as Ranunculus brotherusii, Stellera chamaejasme,Potentilla anserine and Plantago depressa, increased with grazing intensity. 2. Over the growing season, aboveground and belowground biomass showed a 5single peak pattern with the highest biomass in August. For each month, abovegroundbiomass usually was the highest in the NG site and lowest in the HG site.Belowground biomass showed a trend of increase as grazing intensity increased and itwas significantly higher in the HG and MG site than in the NG and LG sites. Totalplant biomass averaged over the growing season is 1543, 1622, 2295 and 2449 g m-2for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively. The proportion of biomass to total plantbiomass for NG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76% and 69%, respectively. Higherallocation ratio for is an adaptive response of plant to grazing. 3. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant components followed the similar seasonalpatterns as their biomass under different grazing intensities. Generally, heavy grazingsignificantly decreases aboveground biomass carbon and nitrogen compared to nograzing. Carbon and nitrogen storage in root tended to increase as grazing increasedand they are significantly higher in the HG and MG sites compared to the LG and NGsite. Total Carbon storage in plant system averaged over the growing season is 547,586, 847 and 909 g m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively, while 17, 17, 23 and 26g m-2 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon storage in root to total plant carbon forNG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76%, 69%, respectively, while 65%, 71%, 70%and 79% for nitrogen. 4. Carbon storage in soil (0-30cm) decreased slightly in July, then increased inAugust and peaked in September. Nitrogen storage in soil tended to increase withseason and grazing intensity. Total Carbon storage in soil averaged over the growingseason is 9.72, 10.36, 10.62 and11.74 kg m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively,while 1.45, 1.56, 1.66 and 1.83 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon (nitrogen)storage in soil to plant-soil system carbon (nitrogen) storage for NG, LG, MG and HGis more than 90%, which is not markedly different among different grazing intensities. 5. Gross nitrification, denitrification, CO2 and N2O flux rates in soil increasedfrom June to July and then declined until September, all of which tended to increasewith the increase of grazing intensity. Generally, heavy and moderate grazing intensitysignificantly enhanced these process compared to no and light grazing intensity. 6. After decomposing in situ for a year, relative weight, carbon and nitrogen loss in the litter of Roegneria nutans and Kobresia setchwanensis tended to increase asgrazing intensity increased. Under the same grazing intensity, relative weight, carbonand nitrogen loss in the litter of Kobresia setchwanensis were higher than these in thelitter of Roegneria nutans. 7. Although heavy grazing intensity resulted in higher levels of carbon andnitrogen in plant and soil, it decreased vegetation coverage and aboveground biomass,which are undesirable for livestock production and sustainable grassland development.What is more, heavy grazing could also introduce potential carbon and nitrogen lossvia increasing CO2 and N2O emission into the atmosphere. Grazing at moderateintensity resulted in a plant community dominated by forage grasses with highaboveground biomass productivity and N content. The alpine meadow ecosystems inTibetan Plateau are very fragile and evolve under increasing grazing intensity by largeherbivores; therefore, deterioration of the plant-soil system, and possible declines insoil C and N, are potential without proper management in the future.


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植物群落及其环境在干扰后的演替格局和过程的研究,是群落和生态系统动态研究的一个热点。选取青藏高原东缘山原区川西云杉林皆伐后,从草地过渡到灌丛的关键阶段的4 个皆伐迹地(恢复时间为8 a、10 a、16 a 和21 a),研究皆伐及自然恢复过程对林下典型灌木银露梅(Potentilla glabra)和唐古特忍冬(Lonicera tangutica)的生长与繁殖能力的影响以及灌木植物在迹地上的更新情况,分析灌木在不同生境中的适应对策和适应能力的差异,为揭示青藏高原东缘山原区迹地植被从草甸到灌丛演替的过程和特点及促进迹地演替与植被恢复进程提供理论依据和技术支撑。研究主要结论如下:1)皆伐后银露梅生长和繁殖能力显著提高,但对唐古特忍冬的影响不明显。皆伐后银露梅丛基径、高度和各部分生物量都显著增加(P < 0.05),但唐古特忍冬只有叶生物量和地下生物量增加,总生物量和其余构件生物量无显著变化。皆伐后,银露梅的结实数量、结实株数、不结实株数和结实株/不结实株比例显著增加(P < 0.05)。自然恢复过程中,银露梅和唐古特忍冬生长能力以及银露梅的结实量都表现出降低的趋势。随着迹地自然恢复时间的增加,银露梅和唐古特忍冬的基径、高度、丛叶片数和各部分生物量有减少的趋势。银露梅的结实株数增加, 但结实数量减少。2)皆伐对银露梅和唐古特忍冬生物量分配模式影响不一致。原始林和迹地中(除CT85)银露梅的生物量大小关系皆为:地下>茎>侧枝>叶。唐古特忍冬在原始林中的生物量大小关系为:茎>地下部分>侧枝>叶,而皆伐后生物量的分配情况改变,生物量大小关系变为:地下部分>茎>侧枝>叶。随着自然恢复时间的增加,银露梅减少了地下生物量的分配,而唐古特忍冬增加了地下生物量的分配。3)皆伐和恢复时间的增加改变了迹地物种组成,促使阳性乔、灌木在迹地上定居。4 个迹地上共出现了灌木15 种,乔木3 种,没有出现天然云杉和冷杉幼苗。随着恢复时间的增加,迹地上的灌木物种由原始林下的耐阴物种逐步发展为以针刺悬钩子(Rubus pungens)为主的阳性灌木。4)影响灌木幼苗密度和幼树密度的因子不一致。灌木幼苗密度与灌木层盖度显著负相关,与苔藓层盖度显著正相关。幼树密度与草本层盖度正相关,与苔藓层盖度、灌木层盖度和高度负相关。5)研究发现在青藏高原东缘山原区皆伐15~20 a 后,迹地仍以草本植物为主,推测皆伐后至少20 a 以上迹地才可能向灌丛阶段过渡,比高山峡谷地区的演替进程至少推迟了20 a。银露梅和唐古特忍冬在皆伐后自然恢复过程中表现出不同的生长与繁殖策略是由两个物种的生物学特性的差异引起的。银露梅比唐古特忍冬更适应迹地退化环境。促进青藏高原东缘山原林区迹地森林恢复一方面是尽量减少人为活动的破坏,另一方面,可以通过在迹地中播种适当的乡土乔、灌木种子(如白桦、银露梅)等人工措施,以加快演替进程。The succession pattern and process of plant community and their environments is a hot spotin community and ecosystem dynamic study. Four clearcuts were chosen in Rangtang(recovery time of 8 a、10 a、16 a and 21 a), which represented the key stage of thecommunity evolved from grass stage to shrub stage in the eastern margin of theQinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The growth and reproduction of the Potentilla glabra andLonicera tangutica and the natural regeneration of shrub plants in the primary Piceabalfouriana forest and 4 clearcuts were studied to explore how clear cutting andnatural recovery process affected the understory shrub species during the 21 years inthe eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The main results were below.1) The growth and reproduction of P. glabra significantly increased after forestclear cutting.. But it was not so significant as to the L. tangutica. The organismbiomass and total biomass of P. glabra were increased obviously after clear cutting(P< 0.05). But only leaves and underground biomass of L. tangutica increasedsignificantly after clear cutting(P < 0.05). The number of fruit and growth of P. glabraincreased significantly after clear cutting too(P < 0.05). The ramet height, basaldiameter , organism biomass and friut number of P. glabra and L. tangutica reducedas the increase of recovery time.2) The biomass allocation patterns varied between P. glabra and L. tangutica inthe primary forest and clearcuts. The biomass allocation of P. glabra both in primary forest and clearcuts was followed as: underground part > stem > branch > leaves.However, the biomass allocation of L. tangutica had changed after the clear cutting.The biomass allocation of L. tangutica in the primary forest was followed as: stem >underground part > branch > leaves and it was underground part > stem > branch >leave in clearcuts. The biomass allocation of P. glabra and L. tangutica varied amongclearcuts. Aboveground biomass was increased while underground biomass decreasedfor P. glabra with the increase of recovery period. However, the L. tangutica showedthe reverse changing pattern.3) Clear cutting and recovery time had changed the species composition of theclearcuts. There were 15.shruby species and 3 tree species in the four clearcuts. Nospruce and fir seedlings were found. In the early stage after clear cutting, there wereonly understory shrub species from the primary Picea balfouriana forest. The sunnyspecies, especieally Rubus pungens invaded intensly as the increase of recovery time.4) There was a significant negative relationship between density of seedlingswith shrub layer coverage and positive correlation with moss coverage. The saplingshad significantly positive correlation with herb layer coverage and negativecorrelation with moss coverage, shrub layer coverage and height.5)Comparing to studies in Miyalou, a nearby high mountain and canyon area,the secondary sucession in this subalpine plateau areas lagged at least 20 years.P. glabra and L. tangutica showed different growth and reproduction strategies toclear cutting and natural recovery , which may associated with the difference of theirbiological characters. P. glabra was more adaptive to the clear cutting than the L.tangutica. Two suggestions were probably recommended to promote the recoveryprogress in the subalpine plateau areas based on the results of this study. Limitanthropogenic disturbance, and meanwhile sow native tree and shrub seeds inclearcuts.