96 resultados para Zvezdotshetova, Larisa
The existence of genuinely non-geometric backgrounds, i.e. ones without geometric dual, is an important question in string theory. In this paper we examine this question from a sigma model perspective. First we construct a particular class of Courant algebroids as protobialgebroids with all types of geometric and non-geometric fluxes. For such structures we apply the mathematical result that any Courant algebroid gives rise to a 3D topological sigma model of the AKSZ type and we discuss the corresponding 2D field theories. It is found that these models are always geometric, even when both 2-form and 2-vector fields are neither vanishing nor inverse of one another. Taking a further step, we suggest an extended class of 3D sigma models, whose world volume is embedded in phase space, which allow for genuinely non-geometric backgrounds. Adopting the doubled formalism such models can be related to double field theory, albeit from a world sheet perspective.
Target space duality is one of the most profound properties of string theory. However it customarily requires that the background fields satisfy certain invariance conditions in order to perform it consistently; for instance the vector fields along the directions that T-duality is performed have to generate isometries. In the present paper we examine in detail the possibility to perform T-duality along non-isometric directions. In particular, based on a recent work of Kotov and Strobl, we study gauged 2D sigma models where gauge invariance for an extended set of gauge transformations imposes weaker constraints than in the standard case, notably the corresponding vector fields are not Killing. This formulation enables us to follow a procedure analogous to the derivation of the Buscher rules and obtain two dual models, by integrating out once the Lagrange multipliers and once the gauge fields. We show that this construction indeed works in non-trivial cases by examining an explicit class of examples based on step 2 nilmanifolds.
[EN] Herein we investigate the feasibility of detecting photo-induced surface stress changes using the deflection response of cantilevers. For this purpose, silicon microcantilevers have been functionalised with spiropyran photochromic molecules, using both a monolayer and a polymeric brushes approach. Uponultraviolet light irradiation, the spiropyran unit is converted to the merocyanine form due to the photo-induced cleavage of the Cspiro-O bond. The two forms of the molecule have dramatically different charge,polarity and molecular conformations. This makes spiropyrans an ideal system to study the correlation between photo-induced molecular changes and corresponding changes in surface stress. Our investigations include monitoring the changes in static cantilever deflection, and consequently, surface stress of the spiropyran functionalised cantilevers on exposure to ultraviolet light. Cantilever deflection data reveals that ultraviolet induced conformational changes in the spiropyran moiety cause a change incompressive surface stress and this varies with the type of functionalisation method implemented. The change in surface stress response from the spiropyran polymer brushes functionalised cantilevers gives an average surface stress change of 98 Nm−1(n = 24) while the spiropyran monolayer coated cantilevers have an average surface stress change of about 446 Nm−1(n = 8) upon irradiation with UV light.
[EN] Therefore the understanding and proper evaluation of the flow and mixing behaviour at microscale becomes a very important issue. In this study, the diffusion behaviour of two reacting solutions of HCI and NaOH were directly observed in a glass/polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device using adaptive coatings based on the conductive polymer polyaniline that are covalently attached to the microchannel walls. The two liquid streams were combined at the junction of a Y-shaped microchannel, and allowed to diffuse into each other and react. The results showed excellent correlation between optical observation of the diffusion process and the numerical results. A numerical model which is based on finite volume method (FVM) discretisation of steady Navier-Stokes (fluid flow) equations and mass transport equations without reactions was used to calculate the flow variables at discrete points in the finite volume mesh element. The high correlation between theory and practical data indicates the potential of such coatings to monitor diffusion processes and mixing behaviour inside microfluidic channels in a dye free environment.
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/[10.1007/s10853-015-9458-2]