961 resultados para Zuccotti, Susan: Under his very windows


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For a long time, it has been believed that atmospheric absorption of radiation within wavelength regions of relatively high infrared transmittance (so-called ‘windows’) was dominated by the water vapour self-continuum, that is, spectrally smooth absorption caused by H2O−H2O pair interaction. Absorption due to the foreign continuum (i.e. caused mostly by H2O−N2 bimolecular absorption in the Earth's atmosphere) was considered to be negligible in the windows. We report new retrievals of the water vapour foreign continuum from high-resolution laboratory measurements at temperatures between 350 and 430 K in four near-infrared windows between 1.1 and 5 μm (9000–2000 cm−1). Our results indicate that the foreign continuum in these windows has a very weak temperature dependence and is typically between one and two orders of magnitude stronger than that given in representations of the continuum currently used in many climate and weather prediction models. This indicates that absorption owing to the foreign continuum may be comparable to the self-continuum under atmospheric conditions in the investigated windows. The calculated global-average clear-sky atmospheric absorption of solar radiation is increased by approximately 0.46 W m−2 (or 0.6% of the total clear-sky absorption) by using these new measurements when compared with calculations applying the widely used MTCKD (Mlawer–Tobin–Clough–Kneizys–Davies) foreign-continuum model.


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Postnatally ascertained trisomy 16 mosaicism is a rare diagnosis, with only three reported cases to date with no defined clinical phenotype. Trisomy 16 mosaicism diagnosed prenatally is common and associated with variable pregnancy outcomes ranging from stillbirth with multiple congenital abnormalities to an apparently normal newborn, making the genetic counseling very challenging. It is not clear whether uniparental disomy (UPD) 16 contributes to the phenotype, although it has been suggested that maternal UPD 16 affects the rate of intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR) and congenital anomalies. We report on two further cases of trisomy 16 mosaicism confined to fibroblasts diagnosed postnatally. Patient 1 presented at birth with severe hypospadias, unilateral postaxial polydactyly, and different hair color with midline demarcation. His growth and development were normal at 11 months of age. Patient 2 was born with IUGR, significant craniofacial and body asymmetry, asymmetric skin hyperpigmentation, unilateral hearing loss, scoliosis, VSD, unexplained dilated cardiomyopathy, feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, and recurrent respiratory tract infections. She died at 7 months of age from respiratory failure. These two further cases of postnatally diagnosed trisomy 16 mosaicism highlight the variability of clinical features and outcome in this diagnosis. While Patient 2 presented with typical features of chromosomal mosaicism, Patient 1 had mild and transient features with essentially normal outcome, suggesting that trisomy 16 mosaicism may be under-diagnosed.


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La presente tesis doctoral desarrolla la obra del arquitecto Antonio Vallejo Álvarez (n. 1903, t. 1928, f. 2002) cuya larga carrera profesional permite observar una evolución que tiene como fondo la de la arquitectura española desde los planteamientos academicistas de principios del siglo XX, pasando por el primer racionalismo, hasta la influencia del Movimiento Moderno. Antonio Vallejo nació en Almonacid de Zorita, un pueblo de la provincia de Guadalajara pequeño pero singular ya que entonces se construía el Salto de Bolarque, instalación energética crucial en la época que albergaba además elementos de arquitectura culta. La familia le envió a Madrid a estudiar en las Escuelas Pías de San Fernando y luego en la vieja escuela de arquitectura de la calle Escritorios perteneciente a la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Terminada la carrera realizó unas primeras edificaciones de corte historicista con relativa abundancia de estilemas academicista que van desapareciendo paulatinamente a la vez que evolucionan hacia el “decó”. De esta depuración, que puede observarse muy bien en los números 69,73 y 62 de la calle Viriato de Madrid, resulta un primer racionalismo en el que las balconadas y cuerpos volados se apoyan sobre una trama racionalista ortogonal cada vez más rígida. Simultáneamente trabajó en esta época en la Oficina de Información sobre la Ciudad del Ayuntamiento de Madrid junto a Bernardo Giner de los Ríos y Fernando García Mercadal, entre otros. Más tarde se incorporó a las órdenes del primero a la Oficina de Construcciones escolares donde se mantuvo hasta el estallido de la guerra civil. Al amparo de la Ley Salmón fundó la empresa promotora de viviendas Ar-In donde realizó una arquitectura en la que la trama racionalista cobra una gran fuerza expresiva, matizada y potenciada por grandes balcones aterrazados de corte higienista. Sus exponentes máximos son el conjunto en la calle Narváez esquina a Alcalde Sáinz de Baranda, y la manzana de Guzmán el Bueno, 75 de Madrid. La guerra civil interrumpe el proceso y tras ella nuestro autor ensaya la supervivencia del racionalismo mediante la superposición de la trama en grandes cuerpos de alzado de ladrillo ocupando las plantas de pisos, sobre un basamento de granito en la planta baja y una especie de pórtico enmarcando los huecos del ático a modo de remate. En las ventanas se colocan embocaduras de caliza de diversas formas. Esta arquitectura, muy en la línea del gusto de la época, será sublimada mediante un magnífico ejemplo de manierismo en su gran obra de la Residencia de los Agustinos Recoletos y la Iglesia de Santa Rita de Madrid. Superados los al menos tres lustros de postguerra, Vallejo inicia un proceso que podríamos llamar estructuralista en la medida en que la asunción de la situación de la estructura en el edificio y el módulo por ella creada definen sus características formales. Aquí, tras trabajar el hormigón armado en algunos edificios como los del Residencial Bellas Vistas de Madrid, lo hace con mucho más convencimiento en edificios con estructuras de acero como el colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Guadalajara. Es también importante hablar de la provincia de Almería, a cuya capital llega nuestro arquitecto inmediatamente después de la guerra civil para alejarse de las indeseables consecuencias que hubiera podido tener su fidelidad al gobierno de la República con el que colaboró hasta el último momento. En la ciudad desarrolló una extensa labor como constructor a través de Duarín SA, que se había formado sobre los restos de su promotora. También como arquitecto, con una labor paralela a la madrileña pero con menor presión ambiental, lo que contribuyó a que en cierta medida el proceso de afloramiento de su arquitectura estructuralista, heredera lejana de su primer racionalismo, fuese más rápido, como prueban realizaciones como los edificios de la calle Juan Pérez, 18 y del Paseo de la Estación, 19. ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the works in architecture from Antonio Vallejo Álvarez (b. 1903, g. 1928, d. 2002) whose long career enables us to concentrate on the evolution of the Spanish Architecture from the Academicism taking place at the beginning of XXth century , until the influence of the Modern Movement, taking also into account Racionalism. Antonio Vallejo was born in Almonacid de Zorita, a village in the province of Guadalajara small but unique because then Salto de Bolarque the crucial energy facility at the time also housed elements of classical architecture is built. His family sent him to study to Madrid in Escuelas Pías de San Fernando first, and then he attended lessons in the old Architecture school from Escritorios street belonging this last one to la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Once he finished his degree on Architecture, he worked on some historicist buildings with a great use of academicist stylemes which will be disappearing little by little, turning into “deco”. From this depurationn, whose traces can be found in 69, 73, 62 at Viriato street in Madrid, our architect ends up with a first racionalism in which balconies and flown bodies are suspended on a racionalist and orthogonal more and more rigid. At that time, he was also working in the Information Office in Madrid Town Hall together with Bernardo Giner de los Ríos y Fernando García Mercadal, among others. Later, he worked for Bernardo Giner de los Ríos in the School Building Offices until the breaking out of the Civil War. Under Salmón law, he founded a developer for buildings named Ar-In, where he developed a type of Architecture in which racionalism develops a magnificent expressive force, empowered by great terraced balconies with higienistain court. His great masterpieces at this time are the buildings from Narvaez opposite to Alcalde Sáinz de Baranda and the block in 75 Guzmán El Bueno, in Madrid. Civil war interrupts somehow his process and once the war is over, our architect works on the survival of racionalism by overlapping on large bodies of brick elevation occupying different floor plants, on a base of granite on the ground floor and a sort of portico framing the gaps in the attic by way of auction. On the Windows he se colocan embocaduras de caliza de diversas formas. This type of architecture, very much enjoyed at that time, will be sublimed as a great example of manierism in his great work such as the case of Agustinos Recoletos Residence and Santa Rita Church in Madrid. About fifteen years after the war, in the post-war era, Vallejo starts a process which we could call structuralist, as lons as the asumption from the situation of the structure in the building and the created module define his main features. Here, once our architect works with reinforce concrete in some of his buildings such as Residencial Bellas Vistas de Madrid, he improves his technique with steel strucutres such as the on in the school Sagrado Corazón in Guadalajara. It is also remarkable to speak about the province of Almería, where our architect arrives inmediately after the civil war, to get rid of the consequences of his loyalty to the Republic movement to which he collaborated until his death. He developed a great career as a builder there through Duarín SA, which was launched though his former enterprise. Similary as the way he worked in Madrid,he, also as an arquitect, did his work in Almería with less environmental pressure though, fact which contributed to the flourishing of the structuralist architecture, as an heir from his first racionalism, as it can be shown from buildings in streets such as 18 Juan Pérez, and 19 Paseo de la Estación.


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A high percentage of hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from gasoline vehicles occur during the cold-start period. Among the alternatives proposed to reduce these HC emissions, the use of zeolites before the three-way catalyst (TWC) is thought to be very effective. Zeolites are the preferred adsorbents for this application; however, to avoid high pressure drops, supported zeolites are needed. In this work, two coating methods (dip-coating and in situ crystallization) are optimized to prepare BETA zeolite thin films supported on honeycomb monoliths with tunable properties. The important effect of the density of the thin film in the final performance as a HC trap is demonstrated. A highly effective HC trap is prepared showing 100 % toluene retention, accomplishing the desired performance as a HC trap, desorbing propene at temperatures close to 300 °C, and remaining stable after cycling. The use of this material before the TWC is very promising, and works towards achieving the sustainability and environmental protection goals.


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Andrew Croswell kept this account book while an undergraduate at Harvard College. It contains entries from 1794, the year he entered, until his graduation in 1798. There is also one entry on the back cover apparently made in 1802. The entries, divided by school term, are very detailed. Croswell indicates the cost of the following, among many other expenses and purchases: transportation, most often to Hingham and Plymouth; payment for "passing the bridge"; candles; hiring a horse; wood and having it cut; laundry; quills and pencils; paper and ink; razors, haircuts, hair ribbons; a trunk; clothing and cloth for trousers; furniture; tickets to the theater; door locks; a bowl and spoon; "batts and balls" and "other necessaries"; tobacco; toothbrushes; shoe and boot repair; fruit; wine, brandy and rum; cheese; coffee and tea; butter; lemons; sugar; and wafers. There are also entries for college-related costs, including the payment of quarter bills, buttery bills, Hasty Pudding Club dues, and a fee to the President of Harvard College related to Croswell's graduation. There are also entries pertaining to the cost of celebrating various special occasions, including Election Day, Christmas Eve, "Independent Day," and George Washington's birthday.


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"Address, 'Lee, the college president, by Dr. Edward S. Joynes, formerly of General Lee's faculty": p. 19-36.


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v. 1. pt. I. Correspondence between the king and Cardinal Wolsey, 1518-1530. pt. II. Correspondence between the king and his ministers, 1530-1547 -- v. 2-3. pt. III. Correspondence between the governments of England and Ireland, 1515-1546 -- v. 4-5. pt. IV. Correspondence relative to Scotland and the borders, 1513-1546 -- v. 6-11. pt. V. Foreign correspondence, 1473-1547.