98 resultados para Zigbee


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Bikeshares promote healthy lifestyles and sustainability among commuters, casual riders, and tourists. However, the central pillar of modern systems, the bike station, cannot be easily integrated into a compact college campus. Fixed stations lack the flexibility to meet the needs of college students who make quick, short-distance trips. Additionally, the necessary cost of implementing and maintaining each station prohibits increasing the number of stations for user convenience. Therefore, the team developed a stationless bikeshare based on a smartlock permanently attached to bicycles in the system. The smartlock system design incorporates several innovative approaches to provide usability, security, and reliability that overcome the limitations of a station centered design. A focus group discussion allowed the team to receive feedback on the early lock, system, and website designs, identify improvements and craft a pleasant user experience. The team designed a unique, two-step lock system that is intuitive to operate while mitigating user error. To ensure security, user access is limited through near field ii communications (NFC) technology connected to a mechatronic release system. The said system relied on a NFC module and a servo working through an Arduino microcontroller coded in the Arduino IDE. To track rentals and maintain the system, each bike is fitted with an XBee module to communicate with a scalable ZigBee mesh network. The network allows for bidirectional, real-time communication with a Meteor.js web application, which enables user and administrator functions through an intuitive user interface available on mobile and desktop. The development of an independent smartlock to replace bike stations is essential to meet the needs of the modern college student. With the goal of creating a bikeshare that better serves college students, Team BIKES has laid the framework for a system that is affordable, easily adaptable, and implementable on any university expressing an interest in bringing a bikeshare to its campus.


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Esta Dissertação aborda a temática da eficiência energética em sistemas de iluminação fabris. Desde os primórdios da história da humanidade que a iluminação tem representado um papel importante. Não só garante condições de segurança, como começou por ser o intuito primordial das fogueiras pré-históricas, traduzindo-se num elemento de conforto. Atualmente seria impensável conceber as mais diversas atividades económicas e produtivas de um país sem iluminação. Nesse sentido a iluminação representa também um elemento fomentador de produtividade. Não é bem conhecido o impacto que a iluminação tem nos custos operacionais de uma unidade fabril. Principalmente por ser difícil de quantificar separadamente na fatura de eletricidade qual a percentagem correspondente à iluminação. Tipicamente estes custos podem ascender a 20% do orçamento global da autarquia em países desenvolvidos. Por esse motivo, o sector da iluminação tem investido esforço no sentido de promover melhores soluções de iluminação capazes de por um lado de satisfazer os requisitos do espaço a iluminar, e por outro propiciar soluções eficientes do ponto de vista energético. Estas soluções assentam essencialmente no uso de dispositivos mais eficientes (como por exemplo os LED´s ou as lâmpadas compactas fluorescentes) bem como em estratégias de controlo eficientes baseadas em dados sensoriais (como por exemplo deteção de movimento/presença). A combinação destas estratégias permite reduzir os consumos em cerca de 80% quando comparadas com soluções passivas. A empresa Amorim Cork Research Lda. é uma empresa prestadora de serviços ao universo das empresas da Corticeira Amorim, uma das maiores multinacionais de origem portuguesa. Teve origem no negócio da cortiça, em 1870, sendo hoje líder destacada no sector a nível mundial. Dada a dimensão da empresa e a sua subdivisão em várias Unidades Industriais com requisitos individuais, será expectável que a iluminação represente uma parte significativa da fatura de eletricidade. Atualmente, os vários setores encontram-se equipados com soluções de iluminação diferentes, na sua maioria empregando tecnologias passivas, noutros casos com dispositivos eficientes. Há algum interesse em migrar para soluções mais eficientes, em parte suportadas em DALI (com interface de comunicação PLC ou Zigbee).


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) methods applied to the lifting of oil present as an area with growing demand technical and scientific in view of the optimizations that can be carried forward with existing processes. This dissertation has as main objective to present the development of embedded systems dedicated to a wireless sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4, which applies the ZigBee protocol, between sensors, actuators and the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), aiming to solve the present problems in the deployment and maintenance of the physical communication of current elevation oil units based on the method Plunger-Lift. Embedded systems developed for this application will be responsible for acquiring information from sensors and control actuators of the devices present at the well, and also, using the Modbus protocol to make this network becomes transparent to the PLC responsible for controlling the production and delivery information for supervisory SISAL


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L'Internet of Things (IoT) è oggetto di grande interesse per la ricerca e per l'industria. Le numerose tecnologie che sono state sviluppate rendono possibile la creazione di nuovi e utili servizi, ma introducono problemi legati alla reciproca incompatibilità. Nell'elaborato si analizza nel dettaglio questa situazione e si descrive l'implementazione di un sistema che ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di una rete composta da dispositivi che fanno uso di tecnologie differenti. Il progetto usa un Raspberry Pi come router, il cui scopo è quello di gestire le differenze fra gli standard di comunicazione utilizzati. Le tecnologie wireless supportate sono: WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, nRF24L01 e moduli radio 433MHz. Sulla rete cosi formata è inoltre possibile lo sviluppo di applicazioni IoT, grazie alle logiche di funzionamento messe a disposizione dal sistema.


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Recent advancements in the area of nanotechnology have brought us into a new age of pervasive computing devices. These computing devices grow ever smaller and are being used in ways which were unimaginable before. Recent interest in developing a precise indoor positioning system, as opposed to existing outdoor systems, has given way to much research heading into the area. The use of these small computing devices offers many conveniences for usage in indoor positioning systems. This thesis will deal with using small computing devices Raspberry Pi’s to enable and improve position estimation of mobile devices within closed spaces. The newly patented Orthogonal Perfect DFT Golay coding sequences will be used inside this scenario, and their positioning properties will be tested. After that, testing and comparisons with other coding sequences will be done.


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Sensor and electronic-health networks are widely utilized at home and in industry/research applications. In a local sense, a sensor-to-sensor network can have a range of a few meters to a couple of hundred meters (ZigBee Pro can extend this range up to 2000 m). With the deployment of mobile technology in the healthcare space (mobile-Health ‘m-Health’) and using cellular coverage, the range can virtually be unbounded. However, supporting bounded delay (end-to-end delay), class of service, and quality of service for critical sensor-mHealth applications may become challenging. This challenge can be alarmingly extended when thousands of users run their sensor-mHealth applications simultaneously and depend on limited coverage of the cell tower to transmit their health-related data across. In this paper we will discuss how the 3rd Generation Partnership Project–Long Term Evolution networks can address such aggregation issues, and discuss the challenges and provide recommendations.


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This paper presents the study and experimental tests for the viability analysis of using multiple wireless technologies in urban traffic light controllers in a Smart City environment. Communication drivers, different types of antennas, data acquisition methods and data processing for monitoring the network are presented. The sensors and actuators modules are connected in a local area network through two distinct low power wireless networks using both 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz frequency bands. All data communications using 868 MHz go through a Moteino. Various tests are made to assess the most advantageous features of each communication type. The experimental results show better range for 868 MHz solutions, whereas the 2.4 GHz presents the advantage of self-regenerating the network and mesh. The different pros and cons of both communication methods are presented.