977 resultados para Yeast function complementation
Naïvement perçu, le processus d’évolution est une succession d’événements de duplication et de mutations graduelles dans le génome qui mènent à des changements dans les fonctions et les interactions du protéome. La famille des hydrolases de guanosine triphosphate (GTPases) similaire à Ras constitue un bon modèle de travail afin de comprendre ce phénomène fondamental, car cette famille de protéines contient un nombre limité d’éléments qui diffèrent en fonctionnalité et en interactions. Globalement, nous désirons comprendre comment les mutations singulières au niveau des GTPases affectent la morphologie des cellules ainsi que leur degré d’impact sur les populations asynchrones. Mon travail de maîtrise vise à classifier de manière significative différents phénotypes de la levure Saccaromyces cerevisiae via l’analyse de plusieurs critères morphologiques de souches exprimant des GTPases mutées et natives. Notre approche à base de microscopie et d’analyses bioinformatique des images DIC (microscopie d’interférence différentielle de contraste) permet de distinguer les phénotypes propres aux cellules natives et aux mutants. L’emploi de cette méthode a permis une détection automatisée et une caractérisation des phénotypes mutants associés à la sur-expression de GTPases constitutivement actives. Les mutants de GTPases constitutivement actifs Cdc42 Q61L, Rho5 Q91H, Ras1 Q68L et Rsr1 G12V ont été analysés avec succès. En effet, l’implémentation de différents algorithmes de partitionnement, permet d’analyser des données qui combinent les mesures morphologiques de population native et mutantes. Nos résultats démontrent que l’algorithme Fuzzy C-Means performe un partitionnement efficace des cellules natives ou mutantes, où les différents types de cellules sont classifiés en fonction de plusieurs facteurs de formes cellulaires obtenus à partir des images DIC. Cette analyse démontre que les mutations Cdc42 Q61L, Rho5 Q91H, Ras1 Q68L et Rsr1 G12V induisent respectivement des phénotypes amorphe, allongé, rond et large qui sont représentés par des vecteurs de facteurs de forme distincts. Ces distinctions sont observées avec différentes proportions (morphologie mutante / morphologie native) dans les populations de mutants. Le développement de nouvelles méthodes automatisées d’analyse morphologique des cellules natives et mutantes s’avère extrêmement utile pour l’étude de la famille des GTPases ainsi que des résidus spécifiques qui dictent leurs fonctions et réseau d’interaction. Nous pouvons maintenant envisager de produire des mutants de GTPases qui inversent leur fonction en ciblant des résidus divergents. La substitution fonctionnelle est ensuite détectée au niveau morphologique grâce à notre nouvelle stratégie quantitative. Ce type d’analyse peut également être transposé à d’autres familles de protéines et contribuer de manière significative au domaine de la biologie évolutive.
La quantité de données générée dans le cadre d'étude à grande échelle du réseau d'interaction protéine-protéine dépasse notre capacité à les analyser et à comprendre leur sens; d'une part, par leur complexité et leur volume, et d'un autre part, par la qualité du jeu de donnée produit qui semble bondé de faux positifs et de faux négatifs. Cette dissertation décrit une nouvelle méthode de criblage des interactions physique entre protéines à haut débit chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la complémentation de fragments protéiques (PCA). Cette approche est accomplie dans des cellules intactes dans les conditions natives des protéines; sous leur promoteur endogène et dans le respect des contextes de modifications post-traductionnelles et de localisations subcellulaires. Une application biologique de cette méthode a permis de démontrer la capacité de ce système rapporteur à répondre aux questions d'adaptation cellulaire à des stress, comme la famine en nutriments et un traitement à une drogue. Dans le premier chapitre de cette dissertation, nous avons présenté un criblage des paires d'interactions entre les protéines résultant des quelques 6000 cadres de lecture de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nous avons identifié 2770 interactions entre 1124 protéines. Nous avons estimé la qualité de notre criblage en le comparant à d'autres banques d'interaction. Nous avons réalisé que la majorité de nos interactions sont nouvelles, alors que le chevauchement avec les données des autres méthodes est large. Nous avons pris cette opportunité pour caractériser les facteurs déterminants dans la détection d'une interaction par PCA. Nous avons remarqué que notre approche est sous une contrainte stérique provenant de la nécessité des fragments rapporteurs à pouvoir se rejoindre dans l'espace cellulaire afin de récupérer l'activité observable de la sonde d'interaction. L'intégration de nos résultats aux connaissances des dynamiques de régulations génétiques et des modifications protéiques nous dirigera vers une meilleure compréhension des processus cellulaires complexes orchestrés aux niveaux moléculaires et structuraux dans les cellules vivantes. Nous avons appliqué notre méthode aux réarrangements dynamiques opérant durant l'adaptation de la cellule à des stress, comme la famine en nutriments et le traitement à une drogue. Cette investigation fait le détail de notre second chapitre. Nous avons déterminé de cette manière que l'équilibre entre les formes phosphorylées et déphosphorylées de l'arginine méthyltransférase de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hmt1, régulait du même coup sont assemblage en hexamère et son activité enzymatique. L'activité d'Hmt1 a directement un impact dans la progression du cycle cellulaire durant un stress, stabilisant les transcrits de CLB2 et permettant la synthèse de Cln3p. Nous avons utilisé notre criblage afin de déterminer les régulateurs de la phosphorylation d'Hmt1 dans un contexte de traitement à la rapamycin, un inhibiteur de la kinase cible de la rapamycin (TOR). Nous avons identifié la sous-unité catalytique de la phosphatase PP2a, Pph22, activé par l'inhibition de la kinase TOR et la kinase Dbf2, activé durant l'entrée en mitose de la cellule, comme la phosphatase et la kinase responsable de la modification d'Hmt1 et de ses fonctions de régulations dans le cycle cellulaire. Cette approche peut être généralisée afin d'identifier et de lier mécanistiquement les gènes, incluant ceux n'ayant aucune fonction connue, à tout processus cellulaire, comme les mécanismes régulant l'ARNm.
With molecular biology methods and bioinformatics, the Argonaute proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum were characterized, and the function of the AgnA protein in RNAi and DNA methylation was investigated, as well as cellular features. Also interaction partners of the PAZ-Piwi domain of AgnA (PAZ-PiwiAgnA) were discovered. The Dictyostelium genome encodes five Argonaute proteins, termed AgnA/B/C/D/E. The expression level of Argonaute proteins was AgnB/D/E > AgnA > AgnC. All these proteins contain the characteristic conserved of PAZ and Piwi domains. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the overexpressed C-terminal GFP-fusion of PAZ-PiwiAgnA (PPWa-GFP) localized to the cytoplasm. Overexpression of PPWa-GFP leaded to an increased gene silencing efficiency mediated by RNAi but not by antisense RNA. This indicated that PAZ-PiwiAgnA is involved in the RNAi pathway, but not in the antisense pathway. An analysis of protein-protein interactions by a yeast-two-hybrid screen on a cDNA library from vegetatively grown Dictyostelium revealed that several proteins, such as EF2, EF1-I, IfdA, SahA, SamS, RANBP1, UAE1, CapA, and GpdA could interact with PAZ-PiwiAgnA. There was no interaction between PAZ-PiwiAgnA and HP1, HelF and DnmA detected by direct yeast-two-hybrid analysis. The fluorescence microscopy images showed that the overexpressed GFP-SahA or IfdA fusion proteins localized to both cytoplasm and nuclei, while the overexpressed GFP-SamS localized to the cytoplasm. The expression of SamS in AgnA knock down mutants was strongly down regulated on cDNA and mRNA level in, while the expression of SahA was only slightly down regulated. AgnA knock down mutants displayed defects in growth and phagocytosis, which suggested that AgnA affects also cell biological features. The inhibition of DNA methylation on DIRS-1 and Skipper retroelements, as well as the endogenous mvpB and telA gene, observed for the same strains, revealed that AgnA is involved in the DNA methylation pathway. Northern blot analysis showed that Skipper and DIRS-1 were rarely expressed in Ax2, but the expression of Skipper was upregulated in AgnA knock down mutants, while the expression of DIRS-1 was not changed. A knock out of the agnA gene failed even though the homologous recombination of the disruption construct occurred at the correct site, which indicated that there was a duplication of the agnA gene in the genome. The same phenomenon was also observed in ifdA knock out experiments.
En aquest treball es caracteriza per primera vegada la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica d'una metal·lotineïna (MT) de planta i es proposa un model de plegament per a les MTs de planta en general. Els resultat mostren que aquestes proteïnes poden tenir un paper molt important en la regulació de l'estat redox de les cèl·lules, probablement a través de la coordinació a Cu. Les MTs de planta són proteïnes molt desconegudes. Es postula que participen en l'homeòstasi del Cu i en la protecció contra l'estrès oxidatiu, però es desconeix la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica i el plegament. En aquest treball s'han estudiat una metal·lotioneïna d'alzina surera, QsMT, aïllada d'una llibreria de cDNA de fel·lema. Els objectius concrets han estat: (1) estudiar l'expressió de QsMT i la resposta a l'estrès oxidatiu; (2) determinar la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica i la funcionalitat in vivo; (3) fer una aproximació al plegament de les MTs de planta. L'expressió del gen s'ha estudiat mitjançant hibridació in situ en plàntules i en embrions d'alzina surera. QsMT s'expressa majoritàriament en cèl·lules amb fort estrès oxidatiu, associat a la síntesi de polifenols (suberització i lignificació) i a la senescència. També s'expressa en cèl·lules meristemàtiques, cèl·lules en divisió molt activa on la funció de les MTs podria estar relacionada amb el manteniment de l'estat redox. L'aplicació d'estrès oxidatiu exogen (H2O2 i paraquat) incrementa fortament l'expressió de QsMT en teixits amb expressió constitutiva, confirmant la regulació de l'expressió del gen per estrès oxidatiu. Per l'estudi de les propietats de coordinació metàl·lica es va expressar QsMT en cèl·lules d'E. coli en medi de cultiu suplementat amb Cu, Zn o Cd. Es van aïllar els agregats metàl·lics corresponents i es van analitzar mitjançant tècniques espectroscòpiques i espectromètriques (ICP-OES, ESI-MS i CD). Els resultats mostren que QsMT coordina de forma estable Cu (8 ions metàl·lics/molècula), Zn (4 ions de Zn/molècula) i Cd (6 ions de Cd/molècula), i adopta una estructura especialment quiral en coordinació a Cu. L'elevada capacitat quelant de la proteïna i la quiralitat de l'estructura indiquen que QsMT possiblement té preferència metàl·lica pel Cu i per tant una funció relacionada amb aquest metall in vivo. Estudis de complementació en llevat demostren que QsMT coordina Cu de forma funcional in vivo. En coordinació a Cd QsMT presenta una peculiaritat no observada fins ara en altres MTs: la participació d'ions sulfur en la formació de l'agregat metàl·lic incrementant la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica (6 ions metàl·lics divalents de Cd enlloc de 4 ions de Zn). A més QsMT coordina Cd de forma funcional en llevat, i per tant la seva funció també podria estar relacionada amb la destoxicació de Cd en la planta. QsMT s'ha utilitzat com a model per fer una aproximació al plegament de les MTs de planta. Amb aquest objectiu vam dissenyar tres pèptids mutants derivats de QsMT: N25 corresponent a la zona rica en cisteïna en posició amino-terminal, C18 corresponent a la zona rica en cisteïna en posició carboxil-terminal, i N25-C18 corresponent a les dues zones riques en cisteïna enllaçades per 4 glicines substituint la zona central de 39 aminoàcids. Es van expressar i estudiar aquests pèptids per les mateixes tècniques utilitzades en l'estudi de QsMT. Els resultats indiquen que QsMT es plega formant un sol agregat metàl·lic per la interacció de les dues zones riques en cisteïna. En aquest model la zona central d'enllaç, típica de les MTs de planta, no participa en la coordinació metàl·lica però és imprescindible per a la funció de la proteïna. El paper de la zona central podria variar en funció del metall que coordina, participant en el plegament i estructura de la proteïna quan coordina Zn i Cd i en la seva regulació i estabilització quan coordina Cu.
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 is a bacterial pathogen that can cause haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uremic syndrome. In the primary reservoir host, cattle, the terminal rectum is the principal site of E. coli O157 colonization. In this study, bovine terminal rectal primary epithelial cells were used to examine the role of H7 flagella in epithelial adherence. Binding of a fliC(H7) mutant O157 strain to rectal epithelium was significantly reduced as was binding of the flagellated wild-type strain following incubation with H7-specific antibodies. Complementation of fliC(H7) mutant O157 strain with fliC(H7) restored the adherence to wild-type levels; however, complementation with fliC(H6) did not restore it. High-resolution ultrastructural and imunofluorescence studies demonstrated the presence of abundant flagella forming physical contact points with the rectal epithelium. Binding to terminal rectal epithelium was specific to H7 by comparison with other flagellin types tested. In-cell Western assays confirmed temporal expression of flagella during O157 interaction with epithelium, early expression was suppressed during the later stages of microcolony and attaching and effacing lesion formation. H7 flagella are expressed in vivo by individual bacteria in contact with rectal mucosa. Our data demonstrate that the H7 flagellum acts as an adhesin to bovine intestinal epithelium and its involvement in this crucial initiating step for colonization indicates that H7 flagella could be an important target in intervention strategies.
Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent for Chagas` disease, has requirements for several cofactors, one of which is heme. Because this organism is unable to synthesize heme, which serves as a prosthetic group for several heme proteins (including the respiratory chain complexes), it therefore must be acquired from the environment. Considering this deficiency, it is an open question as to how heme A, the essential cofactor for eukaryotic CcO enzymes, is acquired by this parasite. In the present work, we provide evidence for the presence and functionality of genes coding for heme O and heme A synthases, which catalyze the synthesis of heme O and its conversion into heme A, respectively. The functions of these T. cruzi proteins were evaluated using yeast complementation assays, and the mRNA levels of their respective genes were analyzed at the different T. cruzi life stages. It was observed that the amount of mRNA coding for these proteins changes during the parasite life cycle, suggesting that this variation could reflect different respiratory requirements in the different parasite life stages.
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a protein that is highly conserved and essential for cell viability. This factor is the only protein known to contain the unique and essential amino acid residue hypusine. This work focused on the structural and functional characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A. The tertiary structure of yeast eIF5A was modeled based on the structure of its Leishmania mexicana homologue and this model was used to predict the structural localization of new site-directed and randomly generated mutations. Most of the 40 new mutants exhibited phenotypes that resulted from eIF-5A protein-folding defects. Our data provided evidence that the C-terminal alpha-helix present in yeast eIF5A is an essential structural element, whereas the eIF5A N-terminal 10 amino acid extension not present in archaeal eIF5A homologs, is not. Moreover, the mutants containing substitutions at or in the vicinity of the hypusine modification site displayed nonviable or temperature-sensitive phenotypes and were defective in hypusine modification. Interestingly, two of the temperature-sensitive strains produced stable mutant eIF5A proteins - eIF5A(K56A) and eIF5A(Q22H,L93F)- and showed defects in protein synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Our data revealed important structural features of eIF5A that are required for its vital role in cell viability and underscored an essential function of eIF5A in the translation step of gene expression.
The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome protein (SBDS) is a member of a highly conserved protein family of not well understood function, with putative orthologues found in different organisms ranging from Archaea, yeast and plants to vertebrate animals. The yeast orthologue of SBDS, Sdo1p, has been previously identified in association with the 60S ribosomal subunit and is proposed to participate in ribosomal recycling. Here we show that Sdo1p interacts with nucleolar rRNA processing factors and ribosomal proteins, indicating that it might bind the pre-60S complex and remain associated with it during processing and transport to the cytoplasm. Corroborating the protein interaction data, Sdo1p localizes to the nucleus and cytoplasm and co-immunoprecipitates precursors of 60S and 40S subunits, as well as the mature rRNAs. Sdo1p binds RNA directly, suggesting that it may associate with the ribosomal subunits also through RNA interaction. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Oroidin was isolated from the marine sponge Agelas sventres and inhibited the activity and function of Pdr5p, an enzyme responsible for the multidrug resistance phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This compound may help in the development of new drugs that reverse this dangerous phenotype of pathogenic yeast and fungi.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a protein that is highly conserved and essential for cell viability. This factor is the only protein known to contain the unique and essential amino acid residue hypusine. This work focused on the structural and functional characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A. The tertiary structure of yeast eIF5A was modeled based on the structure of its Leishmania mexicana homologue and this model was used to predict the structural localization of new site-directed and randomly generated mutations. Most of the 40 new mutants exhibited phenotypes that resulted from eIF-5A protein-folding defects. Our data provided evidence that the C-terminal alpha-helix present in yeast eIF5A is an essential structural element, whereas the eIF5A N-terminal 10 amino acid extension not present in archaeal eIF5A homologs, is not. Moreover, the mutants containing substitutions at or in the vicinity of the hypusine modification site displayed nonviable or temperature-sensitive phenotypes and were defective in hypusine modification. Interestingly, two of the temperature-sensitive strains produced stable mutant eIF5A proteins - eIF5A(K56A) and eIF5A(Q22H,L93F)- and showed defects in protein synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Our data revealed important structural features of eIF5A that are required for its vital role in cell viability and underscored an essential function of eIF5A in the translation step of gene expression.
The extracellular glycerol kinase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GUT]) was cloned into the expression vector pPICZ alpha. A and integrated into the genome of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris X-33. The presence of the GUT1 insert was confirmed by PCR analysis. Four clones were selected and the functionality of the recombinant enzyme was assayed. Among the tested clones, one exhibited glycerol kinase activity of 0.32 U/mL, with specific activity of 0.025 U/mg of protein. A medium optimized for maximum biomass production by recombinant Pichia pastoris in shaker cultures was initially explored, using 2.31 % (by volume) glycerol as the carbon source. Optimization was carried out by response surface methodology (RSM). In preliminary experiments, following a Plackett-Burman design, glycerol volume fraction (phi(Gly)) and growth time (t) were selected as the most important factors in biomass production. Therefore, subsequent experiments, carried out to optimize biomass production, followed a central composite rotatable design as a function of phi(Gly) and time. Glycerol volume fraction proved to have a significant positive linear effect on biomass production. Also, time was a significant factor (at linear positive and quadratic levels) in biomass production. Experimental data were well fitted by a convex surface representing a second order polynomial model, in which biomass is a function of both factors (R(2)=0.946). Yield and specific activity of glycerol kinase were mainly affected by the additions of glycerol and methanol to the medium. The optimized medium composition for enzyme production was: 1 % yeast extract, 1 % peptone, 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH=6.0, 1.34 % yeast nitrogen base (YNB), 4.10(-5) % biotin, 1 %, methanol and 1 %, glycerol, reaching 0.89 U/mL of glycerol kinase activity and 14.55 g/L of total protein in the medium after 48 h of growth.
Pkc1 acts through Zds1 and Gic1 to suppress growth and cell polarity defects of a yeast eIF5A mutant
eIF5A is a highly conserved putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor that has been implicated in translation initiation, nucleocytoplasmic transport, mRNA decay, and cell proliferation, but with no precise function assigned so far. We have previously shown that high-copy PKCI suppresses the phenotype of tif51A-1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of eIF5A in S. cerevisiae. Here, in an attempt to further understand how Pkc1 functionally interacts with eIF-5A, it was determined that PKCI suppression of tif51A-1 is independent of the cell integrity MAP kinase cascade. Furthermore, two new suppressor genes, ZDS1 and GIC1, were identified. We demonstrated that ZDS1 and ZDS2 are necessary for PKC1, but not for GIC1 suppression. Moreover, high-copy GIC1 also suppresses the growth defect of a PKCI mutant (stt1), suggesting the existence of a Pkc1-Zds1-Gic1 pathway. Consistent with the function of Gic1 in actin organization, the tif51A-1 strain shows an actin polarity defect that is partially recovered by overexpression of Pkc1 and Zds1 as well as Gic1. Additionally, PCL1 and BNI1, important regulators of yeast cell polarity, also suppress tif51A-1 temperature sensitiviiy Taken together, these data strongly Support the correlated involvement of Pkc1 and eIF5A in establishing actin polarity, which is essential for bud formation and G1/S transition in S. cerevisiae.
The putative translation factor eIF5A is essential for cell viability and is highly conserved from archebacteria to mammals. Although this protein was originally identified as a translation initiation factor, subsequent experiments did not support a role for eIF5A in general translation. In this work, we demonstrate that eIF-5A interacts with structural components of the 80S ribosome, as well as with the translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2). Moreover, eIF5A is further shown to cofractionate with monosomes in a translation-dependent manner. Finally, eIF5A mutants show altered polysome profiles and are sensitive to translation inhibitors. Our results re-establish a function for eIF5A in translation and suggest a role for this factor in translation elongation instead of translation initiation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is an important fungal pathogen. The disease it causes, paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), ranges from localized pulmonary infection to systemic processes that endanger the life of the patient. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis adhesion to host tissues contributes to its virulence, but we know relatively little about molecules and the molecular mechanisms governing fungal adhesion to mammalian cells. Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI: EC of P. brasiliensis (PbTPI) is a fungal antigen characterized by microsequencing of peptides. The protein, which is predominantly expressed in the yeast parasitic phase, localizes at the cell wall and in the cytoplasmic compartment. TPI and the respective polyclonal antibody produced against this protein inhibited the interaction of P. brasiliensis to in vitro cultured epithelial cells. TPI binds preferentially to laminin, as determined by peptide inhibition assays. Collectively, these results suggest that TPI is required for interactions between P. brasiliensis and extracellular matrix molecules such as laminin and that this interaction may play an important role in the fungal adherence and invasion of host cells.