125 resultados para Xylazine


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The total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) is an option for some surgeries in bovines for fields. The aim of this study was to evaluate blood gases effects, cardiorespiratory and glycemia on calves submitted the umbilical herniorraphy. We used eight calves aged from 9 ± 4 months, weighting 111 ± 43 kg. The animals were pre-treated with xylazine (0.05 mg/kg IV) and after 15 minutes was administered ketamine (2.0 mg/kg IV) followed by the continuous infusion of xylazine (0.05 mg/ml), guaifenesin (50 mg/mL) and ketamine (1mg/ml) at a rate of infusion of 2mL/kg/hour. The blood gases and glucose samples were collected immediately before the MPA (MB) and the 5, 40 and 80 after the starting of TIVA (M5, M40 e M80). The other variables were measured in MB, 15 minutes after the MPA (Mx) and every 10 minutes after the starting of TIVA, entiring 80 minutes. The heart rate was higher in MB than in the other stages (p <0.05) and respiratory rate increased in M20 and M50 compared to MB and Mx (p <0.05). The PvCO2 increased while PaO2 decreased in M40 and M80, for MB (p <0.05), PVCO2 in M80 was lower than in MB (p <0.05). The pHv was smaller in M80 than M5 and MB (p <0.05), and HCO3 was lower in MB (p <0.05) compared to the others. The glucose was higher in M40 and M80 and M5 for MB (p <0.05). The recovery time was 152 ± 60 minutes after the end of the administration of the infusion of anesthetics. It was conclude that the anesthetic technique employed promoted respiratory depression, increased blood glucose and prolonged period of anesthetic recovery in calves.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to determine the viability and cardiorespiratory effects of the association of epidural alpha-2 adrenergic agonists and lidocaine for ovariohysterectomy (OH) in bitches. Forty-two bitches were spayed under epidural anesthesia with 2.5 mg/kg body weight (BW) of 1% lidocaine with adrenaline (CON) or in association with 0.25 mg/kg BW of xylazine (XYL), 10 mu g/kg BW of romifidine (ROM), 30 mu g/kg BW of detomidine (DET), 2 mu g/kg BW of dexmedetomidine (DEX), or 5 mu g/kg BW of clonidine (CLO). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f(R)) and arterial pressures were monitored immediately before and every 10 min after the epidural procedure. Blood gas and pH analysis were done before, and at 30 and 60 min after the epidural procedure. Animals were submitted to isoflurane anesthesia if they presented a slightest sign of discomfort during the procedure. Time of sensory epidural block and postoperative analgesia were evaluated. All animals in CON and DEX, 5 animals in ROM and CLO, 4 animals in XYL, and 3 in DET required supplementary isoflurane. All groups, except CLO, showed a decrease in HR. There was an increase in arterial pressures in all groups. Postoperative analgesia lasted the longest in XYL. None of the protocols were totally efficient to perform the complete procedure of OH; however, xylazine provided longer postoperative analgesia than the others.


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Objective: To analyze the myometrial thickness of rats subjected to creatine (Cr) ingestion. Study design: A total of 14 rats was equally divided into the control group (ConGr) receiving 1 ml potable water and the creatine group (CrGr) subjected to the ingestion of 1.6 g/kg Cr diluted in 1 ml potable water. At the end of 8 weeks, the animals were anesthetized (xylazine and ketamine) and sacrificed, the uteri and ovaries stained with hematoxylin and eosin, the thickness of both the myometrium and the epithelium measured and the follicles counted. Results: Analysis revealed a significant increase in thickness of the myometrium in the CrGr (272.26 +/- 66.71 mu m) contrasted with that from the ConGr (160.76 +/- 35.65 mu m), CrGr > ConGr (p < 0001). Conclusion: Our data suggest that Cr changed myometrial morphology in rats by enhancing myometrial thickness, but its action mechanism in the smooth muscle is still unclear.


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Avaliaram-se, durante 60 minutos, 10 bovinos após administração intravenosa de 0,1mg.kg-1 de xilazina ou 10μg.kg-1 de detomidina, quanto às frequências cardíaca e respiratória, movimentos ruminais, pressão arterial média, temperatura retal e respostas comportamentais como ataxia ou decúbito, ptose palpebral, estado de alerta ou sedação e redução da altura da cabeça em relação ao solo, além da presença de salivação, micção e concentração sanguínea de glicose. Observou-se que a xilazina, via intravenosa, em bovinos, ao mesmo tempo que promove sedação mais intensa e prolongada que a detomidina, induz a uma maior quantidade de efeitos indesejáveis, como salivação e decúbito, e redução das frequências cardíaca e respiratória, da pressão arterial média, da motilidade ruminal e da temperatura, sendo estas alterações mais prolongadas. Conclui-se que a detomidina pode ser utilizada com segurança em bovinos na dose de 10μg.kg-1, promovendo sedação e permanência do animal em posição quadrupedal.


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RATIONALE: The interaction between lungs and chest wall influences lung volume, that determines lung history during respiration cycle. In this study, the influence of chest wall mechanics on respiratory system is assessed by the evaluation of inspiration pressure-volume curve (PV curve) under three different situations: closed-chest, open-chest and isolated lung. The PV curve parameters in each situation allow us to further understand the role played by different chest wall elements in the respiratory function. Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats (236 ± 29 g) were used. The animals were weighted and then anesthetized with xylazine 2% (O,SmL/kg) and ketamine 10% (0,9mL/kg), exsanguinated and later tracheostomies with a metallic cannula (14 gauge).The cannula was connected to an automatic small animal insufflator. This setup was connected to a pressure transducer (32 samples/s). The 24 animals were randomly separated in three groups:(i) closed chest,(ii) open chest and (iii) isolated lung. The rats were insufflated with 20mL quasi-statically (constant speed of 0,1mUs). lnsufflated volume and measured pressure data were kept and PV curves were obtained for all animals. The PV curves were fitted (non-linear least squares) against the sigmoid equation (1) to obtain the sigmoid equation parameters (a,b,c,d). Elastance measurements were obtained from linear regression of pressure/volume measurements in a 0,8s interval before and after the calculated point. Results: The parameters a,b and c showed no significant change, but the parameter d showed a significant variation among the three groups. The initial elastance also varied between open and closed chest, indicating the need of a higher pressure for the lung expansion, as can be seen in Table 1. Conclusion: A supporting effect of the chest wall was observed at the initial moments of inspiration, observed as a higher initial elastance in open chest situations than in closed chest situations (p=0,00001). The similar initial elastance for the isolated lung and closed chest may be explained by the specific method used for the isolated lung experiment. As the isolated lung is supported by the trachea vertically, the weight of the tissue may have a similar effect of the residual negative pressure in the thorax, responsible for maintaining the residual volume.


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RATIONALE: The interaction between lungs and chest wall influences lung volume, that determines lung history during respiration cycle. In this study, the influence of chest wall mechanics on respiratory system is assessed by the evaluation of inspiration pressure-volume curve (PV curve) under three different situations: closed-chest, open-chest and isolated lung. The PV curve parameters in each situation allow us to further understand the role played by different chest wall elements in the respiratory function. Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats (236 ± 29 g) were used. The animals were weighted and then anesthetized with xylazine 2% (0,5mL/kg) and ketamine 10% (0,9mL/kg), exsanguinated and later tracheostomized with a metallic cannula (14 gauge). The cannula was connected to an automatic small animal insufflator. This setup was connected to a pressure transducer (32 samples/s). The 24 animals were randomly separated in three groups: (i) closed chest, (ii) open chest and (iii) isolated lung. The rats were insufflated with 20mL quasi-statically (constant speed of 0,1mL/s). Insufflated volume and measured pressure data were kept and PV curves were obtained for all animals. The PV curves were fitted (non-linear least squares) against the sigmoid equation (1) to obtain the sigmoid equation parameters (a,b,c,d). Elastance measurements were obtained from linear regression of pressure/volume measurements in a 0,8s interval before and after the calculated point. Results: The parameters a, b and c showed no significant change, but the parameter d showed a significant variation among the three groups. The initial elastance also varied between open and closed chest, indicating the need of a higher pressure for the lung expansion, as can be seen in Table 1. Table 1: Mean and Standard Deviation of parameters obtained for each protocol. Protocol: Closed Chest – a (mL) -0.35±0.33; b (mL) 13.93±0.89; c (cm H2O) 21.28±2.37; d (cm H2O) 6.17±0.84; r²** (%) 99.4±0.14; Initial Elastance* (cm H2)/mL) 12.72±6.66; Weight (g) 232.33±5.72. Open Chest - a (mL) 0.01±0.28; b (mL) 14.79±0.54; c (cm H2O) 19.47±1.41; d (cm H2O) 3.50±0.28; r²** (%) 98.8±0.34; Initial Elastance* (cm H2)/mL) 28.68±2.36; Weight (g) 217.33±7.97. Isolated Lung - a (mL) -0.09±0.46; b (mL) 14.22±0.75; c (cm H2O) 21.76±1.43; d (cm H2O) 4.24±0.50; r²** (%) 98.9±0.19; Initial Elastance* (cm H2)/mL) 7.13±8.85; Weight (g) 224.33±16.66. * Elastance measures in the 0-0,1 mL range. ** Goodness of sigmoid fit versus measured data Conclusion: A supporting effect of the chest wall was observed at the initial moments of inspiration, observed as a higher initial elastance in open chest situations than in closed chest situations (p=0,00001). The similar initial elastance for the isolated lung and closed chest may be explained by the specific method used for the isolated lung experiment. As the isolated lung is supported by the trachea vertically, the weight of the tissue may have a similar effect of the residual negative pressure in the thorax, responsible for maintaining the residual volume.


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In surgical animal studies anesthesia is used regularly. Several reports in the literature demonstrate respiratory and cardiovascular side effects of anesthesiologic agents. The aim of this study was to compare two frequently used anesthesia cocktails (ketamine/xylazine [KX] versus medetomidine/climazolam/fentanyl [MCF]) in skin flap mouse models. Systemic blood values, local metabolic parameters, and surgical outcome should be analyzed in critical ischemic skin flap models. Systemic hypoxia was found in the animals undergoing KX anesthesia compared with normoxia in the MCF group (sO(2): 89.2% +/- 2.4% versus 98.5% +/- 1.2%, P < 0.01). Analysis of tissue metabolism revealed impaired anaerobic oxygen metabolism and increased cellular damage in critical ischemic flap tissue under KX anesthesia (lactate/pyruvate ratio: KX 349.86 +/- 282.38 versus MCF 64.53 +/- 18.63; P < 0.01 and glycerol: KX 333.50 +/- 83.91 micromol/L versus MCF 195.83 +/- 29.49 micromol/L; P < 0.01). After 6 d, different rates of flap tissue necrosis could be detected (MCF 57% +/- 6% versus KX 68% +/- 6%, P < 0.01). In summary we want to point out that the type of anesthesia, the animal model and the goal of the study have to be well correlated. Comparing the effects of KX and MCF anesthesia in mice on surgical outcome was a novel aspect of our study.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the isoflurane-sparing effects of lidocaine administered by constant rate infusion (CRI) during umbilical surgery in calves. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized 'blinded' prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Thirty calves (mean 4.7 +/- SD 2.5 weeks old) undergoing umbilical surgery. METHODS: After premedication with xylazine (0.1 mg kg(-1) , IM), anaesthesia was induced with ketamine (4 mg kg(-1) , IV) and maintained with isoflurane in O(2) administered through a circle breathing system. The calves were assigned randomly to receive a bolus of 2 mg kg(-1) lidocaine IV after induction of anaesthesia, followed by CRI of 50 mug kg(-1) minute(-1) (group L, n=15) or a bolus and CRI of 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl, group S, n=15). End-tidal isoflurane was adjusted to achieve adequate depth of anaesthesia. Heart rate, direct arterial blood pressure and body temperature were measured intraoperatively. Groups were compared by t- tests, anova or Mann-Whitney rank sum test as appropriate. RESULTS: The end-tidal concentration of isoflurane (median, IQR) was significantly lower in group L [1.0% (0.94-1.1)] compared to group S [1.2% (1.1-1.5)], indicating a 16.7% reduction in anaesthetic requirement during lidocaine CRI. Cardiopulmonary parameters and recovery times did not differ significantly between groups. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Lidocaine CRI may be used as a supplement to inhalation anaesthesia during umbilical surgery in calves in countries where such a protocol would be within the legal requirements for veterinary use in food animals. This study did not show any measurable benefit to the calves other than a reduction in isoflurane requirement.


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Seventy male lambs over 10 weeks of age were castrated using Burdizzo, rubber rings, or surgery to assess the acute and long-term effects of castration. All castrations were performed under local anaesthesia. The surgically castrated lambs were additionally sedated with xylazine and the sedation reversed with tolazoline. The frequency of abnormal postures and immediate behavioural responses indicated that surgically castrated lambs were most distressed; the lambs castrated using Burdizzo and rubber rings were not dissimilar to those of the control group. Between 1.5 and 9h after castration, signs of pain and distress were at a lower level in lambs anaesthetised with bupivacaine compared with those treated with lidocaine. Due to the markedly faster wound healing, Burdizzo castration seemed to be preferable (fewer signs of long-term pain) when compared to the rubber ring technique. It was concluded that local anaesthesia with bupivacaine, followed by the Burdizzo method is the preferable technique for the castration of lambs older than 10 weeks of age.


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A robust CE method for the simultaneous determination of the enantiomers of ketamine and norketamine in equine plasma is described. It is based upon liquid-liquid extraction of ketamine and norketamine at alkaline pH from 1 mL plasma followed by analysis of the reconstituted extract by CE in the presence of a pH 2.5 Tris-phosphate buffer containing 10 mg/mL highly sulfated beta-CD as chiral selector. Enantiomer plasma levels between 0.04 and 2.5 microg/mL are shown to provide linear calibration graphs. Intraday and interday precisions evaluated from peak area ratios (n = 5) at the lowest calibrator concentration are < 8 and < 14%, respectively. The LOD for all enantiomers is 0.01 microg/mL. After i.v. bolus administration of 2.2 mg/kg racemic ketamine, the assay is demonstrated to provide reliable data for plasma samples of ponies under isoflurane anesthesia, of ponies premedicated with xylazine, and of one horse that received romifidine, L-methadone, guaifenisine, and isoflurane. In animals not premedicated with xylazine, the ketamine N-demethylation is demonstrated to be enantioselective. The concentrations of the two ketamine enantiomers in plasma are equal whereas S-norketamine is found in a larger amount than R-norketamine. In the group receiving xylazine, data obtained do not reveal this stereoselectivity.


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Perturbations in endocrine functions can impact normal growth. Endocrine traits were studied in three dwarf calves exhibiting retarded but proportionate growth and four phenotypically normal half-siblings, sired by the same bull, and four unrelated control calves. Plasma 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine and thyroxine concentrations in dwarfs and half-siblings were in the physiological range and responded normally to injected thyroid-releasing hormone. Plasma glucagon concentrations were different (dwarfs, controls>half-siblings; P<0.05). Plasma growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin concentrations in the three groups during an 8-h period were similar, but integrated GH concentrations (areas under concentration curves) were different (dwarfs>controls, P<0.02; half-siblings>controls, P=0.08). Responses of GH to xylazine and to a GH-releasing-factor analogue were similar in dwarfs and half-siblings. Relative gene expression of IGF-1, IGF-2, GH receptor (GHR), insulin receptor, IGF-1 type-1 and -2 receptors (IGF-1R, IGF-2R), and IGF binding proteins were measured in liver and anconeus muscle. GHR mRNA levels were different in liver (dwarfs


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes involved in metabolism of racemic and S-ketamine in various species and to evaluate metabolic interactions of other analgesics with ketamine. SAMPLE POPULATION: Human, equine, and canine liver microsomes. PROCEDURES: An analgesic was concurrently incubated with luminogenic substrates specific for CYP 3A4 or CYP 2C9 and liver microsomes. The luminescence signal was detected and compared with the signal for negative control samples. Ketamine and norketamine enantiomers were determined by use of capillary electrophoresis. RESULTS: A concentration-dependent decrease in luminescence signal was detected for ibuprofen and diclofenac in the assay for CYP 2C9 in human and equine liver microsomes but not in the assay for CYP 3A4 and methadone or xylazine in any of the species. Coincubation of methadone or xylazine with ketamine resulted in a decrease in norketamine formation in equine and canine liver microsomes but not in human liver microsomes. In all species, norketamine formation was not affected by ibuprofen, but diclofenac reduced norketamine formation in human liver microsomes. A higher rate of metabolism was detected for S-ketamine in equine liver microsomes, compared with the rate for the S-enantiomer in the racemic mixture when incubated with any of the analgesics investigated. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Enzymes of the CYP 3A4 family and orthologs of CYP 2C9 were involved in ketamine metabolism in horses, dogs, and humans. Methadone and xylazine inhibited in vitro metabolism of ketamine. Therefore, higher concentrations and diminished clearance of ketamine may cause adverse effects when administered concurrently with other analgesics.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare anesthesia recovery quality after racemic (R-/S-) or S-ketamine infusions during isoflurane anesthesia in horses. ANIMALS: 10 horses undergoing arthroscopy. PROCEDURES: After administration of xylazine for sedation, horses (n = 5/group) received R-/S-ketamine (2.2 mg/kg) or S-ketamine (1.1 mg/kg), IV, for anesthesia induction. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen and R-/S-ketamine (1 mg/kg/h) or S-ketamine (0.5 mg/kg/h). Heart rate, invasive mean arterial pressure, and end-tidal isoflurane concentration were recorded before and during surgical stimulation. Arterial blood gases were evaluated every 30 minutes. Arterial ketamine and norketamine enantiomer plasma concentrations were quantified at 60 and 120 minutes. After surgery, horses were kept in a padded recovery box, sedated with xylazine, and video-recorded for evaluation of recovery quality by use of a visual analogue scale (VAS) and a numeric rating scale. RESULTS: Horses in the S-ketamine group had better numeric rating scale and VAS values than those in the R-/S-ketamine group. In the R-/S-ketamine group, duration of infusion was positively correlated with VAS value. Both groups had significant increases in heart rate and mean arterial pressure during surgical stimulation; values in the R-/S-ketamine group were significantly higher than those of the S-ketamine group. Horses in the R-/S-ketamine group required slightly higher end-tidal isoflurane concentration to maintain a surgical plane of anesthesia. Moderate respiratory acidosis and reduced oxygenation were evident. The R-norketamine concentrations were significantly lower than S-norketamine concentrations in the R-/S-ketamine group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with R-/S-ketamine, anesthesia recovery was better with S-ketamine infusions in horses.


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Sequential studies of osteopenic bone disease in small animals require the availability of non-invasive, accurate and precise methods to assess bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), which is currently used in humans for this purpose, can also be applied to small animals by means of adapted software. Precision and accuracy of DXA was evaluated in 10 rats weighing 50-265 g. The rats were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine-xylazine administrated intraperitoneally. Each rat was scanned six times consecutively in the antero-posterior incidence after repositioning using the rat whole-body software for determination of whole-body BMC and BMD (Hologic QDR 1000, software version 5.52). Scan duration was 10-20 min depending on rat size. After the last measurement, rats were sacrificed and soft tissues were removed by dermestid beetles. Skeletons were then scanned in vitro (ultra high resolution software, version 4.47). Bones were subsequently ashed and dissolved in hydrochloric acid and total body calcium directly assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (TBCa[chem]). Total body calcium was also calculated from the DXA whole-body in vivo measurement (TBCa[DXA]) and from the ultra high resolution measurement (TBCa[UH]) under the assumption that calcium accounts for 40.5% of the BMC expressed as hydroxyapatite. Precision error for whole-body BMC and BMD (mean +/- S.D.) was 1.3% and 1.5%, respectively. Simple regression analysis between TBCa[DXA] or TBCa[UH] and TBCa[chem] revealed tight correlations (n = 0.991 and 0.996, respectively), with slopes and intercepts which were significantly different from 1 and 0, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)