949 resultados para Xenophanes, approximately 570 B.C.-approximately 478 B.C.


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Stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric powder mixtures of Ti-B4C and Ti-C with 1 wt% Ni were reactively hot pressed at 40 MPa, 1200 degrees C for 30 min. In both systems, the combined presence of Ni and non-stoichiometry enabled complete densification. While in Ti-C, non-stoichiometry by itself plays a significant role in promoting densification, the formation of intermediate borides in Ti-B4C powder mixtures requires the additional presence of Ni which promotes full reaction through the formation of a transient liquid as established previously in Ti-BN powder mixtures.


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Neuroblastoma is the most common cancer in infants and fourth most common cancer in children. Despite recent advances in cancer treatments, the prognosis of stage-IV neuroblastoma patients continues to be dismal which warrant new pharmacotherapy. A novel tetracyclic condensed quinoline compound, 8-methoxypyrimido 4 `,5 `: 4,5] thieno(2,3-b) quinoline-4(3H)-one (MPTQ) is a structural analogue of an anticancer drug ellipticine and has been reported to posses anticancer property. Study on MPTQ on neuroblastoma cells is very limited and mechanisms related to its cytotoxicity on neuroblastoma cells are completely unknown. Here, we evaluated the anticancer property of MPTQ on mouse neuro 2a and human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and investigated the mechanisms underlying MPTQ-mediated neuro 2a cell death. MPTQ-mediated neuro 2a and SH-SY5Y cell deaths were found to be dose and time dependent. Moreover, MPTQ induced cell death reached approximately 99.8% and 90% in neuro 2a and SH-SY5Y cells respectively. Nuclear oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation and Terminal dUTP Nick End Labelling assays indicated MPTQ-mediated neuro 2a cell death involved apoptosis. MPTQ-mediated apoptosis is associated with increased phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15 and Ser20 which correlates with the hyperphosphorylation of Ataxia-Telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM). Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated the increased level of Bax protein in MPTQ treated neuro 2a cells. MPTQ-mediated apoptosis is also associated with increased activation of caspase-9, -3 and -7 but not caspase-2 and -8. Furthermore, increased level of caspase-3 and cleaved Poly ( ADP Ribose) polymerase were observed in the nucleus of MPTQ treated neuro 2a cells, suggesting the involvement of caspase-dependent intrinsic but not extrinsic apoptotic pathway. Increased nuclear translocation of apoptosis inducing factor suggests additional involvement of caspase-independent apoptosis pathway in MPTQ treated neuro 2a cells. Collectively, MPTQ-induced neuro 2a cell death is mediated by ATM and p53 activation, and Bax-mediated activation of caspase-dependent and caspase-independent mitochondrial apoptosis pathways.


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Persistent infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) can lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which are currently diagnosed by invasive liver biopsy. Approximately 15-20% of cases of chronic liver diseases in India are caused by HCV infection. In North India, genotype 3 is predominant, whereas genotype 1 is predominant in southern parts of India. The aim of this study was to identify differentially regulated serum proteins in HCV-infected Indian patients (genotypes 1 and 3) using a two-dimensional electrophoresis approach. We identified eight differentially expressed proteins by MS. Expression levels of one of the highly upregulated proteins, retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), was validated by ELISA and Western blotting in two independent cohorts. We also confirmed our observation in the JFH1 infectious cell culture system. Interestingly, the HCV core protein enhanced RBP4 levels and partial knockdown of RBP4 had a positive impact on HCV replication, suggesting a possible role for this cellular protein in regulating HCV infection. Analysis of RBP4-interacting partners using a bioinformatic approach revealed novel insights into the possible involvement of RBP4 in HCV-induced pathogenesis. Taken together, this study provided information on the proteome profile of the HCV-infected Indian population, and revealed a link between HCV infection, RBP4 and insulin resistance.


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Abstract: Focusing on Obadiah and Psalm 137, this article provides biblical evidence for an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah during the Babylonian crisis ca. 588–586 B.C.E. After setting a context that includes the use of treaties in the ancient Near East to establish expectations for political relationships and the likelihood that Edom could operate as a political entity in the Judahite Negev during the Babylonian assault, this article demonstrates that Obadiah’s poetics include a density of inverted form and content (a reversal motif) pointing to treaty betrayal. Obadiah’s modifications of Jeremiah 49, a text with close thematic and terminological parallels, evidence an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah. Moreover, the study shows that Obadiah is replete with treaty allusions. A study of Psalm 137 in comparison with Aramaic treaty texts from Sefire reveals that this difficult psalm also evidences a treaty betrayal by Edom and includes elements appropriate for treaty curses. The article closes with a discussion of piecemeal data from a few other biblical texts, a criticism of the view that Edom was innocent during the Babylonian crisis, and a suggestion that this treaty betrayal may have contributed to the production of some anti-Edom biblical material.


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Report of Opening Session (pdf 42 KB) Report of Governing Council Meeting (pdf 89 KB) Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board (pdf 88 KB) Study Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report and Regional Analysis Center Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 57 KB) Working Group 14: Effective sampling of micronekton Advisory Panel on Marine Birds and Mammals Fishery Science Committee (pdf 37 KB) Working Group 16: Climate change, shifts to fish production, and fisheries management Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 62 KB) Working Group 15: Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the North Pacific Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 34 KB) Working Group 13: CO2 in the North Pacific Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 24 KB) Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 39 KB) BASS Task Team (pdf 32 KB) Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment MODEL Task Team (pdf 22 KB) MONITOR Task Team (pdf 32 KB) Advisory Panel on Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North Pacific REX Task Team (pdf 21 KB) Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 53 KB) List of Participants (pdf 67 KB) List of Acronyms (pdf 13 KB)


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As Buclicas são constituídas de dez éclogas, consideradas como traduzidas ou imitadas de Teócrito. As Geórgias são um poema didático no qual se acentua a predileção de Virgílio pela vida campestre. A Eneida é uma utopia política que o poeta não conseguiu acabar e foi publicada contra a sua vontade expressa.


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A process of laser cladding Ni-CF-C-CaF2 mixed powders to form a multifunctional composite coatingd on gamma-TiAl substrate was carried out. The microstructure of the coating was examined using XRD, SEM and EDS. The coating has a unique microstructure consisting of primary dendrite or short-stick TiC and block Al4C3 carbides reinforcement as well as fine isolated spherical CaF2 solid lubrication particles uniformly dispersed in the NiCrAlTi (gamma) matrix. The average microhardness of the composite coatings is approximately HV 650 and it is 2-factor greater than that of the TiAl substrate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of eight related analogs of distamycin A has been synthesized. Footprinting and affinity cleaving reveal that only two of the analogs, pyridine-2- car box amide-netropsin (2-Py N) and 1-methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netrops in (2-ImN), bind to DNA with a specificity different from that of the parent compound. A new class of sites, represented by a TGACT sequence, is a strong site for 2-PyN binding, and the major recognition site for 2-ImN on DNA. Both compounds recognize the G•C bp specifically, although A's and T's in the site may be interchanged without penalty. Additional A•T bp outside the binding site increase the binding affinity. The compounds bind in the minor groove of the DNA sequence, but protect both grooves from dimethylsulfate. The binding evidence suggests that 2-PyN or 2-ImN binding induces a DNA conformational change.

In order to understand this sequence specific complexation better, the Ackers quantitative footprinting method for measuring individual site affinity constants has been extended to small molecules. MPE•Fe(II) cleavage reactions over a 10^5 range of free ligand concentrations are analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The decrease in cleavage is calculated by densitometry of a gel autoradiogram. The apparent fraction of DNA bound is then calculated from the amount of cleavage protection. The data is fitted to a theoretical curve using non-linear least squares techniques. Affinity constants at four individual sites are determined simultaneously. The distamycin A analog binds solely at A•T rich sites. Affinities range from 10^(6)- 10^(7)M^(-1) The data for parent compound D fit closely to a monomeric binding curve. 2-PyN binds both A•T sites and the TGTCA site with an apparent affinity constant of 10^(5) M^(-1). 2-ImN binds A•T sites with affinities less than 5 x 10^(4) M^(-1). The affinity of 2-ImN for the TGTCA site does not change significantly from the 2-PyN value. At the TGTCA site, the experimental data fit a dimeric binding curve better than a monomeric curve. Both 2-PyN and 2-ImN have substantially lower DNA affinities than closely related compounds.

In order to probe the requirements of this new binding site, fourteen other derivatives have been synthesized and tested. All compounds that recognize the TGTCA site have a heterocyclic aromatic nitrogen ortho to the N or C-terminal amide of the netropsin subunit. Specificity is strongly affected by the overall length of the small molecule. Only compounds that consist of at least three aromatic rings linked by amides exhibit TGTCA site binding. Specificity is only weakly altered by substitution on the pyridine ring, which correlates best with steric factors. A model is proposed for TGTCA site binding that has as its key feature hydrogen bonding to both G's by the small molecule. The specificity is determined by the sequence dependence of the distance between G's.

One derivative of 2-PyN exhibits pH dependent sequence specificity. At low pH, 4-dimethylaminopyridine-2-carboxamide-netropsin binds tightly to A•T sites. At high pH, 4-Me_(2)NPyN binds most tightly to the TGTCA site. In aqueous solution, this compound protonates at the pyridine nitrogen at pH 6. Thus presence of the protonated form correlates with A•T specificity.

The binding site of a class of eukaryotic transcriptional activators typified by yeast protein GCN4 and the mammalian oncogene Jun contains a strong 2-ImN binding site. Specificity requirements for the protein and small molecule are similar. GCN4 and 2-lmN bind simultaneously to the same binding site. GCN4 alters the cleavage pattern of 2-ImN-EDTA derivative at only one of its binding sites. The details of the interaction suggest that GCN4 alters the conformation of an AAAAAAA sequence adjacent to its binding site. The presence of a yeast counterpart to Jun partially blocks 2-lmN binding. The differences do not appear to be caused by direct interactions between 2-lmN and the proteins, but by induced conformational changes in the DNA protein complex. It is likely that the observed differences in complexation are involved in the varying sequence specificity of these proteins.


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The lowest T = 2 states have been identified and studied in the nuclei 12C, 12B, 20F and and 28Al. The first two of these were produced in the reactions 14C(p,t)12C and 14C (p,3He)12B, at 50.5 and 63.4 MeV incident proton energy respectively, at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The T = 2 states in 20F and 28Al were observed in (3He,p) reactions at 12-MeV incident energy, with the Caltech Tandem accelerator.

The results for the four nuclei studied are summarized below:

(1) 12C: the lowest T = 2 state was located at an excitation energy of 27595 ± 20 keV, and has a width less than 35 keV.

(2) 12B: the lowest T = 2 state was found at an excitation energy of 12710 ± 20 keV. The width was determined to be less than 54 keV and the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second 12B state (or doublet) was observed at an excitation energy of 14860 ± 30 keV with a width (if the group corresponds to a single state) of 226 ± 30 keV.

(3) 20F: the lowest T = 2 state was observed at an excitation of 6513 ± 5 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second state, tentatively identified as T = 2 from the level spacing, was located at 8210 ± 6 keV.

(4) 28Al: the lowest T = 2 state was identified at an excitation of 5997 ± 6 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second state at an excitation energy of 7491 ± 11 keV is tentatively identified as T = 2, with a corresponding (tentative) spin and parity assignment Jπ = 2+.

The results of the present work and the other known masses of T = 2 states and nuclei for 8 ≤ A ≤ 28 are summarized, and massequation coefficients have been extracted for these multiplets. These coefficients were compared with those from T = 1 multiplets, and then used to predict the mass and stability of each of the unobserved members of the T = 2 multiplets.


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As hepatites crônicas por vírus são as mais frequentes, destacando-se os vírus das hepatites B (VHB) e C (VHC). O estudo anatomopatológico da biópsia hepática é considerado o padrão ouro para avaliar com precisão a distorção arquitetural e o grau de fibrose do parênquima do fígado, importantes fatores prognósticos para os pacientes portadores de hepatites crônicas virais. Na avaliação histopatológica atual, em adição aos relatos subjetivos das alterações histológicas, escores semiquantitativos que correlacionam achados morfológicos com graus numéricos são usados, tais como os reconhecidos escores de Ishak e METAVIR. Entretanto, em todos estes sistemas há a desvantagem da subjetividade do examinador e da incorporação de alterações categóricas, sem referências às mudanças quantitativas do colágeno hepático. Técnicas de análise de imagens digitais (AID) que fornecem quantificação objetiva dos graus de fibrose em amostras histológicas têm sido desenvolvidas. Todavia, o alto custo e dificuldade ao acesso das tecnologias descritas restringem seu uso a poucos centros especializados. Este estudo visa o desenvolvimento de uma técnica de custo acessível para a análise de imagens digitais da fibrose hepática em hepatites crônicas virais. Foram estudadas 304 biópsias de pacientes com hepatite crônica por vírus B e C, obtidas através de agulhas Menghini. Todas as amostras tinham pelo menos 15 mm de comprimento ou cinco espaços-porta completos e foram coradas pelo método Tricrômico de Masson. O estadiamento foi feito por um único hepatopatologista experiente, sem o conhecimento dos dados clínicos dos pacientes. Os escores de Ishak e METAVIR foram aplicados. As imagens microscópicas foram digitalizadas. Os índices de fibrose foram determinados de forma automatizada, em técnica desenvolvida no programa Adobe Photoshop. Para o escore de Ishak, observamos os seguintes índices de Fibrose (IF) médios: 0,8% 0,0 (estágio 0), 2.4% 0,6 (estágio 1), 4,7% 1,6 (estágio 2), 7,4% 1,4 (estágio 3), 14,9% 3,7 (estágio 4), 23,4% 2,9 (estágio 5) e 34,5% 1,5 (estágio 6). Para a classificação METAVIR: 0,8% 0,1 (estágio F0), 3,8% 1,8 (estágio F1), 7,4% 1,4 (estágio F2), 20,4% 5,2 (estágio F3) e 34,5% 1,5 (estágio F4). Observamos uma excelente correlação entre os índices de fibrose da AID e os escores de Ishak (r=0,94; p<0,001) e METAVIR (r=0,92; p<0,001). Em relação à indicação de tratamento antiviral, foi observado IF médio de 16,4%. Em relação ao diagnóstico de cirrose, foi observado IF médio de 26,9%, para o escore de Ishak, e 34,5% para a classificação METAVIR. A reprodutibilidade intra-observador foi excelente. Este novo método de análise de imagens digitais para a quantificação de fibrose hepática tem custo acessível e foi desenvolvido com tecnologia que está disponível em todo o mundo, permitindo identificar com precisão todos os estágios de fibrose, com excelente reprodutibilidade intra-observador.