960 resultados para Word Sense Disambguaion, WSD, Natural Language Processing


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In recent years, learning word vector representations has attracted much interest in Natural Language Processing. Word representations or embeddings learned using unsupervised methods help addressing the problem of traditional bag-of-word approaches which fail to capture contextual semantics. In this paper we go beyond the vector representations at the word level and propose a novel framework that learns higher-level feature representations of n-grams, phrases and sentences using a deep neural network built from stacked Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines (CRBMs). These representations have been shown to map syntactically and semantically related n-grams to closeby locations in the hidden feature space. We have experimented to additionally incorporate these higher-level features into supervised classifier training for two sentiment analysis tasks: subjectivity classification and sentiment classification. Our results have demonstrated the success of our proposed framework with 4% improvement in accuracy observed for subjectivity classification and improved the results achieved for sentiment classification over models trained without our higher level features.


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World’s mobile market pushes past 2 billion lines in 2005. Success in these competitive markets requires operational excellence with product and service innovation to improve the mobile performance. Mobile users very often prefer to send a mobile instant message or text messages rather than talking on a mobile. Well developed “written speech analysis” does not work not only with “verbal speech” but also with “mobile text messages”. The main purpose of our paper is, firstly, to highlight the problems of mobile text messages processing and, secondly, to show the possible ways of solving these problems.


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A model of the cognitive process of natural language processing has been developed using the formalism of generalized nets. Following this stage-simulating model, the treatment of information inevitably includes phases, which require joint operations in two knowledge spaces – language and semantics. In order to examine and formalize the relations between the language and the semantic levels of treatment, the language is presented as an information system, conceived on the bases of human cognitive resources, semantic primitives, semantic operators and language rules and data. This approach is applied for modeling a specific grammatical rule – the secondary predication in Russian. Grammatical rules of the language space are expressed as operators in the semantic space. Examples from the linguistics domain are treated and several conclusions for the semantics of the modeled rule are made. The results of applying the information system approach to the language turn up to be consistent with the stages of treatment modeled with the generalized net.


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Applied problems of functional homonymy resolution for Russian language are investigated in the work. The results obtained while using the method of functional homonymy resolution based on contextual rules are presented. Structural characteristics of minimal contextual rules for different types of functional homonymy are researched. Particular attention is paid to studying the control structure of the rules, which allows for the homonymy resolution accuracy not less than 95%. The contextual rules constructed have been realized in the system of technical text analysis.


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The principal feature of ontology, which is developed for a text processing, is wider knowledge representation of an external world due to introduction of three-level hierarchy. It allows to improve semantic interpretation of natural language texts.


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One of the ultimate aims of Natural Language Processing is to automate the analysis of the meaning of text. A fundamental step in that direction consists in enabling effective ways to automatically link textual references to their referents, that is, real world objects. The work presented in this paper addresses the problem of attributing a sense to proper names in a given text, i.e., automatically associating words representing Named Entities with their referents. The method for Named Entity Disambiguation proposed here is based on the concept of semantic relatedness, which in this work is obtained via a graph-based model over Wikipedia. We show that, without building the traditional bag of words representation of the text, but instead only considering named entities within the text, the proposed method achieves results competitive with the state-of-the-art on two different datasets.


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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in learning a distributed representation of word sense. Traditional context clustering based models usually require careful tuning of model parameters, and typically perform worse on infrequent word senses. This paper presents a novel approach which addresses these limitations by first initializing the word sense embeddings through learning sentence-level embeddings from WordNet glosses using a convolutional neural networks. The initialized word sense embeddings are used by a context clustering based model to generate the distributed representations of word senses. Our learned representations outperform the publicly available embeddings on half of the metrics in the word similarity task, 6 out of 13 sub tasks in the analogical reasoning task, and gives the best overall accuracy in the word sense effect classification task, which shows the effectiveness of our proposed distributed distribution learning model.


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Acknowledgements The authors thank the children, their parents and school staff, who participated in this research, and who so willingly gave us their time, help and support. They also thank Steven Knox and Alan Clelland for their work on programming the mobile phone application. Additional thanks to DynaVox Inc. for supplying the Vmax communication devices to run our system on and Sensory Software Ltd for supplying us with their AAC software. This research was supported by the Research Council UKs Digittal Economy Programme and EPSRC (Grant numbers EP/F067151/1, EP/F066880/1, EP/E011764/1, EP/H022376/1, and EP/H022570 /1).


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This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (grant TIN2014-56633-C3-1-R) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) and the Galician Ministry of Education (grants GRC2014/030 and CN2012/151). Alejandro Ramos-Soto is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (FPI Fellowship Program) under grant BES-2012-051878.


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Decision-making is often dependent on uncertain data, e.g. data associated with confidence scores or probabilities. We present a comparison of different informa- tion presentations for uncertain data and, for the first time, measure their effects on human decision-making. We show that the use of Natural Language Genera- tion (NLG) improves decision-making un- der uncertainty, compared to state-of-the- art graphical-based representation meth- ods. In a task-based study with 442 adults, we found that presentations using NLG lead to 24% better decision-making on av- erage than the graphical presentations, and to 44% better decision-making when NLG is combined with graphics. We also show that women achieve significantly better re- sults when presented with NLG output (an 87% increase on average compared to graphical presentations).


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O processamento de linguagem natural e as ontologias são ferramentas cuja interação permite uma melhor compreensão dos dados armazenados. Este trabalho, ao associar estas duas áreas aos elementos disponíveis numa base de dados prosopográfica, tornou possível identificar e classificar relacionamentos entre setores de ocupação na forma como eram designados na época, setores de atividade num formato mais próximo do de hoje e o estatuto social que essas incumbências tinham na sociedade coeva. Os dados utilizados são sobretudo de membros do Santo Ofício – do século XVI ao século XVIII. Para atingir este objetivo utilizaram-se algumas descrições textuais de ocorrências da época e outras pouco estruturadas, disponíveis no repositório SPARES. A aplicação de processamento de linguagem natural (remoção de stopwords e aplicação de stemming), conjugada com a construção de duas ontologias, tornou possível classificar esses dados, permitindo consultas mais eficazes. Ao contribuir para a classificação automática de dados históricos, propõem-se metodologias que podem ser aplicadas em dados de qualquer outra área do conhecimento, especialmente as que lidam com as variáveis de tempo e espaço de forma mais intensa; Abstract: OntoSPARES: from natural language to ontologies Contributions to the automatic classification of historical data (16th-18th centuries) The interaction between the natural language processing and ontologies are tools allowing a better understanding of the data stored. This work, by combining these two areas to the elements available in a prosopographic database, has made possible to identify and classify relationships between occupations of many individuals (in general Holy Office members of the 16th-18th centuries). To achieve this goal the data used was gathered in SPARES repository, including some textual descriptions of the time occurrences. They are all few structured. The application of natural language processing (stopwords removal and stemming application), combined with the construction of two ontologies, made possible to classify those data, allowing a more effective search. By contributing to the automatic classification of historical data, this thesis proposes methodologies that can be applied to data from any other field of knowledge, specially data dealing with time and space variables.


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Nonostante lo scetticismo di molti studiosi circa la possibilità di prevedere l'andamento della borsa valori, esistono svariate teorie ipotizzanti la possibilità di utilizzare le informazioni conosciute per predirne i movimenti futuri. L’avvento dell’intelligenza artificiale nella seconda parte dello scorso secolo ha permesso di ottenere risultati rivoluzionari in svariati ambiti, tanto che oggi tale disciplina trova ampio impiego nella nostra vita quotidiana in molteplici forme. In particolare, grazie al machine learning, è stato possibile sviluppare sistemi intelligenti che apprendono grazie ai dati, riuscendo a modellare problemi complessi. Visto il successo di questi sistemi, essi sono stati applicati anche all’arduo compito di predire la borsa valori, dapprima utilizzando i dati storici finanziari della borsa come fonte di conoscenza, e poi, con la messa a punto di tecniche di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale umano (NLP), anche utilizzando dati in linguaggio naturale, come il testo di notizie finanziarie o l’opinione degli investitori. Questo elaborato ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sull’utilizzo delle tecniche di machine learning nel campo della predizione del mercato azionario, partendo dalle tecniche più elementari per arrivare ai complessi modelli neurali che oggi rappresentano lo stato dell’arte. Vengono inoltre formalizzati il funzionamento e le tecniche che si utilizzano per addestrare e valutare i modelli di machine learning, per poi effettuare un esperimento in cui a partire da dati finanziari e soprattutto testuali si tenterà di predire correttamente la variazione del valore dell’indice di borsa S&P 500 utilizzando un language model basato su una rete neurale.


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Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen tremendous improvements over the last few years. Transformer architectures achieved impressive results in almost any NLP task, such as Text Classification, Machine Translation, and Language Generation. As time went by, transformers continued to improve thanks to larger corpora and bigger networks, reaching hundreds of billions of parameters. Training and deploying such large models has become prohibitively expensive, such that only big high tech companies can afford to train those models. Therefore, a lot of research has been dedicated to reducing a model’s size. In this thesis, we investigate the effects of Vocabulary Transfer and Knowledge Distillation for compressing large Language Models. The goal is to combine these two methodologies to further compress models without significant loss of performance. In particular, we designed different combination strategies and conducted a series of experiments on different vertical domains (medical, legal, news) and downstream tasks (Text Classification and Named Entity Recognition). Four different methods involving Vocabulary Transfer (VIPI) with and without a Masked Language Modelling (MLM) step and with and without Knowledge Distillation are compared against a baseline that assigns random vectors to new elements of the vocabulary. Results indicate that VIPI effectively transfers information of the original vocabulary and that MLM is beneficial. It is also noted that both vocabulary transfer and knowledge distillation are orthogonal to one another and may be applied jointly. The application of knowledge distillation first before subsequently applying vocabulary transfer is recommended. Finally, model performance due to vocabulary transfer does not always show a consistent trend as the vocabulary size is reduced. Hence, the choice of vocabulary size should be empirically selected by evaluation on the downstream task similar to hyperparameter tuning.