986 resultados para Women in sport


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The notions about women been limited to producing children like rates alone; cooking for the family, restricted within the fenced compound without any meaningful contributions in fish food production was dispelled during the course of the study. From the data gathered, the study revealed various contributions of women as regard fish food production as about 2% of the women are involved in direct fishing as this enhance food security of the family and the society. Also women dominate the entire post harvest and marketing sector and 70% started fishing business with their personal savings.Also, some of the women own boats and other fishing inputs, which they do give to the fishermen that could catch the fish and sell it to them. This has a way of enhancing fish catch and fish food security of the people as those men that would have sit idle for lack of fishing gears are now meaningfully engaged courtesy of the women financiers. Finally, the study also revealed that 46% of the women between N2,5000 to above N4,000 from marketing of fish, and also utilizenthe income generated to enhance the welfare of the households in the area of food, clothing and paying their children school fees hence reducing the level of poverty of their households


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[EN] Some authors have suggested that body weight dissatisfaction may be high in students majoring in dietetics. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the extent of body weight and image dissatisfaction in a sample of women in dietetics major. Additionally, predictors of magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction were analyzed. Participants were 62 volunteers with normalweight whose mean age was 21.87±1.89 years old (nonrandom sample). The assessment instruments included anthropometric measurements, a somatomorphic matrix test and an eating disorders inventory (EDI-2). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 15.0. A larger proportion of students chose an ideal body weight lower than actual weight (67.7%) and body image with less body fat and more muscle mass than actual values (56.4%). The magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction was associated with muscle mass and body fat dissatisfaction, and with the subscale of EDI-2 “body dissatisfaction”. So, from a public health standpoint, we consider important to continue working in this line of research with the aim of better understanding the extent of body weight dissatisfaction in women dietitians, and how this dissatisfaction could interfere with their professional practice.


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The study assessed the contribution of women in fish handling, processing and marketing in Kainji Lake basin. Structured questionnaires were administered to three fishing villages selected at random. The fishing villages were Monai, Yuna, Fakun, and New Bussa market. The study revealed that women play vital roles in fisheries activities as producers, assistants to men preservers, traders and financiers. The notable fishing activity performed by women is processing right from the moment the boats or canoes land at sites. Women assist in emptying nets, sorting gutting and cleaning the catch. In most cases their activities involved salting smoking and drying using traditional processing techniques. Women are also involved in storage and marketing of both fresh and smoked fish. In spite of these important contribution, most women in the various fishing communities are illiterates, have little or no say in decision making in areas that affects their livelihood and are regarded as inferior fedex. Culture and religion also has significant impact on their contribution in fishing activities


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Questionnaires containing 39 questions were prepared and administered to 50 women in ten fishing villages in the Southern Kainji Lake Basin to assess the level of women participation in fisheries activities. Results showed that 100% of the women interviewed were involved in fisheries activities and the following factors were considered. Age group between 20-30 years was 18%; 31-40 years; 30%; and above 40 years had the highest percentage of 40%. Also 98% of the women involve in fisheries activities were married while only 2% were not married. Muslin women constituted 82% while 18% were Christians. About 70% of Hausas were involved: no Igbos and Yorubas, while 30% were other tribes, which included Ijaws, Isokos and Urohobos. The percentage of women without education amounted to 62%, those women with Koranic education accounted for 22%, 14% had primary education while only 2% had secondary education. Few women were directly involved in fishing and statistical analysis showed that there was insignificant difference from village to village. All the women (100%) were involved in fish processing and storage (preservation) before sale. Only 26% of the women were not involved in fish marketing. Also 26% of the women made profits ranging from N500 to N1,000 per week, 24% make N1,000 to N1,500 per week, 12% made N1,500 to N2,000 and 38% made profit above N2,000. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the profit made by the women (P<0.05) from the foregoing, women were actively involved in all fisheries activities


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Esta dissertação busca analisar como Joan Riley, escritora jamaicana que vive na Inglaterra, expõe e denuncia em suas obras a submissão feminina diante da opressão e violência sexual sofridas por mulheres negras. Objetivamos apontar a crítica ao papel dos discursos patriarcal e pós-colonial, práticas de poder que tornam o contexto social das mulheres representadas em seus romances propício para o exercício do jugo masculino, através da exploração do silêncio de mulheres vítimas de abusos sexuais. O necessário recorte do objeto restringiu a análise às duas personagens centrais dos romances The Unbelonging (1985) e A Kindness to the Children (1992), mulheres cujas subjetividades foram anuladas pela objetificação de seus corpos e a desumanização de suas identidades


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Fishing communities around the Indian Ocean were severely affected by the December 2004 tsunamis. Programs for rebuilding coastal fisheries livelihoods need to address the pre-tsunami situation that was characterized by overfishing and degraded natural resources. Adopting appropriate strategies to ensure sustainable livelihoods will require community involvement, as well as cross-sectoral, integrated planning and management at ascending government levels. Key recommendations from the WorldFish Center study Sustainable Management of Coastal Fish Stocks in Asia are presented to encourage discussion and debate.


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Women in India are involved in various facets of shrimp (Penaeus monodon; Penaeus indicus) farming, including pond construction, seed collection, collection of feed materials and preparation of feeds, pond maintenance and post-harvest handling. This study indicates that 40% of laborers involved in shrimp farm construction are women. The various roles of women in shrimp farming are also described.


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In Cambodia, women make up more than 65% of the adult population. They play a most important role in all spheres of social and economic activities. A recent investigation has shown that in small scale aquaculture, women have been found to contribute more than men in almost all activities. Details about this are discussed in this article.


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Although women have proved to be competent in adopting new aquaculture technologies, their role is very much restricted and often ignored. One of the major reasons is the location of aquaculture sites and several sociocultural taboos against women who strive to earn for their family’s subsistence in rural areas. There is a gender bias in many aquaculture activities. To ensure that women utilize their full potential in profitable activities like aquaculture, it is necessary to provide capacity building support to rural women, which will eventually lead to their empowerment. In countries like India, the technology provided to women must take into account cultural aspects. One such project - backyard ornamental fish breeding and management - has been found to offer immense scope for improving the livelihood of rural women. This paper gives some practical tips for dissemination of technology in the rural sector, particularly to rural women.


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Three surveys spanning 28 years were examined for changes in species caught by recreational fishermen from small boats (skiffs) and commercial passenger fishing vessels (CPFV's) in California's Monterey Bay region. As fishing effort increased, the catch of certain nearshore species of rockfish, Sebastes spp., declined. CPFV fishing was conducted farther from port and in deeper water to compensate for declining abundance while most skiffs remained in traditional areas close to port. The trend toward deeper water CPFV fishing has been interrupted only temporarily by increased availability of nearshore species. Life history characteristics of rockfish including residential behavior, variable recruitment, and natural longevity contribute to a vulnerability to localized overfishing for several species.


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At both the micro and macro-economic level, the impact of the fisheries economy is deeply gendered — a problem that must be addressed through explicit, affirmative action. The economy is the most significant factor in how the fish sector operates. When considering how economic events affect fisheries, gender impacts are rarely examined, even though many impacts are gender sensitive. Our current state of knowledge merely hints at the gendered impacts of the economy. This has to change; economic arguments must be added to the social agenda for gender equality in fisheries.