833 resultados para Women Sexual behavior
In order to evaluate the psychological variables that affect sexual dysfunction (SD) in epilepsy, where compared 60 epileptics (Group 1) with 60 healthy individuals (Group 2), through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger et al., 1970), Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, 1974) and Sexual Behavior Interview (Souza, 1995). Sexual dysfunction (SD), anxiety and depression were found more frequently in Group 1 than in Group 2 and were not related to sex. Variables such as the onset duration and frequency of seizures as well as the use to medication were not associated with SD. Temporal lobe epilepsy was related to SD (p = 0.035) but not to anxiety or depression. Anxiety and depression were related to SD in both groups. Perception in controlling the seizures was closely related to anxiety (p = 0) and depression (p = 0.009). We conclude that psychological factors play an important role in the alteration of sexual behavior in epileptics and that suitable attention must be given to the control of these variables.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a idade e o uso do preservativo na iniciação sexual de adolescentes brasileiros em dois períodos: 1998 e 2005. MÉTODOS: Amostras representativas da população urbana brasileira foram entrevistadas em inquérito domiciliar por duas pesquisas, realizadas em 1998 e 2005. Dentre os entrevistados, 670 jovens (16 a 19 anos) sexualmente ativos foram selecionados para o estudo, 312 de 1998 e 358 de 2005. Para análise dos dados ponderados foram utilizados o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e o teste exato de Fisher (±<5%). RESULTADOS: Em 2005, 61,6% dos jovens entrevistados tinham iniciado-se sexualmente, cuja idade média foi 14,9 anos, sem diferenças significativas para os jovens entrevistados em 1998. O uso de preservativo na primeira relação sexual aumentou significativamente em relações estáveis (48,5% em 1998 vs. 67,7% em 2005) e casuais (47,2% em 1998 vs. 62,6% em 2005) em quase todos os segmentos. Persistiram as diferenças relacionadas à iniciação sexual e ao uso de preservativos segundo gênero, cor da pele e escolaridade, tal como observado em 1998. A diminuição no uso de preservativo entre os jovens que se iniciaram sexualmente antes dos 14 anos, em todos os contextos de parceria, foi expressiva na região Sudeste e entre os mais escolarizados. CONCLUSÕES: Como em outros países, observou-se tendência à estabilização da idade da iniciação sexual entre jovens de 15 a 19 anos. O adiamento do início da vida sexual, mais freqüente entre os jovens mais escolarizados, deve ser tema discutido no planejamento da educação dos adolescentes para a sexualidade e prevenção das IST. Quanto à diminuição da vulnerabilidade ao HIV, é relevante e significativo o incremento no uso de preservativo na iniciação sexual.
Kaposi`s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is endemic in the Amazon and rare in southern regions of Brazil. However, geographical distribution and epidemiological correlates of infection in this large country are still poorly defined. To estimate the seroprevalence of, and risk factors for, KSHV infection in Brazil, a multi-center study was conducted among 3,493 first-time voluntary unpaid blood donors from Salvador, Sao Paulo and Manaus. Antibodies against KSHV were detected using a whole-virus ELISA validated prior to the serosurvey. Antibodies against the latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) were detected by immuno-fluorescence assay (IFA) among ELISA-positive sera and a random sample of ELISA-negative sera. Overall, seroprevalence of KSHV by whole-virus ELISA was 21.7% (95% confidence interval (Cl): 20-23.4%) in men and 31.7% (95% Cl: 29-34.3%) in women (P<0.0001). KSHV antibodies were detected by IFA-LANA in 3% (95% Cl: 2-4.3%) of 867 ELISA-positive samples and in none of 365 randomly selected ELISA-negative samples. In multivariate analysis, KSHV seroprevalence by whole-virus ELISA was independently associated with female sex (odds ratio [OR] = 1.6, 95% Cl: 1.4-1.9); residence in the Amazon (OR = 1.4, 95% Cl: 1.2-1.8; compared to Salvador); Caucasian ethnicity (OR = 1.3, 95% Cl: 1.1-1.6) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection (OR = 1.3, 95% Cl: 1.1-1.6). KSHV seroprevalence did not significantly increase with age, nor was it associated with self-reported sexual behavior. KSHV seroprevalence is high among Brazilian blood donors, particularly from the Amazon region. This study supports the co-existence of sexual and non-sexual routes of KSHV transmission in this population.
Introduction. Previous research has demonstrated that sildenafil citrate users alter dosing-sexual attempt behavior when switched to tadalafil. The impact of geography and culture on sexual behavior with phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor treatment has not been fully investigated. Aim. To describe and compare the changes in dosing-sexual attempt behavior with sildenafil citrate vs. tadalafil treatment across four distinct geographies: Asia, Australia/New Zealand (ANZ), Central Eastern Europe/Middle East (CEE/ME), and Latin America (LA). Methods. Data from a single-arm, open-label clinical trial conducted in 21 countries from November 2002 to May 2004 were used in this analysis. Men with erectile dysfunction and a history of >= 6-week prior sildenafil citrate use continued sildenafil citrate treatment for 4 weeks then switched to tadalafil for 8 weeks. Dosing instructions were provided. Main Outcomes Measures. Timing of dose and sexual intercourse was assessed through patient diaries for the final 4 weeks of each treatment period. Results. A total of 2,760 men were enrolled: Asia 15.8%; ANZ 29.4%; CEE/ME 19.7%; LA 35.1%. The median time from dosing to intercourse was significantly increased during tadalafil treatment across all geographical regions; however, the magnitude of increase differed significantly by geography (P < 0.0001). The Asian cohort demonstrated the shortest duration between dosing and sexual intercourse attempts (irrespective of drug), and altered sexual behavior the least upon switching to tadalafil. The ANZ cohort demonstrated the longest duration between dosing and sexual intercourse attempts (irrespective of drug), and altered sexual behavior the most upon switching to tadalafil. Conclusion. Men with a history of established sildenafil citrate use alter their dose-attempt behavior when treated with tadalafil irrespective of geography. However, the extent to which sexual behavior alters is not uniform across geographical regions, suggesting that dosing instructions and duration of drug effectiveness, in combination with personal and cultural preferences, may determine sexual behavior with PDE5 inhibitor use. Rubio-Aurioles E, Glina S, Abdo CHN, Hernandez-Serrano R, Rampazzo C, Sotomayor M, West TM, Gallagher GL, and Lenero E. Timing of dose relative to sexual intercourse attempt in previous sildenafil citrate users treated with tadalafil: A geographical comparison from a single arm, open-label study. J Sex Med 2009;6:2836-2850.
Objectives: In adults with epilepsy it is well known that the epileptic syndrome, seizure frequency and antiepileptic drug use may influence sexual function and behavior. However, knowledge acquired with adult populations has been extrapolated to teenagers, based on the supposition that these patients are influenced by similar factors. This study aimed to evaluate aspects related to sexuality obtained from female adolescents with epilepsy. Methods: We carried out a prospective study of 35 female adolescents, with epilepsy, with ages from 10 to 20 years, and epileptic syndromes diagnosed according to ILAE criteria (1989). Information on sexual function and behavior of adolescents with epilepsy was evaluated by use of a standard questionnaire. Exclusion criteria were lack of menarche, previous endocrine or chronic clinical disorders, and moderate to severe mental retardation. Results: No differences were observed between the age at first sexual intercourse, sexual activity, libido and orgasm of adolescents with epilepsy when compared to controls. Epilepsy clinical variables Such as age of onset, duration and severity had no significant relationship with distinct aspects of sexual function and behavior. Conclusion: Adolescents with epilepsy represent a special patient group because, even with their chronic disorder, they have an active sexual life, despite the severity of their disorder. Therefore, aspects related to sexuality require special attention by health professionals when attending to adolescents with epilepsy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the core group for sexually transmitted infections (STI) among college students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out in a convenience sample comprising 711 college students of the public university of Morelos, Mexico, between 2001 and 2003. Sociodemographic and sexual behavior information were collected using self-applied questionnaires. Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) infection was tested in the blood. The number of sexual partners in the last year and cocaine consumption were used as indicators to construct the dependent variable "level of STI risk" in three categories: low, medium and high risk (core group). A multinomial analysis was conducted to evaluate whether different sex behaviors were associated with the variable "level of STI risk". RESULTS: There was significant association between HSV-2 seroprevalence and the variable "level of STI risk": 13%, 5.6% and 3.8% were found in high (core group), medium and low categories, respectively. There were gender differences regarding the core group. Men started having sexual intercourse earlier, had more sex partners, higher alcohol and drug consumption, higher frequency of sex intercourse with sex workers, exchanging sex for money, occasional and concurrent partners compared to women. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggest existing contextual characteristics in the study population that affect their sex behavior. In Mexico, the cultural conception of sexuality is determined mainly by gender differences where men engage in higher risky sexual behavior than women.
Cada vez mais os profissionais de saúde aspiram contribuir para o maior bem-estar possível dos seus doentes. Neste contexto, torna-se indispensável identificar variáveis, idealmente passíveis de ser modificadas, que estejam relacionadas com o bem-estar dos doentes. Assim, o objectivo do presente estudo é explorar a relação entre bem-estar geral (BEG), adesão ao tratamento (AT) e funcionamento sexual (FS) em indivíduos com epilepsia. Foram avaliados 79 indivíduos com epilepsia (59,5% do sexo feminino; idade: M = 36,10, DP = 11,09; diagnóstico (anos): M = 19,72, DP = 11,50), recorrendo a um Questionário Sócio-demográfico e Clínico, ao Índice de Bem-estar Pessoal, à Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos e à Escala de Funcionamento Sexual da Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Scale com 54 itens (MSQOL-54). Verificaram-se bons indicadores globais de BEG, AT e FS na amostra. Verificaram-se correlações estatisticamente significativas entre o BEG e: a AT (rs(75) = 0,37, p ≤ 0,001) e o FS feminino (rs(35) = -0,44, p ≤ 0,008). Não se verificou uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre BEG e FS masculino. Ao analisar os indicadores parciais, verificou-se que o FS masculino se correlacionava apenas com a satisfação com a segurança do seu futuro (rs(31) = -0,40, p ≤ 0,03), enquanto o FS feminino se correlacionava com este indicador (rs(35) = -0,36, p ≤ 0,04), com a satisfação com o seu nível de vida (rs(34) = -0,37, p ≤ 0,04) e com a satisfação com a sua vida espiritual ou com a sua religião (rs(35) = -0,40, p ≤ 0,02). Sem esquecer o efectivo da amostra e os indicadores genericamente positivos da mesma, os presentes resultados sugerem que a promoção da AT pode saldar-se por melhorias no BEG dos indivíduos com epilepsia. Já a intervenção ao nível do FS parece apenas promissora, ao nível do BEG, para as doentes. Novas variáveis devem ser exploradas, para que se consigam identificar os melhores preditores do BEG (de amostras mais amplas) destes doentes.
The vertical transmission of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) occurs predominantly through breast-feeding. Since some bottle-fed children born to carrier mothers still remain seropositive with a frequency that varies from 3.3% to 12.8%, an alternative pathway of vertical transmission must be considered. The prevalence rate of vertical transmission observed in Japan varied from 15% to 25% in different surveys. In Brazil there is no evaluation of this form of transmission until now. However, it is known that in Salvador, Bahia, 0.7% to 0.88% of pregnant women of low socio-economic class are HTLV-I carriers. Furthermore the occurrence of many cases of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma and of four cases of infective dermatitis in Salvador, diseases directly linked to the vertical transmission of HTLV-I, indicates the importance of this route of infection among us. Through prenatal screening for HTLV-I and the refraining from breast-feeding a reduction of ~ 80% of vertical transmission has been observed in Japan. We suggest that in Brazil serologic screening for HTLV-I infection must be done for selected groups in the prenatal care: pregnant women from endemic areas, Japanese immigrants or Japanese descendents, intravenous drug users (IDU) or women whose partners are IDU, human immunodeficiency virus carriers, pregnant women with promiscuous sexual behavior and pregnant women that have received blood transfusions in areas where blood donors screening is not performed. There are in the literature few reports demonstrating the vertical transmission of HTLV-II.
Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses (HBV and HCV) infection are common in HIV-infected individuals as a result of shared risk factors for acquisition. A serological study for HBV and HCV was performed in 251 HIV-positive individuals from Medellín, Colombia. A qualitative RT-PCR for HCV was done in 90 patients with CD4+ T-cell count < 150 per mm³. Serological markers for HBV infection were present in 97 (38.6%) patients. Thirty six of them (37.1%) had isolated anti-HBc. A multivariate analysis indicated that the following risk factors were significantly associated with the presence of these markers: age (OR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.01-1.08), pediculosis pubis (OR = 1.83, 95% CI: 1.01-3.33), men who have sex with men and women (OR = 3.23, 95% CI: 1.46-7.13) and men who have sex only with men (OR = 3.73, 95% CI: 1.58-8.78). The same analysis restricted to women showed syphilis as the only significant risk factor. Thus, HBV infection was considerably associated with high risk sexual behavior. HCV was present in only two (0.8%) of HIV patients. Both of them were positive by RT-PCR and anti-HCV. This low frequency of HIV/HCV coinfection was probably due to the uncommon intravenous drug abuse in this population. The frequent finding of isolated anti-HBc warrants molecular approaches to rule out the presence of cryptic HBV infection.
Overview and Aims: Several behavioral and biological factors can make adolescents particularly vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual behavior and contraceptive use patterns of a population of adolescents. Study Design: Retrospective study. Population: 163 female adolescents attending an Adolescence Unit for the first time, during 2010. Methods: Analysis of clinical charts and assessment of demographic data, smoking and drinking habits, drug use, gynecologic and obstetric history, sexual behavior and contraceptive use. Results: The mean age was 16.04 years (±1.32). 71.7% were students (of these, 70% had failed one or more years and were behind in their studies), 2.5% were working and 23.9% were neither studying or working. 95.1% had already had sexual intercourse and the mean age of first coitus was 14.53 years (±1.24). There was a history of at least one previous pregnancy in 77.3% of the cases. Before the first appointment at the AU, the contraceptive methods used were: the pill (33.2%, but 41.3% of these reported inconsistent use), and the condom (23.9%, with inconsistent use in 28.3% of these cases). 19.6% did not use any contraceptive method.. After counseling at the AU, 54% of the teenagers chose the contraceptive implant and 35% preferred the pill. Adolescents who had already been pregnant preferred a long acting method (namely, the contraceptive implant)in 61.9% of cases; those who had never been pregnant decided to use an oral contraceptive in 67.6% of cases (p<0.001). Conclusions: After counseling the number of teenagers using contraception increased. In this population there were a high number of adolescents with a previous pregnancy. This factor seems to have influenced the choice of the contraceptive method, with most of these adolescents choosing a long-acting method.
A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics
The frequency with which condoms are used in sex relations by subjects with HIV was determined by interviewing 132 individuals, 82 men and 50 women, most of them from São Paulo state and some from other regions of the country, all of them seen at an outpatient clinic of the School of Medicine in Botucatu. The women were younger, were of lower educational level and had poorer professional qualification than men. Also, a greater proportion of women were widowed, separated or divorced. We observed that 43.9% of men and 72% of women had been contaminated by the sexual route, but only 41.2% of the men and 31.8% of the women reported the use of a condom after the diagnosis of infection, with most men and women preferring sexual abstinence. The results enable the conclusion that there is still a need to continue to provide information about the use of condoms and to guarantee their free-of-charge distribution due to the low levels of education and professional qualification of the individuals studied. The data also suggest that campaigns for the dissemination of preventive measures should consider the social and cultural differences of infected women.
Objective Investigate binge eating (BE) prevalence in women according to the obesity degree and assess the associated factors. Methods Cross-sectional study with female adults presenting body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2. The analyzed variables were: sociodemographics, health status, obesity history, lifestyle, eating behavior and obesity degree. In order to analyse BE it was used the Binge Eating Scale (BES), which is considered positive when BES ≥ 18 points. Prevalence and prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated with confidence intervals (CI) of 95%. Multivariate analysis was carried out using Poisson regression. Results BE prevalence was 53.2%, and the prevalence in super superobese women (BMI ≥ 60 kg/m2) was 75%. After multivariate analysis, associations were observed between the age group 40-49 years old (PR = 2.0; 95% CI = 1.2-3.4) and the “snacking habit” (PR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.2-2.9). Conclusion The prevalence of BE in severe obese women was high. Association with the “snacking habit” can be a BE marker that should be monitored in the severely obese individuals that fit this profile.
Genetic polymorphism can be maintained over time by negative frequency-dependent (FD) selection induced by Rock-paper-scissors (RPS) social systems. RPS games produce cyclic dynamics, and have been suggested to exist in lizards, insects, isopods, plants, and bacteria. Sexual selection is predicted to accentuate the survival of the future progeny during negative FD survival selection. More specifically, females are predicted to select mates that produce progeny genotypes that exhibit highest survival during survival selection imposed by adult males. However, no empirical evidence demonstrates the existence of FD sexual selection with respect to fitness payoffs of genetic polymorphisms. Here we tested this prediction using the common lizard Zootoca vivipara, a species with three male color morphs (orange, white, yellow) that exhibit morph frequency cycles. In a first step we tested the congruence of the morph frequency change with the predicted change in three independent populations, differing in male color morph frequency and state of the FD morph cycle. Thereafter we ran standardized sexual selection assays in which we excluded alternative mechanisms that potentially induce negative FD selection, and we quantified inter-sexual behavior. The patterns of sexual selection and the observed behavior were in line with context-dependent female mate choice and male behavior played a minor role. Moreover, the strength of the sexual selection was within the magnitude of selection required to produce the observed 3-4-year and 6-8 year morph frequency cycles at low and high altitudes, respectively. In summary, the study provides the first experimental evidence that underpins the crucial assumption of the RPS games suggested to exist in lizards, insects, isopods, and plants; namely, that sexual selection produces negative-FD selection. This indicates that sexual selection, in our study exert by females, might be a crucial driver of the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms.
It was observed in the city of Salvador, State of Bahia, the highest seroprevalence of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-I) infection in Brazil as demonstrated by national wide blood bank surveys. In this paper, we report results of an investigation of drug use and sexual behavior associated with HTLV-I infection among male and female injecting drug users (IDUs) in Salvador. A cross sectional study was conducted in the Historical District of Salvador from 1994-1996 (Projeto Brasil-Salvador) and 216 asymptomatic IDUs were selected using the snowball contact technique. Blood samples were collected for serological assays. Sera were screened for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2) and HTLV-I/II antibodies by ELISA and confirmed by Western blot. The overall prevalence of HTLV-I/II was 35.2% (76/216). The seroprevalence of HTLV-I, HTLV-II and HIV-1 was for males 22%, 11.3% and 44.1% and for females 46.2%, 10.3% and 74.4% respectively. HTLV-I was identified in 72.4% of HTLV positive IDUs. Variables which were significantly associated with HTLV-I infection among males included needle sharing practices, duration of injecting drug use, HIV-1 seropositivity and syphilis. Among women, duration of injecting drug use and syphilis were strongly associated with HTLV-I infection. Multivariate analysis did not change the direction of these associations. Sexual intercourse might play a more important role in HTLV-I infection among women than in men.