94 resultados para Wolves.


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4. The count of Monte Cristo / illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett -- 5. Agénor de Mauléon : a romance of the reign of Charles V. of France / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 6. Agénor de Mauléon : a romance of the reign of Charles V. of France / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 7. The Brigand : a romance of the reign of Don Carlos and Black the story of a dog / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 8. Ascanio : a romance of the reign of Francis First / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 9. The two Dianas : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 10. The two Dianas : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 11. The page of the Duke of Savoy : a romance of the reign of Henry ll. / illustrated by Frank T. Merrill -- 12. The horoscope : a romance of the reign of Francois ll. and tales of the caucasus / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 13. Marguerite de Valois : a romance of the reign of Charles lX. / illustrated by Félix Oudart -- 14. La Dame de Monsoreau : a romance of the reign of Henry lll. / illustrated by Eugéne Courboin -- 15. The fourty-five : a romance of the reign of Henri lll. / illustrated by Eugéne Courboin -- 16. The Three Musketeers : a romance of the reign of Louis Xlll. / illustrated by E. Abot, Gustave Doré, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 17. The Three Musketeers : a romance of the reign of Louis Xlll. / illustrated by E. Abot, Gustave Doré, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 20. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 21. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 22. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett --23. The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten years later : a romance of the reign of Louis XlV. in which are included the stories of "Louise de La Valliére" and "The Iron Mask" / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 24. Sylvandire : a romance of the time of Louis XlV. and The Woman with the Velvet Necklace : a romance of the Revolution / illustrated by J. Wagrez -- 25. The war of women : a romance of the Fronde / illustrated by Eugéne Grivaz -- 26. Le Chevalier D'Harmental : a romance of the regency of Philippe, Duc D'Orléans / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 27. The Regents daughter and the black tulip / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 28. Olympe de Cléves and Chauvelin's will : romances of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 29. Olympe de Cléves and Chauvelin's will : romances of the reign of Louis XV. illustrated by Evert Van Muyden -- 30. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 31. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 32. Memoirs of a physician : a romance of the reign of Louis XV. / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Evert Van Muyden and Eugéne Courbion -- 33. The Queens necklace : a romance of the reign of Louis XVl. / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion, Félix Oudart and Evert Van Muyden -- 34. The Queens necklace : a romance of the reign of Louis XVl. / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion, Félix Oudart and Evert Van Muyden -- 35. Ange Pitou and Blanche de Beaulieu : romances of the French Revolution / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 36. Ange Pitou and Blanche de Beaulieu : romances of the French Revolution / illustrated by Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 37. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 38. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 39. La Comtesse de Charny : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 40. The Chevalier de Maison-Rouge : a romance of the French Revolution / illustrated by E. Abot -- 41. The companions of Jehu : a romance of the consulate under Napoleon / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden and F. T. Merrill -- 42. The whites and the blues : a romance of the directory / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 43.The whites and the blues : a romance of the directory / illustrated by Félix Oudart, Eugéne Courbion and Evert Van Muyden -- 44. The She-Wolves of Machecoul : a romance of the Last Vendée to which are added The Corsican Brothers / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett -- 45. The She-Wolves of Machecoul : a romance of the Last Vendée to which are added The Corsican Brothers / illustrated by Evert Van Muyden, Félix Oudart and Edmund H. Garrett.


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El interés de esta disertación es otorgar una respuesta a la fenomenología del Lobo Solitario, que se alza como amenaza frente a los Estados, y es necesaria su correcta comprensión para poder contrarrestar sus efectos sobre la sociedad. De esta manera, se propone un debate entre los conceptos de terrorismo expuesto por un lado por Bruce Hoffman, y por el otro por Luis de la Corte Ibáñez, quienes aportarán herramientas de análisis para lograr entender la fenomenología. Para terminar proponiendo la teoría de redes, expuesta por Arquilla y Ronfeldt y Charles Perrow, como mecanismo de solución a la brecha conceptual existente, definiendo a los lobos solitarios a nivel operacional como nodos sin red, y a nivel de adoctrinamiento como redes de débil acople.


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Nel periodo compreso tra il 2019 e il 2022 sono state testate differenti matrici biologiche di carnivori domestici e selvatici provenienti dall’Italia e da altri Paesi europei (Norvegia, Romania). Diversi saggi molecolari, tra cui real-time PCR, end-point PCR, semi-nested PCR, retrotrascrizione e rolling circle amplification, sono stati utilizzati per ricercare il DNA o l’RNA genomico di virus e batteri. Il sequenziamento dell’intero genoma o di geni informativi dei patogeni identificati ne ha inoltre consentito la caratterizzazione genetica e l’analisi filogenetica. Gli studi, svolti presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell’Università di Bologna, erano focalizzati nei confronti di alcuni virus a DNA, come Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 in lupi dall’appennino italiano e cani dalla Romania, adenovirus canino di tipo 1 e 2 in cani e lupi provenienti dal territorio nazionale, circovirus canino in cani e lupi italiani e volpi rosse e artiche della Norvegia; virus a RNA, come il canine distemper virus in faine recuperate nel territorio italiano e il calicivirus felino in gatti con diagnosi di poliartrite; e batteri appartenenti alla specie Anaplasma phagocytophilum in gatti deceduti e sottoposti a necroscopia in Italia. Dai risultati ottenuti è emerso che gli agenti infettivi indagati circolano nelle popolazioni di carnivori domestici e selvatici in forma asintomatica o determinando talvolta sintomatologia clinica. In alcuni animali testati è stata rilevata la coinfezione con diversi agenti patogeni, condizione che può predisporre ad un aggravamento della sintomatologia clinica. Dall’analisi filogenetica sono emerse relazioni tra gli agenti infettivi rilevati nelle differenti specie animali suggerendone la trasmissione tra ospiti domestici e selvatici e confermando il ruolo epidemiologico svolto dei carnivori selvatici nel mantenimento dei patogeni nel territorio. Alla luce dei dati ottenuti, è importante sottolineare l’importanza delle misure di profilassi, in particolare la vaccinazione degli animali da compagnia, per ridurre la trasmissione e la diffusione degli agenti infettivi.


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The objective of the present Ph.D. thesis was to investigate with a One Health approach the epidemiological patterns of T. gondii infection in Italy, to better understand the transmission dynamics of the parasite, following different research lines. The results of a retrospective analysis in animals and human showed the widespread distribution of T. gondii in the study area, with specific antibodies found in various animal species and human populations, indicating its constant presence across diverse environments. The environment plays a significant role in T. gondii's epidemiology. Migratory aquatic birds, rodents, wolves, and wild boars were investigated as sentinels of their spread, highlighting the potential transmission across geographic areas and infection risks for wildlife in natural settings. The study also provided insights into seroprevalence in wolves. Dogs, subjected to serological investigations exhibited risk factors for T. gondii infection, such as cohabitation with cats, coprophagy behaviours, and continuous outdoor. Correlation between serological evidence of exposure to T. gondii and pathological anxiety in large-size dogs was observed, and the consumption of raw meat was associated with a higher risk of infection in these animals. Results of the investigations conducted in this thesis, demonstrate the dynamic nature of T. gondii infection in cattle, characterized by new infections and declining antibody levels over the production cycle. The study also describes a co-infection between T. gondii and Sarcocystis hominis in bovine eosinophilic myositis. In the final part of the Thesis, a comprehensive genotyping of T. gondii in Italy reveals the predominance of Type II strains, particularly in cases of ovine abortion and fatal toxoplasmosis among captive Lemur catta. This approach enhances our understanding of the parasite's genetic diversity and transmission patterns, vital for effective management of its impact on human and animal health in Italy.