971 resultados para Wilson, Karin
As práticas gerencias de marketing das empresas, em tempos de hipercompetição, têm, cada vez mais, se orientado para o estabelecimento de relações de longo prazo com os consumidores. Fornecedores não mais administram produtos, mas sim clientes. Os objetivos desta busca de relacionamentos longos visam à obtenção de benefícios mútuos, onde fornecedor e cliente tenham vantagens por estarem engajados num relacionamento, orientado para o longo prazo, onde existam lealdade, confiança e comprometimento. Trata-se da emergência do Marketing de Relacionamento, novo paradigma que passa a orientar as ações comerciais das empresas. Nesta situação, novas variáveis se apresentam e exigem quantificação para que possam ser operacionalizadas, permitindo a gestão adequada dos esforços de marketing. Consoante com esta necessidade de mensuração, o objetivo deste trabalho foi definir uma escala que pudesse medir os atributos de Marketing de Relacionamento para um segmento específico do mercado business-tobusiness: o mercado de bens de capital. Esta escala foi obtida através de modificações introduzidas na escala de Wilson & Vlosky (1997), modificações estas resultantes de conclusões advindas de pesquisa bibliográfica e de consultas feitas a especialistas em marketing de relacionamento e profissionais com larga experiência na comercialização do tipo de produto em questão. A escala, assim obtida, foi aplicada a uma amostra de clientes da Kepler Weber, tradicional fornecedora brasileira de sistemas de armazenagem para VI grãos vegetais. As respostas obtidas foram, na seqüência, verificadas por meios estatísticos. Estas verificações indicaram algumas modificações na escala proposta inicialmente, resultando em outra de aplicação prática para o mercado de bens de capital. Além disso, foram obtidos os escores, referentes ao relacionamento existente entre a Kepler Weber e seus clientes relacionais, dos atributos medidos pela escala.
Professor Robert Wilson fala de sua carreira na área de administração pública
Em palestra realizada no dia 04 de julho, o professor Wilson Nobre (membro fundador e pesquisador do Fórum de Inovação da FGV-EAESP), falou sobre Inovação na Cadeia de Valor
O professor da FGV, Wilson Nobre (membro fundador e pesquisador do Fórum de Inovação da FGV-EAESP), conversou com a equipe do GVces sobre Inovação na Cadeia de Valor
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We show that tree level superstring theories on certain supersymmetric backgrounds admit a symmetry which we call "fermionic T-duality". This is a non-local redefinition of the fermionic worldsheet fields similar to the redefinition we perform on bosonic variables when we do an ordinary T-duality. This duality maps a supersymmetric background to another supersymmetric background with different RR fields and a different dilaton. We show that a certain combination of bosonic and fermionic T-dualities maps the full superstring theory on AdS(5) x S-5 back to itself in such a way that gluon scattering amplitudes in the original theory map to something very close to Wilson loops in the dual theory. This duality maps the "dual superconformal symmetry" of the original theory to the ordinary superconformal symmetry of the dual model. This explains the dual superconformal invariance of planar scattering amplitudes of N = 4 super Yang Mills and also sheds some light on the connection between amplitudes and Wilson loops. In the appendix, we propose a simple prescription for open superstring MHV tree amplitudes in a flat background.
Lippia alba, family Verbenaceae, is widely spread in Central and South American. It's a shurb with a quadrangular branch reaching 1,7m tall. The leaves are membranaceous, petiolate, pubescent with a strong flavor. It's limbs have variable forms with pointed apex, cuneiform or decumbent base, and serrated or crenated hordes. It was determined the best harvest season to biomass production, essential oil content and chemical composition, on different plant parts (apical, medium, basal). It has been observed that, both apical and medium parts represented around 80 % of the fresh leaf mass. The foliar biomass yields are about 5 ton/ha in four harvests during an year. The average yield of essential oil considering the three plant parts were 0.15%, 0.47%, 0.46%, 0.55% and 0.61% for summer/98, autumn/98, winter/98, spring/98 and summer/99, respectively. Essential oils showed similar chemical composition either in relation to seasonality, neral, geranial and t-cariofilene were the majority compounds.
The objective of this paper was to evaluate the phenotypical plasticity of external morphology of Lippia alba in response to two luminosity level and four organic-mineral fertilization level. The morphological plasticity was quantified by the phenotypic variation intensity of the morphological characters (ramifications, leafs, inflorescences, flowers, height, stem diameter, leaf blade length, foliar blade breadth and space between branches). It was possible to verify significant effect as a consequence of luminosity and substratum variations. However, the interaction between these factors was not observed suggesting that they act independently. The majority of characters revealed high magnitude of phenotypical plasticity. The results obtained suggest that luminosity intensity and substratum quality contribute to amplify the phenotypical expression of Lippia alba.
A considerable problem in the catfish larvae rearing is related to the first feeding. This study aimed to determine the larvae growth and the survival of silver catfish submitted to feeding with Artemia sp. in different time periods. The study was conducted in the Aquaculture Laboratory of the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, with four treatments and five replications, constituted by feeding with Artemia sp. in 5, 10, 15 and 20 days, and after each period of time, by its replacement by ration. We used 200 larvae distributed into 20 aquariums, soon after the eggs hatched. The larvae were fed 4 times a day until apparent satiation for 30 days. The Artemia sp. feeding for 15 days provided the best results on weight gain, final length and survival.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We discuss the relation between correlation functions of twist-two large spin operators and expectation values of Wilson loops along light-like trajectories. After presenting some heuristic field theoretical arguments suggesting this relation, we compute the divergent part of the correlator in the limit of large 't Hooft coupling and large spins, using a semi-classical world-sheet which asymptotically looks like a GKP rotating string. We show this diverges as expected from the expectation value of a null Wilson loop, namely, as (ln mu(-2))(2). mu being a cut-off of the theory. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)