984 resultados para William I, German Emperor, 1797-1888.
Fecha sacada de título.
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Romans, y coloqui nou, pera divertir el humor y desterrar la melancolia, yà que no tenim dinès ... (NP849.91/3085).
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Relacion de la entrada que hizieron en la ciudad de Denia, Reyno de Valencia, las armas de la Magestad Catolica, del Rey nuestro Señor Carlos IIJ [sic] ... el dia 18 de agosto de 1705. (XVIII/1688).
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Individual noticia de todos los altares, arcos pinturas, adornos y lo mas exquisito y notable que havia en la carrera de la procession, y de las iluminaciones en general ... : (XVIII/1705).
Symmetries have played an important role in a variety of problems in geology and geophysics. A large fraction of studies in mineralogy are devoted to the symmetry properties of crystals. In this paper, however, the emphasis will be on scale-invariant (fractal) symmetries. The earth’s topography is an example of both statistically self-similar and self-affine fractals. Landforms are also associated with drainage networks, which are statistical fractal trees. A universal feature of drainage networks and other growth networks is side branching. Deterministic space-filling networks with side-branching symmetries are illustrated. It is shown that naturally occurring drainage networks have symmetries similar to diffusion-limited aggregation clusters.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
August 1984.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. 3- have imprint: Haag, M. Nijhoff.
Added t.-p.: Amtliche Sammlung der Acten aus der Zeit der Helvetischen Republik (1798-1803) im Anschluss an die Sammlung der ältern eidg. Abschiede. Hrsg. auf Anordnung der Bundesbehörden...
Mode of access: Internet.