204 resultados para Wendt, S. E.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde das lokale Relaxationsverhalten niedermolekularer glasbildender Materialien mit der Methode der Solvatationsdynamik untersucht. Bei dieser Methode werden phosphoreszente Farbstoffe als molekulare Sonden für die lokale Dynamik im Glasbildner eingesetzt. Je nach verwendeter Sonde sind unterschiedliche Eigenschaften zugänglich:Mit Farbstoffen, die ihr Dipolmoment bei optischer Anregung nicht ändern, wird eine mechanische Solvatation gemessen, die die lokale viskoelastische Antwort des Materials widerspiegelt. Mit Farbstoffen, die eine Änderung des Dipolmoments bei optischer Anregung aufweisen,sind zu¤tzlich lokale dielektrische Eigenschaften des Materials zugänglich, die bei endlicher Polarität des Lösungsmittels dominieren. Das heterogene Relaxationsverhalten des Glasbildners 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran wurde quantitativ untersucht.Auf einem Temperaturbereich, auf dem die mittlere Relaxationszeit um mehr als 4 Dekaden variiert, konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Relaxation lokal rein exponentiell verläuft. Zur Abschätzung von Reichweiteneffekten wurden Solvatationsmessungen in einschränkenden Geometrien in Form von porösen Sol-Gel Gläsern mit Porendurchmessern zwischen 7,5-2,5 nm durchgeführt. Der Einfluß der Beschaffenheit der Porenoberfläche wurde durch Vergleichzwischen der Solvatation in nativen und in silanisierten Gläsern untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, daß auch in den kleinsten verwendeten silanisierten Poren alle Charakteristika des jeweiligen Bulk-Systems erhalten bleiben.In den nativen porösen Gläsern dagegen führt der Einfluß der stark polaren Oberfläche zu einer Änderung der Dynamik.


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This study comprised batch experiments, direct speciation studies via EXAFS, and modelling with the 2SPNE SC/CE model to elucidate the mechanisms of Np(V) sorption on montmorillonite and, for reference, on γ-Al2O3. The sorption of pM 239Np(V) and µM 237Np(V) on montmorillonite (STx-1, 4 g/L) and γ-Al2O3 (0.5 g/L) was studied at room temperature in the presence and absence of ambient CO2 covering a pH-range from 2.5 (STx-1) or 5 (γ-Al2O3) to 10.5 with 0.01 or 0.1M NaClO4 as background electrolyte. The Np(V) uptake was determined by γ spectroscopy of the supernatants and calculated as percentage as well as distribution coefficient Kd. Sorption starts from pH ~6 and, under exclusion of CO2, increases continuously, while, in the presence of ambient air, it reaches a maximum at pH ~8.5 (γ-Al2O3: log Kd max ≈ 4 mL/g; STx-1: log Kd max ≈ 2.7 mL/g). Beyond that it decreases again due to the formation of queous neptunium carbonate complexes. Furthermore, neptunium sorption on montmorillonite is influenced by ionic strength at pH <6 through ion exchange processes pointing towards the formation of outer-sphere surface complexes there. Isotherms measured at the sorption maximum showed the precipitation of resumably neptunium carbonate complexes above 3∙10^-5 M under ambient air conditions. Additionally, they indicated progressive saturation of the sorption sites of γ-Al2O3. At selected pH (STx-1: 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5; γ-Al2O3: 8.5, 9.5) EXAFS samples were prepared as wet pastes with µM 237Np and measured at room temperature in fluorescence mode at ANKA and ESRF. Several spectra were averaged and analysed with EXAFSPAK and FEFF 8.20 employing models of NaNpO2(CO3) or soddyite, (UO2)2SiO4∙2(H2O). The shorter atomic distances of the neptunyl ion at pH 5 compared to the others hinted at the retention of the hydration shell and, thus, at outer-sphere sorption. On average the bond lengths for Np(V) sorbed on STx-1 at high pH were Oax ≈ 1.84 Å and Oeq ≈ 2.53 Å. At high pH, ternary neptunyl carbonate surface complexes could be identified for montmorillonite (C ≈ 3.00 Å), but not for γ-Al2O3, where an interaction of neptunium with the aluminium surface atoms according to the soddyite model gave better agreement with the experimental data. However, neither structure as suggested by the two models could be excluded for both systems rendering a combination most likely. Modelling of the sorption data provided further evidence for the existence of ternary neptunium carbonate surface complexes in both cases. The results of this study can aid environmental risk assessment for clay-based nuclear waste repositories by providing valuable input data for simulations of radionuclide migration from a final disposal site.


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In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo studiato la relazione esistente tra la concentrazione di drogante in un wafer di silicio e l’energia superficiale del suo ossido nativo. 
La strumentazione utilizzata per la misura dell’energia superficiale è il tensiometro ottico, uno strumento semplice ma efficace per valutare le proprietà chimico-fisiche dell’interfaccia liquido-solido.
 Il tensiometro ottico misura l’angolo di contatto statico e dinamico. La misura dell’angolo statico ci ha permesso di valutare l’energia superficiale dell’ossido nativo attraverso il metodo di Owen-Wendt. Per valutare l’omogeneità chimica/fisica dell’ossido abbiamo invece misurato l’isteresi dell’angolo di contatto in configurazione dinamica. Le misure di angolo statico e dinamico sono state realizzate su 10 frammenti di wafer di silicio a concentrazione crescente da 10^13 a 10^19 atomi/cm^3 di entrambi i tipi di drogante (ossia di tipo p - boro - e di tipo n - fosforo -). €™ stato osservato che, per i substrati drogati con boro, l’energia superficiale presenta un picco corrispondente ad una concentrazione di circa 10^15 atomi/cm^3 nell’intervallo di concentrazione 2 · 10^13 − 1.6 · 10^16 atomi/cm^3. Mentre i campioni drogati con fosforo presentano un andamento dell’energia superficiale leggermente crescente al crescere della concentrazione di drogaggio nell’intervallo di concentrazione 6.5 · 10^14 − 1.5 · 10^19 atomi/cm^3. Questo risultato è stato correlato alla diffusione degli atomi di drogante nell’ossido che raggiunge l’interfaccia SiO2 − Aria. 
 L’osservazione sperimentale che l’energia superficiale dell’ossido dipenda dalla concentrazione di drogante è avvalorata dal confronto fra la componente polare e dispersiva, in particolare la componente polare presenta lo stesso picco osservato nell’energia superficiale. Le impurità nell’ossido, determinate dagli atomi di drogante, conferiscono quindi polarità alla superficie aumentando l’energia superficiale totale. 
Dal confronto fra le misure dei campioni as received con le misure dell’ossido ricostruito dopo 7 e 21 giorni di esposizione all’aria, ricaviamo che gli atomi di drogante diffondono nel tempo e, in particolare, la polarità superficiale ritorna alle con- dizioni as recived dopo 21 giorni dalla rimozione dell’ossido. 
€™ stata simulata numericamente una goccia su una superficie, comprendendo come il picco osservato nell’energia superficiale corrisponde ad un minimo dell’energia di Gibbs per i campioni di tipo p. 
Infine, l’isteresi aumenta in valor medio per i campioni con ossido ricostruito rispetto ai campioni as recived, ad indicare una possibile variazione dell’omogeneità chimico-fisica delle superfici.


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Pain in the joint is often due to cartilage degeneration and represents a serious medical problem affecting people of all ages. Although many, mostly surgical techniques, are currently employed to treat cartilage lesions, none has given satisfactory results in the long term. Recent advances in biology and material science have brought tissue engineering to the forefront of new cartilage repair techniques. The combination of autologous cells, specifically designed scaffolds, bioreactors, mechanical stimulations and growth factors together with the knowledge that underlies the principles of cell biology offers promising avenues for cartilage tissue regeneration. The present review explores basic biology mechanisms for cartilage reconstruction and summarizes the advances in the tissue engineering approaches. Furthermore, the limits of the new methods and their potential application in the osteoarthritic conditions are discussed.


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Bone research is limited by the methods available for detecting changes in bone metabolism. While dual X-ray absorptiometry is rather insensitive, biochemical markers are subject to significant intra-individual variation. In the study presented here, we evaluated the isotopic labeling of bone using 41Ca, a long-lived radiotracer, as an alternative approach. After successful labeling of the skeleton, changes in the systematics of urinary 41Ca excretion are expected to directly reflect changes in bone Ca metabolism. A minute amount of 41Ca (100 nCi) was administered orally to 22 postmenopausal women. Kinetics of tracer excretion were assessed by monitoring changes in urinary 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios up to 700 days post-dosing using accelerator mass spectrometry and resonance ionization mass spectrometry. Isotopic labeling of the skeleton was evaluated by two different approaches: (i) urinary 41Ca data were fitted to an established function consisting of an exponential term and a power law term for each individual; (ii) 41Ca data were analyzed by population pharmacokinetic (NONMEM) analysis to identify a compartmental model that describes urinary 41Ca tracer kinetics. A linear three-compartment model with a central compartment and two sequential peripheral compartments was found to best fit the 41Ca data. Fits based on the use of the combined exponential/power law function describing urinary tracer excretion showed substantially higher deviations between predicted and measured values than fits based on the compartmental modeling approach. By establishing the urinary 41Ca excretion pattern using data points up to day 500 and extrapolating these curves up to day 700, it was found that the calculated 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios in urine were significantly lower than the observed 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios for both techniques. Compartmental analysis can overcome this limitation. By identifying relative changes in transfer rates between compartments in response to an intervention, inaccuracies in the underlying model cancel out. Changes in tracer distribution between compartments were modeled based on identified kinetic parameters. While changes in bone formation and resorption can, in principle, be assessed by monitoring urinary 41Ca excretion over the first few weeks post-dosing, assessment of an intervention effect is more reliable approximately 150 days post-dosing when excreted tracer originates mainly from bone.


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BACKGROUND: Repeated bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) has been used in animals to induce surfactant depletion and to study therapeutical interventions of subsequent respiratory insufficiency. Intratracheal administration of surface active agents such as perfluorocarbons (PFC) can prevent the alveolar collapse in surfactant depleted lungs. However, it is not known how BAL or subsequent PFC administration affect the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool. METHODS: Male wistar rats were surfactant depleted by BAL and treated for 1 hour by conventional mechanical ventilation (Lavaged-Gas, n = 5) or partial liquid ventilation with PF 5080 (Lavaged-PF5080, n = 5). For control, 10 healthy animals with gas (Healthy-Gas, n = 5) or PF5080 filled lungs (Healthy-PF5080, n = 5) were studied. A design-based stereological approach was used for quantification of lung parenchyma and the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool at the light and electron microscopic level. RESULTS: Compared to Healthy-lungs, Lavaged-animals had more type II cells with lamellar bodies in the process of secretion and freshly secreted lamellar body-like surfactant forms in the alveoli. The fraction of alveolar epithelial surface area covered with surfactant and total intraalveolar surfactant content were significantly smaller in Lavaged-animals. Compared with Gas-filled lungs, both PF5080-groups had a significantly higher total lung volume, but no other differences. CONCLUSION: After BAL-induced alveolar surfactant depletion the amount of intracellularly stored surfactant is about half as high as in healthy animals. In lavaged animals short time liquid ventilation with PF5080 did not alter intra- or extracellular surfactant content or subtype composition.


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Structural and functional characterization of integrative cartilage repair in controlled model systems can play a key role in the development of innovative strategies to improve the long-term outcome of many cartilage repair procedures. In this work, we first developed a method to reproducibly generate geometrically defined disk/ring cartilage composites and to remove outgrown fibrous layers which can encapsulate cartilaginous tissues during culture. We then used the model system to test the hypothesis that such fibrous layers lead to an overestimation of biomechanical parameters of integration at the disk/ring interface. Transmission electron microscopy images of the composites after 6 weeks of culture indicated that collagen fibrils in the fibrous tissue layer were well integrated into the collagen network of the cartilage disk and ring, whereas molecular bridging between opposing disk/ring cartilage surfaces was less pronounced and restricted to regions with narrow interfacial regions (< 2 microm). Stress-strain profiles generated from mechanical push-out tests for composites with the layers removed displayed a single and distinct peak, whereas profiles for composites with the layers left intact consisted of multiple superimposed peaks. As compared to composites with removed layers, composites with intact layers had significantly higher adhesive strengths (161+/-9 vs. 71+/-11 kPa) and adhesion energies (15.0+/-0.7 vs. 2.7+/-0.4 mJ/mm2). By combining structural and functional analyses, we demonstrated that the outgrowing tissue formed during in vitro culture of cartilaginous specimens should be eliminated in order to reliably quantify biomechanical parameters related to integrative cartilage repair.


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BACKGROUND In a phase 3, randomised, non-inferiority trial, accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) for patients with stage 0, I, and IIA breast cancer who underwent breast-conserving treatment was compared with whole-breast irradiation. Here, we present 5-year follow-up results. METHODS We did a phase 3, randomised, non-inferiority trial at 16 hospitals and medical centres in seven European countries. 1184 patients with low-risk invasive and ductal carcinoma in situ treated with breast-conserving surgery were centrally randomised to either whole-breast irradiation or APBI using multicatheter brachytherapy. The primary endpoint was local recurrence. Analysis was done according to treatment received. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00402519. FINDINGS Between April 20, 2004, and July 30, 2009, 551 patients had whole-breast irradiation with tumour-bed boost and 633 patients received APBI using interstitial multicatheter brachytherapy. At 5-year follow-up, nine patients treated with APBI and five patients receiving whole-breast irradiation had a local recurrence; the cumulative incidence of local recurrence was 1·44% (95% CI 0·51-2·38) with APBI and 0·92% (0·12-1·73) with whole-breast irradiation (difference 0·52%, 95% CI -0·72 to 1·75; p=0·42). No grade 4 late side-effects were reported. The 5-year risk of grade 2-3 late side-effects to the skin was 3·2% with APBI versus 5·7% with whole-breast irradiation (p=0·08), and 5-year risk of grade 2-3 subcutaneous tissue late side-effects was 7·6% versus 6·3% (p=0·53). The risk of severe (grade 3) fibrosis at 5 years was 0·2% with whole-breast irradiation and 0% with APBI (p=0·46). INTERPRETATION The difference between treatments was below the relevance margin of 3 percentage points. Therefore, adjuvant APBI using multicatheter brachytherapy after breast-conserving surgery in patients with early breast cancer is not inferior to adjuvant whole-breast irradiation with respect to 5-year local control, disease-free survival, and overall survival. FUNDING German Cancer Aid.


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The ECHo Collaboration (Electron Capture 163Ho aims to investigate the calorimetric spectrum following the electron capture decay of 163Ho to determine the mass of the electron neutrino. The size of the neutrino mass is reflected in the endpoint region of the spectrum, i.e., the last few eV below the transition energy. To check for systematic uncertainties, an independent determination of this transition energy, the Q-value, is mandatory. Using the TRIGA-TRAP setup, we demonstrate the feasibility of performing this measurement by Penning-trap mass spectrometry. With the currently available, purified 163Ho sample and an improved laser ablation mini-RFQ ion source, we were able to perform direct mass measurements of 163Ho and 163Dy with a sample size of less than 1017 atoms. The measurements were carried out by determining the ratio of the cyclotron frequencies of the two isotopes to those of carbon cluster ions using the time-of-flight ion cyclotron resonance method. The obtained mass excess values are ME(163Ho)= −66379.3(9) keV and ME(163Dy)= −66381.7(8) keV. In addition, the Q-value was measured for the first time by Penning-trap mass spectrometry to be Q = 2.5(7) keV.