896 resultados para Web, Search Engine, Overlap
Science is search for the laws of underlying phenomena of the nature. Engineering constructs the nature as we wish. Interestingly the huge engineering infrastructure like world wide web has grown in such a complex structure such that we need to see the fundamental science behind the structure and behaviour of these networks. This talk covers the science behind the complex networks like web, biological, social etc. The talk aim to discuss the basic theories that govern the static as well as the dynamics of such interesting networks
Esta dissertação resulta de uma investigação que levou a cabo um estudo webométrico sobre a presença das universidades portuguesas na Web, avaliando a visibilidade das instituições através do cálculo de um indicador webométrico, o Web Impact Factor. A World Wide Web é, na atualidade, um dos principais meios de difusão de Informação. Os Estudos Métricos da Informação visam quantificar e avaliar a produção de Informação, objeto de estudo de disciplinas como a Infometria, a Cienciometria e a Bibliometria. Recentemente, surgiram a Cibermetria e a Webometria como novas disciplinas que estudam a produção e difusão da Informação no contexto do Ciberespaço e da World Wide Web, respetivamente. As universidades, enquanto polos privilegiados de produção e difusão de conhecimento, são o objeto de estudo natural da Webometria e a avaliação da sua presença na World Wide Web contribui para a análise do desempenho destas instituições. Para a realização deste trabalho foi adotada a metodologia proposta por Noruzi, que calcula três categorias de Web Impact Factor: o WIF Total, o WIF Revisto e o Selflink WIF. De modo a calcular estas categorias, foram recolhidos dados quantitativos de inlinks, selflinks, número total de páginas e número de páginas indexadas pelo motor de pesquisa. O motor de pesquisa utilizado foi o Altavista, tendo sido realizadas pesquisas de expressões booleanas durante o primeiro semestre de 2009. Após a recolha, os dados foram tratados estatisticamente e procedeu-se ao cálculo das categorias do WIF. Conclui-se que existe uma maior visibilidade das universidades públicas portuguesas porque obtêm melhores resultados ao nível de duas categorias do Web Impact Factor: o WIF Revisto e o Selflink WIF.
VANTI, Nadia. Mapeamento das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior da Região Nordeste do Brasil na Web. Informação & informação, Londrina, v. 15, p. 55-67, 2010
The popularization of the Internet has stimulated the appearance of Search Engines that have as their objective aid the users in the Web information research process. However, it s common for users to make queries and receive results which do not satisfy their initial needs. The Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX) technique allows for the information related to a specific theme to be related to the initial user query, enabling, in this way, better results. This study presents a prototype of a search engine based on contexts built from linguistic gatherings and on relationships defined by the user. The context information can be shared with softwares and other tool users with the objective of promoting a socialization of contexts
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
La presente tesi di laurea si concentra sulla localizzazione in inglese di varie sezioni del nuovo sito web della Pinacoteca di Brera. Il progetto di localizzazione è stato contestualizzato da un lato all’interno della letteratura sulla comunicazione museale, e dall’altro sulla comunicazione web, per poter avanzare proposte di miglioramento alla luce di ricerche nel campo della SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Lo studio della comunicazione museale si è arricchito grazie all’esperienza di documentazione presso la University of Leicester (UK). La tesi mira a porre le basi per la produzione di contenuti museali adatti ad una lettura sul web, in modo da offrire non solo una traduzione ben fatta dal punto di vista linguistico e culturale, ma anche facilmente fruibile per un utente online e reperibile attraverso motori di ricerca. L’elaborato intende fornire ai musei italiani alcuni spunti di riflessione circa possibili miglioramenti delle proprie piattaforme online grazie alla localizzazione e ad un’analisi approfondita dei contenuti web secondo principi di usabilità e visibilità. Il capitolo 1 introduce la letteratura sugli studi museali, prestando particolare attenzione alla comunicazione. Il capitolo 2 fornisce una panoramica generale sul web: vengono suggerite buone pratiche di web writing, analizzate le strategie di SEO per migliorare la visibilità dei siti e delineato le principali caratteristiche del processo di localizzazione. Il capitolo 3 riunisce i due universi finora esplorati individualmente, ovvero i musei e il web, concentrandosi sulla comunicazione online dei musei e concludendo con uno schema di valutazione dei siti dei musei. Il capitolo 4 applica le strategie precedentemente discusse al caso specifico della Pinacoteca di Brera, concentrandosi sulla valutazione del sito, sulla localizzazione di alcune sezioni e sulla proposta di strategie SEO. Infine, il capitolo 5 tira le fila dell’intero lavoro mettendo in evidenza i principali risultati ottenuti.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the characteristics of popular breast cancer related websites and whether more popular sites are of higher quality. DESIGN: The search engine Google was used to generate a list of websites about breast cancer. Google ranks search results by measures of link popularity---the number of links to a site from other sites. The top 200 sites returned in response to the query "breast cancer" were divided into "more popular" and "less popular" subgroups by three different measures of link popularity: Google rank and number of links reported independently by Google and by AltaVista (another search engine). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Type and quality of content. RESULTS: More popular sites according to Google rank were more likely than less popular ones to contain information on ongoing clinical trials (27% v 12%, P=0.01 ), results of trials (12% v 3%, P=0.02), and opportunities for psychosocial adjustment (48% v 23%, P<0.01). These characteristics were also associated with higher number of links as reported by Google and AltaVista. More popular sites by number of linking sites were also more likely to provide updates on other breast cancer research, information on legislation and advocacy, and a message board service. Measures of quality such as display of authorship, attribution or references, currency of information, and disclosure did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Popularity of websites is associated with type rather than quality of content. Sites that include content correlated with popularity may best meet the public's desire for information about breast cancer.
Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) tiene como objetivos el análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema web que permita a los usuarios familiarizarse con el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH), publicado anualmente por Naciones Unidas, ofreciendo un servicio de gestión y descarga de una aplicación móvil relacionada con dicho índice. La aplicación móvil es un juego educativo basado en preguntas sobre el IDH de los países, desarrollada en paralelo con este proyecto. El servicio web implementado en este proyecto facilita tanto la descarga, administración y actualización de contenidos como la interacción entre los usuarios. El sistema está formado por un servidor web, una base de datos de usuarios y contenidos y un portal web desde el cual puede descargarse la aplicación móvil, realizar consultas sobre estadísticas de juego y conocer el IDH sin necesidad de jugar. El buscador avanzado que ha sido desarrollado para conocer el IDH permite al usuario adquirir destrezas y entrenarse por sí solo para mejorar sus resultados de juego. Los administradores del sistema tienen la capacidad de gestionar el contenido del portal, los usuarios que solicitan darse de alta y la funcionalidad ofrecida, es decir, actualización del juego, foros y noticias. La instalación del sistema implementado en un servidor web ha permitido su verificación exitosa así como la provisión del servicio de información y sensibilización sobre el IDH, actualizado mediante la información de Naciones Unidas, motivación original del proyecto. ABSTRACT This Final Year Project takes as targets the analysis, design and implementation of a web system that allows to the users to familiarize with the Human Development Index (HDI), published annually by United Nations, offering a service of management and download a mobile application associated with that index. The mobile application is an educational game based on questions on the IDH of the countries, developed in parallel with this project. The web service implemented by means of this Project facilitates download, administration and update of contents and the interaction between the users across the cooperative game. The system consists of a web server, a database of users and content and a web portal from which you can download the mobile application, perform queries on game statistics, or discover the HDI without need for play. The advanced search engine that has been developed for the HDI allows the user to purchase and train for skills to improve their game results. System administrators have the ability to manage the content of the portal, users requesting register and the functionality offered, i.e., update to the game, forums and news. The installation of the system that was implemented has allowed successful verification and the provision of an information and awareness on the HDI, updated with the information from the United Nations, original motivation of the project.
This paper presents the main results of the eContent HARMOS project. The project has developed a webbased educational system for professional musicians. The main idea of the project consists of recording master classes taught by highly recognised maestros and annotate this multimedia material using an educational musical taxonomy and automatic annotation tools. Users of the system access a multi-criteria search engine that allows them to find and play video segments according to a combination of criteria, which include instrument, teacher, composer, composition, movement and pedagogical concept. In order to preserve teachers and students rights, a DRM and protection system has been developed. The system is being publicly exploited. This model preserves musical heritage, since these valuable master classes are usually not recorded and it also provides a sustainable model for musical institutions.
El autor de este proyecto es miembro reciente de la asociación SoloBoulder, dedicada a la modalidad de escalada boulder, noticias y actualidad, contenido multimedia, promoción de un equipo de escaladores y defensa de valores medioambientales en la montaña. El principal canal de distribución de contenidos es una página web existente previa a este proyecto. La asociación ha detectado una escasez y mala calidad de recursos en internet en cuanto a guías de zonas donde poder practicar el boulder. Tal circunstancia impulsa la iniciativa de este proyecto fin de carrera. El objetivo general es el desarrollo de una nueva aplicación que proporcione a los usuarios a nivel mundial una guía interactiva de boulder y otros puntos de interés, una red social que permita la creación cooperativa y orgánica de contenido, y servicios web para el consumo de la información desde otras plataformas u organizaciones. El nuevo software desarrollado es independiente de la página web de SoloBoulder previa. No obstante, ambas partes se integran bajo el mismo domino web y aspecto. La nueva aplicación ofrece a escaladores y turistas un servicio informativo e interactivo de calidad, con el que se espera aumentar el número de visitas en todo el sitio web y poder ampliar la difusión de valores medioambientales, diversificar las zonas de boulder y regular las masificadas, favorecer el deporte y brindar al escalador una oportunidad de autopromoción personal. Una gran motivación para el autor también es el proceso de investigación y formación en tecnologías, patrones arquitecturales de diseño y metodologías de trabajo adaptadas a las tendencias actuales en la ingeniería de software, con especial curiosidad hacia el mundo web. A este respecto podemos destacar: metodología de trabajo en proyectos, análisis de proyectos, arquitecturas de software, diseño de software, bases de datos, programación y buenas prácticas, seguridad, interfaz gráfica web, diseño gráfico, Web Performance Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, etc. En resumen, este proyecto constituye un aprendizaje y puesta en práctica de diversos conocimientos adquiridos durante la ejecución del mismo, así como afianzamiento de materias estudiadas en la carrera. Además, el producto desarrollado ofrece un servicio de calidad a los usuarios y favorece el deporte y la autopromoción del escalador. ABSTRACT. The author of this Project is recent member of the association SoloBoulder, dedicated to a rock climbing discipline called bouldering, news, multimedia content, promotion of a team of climbers and defense of environmental values in the mountain. The main content distribution channel is a web page existing previous to this project. The association has detected scarcity and bad quality of resources on the internet about guides of bouldering areas. This circumstance motivates the initiative of this project. The general objective is the development of a new application which provides a worldwide, interactive bouldering guide, including other points of interest, a social network which allows the cooperative and organic creation of content, and web services for consumption of information from other platforms or organizations. The new software developed is independent of the previous SoloBoulder web page. However, both parts are integrated under the same domain and appearance. The new application offers to climbers and tourists a quality informative and interactive service, with which we hope to increase the number of visits in the whole web site and be able to expand the dissemination of environmental values, diversify boulder areas and regulate the overcrowded ones, encourage sport and offer to the climber an opportunity of self-promotion. A strong motivation for the author is also the process of investigation and education in technologies, architectural design patterns and working methodologies adapted to the actual trends in software engineering, with special curiosity about the web world. In this regard we could highlight: project working methodologies, project analysis, software architectures, software design, data bases, programming and good practices, security, graphic web interface, graphic design, Web Performance Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, etc. To sum up, this project constitutes learning and practice of diverse knowledge acquired during its execution, as well as consolidation of subjects studied in the degree. In addition, the product developed offers a quality service to the users and favors the sport and the selfpromotion of the climber.
Introducción: Analizar la calidad de las páginas web de los servicios de catering en el ámbito escolar y su contenido en educación alimentaria, y tener una primera experiencia con la herramienta de evaluación EDALCAT. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio son páginas web de empresas de catering encargadas de la gestión de los comedores escolares. La muestra se obtuvo utilizando el buscador Google y un Ranking de las principales empresas de catering por facturación, escogiendo aquellas que tenían página web. Para la prueba piloto se seleccionaron diez páginas web según proximidad geográfica a la ciudad de Alicante y nivel de facturación. Para la evaluación de los sitios web se diseñó un cuestionario (EDALCAT), compuesto de un primer bloque de predictores de calidad con 19 variables de fiabilidad, diseño y navegación; y de un segundo bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria con 19 variables de contenido y actividades educativas. Resultados: Se han obtenido resultados positivos en 31 de las 38 variables del cuestionario, excepto en los ítems: “Buscador”, “Idioma” (40%) y “Ayuda” (10%) del bloque predictores de calidad y en los ítems: “Talleres”, “Recetario”, “Web alimentación-nutrición” (40%) y “Ejemplos” (30%) del bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria. Todas las páginas web evaluadas superan valores del 50% de cumplimiento de criterios de calidad y de contenidos mínimos en educación alimentaria, y sólo una de ellas, incumple el nivel de actividad mínimo establecido. Conclusiones: Los predictores de calidad y los contenidos específicos en educación alimentaria dieron buenos resultados en todas las páginas web evaluadas. La mayoría de ellas obtuvieron una alta puntuación en su valoración, y en su análisis individual por bloques. Tras el estudio piloto el cuestionario se ha modificado y se obtiene el EDALCAT definitivo. En líneas generales EDALCAT parece ser adecuado para evaluar la calidad de las páginas web de servicios de catering y su contenido en educación alimentaria, sin embargo el presente estudio no puede considerarse como validación del mismo.
A location-based search engine must be able to find and assign proper locations to Web resources. Host, content and metadata location information are not sufficient to describe the location of resources as they are ambiguous or unavailable for many documents. We introduce target location as the location of users of Web resources. Target location is content-independent and can be applied to all types of Web resources. A novel method is introduced which uses log files and IN to track the visitors of websites. The experiments show that target location can be calculated for almost all documents on the Web at country level and to the majority of them in state and city levels. It can be assigned to Web resources as a new definition and dimension of location. It can be used separately or with other relevant locations to define the geography of Web resources. This compensates insufficient geographical information on Web resources and would facilitate the design and development of location-based search engines.
When a query is passed to multiple search engines, each search engine returns a ranked list of documents. Researchers have demonstrated that combining results, in the form of a "metasearch engine", produces a significant improvement in coverage and search effectiveness. This paper proposes a linear programming mathematical model for optimizing the ranked list result of a given group of Web search engines for an issued query. An application with a numerical illustration shows the advantages of the proposed method. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As the Web evolves unexpectedly fast, information grows explosively. Useful resources become more and more difficult to find because of their dynamic and unstructured characteristics. A vertical search engine is designed and implemented towards a specific domain. Instead of processing the giant volume of miscellaneous information distributed in the Web, a vertical search engine targets at identifying relevant information in specific domains or topics and eventually provides users with up-to-date information, highly focused insights and actionable knowledge representation. As the mobile device gets more popular, the nature of the search is changing. So, acquiring information on a mobile device poses unique requirements on traditional search engines, which will potentially change every feature they used to have. To summarize, users are strongly expecting search engines that can satisfy their individual information needs, adapt their current situation, and present highly personalized search results. ^ In my research, the next generation vertical search engine means to utilize and enrich existing domain information to close the loop of vertical search engine's system that mutually facilitate knowledge discovering, actionable information extraction, and user interests modeling and recommendation. I investigate three problems in which domain taxonomy plays an important role, including taxonomy generation using a vertical search engine, actionable information extraction based on domain taxonomy, and the use of ensemble taxonomy to catch user's interests. As the fundamental theory, ultra-metric, dendrogram, and hierarchical clustering are intensively discussed. Methods on taxonomy generation using my research on hierarchical clustering are developed. The related vertical search engine techniques are practically used in Disaster Management Domain. Especially, three disaster information management systems are developed and represented as real use cases of my research work.^
As the Web evolves unexpectedly fast, information grows explosively. Useful resources become more and more difficult to find because of their dynamic and unstructured characteristics. A vertical search engine is designed and implemented towards a specific domain. Instead of processing the giant volume of miscellaneous information distributed in the Web, a vertical search engine targets at identifying relevant information in specific domains or topics and eventually provides users with up-to-date information, highly focused insights and actionable knowledge representation. As the mobile device gets more popular, the nature of the search is changing. So, acquiring information on a mobile device poses unique requirements on traditional search engines, which will potentially change every feature they used to have. To summarize, users are strongly expecting search engines that can satisfy their individual information needs, adapt their current situation, and present highly personalized search results. In my research, the next generation vertical search engine means to utilize and enrich existing domain information to close the loop of vertical search engine's system that mutually facilitate knowledge discovering, actionable information extraction, and user interests modeling and recommendation. I investigate three problems in which domain taxonomy plays an important role, including taxonomy generation using a vertical search engine, actionable information extraction based on domain taxonomy, and the use of ensemble taxonomy to catch user's interests. As the fundamental theory, ultra-metric, dendrogram, and hierarchical clustering are intensively discussed. Methods on taxonomy generation using my research on hierarchical clustering are developed. The related vertical search engine techniques are practically used in Disaster Management Domain. Especially, three disaster information management systems are developed and represented as real use cases of my research work.