977 resultados para Weak Decays
We show that some nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics color-octet matrix elements can be written in terms of (derivatives of) wave functions at the origin and of nonperturbative universal constants once the factorization between the soft and ultrasoft scales is achieved by using an effective field theory where only ultrasoft degrees of freedom are kept as dynamical entities. This allows us to derive a new set of relations between inclusive heavy-quarkonium P-wave decays into light hadrons with different principal quantum numbers and with different heavy flavors. In particular, we can estimate the ratios of the decay widths of bottomonium P-wave states from charmonium data.
This article reviews recent theoretical developments in heavy-quarkonium physics from the point of view of effective-field theories of QCD. We discuss nonrelativistic QCD and concentrate on potential nonrelativistic QCD. The main goal will be to derive Schrödinger equations based on QCD that govern heavy-quarkonium physics in the weak- and strong-coupling regimes. Finally, the review discusses a selected set of applications, which include spectroscopy, inclusive decays, and electromagnetic threshold production.
(HadronPhysics2, Grant Agreement No. 227431) under the Seventh Framework Programme of EU
Gel electrophoresis allows one to separate knotted DNA (nicked circular) of equal length according to the knot type. At low electric fields, complex knots, being more compact, drift faster than simpler knots. Recent experiments have shown that the drift velocity dependence on the knot type is inverted when changing from low to high electric fields. We present a computer simulation on a lattice of a closed, knotted, charged DNA chain drifting in an external electric field in a topologically restricted medium. Using a Monte Carlo algorithm, the dependence of the electrophoretic migration of the DNA molecules on the knot type and on the electric field intensity is investigated. The results are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with electrophoretic experiments done under conditions of low and high electric fields.
Laser systems can be used to detect very weak optical signals. The physical mechanism is the dynamical process of the relaxation of a laser from an unstable state to a steady stable state. We present an analysis of this process based on the study of the nonlinear relaxation time. Our analytical results are compared with numerical integration of the stochastic differential equations that model this process.
We present an update of neutral Higgs boson decays into bottom quark pairs in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model. In particular the resummation of potentially large higher-order corrections due to the soft supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking parameters Ab and is extended. The remaining theoretical uncertainties due to unknown higher-order SUSY-QCD corrections are analyzed quantitatively.