985 resultados para Wave Impact


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This paper describes the problems in experimentally obtaining hydrodynamic loads on an oscillating wave surge converter during slamming events, with the aim of furthering understanding of full scale hydrodynamic loads that flap type devices must be designed to withstand. Including how hydro-elastic effects and structural response are linked and why they are essential to the measurement of impulsive hydrodynamic loads. A combined experimental and numerical structural response study carried out on a 40th scale Oyster model drew conclusions on the structural vibration observed in the strain gauge load cell measurement. A further structural response study on a piezo electric load measurement device gave an insight into the advantages it could bring to reducing hydro-elastic effects.


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Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) are known to enhance the bandwidth efficiency and throughput of wireless networks by more effectively utilizing the network resources. However, the higher density of users and access points in HetNets introduces significant inter-user interference that needs to be mitigated through complex and sophisticated interference cancellation schemes. Moreover, due to significant channel attenuation and presence of hardware impairments, e.g., phase noise and amplifier nonlinearities, the vast bandwidth in the millimeter-wave band has not been fully utilized to date. In order to enable the development of multi-Gigabit per second wireless networks, we introduce a novel millimeter-wave HetNet paradigm, termed hybrid HetNet, which exploits the vast bandwidth and propagation characteristics in the 60 GHz and 70–80 GHz bands to reduce the impact of interference in HetNets. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance advantage of hybrid HetNets with respect to traditional networks. Next, two specific transceiver structures that enable hand-offs from the 60 GHz band, i.e., the V-band to the 70–80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, and vice versa are proposed. Finally, the practical and regulatory challenges for establishing a hybrid HetNet are outlined.


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Despite the appeal and significance of nationalism as a near universal political force, Irish historians – in common with the historians of most nationalist movements – have struggled to analyse nationalism from beyond the perspective of the nation state. The reasons for this are varied, arising both from practical aspects, such as the availability and accessibility of sources, to more conceptual issues such as the resilience of the national perspective in the framing of historiographical narratives. This paper considers the Easter Rising as a case study in assessing how a transnational framework complicates traditional historiographical perspectives. Accounts of the Easter Rising generally interpret the rebellion within local, national, or international (particularly Anglo-Irish or imperial) frameworks. Interpretations that adopt a broader framework have tended to focus on international rather than transnational dimensions: the First World War context, revolutionary links with Germany, and the role of the United States. This paper assesses the potential of a transnational approach by analysing four aspects of the Rising: the significance of the transnational movement of people prior to the event; the influence of the transnational circulation of political ideas; the impact of transnational cultural currents in shaping the framing of revolutionary ideals; and the impact of the Rising on Irish nationalist communities beyond Ireland.


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During extreme sea states so called impact events can be observed on the wave energy converter Oyster. In small scale experimental tests these impact events cause high frequency signals in the measured load which decrease confidence in the data obtained. These loads depend on the structural dynamics of the model. Amplification of the loads can occur and is transferred through the structure from the point of impact to the load cell located in the foundation. Since the determination of design data and load cases for Wave Energy Converters originate from scale experiments, this lack of confidence has a direct effect on the development.

Numerical vibration analysis is a valuable tool in the research of the structural load response of Oyster to impact events, but must take into account the effect of the surrounding water. This can be done efficiently by adding an added mass distribution, computed with a linearised potential boundary element method. This paper presents the development and validation of a numerical procedure, which couples the OpenSource boundary element code NEMOH with the Finite Element Analysis tool CodeAster. Numerical results of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure under the influence of added mass due to specific structural modes are compared with experimental results.


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The time-dependent close-coupling method is used to calculate electron-impact excitation cross sections for the Li(2s)--{\textgreater}Li(nl) and Li(2p)--{\textgreater}Li(nl) transitions at incident energies just above the ionization threshold. The implementation of the time-dependent close-coupling method on a nonuniform lattice allows the study of continuum-coupling effects in excitations to high principal quantum number, i.e., n{\textless}=10. Good agreement is found with R-matrix with pseudostates calculations, which also include continuum-coupling effects, for excitations to low principal quantum number, i.e., n{\textless}=4. Poor agreement is found with standard distorted-wave calculations for excitations to all principal quantum numbers, with differences still at the 50% level for n=10. We are able to give guidance as to the accuracy expected in the n3 extrapolation of nonperturbative close-coupling calculations of low n cross sections and rate coefficients.


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Perturbative distorted-wave and non-perturbative close-coupling methods are used to calculate electron-impact ionization cross sections for the ground state of the neutral Al atom. Configuration-average distorted-wave calculations are made for both direct ionization and excitation-autoionization contributions. The total perturbative results are found to be almost a factor of 2 higher than experiment over a wide energy range. On the other hand, the R-matrix with pseudo-states results for total ionization are found to be in good agreement with experiment. Comparison of time-dependent close-coupling calculations for the direct ionization with the R-matrix with pseudo-state calculations for total ionization reveals that both the direct ionization and excitation-autoionization contributions are strongly affected by correlation effects.


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Theory and experiment are compared for the electron-impact single ionization of Mg and Al+. Nonpertur- bative R matrix with pseudostates RMPS and time-dependent close-coupling TDCC calculations have been carried out that exhibit large reductions from perturbative distorted-wave results of 38% for Mg and 20% for Al+. Experimental single-ionization data available for Mg and Al+ are in reasonable accord with distorted-wave data and lie substantially above the new theoretical results. Rate coefficients, necessary for the collisional- radiative modeling of Mg and Al plasmas were generated from the RMPS ionization cross sections. In the collisional-ionization region near the ionization threshold, the resulting rates were found to be up to two times lower for Mg and three times lower for Al+ than the rates generated from experimental data.


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Tungsten will be employed as a plasma facing material in the ITER fusion reactor under construction in Cadarache, France; therefore, there is a significant need for accurate electron-impact excitation and ionization data for the ions of tungsten. We report on the results of extensive calculations of ionization and excitation for W 3+ that are intended to provide the atomic data needed for the determination of impurity influx diagnostics of tungsten in several existing tokamak reactors. The electron-impact excitation rate coefficients for this study were determined using the relativistic R -matrix method. The contribution to direct electron-impact ionization was determined using the distorted-wave approximation, the accuracy of which was verified by an R -matrix with pseudo states calculation. Contributions to total ionization from excitation autoionization were also generated from the relativistic R -matrix method. These results were then employed to calculate values of ionization per emitted photon, or SXB ratios, for four carefully selected spectral lines; these data will allow the determination of impurity influx from tungsten facing surfaces. For the range of densities of importance in the edge region of a tokamak reactor, these SXB ratios are found to be nearly independent of electron density but vary significantly with electron temperature.


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Configuration-average distorted-wave calculations are carried out for the electron-impact single ionization of Xe 24 + . Contributions are included from direct ionization of the 3s, 3p, 3d and 4s subshells and from indirect ionization via 3s → nl , 3p → nl and 3d → nl excitations followed by autoionization. Branching ratios are found for single versus double ionization of the 3s and 3p subshells and for autoionization versus radiative decay of all 3 l → nl excitations. Additional distorted-wave and R -matrix calculations find resonant-capture double-autoionization contributions to be quite small. The total ionization cross section for Xe 24 + is found to be dominated by indirect excitation–autoionization contributions, especially near the single-ionization threshold. An approximate 15% reduction in the total ionization cross section is found due to the radiative decays included in the branching ratios.


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Time-dependent close-coupling (TDCC), R-matrix-with-pseudostates (RMPS), and time-independent distorted-wave (TIDW) methods are used to calculate electron-impact ionization cross sections for the carbon atom. The TDCC and RMPS results for the 1s22s22p2 ground configuration are in reasonable agreement with the available experimental measurements, while the TIDW results are 30% higher. Ionization of the 1s22s2p3 excited configuration is performed using the TDCC, RMPS, and TIDW methods. Ionization of the 1s22s22p3l (l=0–2) excited configurations is performed using the TDCC and TIDW methods. The ionization cross sections for the excited configurations are much larger than for the ground state. For example, the peak cross section for the 1s22s22p3p excited configuration is an order of magnitude larger than the peak cross section for the 1s22s22p2 ground configuration. The TDCC results are again found to be substantially lower than the TIDW results. The ionization cross-section results will permit the generation of more accurate, generalized collisional-radiative ionization coefficients needed for modeling moderately dense carbon plasmas.


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Electron-impact ionization cross sections for the 1s2s 1S and 1s2s 3S metastable states of Li+ are calculated using both perturbative distorted-wave and non-perturbative close-coupling methods. Term-resolved distorted-wave calculations are found to be approximately 15% above term-resolved R-matrix with pseudostates calculations. On the other hand, configuration-average time-dependent close-coupling calculations are found to be in excellent agreement with the configuration-average R-matrix with pseudostates calculations. The non-perturbative R-matrix and close-coupling calculations provide a benchmark for experimental studies of electron-impact ionization of metastable states along the He isoelectronic sequence.


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Electron-impact ionization cross sections for argon are calculated using both non-perturbative R-matrix with pseudo-states (RMPS) and perturbative distorted-wave methods. At twice the ionization potential, the 3p(61)S ground-term cross section from a distorted-wave calculation is found to be a factor of 4 above crossed-beams experimental measurements, while with the inclusion of term-dependent continuum effects in the distorted-wave method, the perturbative cross section still remains almost a factor of 2 above experiment. In the case of ionization from the metastable 3p(5)4s(3)P term, the distorted-wave ionization cross section is also higher than the experimental cross section. On the other hand, the ground-term cross section determined from a nonperturbative RMPS calculation that includes 27 LS spectroscopic terms and another 282 LS pseudo-state terms to represent the high Rydberg states, and the target continuum is found to be in excellent agreement with experimental measurements, while the RMPS result is below the experimental cross section for ionization from the metastable term. We conclude that both continuum term dependence and interchannel coupling effects, which are included in the RMPS method, are important for ionization from the ground term, and interchannel coupling is also significant for ionization from the metastable term


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Accurate knowledge of the electron-impact ionization of the B atom is urgently needed in current fusion plasma experiments to help design ITER wall components. Since no atomic measurements exist, nonperturba- tive time-dependent close-coupling (TDCC) calculations are carried out to accurately determine the direct ionization cross sections of the outer two subshells of B. Perturbative distorted-wave and semiempirical binary encounter calculations are found to yield cross sections from 26% lower to an order of magnitude higher than the current TDCC results. Unlike almost all neutral atoms, large excitation-autoionization contributions are found for the B atom. Nonperturbative R matrix with pseudostates (RMPS) calculations are also carried out to accurately determine the total ionization cross section of B. Previous 60 LS-term RMPS calculations are found to yield cross sections up to 40% higher than the current more extensive 476 LS-term RMPS results


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Electron-impact ionization and recombination cross sections and rate coefficients are calculated for M-shell Ar atomic ions using a configuration-average distorted-wave method. The electron-impact ionization calcula- tions are for all atomic ions in the Ar isonuclear sequence. Ionization contributions include both direct ioniza- tion and excitation-autoionization processes. Good agreement is found between theory and experimental crossed-beam measurements for moderately charged ion stages. Comparisons are made with previous theoret- ical calculations where possible.We also generate rate coefficients for neutral argon ionization, based on recent R-matrix with pseudostates calculations. Electron-impact dielectronic recombination is calculated for all M-shell ions of argon. For Ar6+ and Ar7+ the current theoretical results agree well with previous level-resolved distorted-wave calculations. In order to compare with published ionization balance results our dielectronic recombination data are combined with literature values for the higher ion stages and with recent radiative recombination data for all the ion stages. We find significant differences in our equilibrium fractional abun- dances for the M-shell ions, compared with literature values. We relate these differences to the underlying atomic data.