967 resultados para WATER-SYSTEM


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Os girinos dos anuros podem ocorrer em inúmeros tipos de sistemas hídricos, desde ambientes relativamente simples e previsíveis, como na água acumulada em epífitas ou uma poça temporária, até hábitats aquáticos permanentes mais complexos, como os riachos. A interação entre os fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos existentes nesses diferentes ambientes com os fatores históricos é essencial para explicar a estrutura das comunidades dessa fase de vida dos anuros. O entendimento sobre como estes fatores atuam e sua importância nos conduz a uma maior compreensão do que parece influenciar positivamente ou negativamente o estabelecimento dos girinos nos seus diferentes ambientes. Inicialmente, fornecemos uma discussão detalhada da importância desses fatores. Em seguida, avaliamos a estrutura da assembléia dos girinos e a sua estratégia de ocupação espacial e temporal em relação ao uso de diferentes sistemas aquáticos, temporários e permanentes (poças, terrenos alagados, riachos e ambientes artificiais) em uma área de Mata Atlântica na Ilha Grande (Rio de Janeiro). Posteriormente, propomos um experimento para avaliar como os girinos característicos de diferentes tipos de habitats hídricos respondem à condição adversa de ausência de água livre. Depois, é sugerida uma chave artificial de identificação para os girinos da Ilha Grande, com base nas espécies contempladas neste estudo. Por fim, apresentamos a descrição do girino de Proceratophrys tupinamba, provendo algumas informações sobre sua distribuição temporal e uso de microhabitats. Registramos girinos de 12 espécies de anuros, o que correspondeu a 71% dos anfíbios da Ilha Grande com larvas exotróficas em ambientes aquáticos. O espectro de habitats hídricos utilizados variou consistentemente entre as espécies. Girinos de Aplastodiscus eugenioi e Scinax trapicheiroi foram aqueles que utilizaram a maior quantia de tipos de habitats, ambos com cinco registros. A maioria das espécies teve suas maiores abundâncias em um ou dois tipos de corpos dágua onde ocorreu, portanto poucas destas espécies demonstram ter sido generalistas no uso de tipos de habitats aquáticos. A maior riqueza de espécies ocorreu em poças temporárias, em riachos intermitentes e no ambiente antropizado da calha artificial. Quando consideramos em termos de habitats hídricos, a maior riqueza ocorreu nas poças temporárias, nos riachos intermitentes, nos riachos permanentes e na calha artificial. Em nem todos os meses um determinado tipo de recurso hídrico manteve a sua riqueza máxima de girinos. Observamos que um mesmo tipo de sistema hídrico pode comportar espécies típicas de ambientes lênticos e outras adaptadas a ambientes lóticos, dependendo da estrutura em que o corpo dágua apresenta naquele período, como os riachos intermitentes, por exemplo. Entre os fatores abióticos medidos, o PH, o oxigênio dissolvido, a correnteza, a largura e a profundidade dos corpos dágua explicaram de forma mais importante a ocorrência e abundância das diferentes espécies de girinos. Portanto, consideramos que fatores ecológicos desempenham um importante papel na determinação da distribuição de girinos dentro e entre habitats que estes organismos ocupam. O experimento proposto mostrou que os tempos de sobrevivência entre as onze espécies contempladas e também entre os indivíduos de diferentes tamanhos em uma mesma espécie variaram consideravelmente. Isto é sugestivo de que estas espécies apresentam diferentes estratégias para tolerar uma condição de independência de água livre. Os fatores que pareceram mais influenciar negativamente na sobrevivência dos girinos foram: hábito nectônico, pequeno tamanho dos indivíduos, ocupação de ambientes lênticos e temporários e modo reprodutivo não-especializado. Alternativamente, os girinos com melhor desempenho em uma condição de independência de água livre foram de espécies de tamanho comparativamente grande ou médio, ocuparam preferencialmente ambientes lóticos e permanentes, apresentaram modos reprodutivos especializados e os hábitos dos girinos foram principalmente bentônicos. Neste contexto, pode se conjecturar que os girinos das espécies que utilizam ambientes permanentes sejam mais resistentes à condição de independência de água livre do que aquelas de habitats efêmeros. Considerando especial atenção para a biodiversidade dos anfíbios, a Ilha Grande apresenta uma elevada concentração de espécies endêmicas. Esta respeitável diversidade de anfíbios para a área estudada está relacionada com a cobertura vegetal de Mata Atlântica e a grande quantidade de corpos dágua na Ilha, tanto temporários quanto permanentes. A influência destas condições favoráveis para os anfíbios na região está demonstrada também na diversidade de modos reprodutivos, onde 13 dos 39 modos reprodutivos já descritos foram notados para os anfíbios da Ilha Grande. Este conjunto de fatores reafirma esta como uma das mais importantes áreas para a conservação da biodiversidade de anfíbios para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Comparando a descrição do girino de Proceratophrys tupinamba com P. appendiculata, observamos algumas diferenças na proporção do corpo. Os girinos da espécie descrita foram mais abundantes durante a estação chuvosa (outubro-março), sendo esta distribuição positivamente relacionada com a precipitação média mensal. Os girinos são bentônicos e ocorrem mais frequentemente em porções de menor correnteza do riacho. Eles foram encontrados com maior freqüência expostos na areia, que também representou o microhabitat mais disponível entre aqueles no córrego estudado.


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A 60 day long feeding trial was conducted in an indoor static water system with rohu fingerlings (Labeo rohita Ham.) originating from wild brood, private and public hatcheries (denoted as A B and C respectively). They were fed on formulated diet having 34% crude protein level using indigenous ingredients. The effect of brood source on growth as well as their responses to formulated diet was observed. On the basis of the observed growth rate, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, apparent net protein utilization and apparent protein digestibility, fingerling source A showed significantly (p<0.05) higher growth, while the sources B and C produced no significantly different (p>0.05) in terms of these parameters. The results of the present study demonstrated that the fingerlings of wild source were of best quality in terms of growth and food utilization in comparison to those had the sources from hatcheries.


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An experiment was conducted with Labeo rohita fingerlings in an indoor static fish rearing water system of glass made aquaria. Five experimental diets A, B, C, D and E were formulated containing 33% dietary protein level in five treatments each having two replicates containing 12 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13.00±0.2g. Sixty days of feeding trial in this experiment showed that fish fed on diet 'A' containing fish meal and diet 'E' containing mixed plant sources protein had significantly highest and lowest growth respectively. However, no significant difference of growth was found in fish fed on diets C and D containing meat and bone meal, and mix of animal protein source diets respectively. The result showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) of diets 'A' and 'E' had significantly best and least values respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged between 1.37 to 2.17 and 1.38 to 2.18 respectively. On the basis of observed FCR and PER diets 'A' and 'E' produced significantly highest and lowest growth respectively.


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Mangrove, a tidal wetland, is a good example of complex land and water system whose resource attributes is neither fully understood from an ecological perspective nor valued comprehensively in economic terms. With increased ecological and social perception of the functions of wetlands, the utility and relative values will increase. The perception, however, varies from society to society. It must be recognized that mangrove forests differ greatly in local conditions and in their ability to produce a wide variety of economic products. What may be highly productive strategy for one country may have little meaning to its neighbor. Therefore, it becomes essential that from among diversity of potential uses of the mangrove environment, specific uses will have to be decided, and management plan developed on site, or area specific basis. It is therefore necessary to arrive at a balance between the views of the ecologists and economists on the management of mangroves. Biological conservation should encompass resource management in the sense that integrity of the biological and physical attributes of the resource base should be sustained and man-induced management practices should not alter an ecosystem to the extent that biological production is eliminated. Sustained yield management for food, fiber and fuel would serve to sustain local fisheries while generating new economic enterprises. This requires the recognition of mangrove environment as a resource with economic value, and managed according to local conditions and national priorities.


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One unidentified species of copepod belonging to the genus Caliqus of the family Caigidae was found to infest the adult milkfish broodstock. To control the parasites infesting the adult milkfish, tests were made using the chemical (2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyl)-phosphonic acid-dimethylethol (Neguvon) at a concentration of 0 . 25 ppm. It is noted that a concentration of 0 . 25 ppm of Neguvon maintained for 12-24 hours in the sabalo-containing tanks in a closed water system but with aeration is effective in controlling the parasites. Fish mortality during the experiment was due to inadequate aeration in the tanks.


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FIRRI surveyed the fisheries of Lake George and Kazinga Channel between 20th June and 20th July 2001. This was the second survey FIRRI has conducted for the ILM project on the water system. The first survey was conducted during November 2000. These data, the analyses and accompanying reports contribute to baseline information for the fishery being collected with the support of ILM that is required for lakewide planning and management. Eight fish landing sites (6 on Lake George) namely; Kahendero, Hamukungu, Kasenyi, Kashaka, Mahyoro, Kayinja (2 on Kazinga Channel) namely; Katunguru -K and B fall within the focus of ILM and were surveyed during November 2000 and June/July 2001 over a three day period at each landing site in 2001 (Mahyoro 2 days). In November 2000, each landing was sampled once. FIRRI conducted a rapid FS and concurrently a CAS. All results are reported by landing site and then summed up (Global) for 8 sites on Lake George and Kazinga Channel.


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The present study was carried out in order to establish an economical effective diet for the pacific white shrimp in the southern part conditions of Iran. With the consideration of three dietary energy levels (E1=262, E2=312, E3=362 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and six ratios of fish meal (FM) to soybean meal (SBM) [(P1=100%FM+0%SBM, P2=80%FM+20%SBM, P3=60%FM+40%SBM, P4=40%FM+60%SBM, P5=20%FM+80%SBM, P6=0%FM+100%SBM)], 18 experimental diets (with 36% crude protein) were prepared. Completely randomized design was used to assign 54 polyethylene 300 litre round tanks provided by aeration and flow through water system and was stocked by 19 juvenile as 3 replicates to each treatment. Shrimps average weight was about 0.77 grams at the start. After 56 days culture period, maximum growth and nutritional performances were observed in the P6E1 treatment (containing 100% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and P5E1 treatment (containing 80% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet). Also the highest survival rate of the shrimps was observed in the P1E1, P1E2, P3E3 and P5E3 treatments. Additionally interactive effect of different protein ratios and energy levels had significant difference on body protein, fat, fiber and ash contents (P<0.05). Results of the present study suggest the possibility replacement of at least 80% of dietary fish meal by soybean meal in the diet of pacific white shrimp in the conditions of southern part of Iran.


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Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar to Bagarus and/or Glyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so the Glyptothorax-like and Bagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated from Glyptothorax-like fish under this environment. The present Glyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift intervals of the plateau, the water system of this region was separated gradually and Glyptosternum-like ancestor was isolated in different rivers and evolved into various species. All this resulted in the speciation and formation of the biogeographical pattern of glyptosternoids.


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横断山地区是一个十分自然的植物区系地区,在中国植物区系分区中是作为泛北极植物区中国-喜马拉雅亚区中的一个地区,其种子植物区系具有丰富的科、属、种,地理成分复杂,特有现象和替代现象明显。该地区作为植物区系和生物多样性的研究热点地区,长期以来极受中外植物学家关注。横断山脉东缘是中国-喜马拉雅和中国-日本植物区系的交汇过渡区域,北部的岷江流域以及南部的金沙江流域,孕育了该区丰富的物种资源和植被资源。而岷江干热河谷和金沙江干热河谷的相似性和相关性,更为该区的植物区系和生物多样性南北的对比研究提供了有利的条件。 本研究选择的九顶山西坡和龙肘山分别位于横断山区北部和南部,九顶山属岷江流域而龙肘山属金沙江流域。本研究结合植物区系研究和生物多样性研究,对该区的植物资源进行调查。通过样带调查和样线踏查结合,大量详实的野外样方调查和标本采集,进行传统的区系研究和生物多样性研究。研究该区物种多样性的海拔梯度格局及其潜在的影响影子,并利用新的区系评估质量方法对九顶山西坡的植物区系质量进行定量的研究,以期能更为深刻的理解该区的植物资源,为该区的资源保护和利用提供合理可行的建议。主要研究结论如下: 1)九顶山西坡植物区系的性质和特点 经鉴定和统计,九顶山西坡共有1707 种维管植物,分属617 属和140 科,其中种子植物1616 种,分属572 属117 科。就科的分布区成分构成而言,该区系的热带成分与温带成分相当,热带成分略占优势,表明九顶山西坡的植物区系与热带植物区系有较强的联系。但是,在九顶山西坡属的分布区类型所占的比例上,温带成分远远超过了热带成分,本区的种子植物分布表现出明显的温带性质。且温带分布类型的许多物种组成了九顶山西坡植被的建群种和优势种,是本区系最重要的成分,充分体现了本区系的温带性质。 2)九顶山西坡不同植被带的生物多样性海拔梯度格局 基于对土门-断头崖、茶山-九顶山、雁门沟-光光山三条垂直植被样带的调查,我们发现九顶山西坡的生物多样性沿海拔梯度的变化呈现出一定的规律性,不同样带之间有一定差异。就三条样带的物种组成相似性来看,虽然土门-断头崖样带属于涪江水系,而茶山-九顶山样带和雁门沟-光光山样带属于岷江水系,但不同水系对该区物种组成的影响并不明显。三条样带中,草本层物种丰富度均远远大于灌木层和乔木层,而以乔木层物种丰富度最低;α-多样性指数随着海拔梯度的变化在土门-断头崖样带中呈现单一下降趋势,在茶山-九顶山样带表现为双峰模型,而在雁门沟-光光山样带则表现为不显著波动变化;均匀度指数在土门-断头崖样带呈现出单一下降的趋势,在雁门沟-光光山样带表现为凹形曲线,而在茶山-九顶山样带却无明显的变化规律。β-多样性指数在土门-断头崖样带和茶山-九顶山样带呈现出明显的波动状态,植被类型替代现象明显;而在雁门沟-光光山样带却并未有十分显著的转折点,因其水平植被带受到干扰,同海拔替代现象不显著。 3)九顶山西坡维管植物丰富度的海拔梯度格局 我们考察了九顶山西坡和两条垂直样带(土门-断头崖和雁门沟-光光山样带)的不同分类等级(包括科、属、种)和不同生活型物种(乔木、灌木、禾草、蕨类和其它草本)的丰富度沿着海拔梯度的分布。结果发现,物种的丰富度海拔梯度格局具有不同的模式,单一下降和中间膨胀格局依然是其主流。不同生活型的物种具有不同的丰富度格局,但是对于环境需求相似的类型具有较相似的丰富度格局。不同的丰富度格局可能由多因素导致,包括:气候,海拔跨度,面积,人为干扰等等。 4)九顶山西坡区系质量评估 我们尝试使用传统的区系质量评估方法对九顶山西坡的区系质量进行评估,并尝试使用一种新的区系质量评估体系对该区的区系进行评价。在九顶山西坡随着海拔梯度的上升,平均保守性系数在各条植被带中均呈现出逐渐上升的趋势。区系质量指数随着海拔的升高都表现为双峰模型,在植被交错区区系质量指数相对较高,而在海拔的两极,区系质量指数都很低。大部分地区使用新方法计算所得的加权平均保守性系数和区系质量指数都比传统方法计算的平均保收性系数和区系质量指数要高,说明在九顶山西坡的三条样带中,大部分地区都是那些保守性系数较高的物种占据优势,同时也表明九顶山西坡具有很高质量的区系和自然植被。 5)龙肘山种子植物区系的性质和特点 龙肘山种子植物区系的物种较为丰富,共有154 科,544 属,1156 种。科的优势十分明显,单种属和寡种属数量众多,说明本区系植物成分较为复杂、起源古老、物种多样性指数较高。地理成分复杂,分布类型多样,其中热带成分在总数量上高于温带成分,但是许多温带成分的属是该区植被的重要建群类群和优势类群,表现出明显的亚热带性质。 6)龙肘山生物多样性的现状和特点 在海拔梯度上,龙肘山地区无论是科、属、种的数量,还是不同等级分类单元之间的数量比,均呈现先升后降的趋势,并在中海拔地区达到峰值。物种多样性指数从总体上来说变化幅度不大,略有先升后降的趋势,在中海拔梯度物种多样性最高。乔、灌、草三层的多样性指数表现出乔木层<灌木层<草本层的特征;乔木层均匀度的变化很大,而灌木层和草本层均匀度的变化较小;灌木层均匀度的波动又强于草本层。β-多样性指数呈现单峰模式,中海拔地区最高。就龙肘山东、西坡物种多样性相比较而言,两者虽然在数值上交替上升,但是却体现出了较为一致的趋势,但西坡因受到干热河谷气候的影响,其平均气温要高于东坡,导致了东坡植物群落和物种的分布比西坡要低。在区系成分构成上,低山区的相同海拔段,西坡的热带亚热带成分所占的比例要比东坡高,这是因为西坡的平均气温比东坡稍高,导致了热带、亚热带物种分布更多。而随着海拔的上升,东、西两坡的气候、土壤等条件趋于一致,其植物区系成分的构成格局也趋于一致。 The Hengduan Mountain region is a very natural floristic region; it belongs toChina-Himalaya sub-region of Holarctic region in floristic subarea of China. The flora in this areais rich in family, genus and species; has a very complex composition of geographical elements;especially with high richness of endemic species and obvious substitution phenomenon. Thisregion as a hot-spot area of floristic and biodiversity, has fascinated biologists in the world for along time. The eastern range of Hengduan Mountain is the transition zone of China – Himalayaforest sub-region and China-Japan forest sub-region in floristic. The water systems are quitedifferent, Minjiang River in the north and Jishajiang River in the south grow quit different but alsoabundant plant species and vegetation resources. The similarity and correlativity of Minjiang River dry valleys and Jinshajiang River dry valleys have provided advantageous condition tocontrast flora and biodiversity between north and south. In the present study, the Jiuding Mountainlies in the north of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Minjiang River, and the LongzhouMountain lies in the south of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Jinshajiang River. In our study, we combined the methods of floristic research and biodiversity investigation toexplore the resources of plant species and vegetations; sampled with transects along the altitudinalgradients and also with transverse straps with similar elevation; collected the vascular plant specimen with sampling plots of ecology. We explored the plant species richness patterns alongaltitudinal gradients and discussed the underlying factors aroused these patterns; and used a novelmethod to assess the quality of Jiuding Mountain’s flora. All for a deeper comprehension of the plant recourses of this region; and provided feasible and reasonable suggestion for the protectionof resources. The results were as follows: 1 The characteristic of the flora of the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We had collected 1707 species of vascular plants belonging to 617 genera in 140 families inthe west slope of Jiuding Mountain,in which included 1616 seed plant species belonging to 572genera and 117 families. As for the composition of the areal types of the Families of seed plants,tropic components and temperate components are well-balanced, and percentage of tropicscomponents is higher than that of temperate ones for a litter bit. This shows the flora in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain has strong relationship with the tropic flora. But for the composition ofthe areal types of genera, temperate components have far exceeded the tropics ones, indicated thewhole flora with a conspicuous temperate character. Temperate components possess maximumproportion in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain, and many of them belong to constructivespecies and dominant species in the vegetation, are most important components in JiudingMountain’s Flora, also have embodied the temperate character of this area sufficiently. 2 Biodiversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in different vegetation transects in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain Based on the investigation of three vegetation transects (including Tumen-Duantouya transect,Chashan-Jiudingshan transect and Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect) in the west slope ofJiuding Mountain, we found the change of biodiversity along the altitude gradients displayedcertain regularity, but have differences among different transects. The three transects belong todifferent water systems; the Tumen-Duantouya transect belongs to Fujiang River, and the othertwo belong to Minjiang River. From the similarity of species compositions of different transects,we found different water system didn’t show obvious impact on the species composition. In all thethree transects, the species richness of herb layer was remarkably higher than shrub and tree layer,and the species richness of tree layer was the lowest one. With the increasing of the altitude, theline of α-diversity was monotonically decreasing curve in Tumen-Duantouya transect, andbimodal curve in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect, but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transectshowed a wave-like curve although not very obvious. Species evenness showed monotonicallydecreasing trends in Tumen-Duantouya transect, and very low at mid-altitude in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect, but in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect changed irregularly. Changes inβ-diversity corresponded with the transition of vegetation in the Tumen-Duantouya transect andChashan-Jiudingshan transect, and the curve of β-diversity along altitude had obvious turningpoint; but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect had no obvious turning point, and thesubstitution phenomenon was not obvious, transverse vegetation straps distributed interlaced. 3 Richness patterns of vascular plant species along altitude in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain Direct gradient analysis and regression methods were used to describe the species richnesspatterns along the altitudinal for Mt. Jiuding, as well as separately for Tumen-Duantouya Transectand Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect. Altitudinal gradient of diversity of units at differenttaxonomic level (including Family, Genus and Species) and at different life form (including tree,shrub, pteridophyte, grass and other herb) were tested to find differences among the richnesspattern. We found altitudinal richness also shows different patterns, and both monotonicallydecreasing pattern and hump-shaped pattern can be founded in vascular species richness. Speciesin different life forms show different altitudinal patterns, but those species with similarrequirements to environmental conditions show similar richness patterns along altitudinalgradients. Different richness patterns can be aroused by different climate, different altitudinal span,area factor, anthropogenic factor and so on. 4 Floristic quality assessments in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We used both the conventional method broadly adopted in the USA and the new one toassess the floristic quality in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain. The Mean Coefficient ofConservatism (MC) had the trend of increment along the altitudinal gradients. The FloristicQuality Index (FQI) was a bimodal curve with increasing of elevation; FQI got maximum valuesin the transition zones of different vegetations in the middle altitude, and had very low values atthe two end of elevation. In most areas of the west slope of the Jiuding Mountain, the resultscalculated using the new methods were higher than those using the conventional method. Thisindicated the dominant species of the communities had very high coefficients of conservatism inmost areas of Jiuding Mountain, and the communities are relatively kept pristine and the habitats very integrative. 5 The characteristic of the flora of Longzhou Mountain The flora of Longzhou Mountain has very abundant in species composition; there are about1156 species of seed plants belonging to 544 genera in 154 families. In which, twelve families with more than 20 species include totally 232 genera and 532 species, and form the majority of itsflora. The origin of its flora is old, monospecific genera and oligotypic genera amounts to 510 innumber, which constitute 93.75% of total number of genera. The geographical components arevarious in Longzhou Mountain, the majority of flora are temperate and pantropic ones. The tropiccomponents overtopped temperate components on genera quantity, but many temperatecomponents belong to constructive species and dominant species in the vegetation, and the wholeflora shows an obvious subtropical character. 6 Current situation and characteristic of biodiversity in Longzhou Mountain With the increasing of altitude, the number of species, genus, family and the ratios ofdifferent taxonomic levels all displayed a trend of descending after rising first, and peaked atmiddle height area. The change of α-diversity was not very acutely, with the trend of descendingafter rising first in some degree, the middle height area had highest α-diversity. As studying thetree layer, shrub layer and herb layer respectively, the Shannon-Wiener index was in followingorder: tree layer < shrub layer < herb layer; the change of evenness was more complicatedly thanthat of diversity, the tree layer changed acutely, but the shrub layer and herb layer fluctuatedsmoothly. Changes in β-diversity also showed the trend of descending after rising first. TheJaccard index and Cody index all peaked at the middle height forest area. As for the comparison ofplant diversity and evenness between the west and east slope, the numerical values ascendedalternatively, but the trend of changing was similar. The distribution of similar plant communitiesand species in east slope were lower than the west slope for the influence of Jinsha River DryValley. As for the composition of different floristic components, in lower altitude area of westslope, the tropic and sub-tropic plants had higher ratio than east slope’s and even could be equal tothe temperate plants. With the increasing of elevation, the floristic composition become morelikely between the east and west slope and temperate plants dominated the flora.


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The effect of methanol of low concentration on adsorption and leaching of atrazine and tebuconazole was studied in this paper. The adsorption coefficients and the retardation factors (R-m) of pesticides on EUROSOIL 3# log-linearly decreased as volumetric fraction of methanol (f(c)) was increased in the binary solvent mixtures of methanol and water. These data are consistent with solvophobic theory formerly outlined for describing the adsorption and transport of hydrophobic organic chemicals from mixed solvents. Nevertheless, the adsorption of these pesticides in soil-water system slightly increased when the soil was pre-washed with methanol in comparison with that pre-washed with water (pure water system). Furthermore, their adsorption coefficients were still higher in binary solvent systems with methanol of very low concentrations, i.e. f(c) < 0.03 for atrazine and f(c) < 0.01 for tebuconazole, than those in pure water system. The adsorption coefficients (logK(w)) of atrazine and tebuconazole predicted by solvophobic theory were 0.5792 and 1.6525, respectively, and their experimental logK(w) were 0.3701 and 1.6275 in pure water system. Obviously, the predicted log K-w of the two pesticides was higher than the experimental log K-w in pure water system. The predicted K-w and the retardation factor (R-w) in pure water system by solvophobic theory are thus possibly inaccurate. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-capped gold nanoparticles were synthesized successfully by using CTAB as a phase-transfer catalyst and stabilizer simultaneously in a two-phase toluene/water system. The as-prepared gold nanoparticles were characterized and analyzed by virtue of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV-visible absorbance spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy. The particle size information and collective self-assembling properties of the CTAB-capped gold nanoparticles on carbon-coated copper grid and mica were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, respectively. As a result it is demonstrated that the 3-D CTAB monolayers on a gold cluster are in the disordered liquid state. The interparticle spacing can be controlled either physically by the inherent particle-to-particle interactions or chemically by molecular linker. The assembly of both nanoparticles and linker-bridged nanonetworks on mica follows a hydrophobic interaction mechanism.


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That the dodecahedral water cluster (DWC) can adsorb dissolved methane molecules, an important phenomenon related to the hydrate nucleation study, has been observed through molecular dynamics simulations, but it has not been explained satisfactorily [Guang-Jun Guo; Yi-Gang Zhang; Hua Liu. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 2595]. In order to explain this phenomenon by using the potential of mean force (PMF) between the DWC and the dissolved methane, we perform several series of constrained molecular dynamics simulations in the methane-water system. The distance between the center of DWC and the methane molecule is constrained from 5 Å to 18 Å by adding 0.2 Å every time. For each fixed distance, we perform 20 independent simulations to improve the statistical precision. We first get the constraint force between the DWC and the dissolved methane in each simulation and then calculate the PMF by integrating these forces. Subsequently, the radial distribution function (RDF) is obtained from the PMF through an equation of statistical mechanics. The results show that the RDF has a sharp peak at about 6.2 Å, successfully explaining why the DWC adsorbs dissolved methane molecules. The preferential binding coefficient is a positive value (=2.05±0.5), indicates that the DWC tends to adsorb dissolved methane rather than water molecules in methane aqueous solutions. The curve of PMF for the DWC encaging a methane almost coincides that for the empty DWC, meaning that it is the DWC rather than the encaged methane who could adsorb dissolved methane molecules. By comparing the curves of PMF for different directions of the DWC relative to the dissolved methane, we find that it is the cage face rather than the cage edge or vertex that plays an essential role when the DWC adsorbing dissolved methane. This research sheds light on the driving force for the methane adsorption, and it is helpful in understanding the nucleation process of methane hydrate.


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Exploit Tarim Basin Historical Physical Geographic Information System by linking historical documents and Geographic Information System, reconstruct the physical environmental evolution in Tarirn Basin during historical period (the last 2 Ka), special discuss riverhead of the Yellow River and Lop Nur. Based on analyzing Chinese historical documents (antiquity maps and texts), extract physical environmental information in Xiyu during historical period from Twenty-Five History and geographic books and records past dynasties, divide it into 4 period of time. Regarding digital topographical maps as base maps and looking on water bodies, vegetation and desert as central factors, quantify historical physical geographic data in Geographic Information System in terms of dynastic combination of Xianqin-Han, Jin-Wei-Nanbeichao, Tang-Wudai and Song-Yuan-Ming-Qing, execute physical environmental maps of Xiyu through the ages, in order to image the changes of water system, oasis and desert in Xiyu during the last 2 Ka. Compare cross orientation the relation of environmental factors all historical period of time from the influence of climate to oasis and desert, deem that climate condition decided ecological structure in direct and restrict the extent of desertification, especially climate corresponded the style of oasis and the spread of desert in the period of Jin-Wei-Nanbeichao and Tang-Wudai. Compare portrait direction the physical environmental characters in Xiyu during different period of time from 5 aspects of water bodies, oasis, desert, products and climate, deem that physical environment in Xiyu changed in all aspects during historical period. The origin of Lysenkoism about the Yellow River Undercurrent is agelong, whose ascending and descending at times due to investigating the riverhead of the Yellow River time after time during historical period and researching and disputing about the geographic location of Jishishan Mountain. It could consider the faultage in northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau as the channels of undercurrent according to the research of modern geoscience field in the riverhead region.


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Turbidity sandstone reservoirs have been an important field of hydrocarbon exploration and development in the basins all over the world, as well as in China. Lithologic pools are composed of turbidity sandstones and other sandstones are frequently found in the Jiyang Depression that is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic non-marine oil-bearing basin. The Dongying Sag lies in the sedimentary center of the basin. The subtle traps with turbidity reservoirs are generally difficult to be predicted and described by using current techniques. The studies on turbidity reservoirs plays thus an important theoretical and theoretical practical role in exploration and development in the Jiyang Depression. The attention is, in this thesis, focused on the petrologic properties and oil accumulating behaviors in lake turbidity sedimentary systems in the middle part of the third section of Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Sag, especially in Dongxin area, which lies on the central uplift of the Sag. The paper has disclosed the origin types of turbidity sandstones, distribution pattern and controlling factors of turbidity sandstones, and set up hydrocarbon accumulation patterns of the middle part of the third section of Shahejie Formation in Dongxin, based on nonmarine high resolution sequence stratigraphy, event sedimentology and new theories of hydrocarbon forming. By studying prediction method and technology of turbidity sandstone reservoirs, using precise geological model developing, new techniques of high resolution seismic inversion constrained by logging, the paper has forecast low permeability turbidity sandstone reservoirs and pointed out advantage exploration aims to progressive exploration and development. The paper has obtained mainly many productions and acknowledges as follows: 1.Turbidity sandstone reservoirs of the third section of Shahejie Formationin Dongying Sag are formed in such specifical geological background as rift and extension of basin. The inherited Dongying delta and transgression make up many turbidity distribution areas by overlaying and joining together. The hydrocarbon migrates from depression area to adjacent turbidity sandstone continuously. Accumulation area which is sufficient in oil is formed. 2.The paper has confirmed distinguishable sign of sequence boundary , established stratigraphic framework of Dongying Sag and realized isotime stratigraphic correlation. Es3 of Dongying delta is divided into eleven stages. Among them, the second period of the lower section in Es3, the sixth period of the middle section in Es3, the third period of the upper section in Es3 correspond to eleven sedimentary isotime surface in seismic profile, namely Es3 is classified into eleven Formations. 3.According to such the features of turbidity sandstone as deep in burial, small in area, strong in subtle property, overlaying and joining together and occurring in groups, management through fault and space variations of restriction quantum are realized and the forecast precision of turbidity sandstone by using precise geological model developing, new techniques of high resolution seismic inversion constrained by logging, based on the analysis of all kinds of interwell seismic inversion techniques. 4.According to the features of low permeable turbidity sandstone reservoirs, new method of log interpretation model is put forward. At the same time, distinguish technology of familiar low resistivity oil layer in the turbidity sandstone reservoirs is studied based on petrophysical laboratory work and "four properties" interrelationship between lithological physical Jogging and bearing hydrocarbon properties. Log interpretation model and reservoir index interpretation model of low resistivity oil layer are set up. So the log interpretation precision is improved. 5.The evolution law and its difference of the turbidity sandstone are embodies as follows: the source of sediments come from the south and east of the study area in the middle period of Es3. East source of sediments is pushed from west to east. However, the south source supply of sediments in the early and middle period of Es3 is in full, especially in Es3. subsequently, the supply is decreased gradually. Turbidity fan moves back toward the south and the size of fan is minished accordingly. The characteristic of turbidity sandstone in Dongying Sag is different in different structural positions. Dongxin in the middle-east of the central lift and Niuzhuang Sag He in Dongying delta front and prodelta deep lake subfacies. Although the turbidity sandstone of the two areas root in the Dongying delta sedimentary system, the sand body has different remarkably characteristic. 6.The sedimentary model of the turbiditys in study area have three types as follows: (1) collapse turbidity fan in respect of delta; (2) fault trench turbidity fan; (3) other types of microturbidity sandstone. Middle fan and outer fan, can be found mainly in sublacustrine fan. Middle fan includes braided channel microfacies, central microfacies and braided interchannel microfacies, which is main prospecting oil-bearing subfacies. The middle section of the third section of Shahejie Formation in study area (for example the central lift) can be divided into middle-lower and upper part. The middle-lower part is characteristic of turbidity fan. The upper part is sedimented mainly by delta-collapse fan. 7.The turbidity reservoirs of the middle part of the third section of Shahejie Formation in study area characterize by low maturity both in component and texture, strong in diagenesis and low in permeability. The reservoir can be classified into four types. Type III is the body of reservoir and comprises two types of H a and HI b. M a belongs to middle porosity - low permeability reservoir and distributes in the central lift. Hlb belongs to low porosity - low permeability and distributes in Haojia region. 8.A11 single sand body of lens turbidity reservoir of the middle part of the third section of Shahejie Formation in study area are surrounded by thick dark source rocks. The oil-water system is complex and behaves that every sandstone is single seal unit. The water body is 1/3-1-5 of the sand body. The edge water is not active. The gas exists in the top of reservoir in the form of mixed gas. For far-range turbidity fan with big scale channel, the area and volume of sand body is large and the gap is big in oil packing degree. There are lots of edge water and bottom water, and the latter increases rapidly during the course of development. 9.By exerting the modern hydrocarbon forming theories, the third section of Shahejie Formation in study area belongs to abnormally pressured fluid compartment. The lithological reservoir of the third section of Shahejie Formation is formed in the compartment. The reservoir-formed dynamic system belongs to lower self-source enclosed type. The result and the practice indicate that the form and accumulation of lithological oil reservoirs are controlled by the temperature and pressure of stratum, microfacies, thickness of sand body, fault and reservoir heterogeneity. 10. Based on studies above, the emphases focus on in south and north part of Dongying structure, west Dongxin region and south part Xinzhen structure in the application of production. The practice proves that the turbidity sandstone reservoirs in Ying 11 block and the fault-lithological reservoirs in Xin 133 block have been obtained significant breakthrough. The next target is still sandstone groups of the third section of Shahejie Formation in the bordering areas of Dongxin region for instance Xin 149 area, He 89 area, Ying 8 area etc.