896 resultados para WAG-CO2. Recuperação. Óleo leve. Modelagem de reservatório. Simulação.
A descoberta de petróleo na camada de Pré-Sal possibilita a geração de ganhos em relação à dependência energética do país, mas também grandes desafios econômicos e tecnológicos. Os custos de extração são maiores devido a vários fatores como a exigência de equipamentos de exploração que suportem elevadas pressões, altas temperaturas e grandes concentrações de gases ácidos, tais quais, dióxido de carbono (CO2) e sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S). Uma das principais preocupações com o CO2 é evitar liberá-lo para a atmosfera durante a produção. Com a modelagem termodinâmica de dados de equilíbrio de sistemas envolvendo CO2 supercrítico e hidrocarbonetos é possível projetar equipamentos utilizados em processos de separação. A principal motivação do trabalho é o levantamento de dados de equilíbrio de fases de sistemas compostos de CO2 e hidrocarbonetos, possibilitando assim prever o comportamento dessas misturas. Os objetivos específicos são a avaliação do procedimento experimental, a estimação e predição dos parâmetros de interação binários para assim prever o comportamento de fases dos sistemas ternários envolvendo CO2 e hidrocarbonetos. Duas metodologias foram utilizadas para obtenção dos dados de equilíbrio: método estático sintético (visual) e método dinâmico analítico (recirculação das fases). Os sistemas avaliados foram: CO2 + n-hexano, CO2 + tetralina, CO2 + n-hexadecano, CO2 + n-hexano + tetralina e CO2 + tetralina + n-hexadecano à alta pressão; tetralina + n-hexadecano à baixa pressão. Para o tratamento dos dados foi utilizada equação de estado cúbica de Peng-Robinson e a regra de mistura clássica
A análise de gases dissolvidos tem sido aplicada há décadas como a principal técnica de manutenção preditiva para diagnosticar defeitos incipientes em transformadores de potência, tendo em vista que a decomposição do óleo mineral isolante produz gases que permanecem dissolvidos na fase líquida. Entretanto, apesar da importância desta técnica, os métodos de diagnóstico mais conhecidos são baseados em constatações de modelos termodinâmicos e composicionais simplificados para a decomposição térmica do óleo mineral isolante, em conjunto com dados empíricos. Os resultados de simulação obtidos a partir desses modelos não reproduzem satisfatoriamente os dados empíricos. Este trabalho propõe um modelo termodinâmico flexível aprimorado para mimetizar o efeito da cinética de formação de sólidos como restrição ao equilíbrio e seleciona, entre quatro modelos composicionais, aquele que apresenta o melhor desempenho na simulação da decomposição térmica do óleo mineral isolante. Os resultados de simulação obtidos a partir do modelo proposto apresentaram uma melhor adequação a dados empíricos do que aqueles obtidos a partir dos modelos clássicos. O modelo propostofoi, ainda, aplicado ao desenvolvimento de um método de diagnóstico com base fenomenológica.Os desempenhos desta nova proposta fenomenológica e de métodos clássicos de diagnóstico por análise de gases dissolvidos foram comparados e discutidos; o método proposto alcançou desempenho superior a vários métodos usualmente empregados nessa área do conhecimento. E, ainda, um procedimento geral para a aplicação do novo método de diagnóstico é descrito
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Filosofia, especialidade em Filosofia Moral e Política
Este trabalho visa desenvolver um modelo físico e matemático geral para os processos de extração sólido-líquido em fluxos contracorrente cruzados (CCC) que são utilizados na indústria de alimentos. Levam-se em consideração os processos principais (o transporte de massa entre as fases, difusão e convecção) envolvidos por todo o campo de extração, com uma abordagem bidimensional evolutiva, incluindo as zonas de carregamento, drenagem e as bandejas acumuladoras. O modelo matemático é formado por equações diferenciais parciais que determinam a alteração das concentrações nas fases poro e “bulk” em todo o campo de extração e equações diferenciais ordinárias (que refletem as evoluções das concentrações médias nas bandejas). As condições de contorno estabelecem as ligações entre os fluxos CCC da micela e matéria-prima e consideram, também, a influência das zonas de drenagem e carregamento. O algoritmo de resolução utiliza o método de linhas que transforma as equações diferenciais parciais em equações diferenciais ordinárias, que são resolvidas pelo método de Runge-Kutta. Na etapa de validação do modelo foram estabelecidos os parâmetros da malha e o passo de integração, a verificação do código com a lei de conservação da espécie e um único estado estacionário. Também foram realizadas a comparação com os dados experimentais coletados no extrator real e com o método de estágios ideais, a análise da influência de propriedades da matéria-prima nas características principais do modelo, e estabelecidos os dados iniciais do regime básico (regime de operação) Foram realizadas pesquisas numéricas para determinar: os regimes estacionário e transiente, a variação da constante de equilíbrio entre as fases, a variação do número de seções, a alteração da vazão de matéria-prima nas características de um extrator industrial e, também foram realizadas as simulações comparativas para diferentes tipos de matéria-prima (flocos laminados e flocos expandidos) usados amplamente na indústria. Além dessas pesquisas, o modelo também permite simular diferentes tipos de solventes. O estudo da capacidade de produção do extrator revelou que é necessário ter cuidado com o aumento da vazão da matéria-prima, pois um pequeno aumento desta pode causar grandes perdas de óleo tornando alto o custo da produção. Mesmo que ainda seja necessário abastecer o modelo com mais dados experimentais, principalmente da matéria-prima, os resultados obtidos estão em concordância com os fenômenos físico-químicos envolvidos no processo, com a lei de conservação de espécies químicas e com os resultados experimentais.
Steam injection is the most used method of additional recovery for the extraction of heavy oil. In this type procedure is common to happen gravitational segregation and this phenomenon can affect the production of oil and therefore, it shoulds be considered in the projects of continuous steam injection. For many years, the gravitational segregation was not adequately considered in the calculation procedures in Reservoir Engineering. The effect of the gravity causes the segregation of fluids inside the porous media according to their densities. The results of simulation arising from reservoirs could provide the ability to deal with the gravity, and it became apparent that the effects of the gravity could significantly affect the performance of the reservoir. It know that the gravitational segregation can happen in almost every case where there is injection of light fluid, specially the steam, and occurs with greater intensity for viscous oil reservoirs. This work discusses the influence of some parameters of the rock-reservoir in segregation as viscosity, permeability, thickness, cover gas, porosity. From a model that shows the phenomenon with greater intensity, optimized some operational parameters as the rate flow rate steam, distance between the wells injector-producer, and interval of completion which contributed to the reduction in gravity override, thus increasing the oil recovery. It was shown a greater technical-economic viability for the model of distance between the wells 100 m. The analysis was performed using the simulator of CMG (Computer Modeling Group-Stars 2007.11, in which was observed by iterating between studied variables in heavy oil reservoirs with similar characteristics to Brazilian Northeast
Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates
Electrical resistive heating (ERH) is a thermal method used to improve oil recovery. It can increase oil rate and oil recovery due to temperature increase caused by electrical current passage through oil zone. ERH has some advantage compared with well-known thermal methods such as continuous steam flood, presenting low-water production. This method can be applied to reservoirs with different characteristics and initial reservoir conditions. Commercial software was used to test several cases using a semi-synthetic homogeneous reservoir with some characteristics as found in northeast Brazilian basins. It was realized a sensitivity analysis of some reservoir parameters, such as: oil zone, aquifer presence, gas cap presence and oil saturation on oil recovery and energy consumption. Then it was tested several cases studying the electrical variables considered more important in the process, such as: voltage, electrical configurations and electrodes positions. Energy optimization by electrodes voltage levels changes and electrical settings modify the intensity and the electrical current distribution in oil zone and, consequently, their influences in reservoir temperature reached at some regions. Results show which reservoir parameters were significant in order to improve oil recovery and energy requirement in for each reservoir. Most significant parameters on oil recovery and electrical energy delivered were oil thickness, presence of aquifer, presence of gas cap, voltage, electrical configuration and electrodes positions. Factors such as: connate water, water salinity and relative permeability to water at irreducible oil saturation had low influence on oil recovery but had some influence in energy requirements. It was possible to optimize energy consumption and oil recovery by electrical variables. Energy requirements can decrease by changing electrodes voltages during the process. This application can be extended to heavy oil reservoirs of high depth, such as offshore fields, where nowadays it is not applicable any conventional thermal process such as steam flooding
The oil companies in the area in general are looking for new technologies that can increase the recovery factor of oil contained in reservoirs. These investments are mainly aimed at reducing the costs of projects which are high. Steam injection is one of these special methods of recovery in which steam is injected into the reservoir in order to reduce the viscosity of the oil and make it more mobile. The process assisted gravity drainage steam (SAGD) using steam injection in its mechanism, as well as two parallel horizontal wells. In this process steam is injected through the horizontal injection well, then a vapor chamber is formed by heating the oil in the reservoir and, by the action of gravitational forces, this oil is drained down to where the production well. This study aims to analyze the influence of pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the SAGD process. Numerical simulations were performed using the thermal simulator STARS of CMG (Computer Modeling Group). The parameters studied were the thermal conductivity of the formation, the flow of steam injection, the inner diameter of the column, the steam quality and temperature. A factorial design was used to verify the influence of the parameters studied in the recovery factor. We also analyzed different injection flow rates for the model with pressure drop and no pressure drop, as well as different maximum flow rates of oil production. Finally, we performed an economic analysis of the two models in order to check the profitability of the projects studied. The results showed that the pressure drop in injection well have a significant influence on the SAGD process.
Water injection is the most widely used method for supplementary recovery in many oil fields due to various reasons, like the fact that water is an effective displacing agent of low viscosity oils, the water injection projects are relatively simple to establish and the water availability at a relatively low cost. For design of water injection projects is necessary to do reservoir studies in order to define the various parameters needed to increase the effectiveness of the method. For this kind of study can be used several mathematical models classified into two general categories: analytical or numerical. The present work aims to do a comparative analysis between the results presented by flow lines simulator and conventional finite differences simulator; both types of simulators are based on numerical methods designed to model light oil reservoirs subjected to water injection. Therefore, it was defined two reservoir models: the first one was a heterogeneous model whose petrophysical properties vary along the reservoir and the other one was created using average petrophysical properties obtained from the first model. Comparisons were done considering that the results of these two models were always in the same operational conditions. Then some rock and fluid parameters have been changed in both models and again the results were compared. From the factorial design, that was done to study the sensitivity analysis of reservoir parameters, a few cases were chosen to study the role of water injection rate and the vertical position of wells perforations in production forecast. It was observed that the results from the two simulators are quite similar in most of the cases; differences were found only in those cases where there was an increase in gas solubility ratio of the model. Thus, it was concluded that in flow simulation of reservoirs analogous of those now studied, mainly when the gas solubility ratio is low, the conventional finite differences simulator may be replaced by flow lines simulator the production forecast is compatible but the computational processing time is lower.
The objective of the thermal recovery is to heat the resevoir and the oil in it to increase its recovery. In the Potiguar river basin there are located several heavy oil reservoirs whose primary recovery energy provides us with a little oil flow, which makes these reservoirs great candidates for application of a method of recovery advanced of the oil, especially the thermal. The steam injection can occur on a cyclical or continuous manner. The continuous steam injection occurs through injection wells, which in its vicinity form a zone of steam that expands itself, having as a consequence the displace of the oil with viscosity and mobility improved towards the producing wells. Another possible mechanism of displacement of oil in reservoirs subjected to continuous injection of steam is the distillation of oil by steam, which at high temperatures; their lighter fractions can be vaporized by changing the composition of the oil produced, of the oil residual or to shatter in the amount of oil produced. In this context, this paper aims to study the influence of compositional models in the continuous injection of steam through in the analysis of some parameters such as flow injection steam and temperature of injection. Were made various leading comparative analysis taking the various models of fluid, varying from a good elementary, with 03 pseudocomponents to a modeling of fluids with increasing numbers of pseudocomponents. A commercial numerical simulator was used for the study from a homogeneous reservoir model with similar features to those found in northeastern Brazil. Some conclusions as the increasing of the simulation time with increasing number of pseudocomponents, the significant influence of flow injection on cumulative production of oil and little influence of the number of pseudocomponents in the flows and cumulative production of oil were found
This work proposes a model to investigate the use of a cylindrical antenna used in the thermal method of recovering through electromagnetic radiation of high-viscosity oil. The antenna has a simple geometry, adapted dipole type, and it can be modelled by using Maxwell s equation. The wavelet transforms are used as basis functions and applied in conjunction with the method of moments to obtain the current distribution in the antenna. The electric field, power and temperature distribution are carefully calculated for the analysis of the antenna as electromagnetic heating. The energy performance is analyzed based on thermo-fluid dynamic simulations at field scale, and through the adaptation in the Steam Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) by Computer Modelling Group (CMG). The model proposed and the numerical results obtained are stable and presented good agreement with the results reported in the specialized literature
The treatment of oil produced water and its implications are continually under investigation and several questions are related to this subject. In the Northeast Region Brazil, the onshore reservoirs are, in its majority, mature oil fields with high production of water. As this oil produced water has high levels of oil, it cannot be directly discarded into the environment because it represents a risk for contamination of soil, water, and groundwater, or even may cause harm to living bodies. Currently, polyelectrolytes that promote the coalescence of the oil droplets are used to remove the dispersed oil phase, enhancing the effectiveness of the flotation process. The non-biodegradability and high cost of polyelectrolytes are limiting factors for its application. On this context, it is necessary to develop studies for the search of more environmentally friendly products to apply in the flotation process. In this work it is proposed the modeling of the flotation process, in a glass column, using surfactants derived from vegetal oils to replace the polyelectrolytes, as well as to obtain a model that represents the experimental data. In addition, it was made a comparative study between the models described in the literature and the one developed in this research. The obtained results showed that the developed model presented high correlation coefficients when fitting the experimental data (R2 > 0.98), thus proving its efficiency in modeling the experimental data.
The large investment in exploration activities offshore Brazil has generated new findings, generally in carbonate reservoirs, with different wettability conditions usually considered in the sandstone, strongly water-wet. In general, the carbonates reservoirs tend to be oil-wet, it difficult to mobilize of oil these reservoirs. These oils can be mobilized by different methods, or it may reverse the wettability of the surface of the reservoir and facilitate the flow of oil, improving production rates. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the influence of inversion on the wettability of the rock in the production and recovery of petroleum from carbonate reservoirs, using microemulsions. Three systems were chosen with different classes of surfactants: a cationic (C16TAB), an anionic (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90). Studies of the influence of salinity on the formation of the microemulsion as well as the characterization of fluids using density and viscosity measurements were also performed. To verify the potential of microemulsion systems in changing the wettability state of the chalk oil-wet to water-wet, contact angle measurements were performed using chalk of neutral-wet as surface material. Overall, with respect to the ionic character of the surfactants tested, the cationic surfactant (C16TAB) had a greater potential for reversal in wettability able to transform the rock wettability neutral to strongly water-wet, when compared with the anionic surfactant (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90), which showed similar behavior, improving the wettability of the rock to water. The microemulsions of all surfactants studied were effective in oil recovery, resulting in 76.92% for the system with C16TAB, 67.42% for the SDS and 66.30% for Unitol L90 of residual oil
Expanded Bed Adsorption (EBA) is an integrative process that combines concepts of chromatography and fluidization of solids. The many parameters involved and their synergistic effects complicate the optimization of the process. Fortunately, some mathematical tools have been developed in order to guide the investigation of the EBA system. In this work the application of experimental design, phenomenological modeling and artificial neural networks (ANN) in understanding chitosanases adsorption on ion exchange resin Streamline® DEAE have been investigated. The strain Paenibacillus ehimensis NRRL B-23118 was used for chitosanase production. EBA experiments were carried out using a column of 2.6 cm inner diameter with 30.0 cm in height that was coupled to a peristaltic pump. At the bottom of the column there was a distributor of glass beads having a height of 3.0 cm. Assays for residence time distribution (RTD) revelead a high degree of mixing, however, the Richardson-Zaki coefficients showed that the column was on the threshold of stability. Isotherm models fitted the adsorption equilibrium data in the presence of lyotropic salts. The results of experiment design indicated that the ionic strength and superficial velocity are important to the recovery and purity of chitosanases. The molecular mass of the two chitosanases were approximately 23 kDa and 52 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The phenomenological modeling was aimed to describe the operations in batch and column chromatography. The simulations were performed in Microsoft Visual Studio. The kinetic rate constant model set to kinetic curves efficiently under conditions of initial enzyme activity 0.232, 0.142 e 0.079 UA/mL. The simulated breakthrough curves showed some differences with experimental data, especially regarding the slope. Sensitivity tests of the model on the surface velocity, axial dispersion and initial concentration showed agreement with the literature. The neural network was constructed in MATLAB and Neural Network Toolbox. The cross-validation was used to improve the ability of generalization. The parameters of ANN were improved to obtain the settings 6-6 (enzyme activity) and 9-6 (total protein), as well as tansig transfer function and Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm. The neural Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Padilha dezembro/2013 9 networks simulations, including all the steps of cycle, showed good agreement with experimental data, with a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.974. The effects of input variables on profiles of the stages of loading, washing and elution were consistent with the literature
Petroleum exists in the nature in certain underground formations where it is adsorbed into the rocks pores. For the conventional recovery methods usually only 30% of the oil is extracted and this can be credited, basically, to three aspects: high viscosity of the oil, geology of the formation and high interfacial tensions between the reservoir s fluids. The enhanced recovery methods use the injection of a fluid or fluids mixture in a reservoir to act in points where the conventional process didn't reach the recovery rates. Microemulsion flooding, considered an enhanced method, has the purpose to desorb the oil from the rock formation and to attain an efficient displacement of the oil emulsion. With this in mind, this work was accomplished with two main objectives: the study of the parameters effect that influence a microemulsified system (surfactant and cosurfactant types, C/S rate and salinity) and the evaluation of displacement efficiency with the microemulsions that showed stability in the rich aqueous area. For the analyzed parameters it was chose the microemulsions composition used in the recovery stage: 25% water, 5% kerosene, 46.7% of butanol as cosurfactant and 23.3% of BC or SCO cosurfactant. The core plugs of Assu and Botucatu sandstones were appraised in porosity and permeability tests and then submitted to the steps of saturation with seawater and oil, conventional recovery with water and enhanced recovery with the selected microemulsions. The Botucatu sandstone presented better recovery parameters, and the microemulsion composed with BS surfactant had larger recovery efficiency (26.88%)