934 resultados para Voyages de noces


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Esta es una traducción al francés de la obra Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska publicada en Londres en 1868. El libro describe los viajes llevados a cabo en Alaska por el explorador y artista británico Frederick Whymper entre 1865 y 1867. Desde 1862 Whymper venía participando en distintas proyectos exploratorios de la Columbia Británica, como la expedición de exploración de la Isla de Vancouver (Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition, 1864), y el proyecto del telégrafo ruso americano, que buscaba unir a San Francisco y Moscú, por el estrecho de Bering (Western Union Telegraph Expedition 1865-1867), pasando por los territorios estadounidenses, británicos y rusos de Norte América


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Nobel Prize winning author Albert Camus situates his meditations in both the opening and closing essays in his 1937 collection Noces by referring to the classical Eleusinian mysteries centring around the myths of Dionysus and the goddesses Demeter and Persephone. Noces’ closing piece ‘The Desert’ directly evokes the two levels of initiation involved in the classical Eleusinian cult in a way which prompts us to reframe the preceding essays beginning at Tipasa as akin to a single, initiatory trajectory. The kind of ‘love of life’ the opening ‘Nuptials at Tipasa’ had so marvellously celebrated, we are now informed, is not sufficient by itself. The entire round of these four essays, whose framing suggest four seasons (Spring in Tipasa, Summer at Algiers, then Autumn in Florence), are intended by Camus to enact just what the title, Noces, suggests in the context of the mysteries: namely, that hieros gamos or sacred union of man with nature or the gods at the heart of the ancient cults, tied very closely at Eleusis with reverence for the fecundity of nature, reborn each year with the return of Persephone from Hades to her grieving mother Demeter.


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A literatura contemporânea expressa o rompimento das fronteiras entre a cultura erudita e a cultura de massa ou comercial, criando formas híbridas que convivem no interior do texto. No romance Voyages de l’autre cote (1975), de Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, as canções do pop rock embalam as viagens da fada Naja Naja e de seus amigos em busca do ‘outro lado’. Desta forma, a impregnação da música popular à escritura poética, parece ajudar a libertar a imaginação, preparando as personagens para o encontro do infinito sensível.


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This article focuses the relationship between journeys and photographs especially among anthropologists who travel. Having travelled to the Upper Negro River as an advisor of a PhD student, I discuss what digital photographs may mean in a context where verbal communication is impossible. Real or imaginary journeys are a source of images, reports, or travel logs in which it is difficult to discern what is real and what is fiction. After discussing a few famous scientific and literary journeys, the article focuses on some anthropological journeys and concludes that images produced by anthropologists are a result of trained intuition, a sensitive gaze, and memories of former travels. The article includes photographic essays that incorporate pictures I took in February 2012 among the Hupd'äh, in the Upper Negro River region.