997 resultados para Vogt, CarlVogt, CarlCarlVogt


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The formation of pentanuclear copper(ii) complexes with the mandelohydroxamic ligand was studied in solution by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The presence of lanthanide(iii) or uranyl ions is essential for the self-assembly of the 15-metallacrown-5 compounds. The negative mode ESI-MS spectra of solutions containing copper(II), mandelohydroxamic acid and lanthanide(iii) ions (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Tm, Lu, Y) or uranyl in the ratio 5:5:1 showed only the peaks that could be unambiguously assigned to the following intact molecular ions: {Ln(NO3)(2)[15-MCuIIN(MHA)-5](2-)}(-) and {Ln(NO3)[15-MCCuIIN(MHA)-5](3-)}(-), where MHA represents doubly deprotonated mandelohydroxamic acid. The NMR spectra of the pentanuclear species revealed only one set of peaks indicating a fivefold symmetry of the complex. The pentanuclear complexes synthesized with the enantiomerically pure R- or S-forms of mandelohydroxamic acid ligand, showed circular dichroism spectra which were mirror images of each other. The pentanuclear complex made from the racemic form of the ligand showed no signals in the CD spectrum. The UV/ Vis titration experiments revealed that the order in which the metal salts are added to the solution of the mandelohydroxamic acid ligand is crucial for the formation of metallacrown complexes. The addition of copper(ii) to the solutions containing mandelohydroxamic acid and neodymium(iii) in a 5:1 ratio lead to the formation of a pentanuclear complex in solution. In contrary, titration of lanthanide(iii) salt to the solution containing copper(ii) and mandelohydroxamic acid did not show any evidence for the formation of pentanuclear species. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006)


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Proton nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) profiles were recorded between 0.24 mT and 1.4 T for lanthanum(III)- and gadolinium(III)-containing [15]metallacrown-5 complexes derived from alpha-aminohydroxamic acids and with copper(n) as the ring metal. The influence of the different R-groups on the proton relaxivity was investigated, and a linear relationship between the relaxivity and the molecular mass of the metallacrown complex was found. The selectivity of the metallacrown complexes was tested by transmetalation experiments with zinc(n) ions. The crystal structure of the copper [15]metallacrown-5 gadolinium complex with glycine hydroximate ligands is reported.


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Near-infrared-emitting rare-earth chelates based on 8-hydroxyquinoline have appeared frequently in recent literature, because they are promising candidates for active components in near-infrared-luminescent optical devices, such as optical amplifiers, organic light-emitting diodes, .... Unfortunately, the absence of a full structural investigation of these rare-earth quinolinates is hampering the further development of rare-earth quinolinate based materials, because the luminescence output cannot be related to the structural properties. After an elaborate structural elucidation of the rare-earth quinolinate chemistry we can conclude that basically three types of structures can be formed, depending on the reaction conditions: tris complexes, corresponding to a 1:3 metal-to-ligand ratio, tetrakis complexes, corresponding to a 1:4 metal-to-ligand ratio, and trimeric complexes, with a 3:8 metal-to-ligand ratio. The intensity of the emitted near-infrared luminescence of the erbium(Ill) complexes is highest for the tetrakis complexes of the dihalogenated 8-hydroxyquinolinates.


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Lanthanide(III) complexes of p-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid, Ln(p-NBSA)(3), m-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid, Ln(m-NBSA)(3), and 2,4-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid, Ln(2,4-NBSA)(3), were prepared, characterized and examined as catalyst for the nitration of benzene, toluene, xylenes, naphthalene, bromobenzene and chlorobenzene. The initial screening of the catalysts showed that lanthanum(III) complexes were more effective than the corresponding ytterbium(III) complexes, and that catalysts containing the bulky 2,4-NBSA ligand were less effective than the catalyst containing p-NBSA (nosylate) or m-NBSA ligands. Examination of a series of Ln(p-NBSA)(3) and Ln(m-NBSA)(3) catalysts revealed that there is a clear correlation between the ionic radii of the lanthanide(III) ions and the yields of nitration, with the lighter lanthanides being more effective. The X-ray single crystal structure of Yb(m-NBSA)(3).6H(2)O shows that two m-NBSA ligands are directly bound to the metal centre while the third ligand is not located in the first coordination sphere, but it is hydrogen bonded to one of the water molecules which is coordinated to ytterbium(III). NMR studies suggest that this structure is preserved under the conditions used in the nitration reaction. The structure of Yb(m-NBSA)(3) is markedly different from the structure of the well-known ytterbium(III) triflate catalyst. The coordination of the nitrobenzenesulfonate counterion to the lanthanide(III) ion suggests that steric effects might play an important role in determining the efficiency of these novel nitration catalysts. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004).


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A series of nitrile-functionalized ionic liquids were found to exhibit temperature-dependent miscibility (thermomorphism) with the lower alcohols. Their coordinating abilities toward cobalt(II) ions were investigated through the dissolution process of cobalt(II) bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and were found to depend on the donor abilities of the nitrile group. The crystal structures of the cobalt(II) solvates [Co(C1C1CNPyr)2(Tf2N)4] and [Co(C1C2CNPyr)6][Tf2N]8, which were isolated from ionic-liquid solutions, gave an insight into the coordination chemistry of functionalized ionic liquids. Smooth layers of cobalt metal could be obtained by electrodeposition of the cobalt-containing ionic liquids.


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Two series of 1-alkylpyridinium and N-alkyl-N-methylpiperidinium ionic liquids fiinctionalized with a nitrile group at the end of the alkyl chain have been synthesized. Structural modifications include a change of the alkyl spacer length between the nitrile group and the heterocycle of the cationic core, as well as adding methyl or ethyl substituents on different positions of the pyridinium ring. The anions are the bromide and the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ion. All the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide salts as well as the bromide salts with a long alkyl spacer were obtained as viscous liquids at room temperature, but some turned out to be supercooled liquids. In addition, pyrrolidinium and piperidinium ionic liquids with two nitrile functions attached to the heterocyclic core have been prepared. The crystal structures of seven pyridinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide salts are reported. Quantum chemical calculations have been performed on model cations and ion pairs with the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion. A continuum model has been used to take solvation effects into account. These calculations show that the natural partial charge on the nitrogen atom of the nitrile group becomes more negative when the length of the alkyl spacer between the nitrile functional group and the heterocyclic core of the cation is increased. Methyl or methoxy substituents on the pyridinium ring slightly increase the negative charge on the nitrile nitrogen atom due to their electron-donating abilities. The position of the substituent (ortho, meta, or para) has only a very minor effect on the charge of the nitrogen atom. The N-15 NMR spectra of the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids were recorded with the nitrogen-15 nucleus at its natural abundance. The chemical shift of the N-15 nucleus of the nitrile nitrogen atom could be correlated with the calculated negative partial charge on the nitrogen atom.


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Objective: To describe the ocular phenotype in patients with ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting (EEC) syndrome (MIM#604292) and to determine the pathogenic basis of visual morbidity. Design: Retrospective case series. Participants: Nineteen families (23 patients) affected by EEC syndrome from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Italy. Methods: General medical examination to fulfill the diagnostic criteria for EEC syndrome and determine the phenotypic severity. Mutational analysis of p63 was performed by polymerase chain reaction-based bidirectional Sanger sequencing. All patients with EEC syndrome underwent a complete ophthalmic examination and ocular surface assessment. Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) was diagnosed clinically on the basis of corneal conjunctivalization and anatomy of the limbal palisades of Vogt. Impression cytology using immunofluorescent antibodies was performed in 1 individual. Histologic and immunohistochemical analyses were performed on a corneal button and corneal pannus from 2 EEC patients. Main Outcome Measures: The EEC syndrome phenotypic severity (EEC score), best-corrected Snellen visual acuity (decimal fraction), slit-lamp biomicroscopy, tear function index, tear breakup time, LSCD, p63 DNA sequence variants, impression cytology, and corneal histopathology. Results: Eleven heterozygous missense mutations in the DNA binding domain of p63 were identified in all patients with EEC syndrome. All patients had ocular involvement and the commonest was an anomaly of the meibomian glands and lacrimal drainage system defects. The major cause of visual morbidity was progressive LSCD, which was detected in 61% (14/23). Limbal stem cell deficiency was related to advancing age and caused a progressive keratopathy, resulting in a dense vascularized corneal pannus, and eventually leading to visual impairment. Histologic analysis and impression cytology confirmed LSCD. Conclusions: Heterozygous p63 mutations cause the EEC syndrome and result in visual impairment owing to progressive LSCD. There was no relationship of limbal stem cell failure with the severity of EEC syndrome, as classified by the EEC score, or the underlying molecular defect in p63. Financial Disclosure(s): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any of the materials discussed in this article. © 2012 American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Stem cells have certain unique characteristics, which include longevity, high capacity of self-renewal with a long cell cycle time and a short S-phase duration, increased potential for error-free proliferation, and poor differentiation. The ocular surface is made up of two distinct types of epithelial cells, constituting the conjunctival and the corneal epithelia. Although anatomically continuous with each other at the corneoscleral limbus, the two cell phenotypes represent quite distinct subpopulations. Stem cells for the cornea reside at the corneoscleral limbus. The limbal palisades of Vogt and the interpalisade rete ridges are believed to be repositories of stem cells. The microenvironment of the limbus is considered to be important in maintaining the stemness of stem cells. Limbal stem cells also act as a 'barrier' to conjunctival epithelial cells and normally prevent them from migrating on to the corneal surface. Under certain conditions, however, the limbal stem cells may be partially or totally depleted, resulting in varying degrees of stem cell deficiency with resulting abnormalities in the corneal surface. Such deficiency of limbal stem cells leads to 'conjunctivalization' of the cornea with vascularization, appearance of goblet cells, and an irregular and unstable epithelium. This results in ocular discomfort and reduced vision. Partial stem cell deficiency can be managed by removing the abnormal epithelium and allowing the denuded cornea, especially the visual axis, to resurface with cells derived from the remaining intact limbal epithelium. In total stem cell deficiency, autologous limbus from the opposite normal eye or homologous limbus from living related or cadaveric donors can be transplanted on to the affected eye. With the latter option, systemic immunosuppression is required. Amniotic membrane transplantation is a useful adjunct to the above procedures in some instances. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.


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We present 65 optical spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2012fr, of which 33 were obtained before maximum light. At early times SN 2012fr shows clear evidence of a high-velocity feature (HVF) in the Si II 6355 line which can be cleanly decoupled from the lower velocity "photospheric" component. This Si II 6355 HVF fades by phase -5; subsequently, the photospheric component exhibits a very narrow velocity width and remains at a nearly constant velocity of v~12,000 km/s until at least 5 weeks after maximum brightness. The Ca II infrared (IR) triplet exhibits similar evidence for both a photospheric component at v~12,000 km/s with narrow line width and long velocity plateau, as well as a high-velocity component beginning at v~31,000 km/s two weeks before maximum. SN 2012fr resides on the border between the "shallow silicon" and "core-normal" subclasses in the Branch et al. (2009) classification scheme, and on the border between normal and "high-velocity" SNe Ia in the Wang et al. (2009a) system. Though it is a clear member of the "low velocity gradient" (LVG; Benetii et al., 2005) group of SNe Ia and exhibits a very slow light-curve decline, it shows key dissimilarities with the overluminous SN 1991T or SN 1999aa subclasses of SNe Ia. SN 2012fr represents a well-observed SN Ia at the luminous end of the normal SN Ia distribution, and a key transitional event between nominal spectroscopic subclasses of SNe Ia.


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Evolution can increase the complexity of matter by self-organization into helical architectures, the best example being the DNA double helix. One common aspect, apparently shared by most of these architectures, is the presence of covalent bonds within the helix backbone. Here, we report the unprecedented crystal structures of a metal complex that self-organizes into a continuous double helical structure, assembled by non-covalent building blocks. Built up solely by weak stacking interactions, this alternating tread stairs-like double helical assembly mimics the DNA double helix structure. Starting from a racemic mixture in aqueous solution, the ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex forms two polymorphic structures of a left-handed double helical assembly of only the Λ-enantiomer. The stacking of the helices is different in both polymorphs: a crossed woodpile structure versus a parallel columnar stacking.


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Background: Therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with pegIFNa/ribavirin achieves sustained virologic response (SVR) in ~55%. Pre-activation of the endogenous interferon system in the liver is associated non-response (NR). Recently, genome-wide association studies described associations of allelic variants near the IL28B (IFNλ3) gene with treatment response and with spontaneous clearance of the virus. We investigated if the IL28B genotype determines the constitutive expression of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) in the liver of patients with CHC. Methods: We genotyped 93 patients with CHC for 3 IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs12979860, rs8099917, rs12980275), extracted RNA from their liver biopsies and quantified the expression of IL28B and of 8 previously identified classifier genes which discriminate between SVR and NR (IFI44L, RSAD2, ISG15, IFI22, LAMP3, OAS3, LGALS3BP and HTATIP2). Decision tree ensembles in the form of a random forest classifier were used to calculate the relative predictive power of these different variables in a multivariate analysis. Results: The minor IL28B allele (bad risk for treatment response) was significantly associated with increased expression of ISGs, and, unexpectedly, with decreased expression of IL28B. Stratification of the patients into SVR and NR revealed that ISG expression was conditionally independent from the IL28B genotype, i.e. there was an increased expression of ISGs in NR compared to SVR irrespective of the IL28B genotype. The random forest feature score (RFFS) identified IFI27 (RFFS = 2.93), RSAD2 (1.88) and HTATIP2 (1.50) expression and the HCV genotype (1.62) as the strongest predictors of treatment response. ROC curves of the IL28B SNPs showed an AUC of 0.66 with an error rate (ERR) of 0.38. A classifier with the 3 best classifying genes showed an excellent test performance with an AUC of 0.94 and ERR of 0.15. The addition of IL28B genotype information did not improve the predictive power of the 3-gene classifier. Conclusions: IL28B genotype and hepatic ISG expression are conditionally independent predictors of treatment response in CHC. There is no direct link between altered IFNλ3 expression and pre-activation of the endogenous system in the liver. Hepatic ISG expression is by far the better predictor for treatment response than IL28B genotype.


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Adaptive immunity is initiated in T-cell zones of secondary lymphoid organs. These zones are organized in a rigid 3D network of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) that are a rich cytokine source. In response to lymph-borne antigens, draining lymph nodes (LNs) expand several folds in size, but the fate and role of the FRC network during immune response is not fully understood. Here we show that T-cell responses are accompanied by the rapid activation and growth of FRCs, leading to an expanded but similarly organized network of T-zone FRCs that maintains its vital function for lymphocyte trafficking and survival. In addition, new FRC-rich environments were observed in the expanded medullary cords. FRCs are activated within hours after the onset of inflammation in the periphery. Surprisingly, FRC expansion depends mainly on trapping of naïve lymphocytes that is induced by both migratory and resident dendritic cells. Inflammatory signals are not required as homeostatic T-cell proliferation was sufficient to trigger FRC expansion. Activated lymphocytes are also dispensable for this process, but can enhance the later growth phase. Thus, this study documents the surprising plasticity as well as the complex regulation of FRC networks allowing the rapid LN hyperplasia that is critical for mounting efficient adaptive immunity.


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AIMS: Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) causes complex flow patterns in the ascending aorta (AAo), which may compromise the accuracy of flow measurement by phase-contrast magnetic resonance (PC-MR). Therefore, we aimed to assess and compare the accuracy of forward flow measurement in the AAo, where complex flow is more dominant in BAV patients, with flow quantification in the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and the aortic valve orifice (AV), where complex flow is less important, in BAV patients and controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: Flow was measured by PC-MR in 22 BAV patients and 20 controls at the following positions: (i) LVOT, (ii) AV, and (iii) AAo, and compared with the left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV). The correlation between the LVSV and the forward flow in the LVOT, the AV, and the AAo was good in BAV patients (r = 0.97/0.96/0.93; P < 0.01) and controls (r = 0.96/0.93/0.93; P < 0.01). However, in relation with the LVSV, the forward flow in the AAo was mildly underestimated in controls and much more in BAV patients [median (inter-quartile range): 9% (4%/15%) vs. 22% (8%/30%); P < 0.01]. This was not the case in the LVOT and the AV. The severity of flow underestimation in the AAo was associated with flow eccentricity. CONCLUSION: Flow measurement in the AAo leads to an underestimation of the forward flow in BAV patients. Measurement in the LVOT or the AV, where complex flow is less prominent, is an alternative means for quantifying the systolic forward flow in BAV patients.


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The stable isotope composition of waters (delta H-2, delta O-18) can be used as a natural tracer of hydrologic processes in systems affected by acid mine drainage. We investigated the delta H-2 and delta O-18 values of pore waters from four oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments in different climatic regions of Chile (Piuquenes at La Andina with Alpine climate, Cauquenes and Caren at El Teniente with Mediterranean climate, and Talabre at the Chuquicamata deposit with hyperarid climate). No clear relationship was found between altitude and isotopic composition. The observed displacement of the tailings pore waters from the local meteoric water line toward higher delta O-18 values (by similar to +2% delta O-18 relative to delta H-2) is partly due to water-rock interaction processes, including hydration and O-isotope exchange with sulfates and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides produced by pyrite oxidation. In most tailings, from the saturated zone toward the surface, isotopically different zones can be distinguished. Zone I is characterized by an upward depletion of H-2 and O-18 in the pore waters from the saturated zone and the lowermost vadose zone, due to ascending diffused isotopically light water triggered by the constant loss of water vapor by evaporation at the surface. In zone II, the capillary flow of a mix of vapor and liquid water causes an evaporative isotopic enrichment in H-2 and O-18. At the top of the tailings in dry climate a zone III between the capillary zone and the surface contains isotopically light diffused and atmospheric water vapor. In temperate climates, the upper part of the profile is affected by recent rainfall and zone III may not differ isotopically from zone II.