855 resultados para Visual Evoked Potentials


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Transient visual evoked cortical potentials (VECP) were recorded from the scalp of healthy normal trichromats (n = 12). VECPs were elicited by onset/offset presentation of patterned stimuli of two kinds: isochromatic luminance-modulated, and equiluminant red-green modulated, sine wave gratings. The amplitude and latency of the major onset components of the onset/offset VECP were measured and plotted as a function of the logarithm of pooled cone contrast. The early onset components, achromatic C1 and chromatic N1, increase linearly with log contrast, but N1 has a higher contrast gain than C1. The late onset components, achromatic C2 and chromatic N2, have similar contrast gain, and similar response as a function of contrast level: both increase in the low-to-medium range of contrasts and saturate at high contrast levels. In the range of pooled cone contrast tested, C1 and N1 show similar latencies, whilst C2 shows shorter latencies than N2. We suggest that C1 and N1 are generated by the same visual mechanism with high red-green contrast gain and low luminance contrast gain, whilst C2 and N2 are generated by different visual mechanisms.


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There are several electrophysiological systems available commercially. Usually, control groups are required to compare their results, due to the differences between display types. Our aim was to examine the differences between CRT and LCD/TFT stimulators used in pattern VEP responses performed according to the ISCEV standards. We also aimed to check different contrast values toward thresholds. In order to obtain more precise results, we intended to measure the intensity and temporal response characteristics of the monitors with photometric methods. To record VEP signals, a Roland RetiPort electrophysiological system was used. The pattern VEP tests were carried out according to ISCEV protocols on a CRT and a TFT monitor consecutively. Achromatic checkerboard pattern was used at three different contrast levels (maximal, 75, 25%) using 1A degrees and 15` check sizes. Both CRT and TFT displays were luminance and contrast matched, according to the gamma functions based on measurements at several DAC values. Monitor-specific luminance parameters were measured by means of spectroradiometric instruments. Temporal differences between the displays` electronic and radiometric signals were measured with a device specifically built for the purpose. We tested six healthy control subjects with visual acuity of at least 20/20. The tests were performed on each subject three times on different days. We found significant temporal differences between the CRT and the LCD monitors at all contrast levels and spatial frequencies. In average, the latency times were 9.0 ms (+/- 3.3 ms) longer with the TFT stimulator. This value is in accordance with the average of the measured TFT input-output temporal difference values (10.1 +/- A 2.2 ms). According to our findings, measuring the temporal parameters of the TFT monitor with an adequately calibrated measurement setup and correcting the VEP data with the resulting values, the VEP signals obtained with different display types can be transformed to be comparable.


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Das Glaukom ist eine der führenden Erblindungsursachen weltweit. Trotzdem ist die Pathogenese, die zur Degeneration der retinalen Ganglienzellen führt, bisher nicht verstanden. In den letzten Jahren ergaben sich verschiedene Hinweise auf die Beteiligung einer immunologischen Komponente. Thema dieser Arbeit waren elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen, im Sinne von visuell evozierten Potentialen, am Tiermodell des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms und die Etablierung dieses Modells. Das Modell basiert auf einer Immunisierung von Lewisratten mit Pertussistoxin, inkompletten Freunds Adjuvant und potentiellen Antigenen, die zu einer Immunreaktion und einem Verlust von retinalen Ganglienzellen führen sollen. Zur Etablierung des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modells wurde eine fünfwöchige Studie mit vier Gruppen durchgeführt. Als Antigene wurden Glia fibrilläres saures Protein (n= 10) und Myelin basisches Protein (n=10) verwendet, die beide in Studien zu Serum- und Kammerwasseranalysen bei Glaukompatienten eine Abweichung zur Kontrollgruppe gezeigt hatten. Außerdem wurde eine Gruppe mit selbst hergestelltem Sehnerv-Homogenat (n=12) immunisiert. Eine Gruppe erhielt keine Immunisierung und diente als Kontrolle (n=10). Zur Überprüfung der Effekte des Modells dienten verschiedene Untersuchungsmethoden, wie die Augeninnendruckmessung und die Untersuchung der Fundi. Des Weiteren wurden transiente und stationäre visuell evozierte Potentiale abgeleitet und die Latenzen, Amplituden und die Marker S (Steigung) und TR (Temporale Antworten) verglichen. Außerdem erfolgte nach Tötung der Tiere die Entnahme der Gehirne und Augen. Die Gehirne wurden nach Paraffineinbettung geschnitten, mit Luxol Fast Blue und Kresylviolett gefärbt und hinsichtlich etwaiger Entmarkungsherde oder anderer Pathologien unter dem Mikroskop bewertet. Der Verlauf des intraokulären Drucks zeigte sowohl zwischen den Gruppen als auch zwischen den verschiedenen Zeitpunkten keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Er bewegte sich im physiologischen Bereich mit durchschnittlich circa 12 mmHg. Die Funduskopien lieferten zu keinem Zeitpunkt krankhafte Veränderungen. Auch die visuell evozierten Potentiale lieferten zwischen den Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede, sondern belegten normale visuelle Funktion bei allen Tieren. Die Auswertung der histologischen Untersuchung der Hirnschnitte zeigte keine Entmarkungsherde. Die erzielten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass der retinale Ganglienzellverlust beim Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modell ohne eine Augeninnendruckerhöhung stattfindet. Die Fundusuntersuchung und die visuell evozierten Potentiale, wie in diesem Versuchsaufbau durchgeführt, scheinen nicht sensibel genug zu sein, diese Verluste nachzuweisen. In weiteren Arbeiten sollten andere Methoden zum Nachweis der retinalen Ganglienzellverluste erprobt werden. Neben elektrophysiologischen Methoden bieten sich für das weitere Vorgehen besonders immunhistologische Methoden an. Außerdem sollten die Mechanismen erforscht werden durch die es nach der Immunisierung zur Apoptose von retinalen Ganglienzellen kommt und welche Antikörper dazuführen können. Des Weiteren ist von Interesse, ob und wie eine zelluläre Komponente an der Pathogenese des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms beteiligt ist.


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During early development, interactions between the two eyes are critical in the formation of eye-specific domains within the lateral geniculate nucleus and the visual cortex. When monocular enucleation is done early in prenatal life, it induces remarkable anatomical and functional reorganizations of the visual pathways. Behavioral data have shown a loss in sensitivity to low-spatial-frequency gratings in cats. To correlate the behavioral observations with a possible change in the analysis of contrast at the level of primary visual areas we recorded visual evoked potentials at the 17/18 border in two cats enucleated prenatally (gestational age at enucleation, 39-42 days), three neonatal, two control animals, and one animal with a surgical removal of Y-ganglion fibers. Our results show a strong attenuation in the amplitude of response at all contrast values for gratings of low spatial frequency in prenatally enucleated cats, whereas neonatally enucleated and control animals present responses of comparable amplitude. We conclude that the behavioral results reflect the reduced sensitivity for low frequencies of visual cortical neurons. In addition, we define a critical period for the development of the contrast-sensitivity function that seems to be limited to the prenatal gestation period. We suggest that the prenatal interruption of binocular interactions leads to a functional elimination of the Y-ganglion system.


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Visual evoked magnetic responses were recorded to full-field and left and right half-field stimulation with three check sizes (70′, 34′ and 22′) in five normal subjects. Recordings were made sequentially on a 20-position grid (4 × 5) based on the inion, by means of a single-channel direct current-Superconducting Quantum Interference Device second-order gradiometer. The topographic maps were consistent on the same subjects recorded 2 months apart. The half-field responses produced the strongest signals in the contralateral hemisphere and were consistent with the cruciform model of the calcarine fissure. Right half fields produced upper-left-quadrant outgoing fields and lower-left-quadrant ingoing fields, while the left half field produced the opposite response. The topographic maps also varied with check size, with the larger checks producing positive or negative maximum position more anteriorly than small checks. In addition, with large checks the full-field responses could be explained as the summation of the two half fields, whereas full-field responses to smaller checks were more unpredictable and may be due to sources located at the occipital pole or lateral surface. In addition, dipole sources were located as appropriate with the use of inverse problem solutions. Topographic data will be vital to the clinical use of the visual evoked field but, in addition, provides complementary information to visual evoked potentials, allowing detailed studies of the visual cortex. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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A variety of visual symptoms have been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). These include delays in flash visual evoked potentials which indicate a disruption of the integrity of the visual pathway. Examination of the visual cortex has revealed the presence of both senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the number and/or size of optic nerve axons between AD patients and non-demented age-matched controls. Five optic nerves from AD patients and five from age-matched controls were embedded in epon resin and 1 micron sections prepared on a Reichert ultramicrotome. The sections were then stained in toluidine blue and examined at x400 magnification. The numbers of axons were counted in photographs of three fields taken at random from each section. To evaluate the axon diameters, 70 axons were chosen at random from each patient and measured using a calibrated eyepiece graticule. The total axon counts revealed no significant differences between the AD optic nerves and the age-matched controls. However, the frequency distribution of axon diameters was significantly different in the two groups. In particular, there were fewer larger diameter axons in patients with AD as previously reported. Degeneration of the large diameter axons suggests involvement of the magnocellular as opposed to the parvocellular pathways. Hence, there could be differences in visual performance of AD patients compared with normals which could be important in clinical diagnosis.


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Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is a major disorder causing visual problems in the elderly population. The pathology of AD includes the deposition in the brain of abnormal aggregates of ß-amyloid (Aß) in the form of senile plaques (SP) and abnormally phosphorylated tau in the form of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). A variety of visual problems have been reported in patients with AD including loss of visual acuity (VA), colour vision and visual fields; changes in pupillary response to mydriatics, defects in fixation and in smooth and saccadic eye movements; changes in contrast sensitivity and in visual evoked potentials (VEP); and disturbances of complex visual functions such as reading, visuospatial function, and in the naming and identification of objects. Many of these changes are controversial with conflicting data in the literature and no ocular or visual feature can be regarded as particularly diagnostic of AD. In addition, some pathological changes have been observed to affect the eye, visual pathway, and visual cortex in AD. The optometrist has a role in helping a patient with AD, if it is believed that signs and symptoms of the disease are present, so as to optimize visual function and improve the quality of life. (J Optom 2009;2:103-111 ©2009 Spanish Council of Optometry)


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A study was carried out of 45 migrainous patients with visually induced migraine (VIM), and 25 migrainous students, each having an age and sex matched control. The study utilised questionnaires, interviews, electroencephalography (EEG) and visual evoked potentials (VEP). The experimental work and analysis was carried out in the Neuropsychology Unit in collaboration with the Birmingham Migraine Clinic, over a period of five years. The study suggests: 1. The literature on a possible relationship between migraine and epilepsy hitherto published is unreliable (supporting evidence is given). 2. That a much greater precision is needed in defining migraine for research purposes. 3. A revised methodology for the selection of controls is needed and this is proposed. 4. That despite what are now seen to be superficial similarities, there are clear distinctions of a fundamental nature between photo-sensitive epilepsy (PSE) and VIM. 5. Caution be used when taking headache as a symptom, since many of the precipitants of migrainous headache can also precipitate non-migrainous headache (NMH). 6. The list of visual precipitants of migraine is expanded (particularly flicker and pattern). 7. That colour (principally red) is a previously unreported precipitant of migraine. 8. The extended range of responses to flicker (the 'H' response) has no significant difference in its frequency of occurrence in patients and normal controls, which contradicts previous literature. 9. The mechanisms thought to underlie migraine serve to explain previously unexplained EEG findings. 10. Further research is needed and proposed.


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We simultaneously recorded auditory evoked potentials (AEP) from the temporal cortex (TCx), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dPFCx) and the parietal cortex (PCx) in the freely moving rhesus monkey to investigate state-dependent changes of the AEP. AEPs obtained during passive wakefulness, active wakefulness (AW), slow wave sleep and rapid-eye-movement sleep (REM) were compared. Results showed that AEP from all three cerebral areas were modulated by brain states. However, the amplitude of AEP from dPFCx and PCx significantly appeared greater attenuation than that from the TCx during AW and REM. These results indicate that the modulation of brain state on AEP from all three cerebral areas investigated is not uniform, which suggests that different cerebral areas have differential functional contributions during sleep-wake cycle. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.


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The spiking activity of nearby cortical neurons is correlated on both short and long time scales. Understanding this shared variability in firing patterns is critical for appreciating the representation of sensory stimuli in ensembles of neurons, the coincident influences of neurons on common targets, and the functional implications of microcircuitry. Our knowledge about neuronal correlations, however, derives largely from experiments that used different recording methods, analysis techniques, and cortical regions. Here we studied the structure of neuronal correlation in area V4 of alert macaques using recording and analysis procedures designed to match those used previously in primary visual cortex (V1), the major input to V4. We found that the spatial and temporal properties of correlations in V4 were remarkably similar to those of V1, with two notable differences: correlated variability in V4 was approximately one-third the magnitude of that in V1 and synchrony in V4 was less temporally precise than in V1. In both areas, spontaneous activity (measured during fixation while viewing a blank screen) was approximately twice as correlated as visual-evoked activity. The results provide a foundation for understanding how the structure of neuronal correlation differs among brain regions and stages in cortical processing and suggest that it is likely governed by features of neuronal circuits that are shared across the visual cortex.


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Successful interaction with the world depends on accurate perception of the timing of external events. Neurons at early stages of the primate visual system represent time-varying stimuli with high precision. However, it is unknown whether this temporal fidelity is maintained in the prefrontal cortex, where changes in neuronal activity generally correlate with changes in perception. One reason to suspect that it is not maintained is that humans experience surprisingly large fluctuations in the perception of time. To investigate the neuronal correlates of time perception, we recorded from neurons in the prefrontal cortex and midbrain of monkeys performing a temporal-discrimination task. Visual time intervals were presented at a timescale relevant to natural behavior (<500 ms). At this brief timescale, neuronal adaptation--time-dependent changes in the size of successive responses--occurs. We found that visual activity fluctuated with timing judgments in the prefrontal cortex but not in comparable midbrain areas. Surprisingly, only response strength, not timing, predicted task performance. Intervals perceived as longer were associated with larger visual responses and shorter intervals with smaller responses, matching the dynamics of adaptation. These results suggest that the magnitude of prefrontal activity may be read out to provide temporal information that contributes to judging the passage of time.


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Our percept of visual stability across saccadic eye movements may be mediated by presaccadic remapping. Just before a saccade, neurons that remap become visually responsive at a future field (FF), which anticipates the saccade vector. Hence, the neurons use corollary discharge of saccades. Many of the neurons also decrease their response at the receptive field (RF). Presaccadic remapping occurs in several brain areas including the frontal eye field (FEF), which receives corollary discharge of saccades in its layer IV from a collicular-thalamic pathway. We studied, at two levels, the microcircuitry of remapping in the FEF. At the laminar level, we compared remapping between layers IV and V. At the cellular level, we compared remapping between different neuron types of layer IV. In the FEF in four monkeys (Macaca mulatta), we identified 27 layer IV neurons with orthodromic stimulation and 57 layer V neurons with antidromic stimulation from the superior colliculus. With the use of established criteria, we classified the layer IV neurons as putative excitatory (n = 11), putative inhibitory (n = 12), or ambiguous (n = 4). We found that just before a saccade, putative excitatory neurons increased their visual response at the RF, putative inhibitory neurons showed no change, and ambiguous neurons increased their visual response at the FF. None of the neurons showed presaccadic visual changes at both RF and FF. In contrast, neurons in layer V showed full remapping (at both the RF and FF). Our data suggest that elemental signals for remapping are distributed across neuron types in early cortical processing and combined in later stages of cortical microcircuitry.


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Practice can improve performance on visual search tasks; the neural mechanisms underlying such improvements, however, are not clear. Response time typically shortens with practice, but which components of the stimulus-response processing chain facilitate this behavioral change? Improved search performance could result from enhancements in various cognitive processing stages, including (1) sensory processing, (2) attentional allocation, (3) target discrimination, (4) motor-response preparation, and/or (5) response execution. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) as human participants completed a five-day visual-search protocol in which they reported the orientation of a color popout target within an array of ellipses. We assessed changes in behavioral performance and in ERP components associated with various stages of processing. After practice, response time decreased in all participants (while accuracy remained consistent), and electrophysiological measures revealed modulation of several ERP components. First, amplitudes of the early sensory-evoked N1 component at 150 ms increased bilaterally, indicating enhanced visual sensory processing of the array. Second, the negative-polarity posterior-contralateral component (N2pc, 170-250 ms) was earlier and larger, demonstrating enhanced attentional orienting. Third, the amplitude of the sustained posterior contralateral negativity component (SPCN, 300-400 ms) decreased, indicating facilitated target discrimination. Finally, faster motor-response preparation and execution were observed after practice, as indicated by latency changes in both the stimulus-locked and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs). These electrophysiological results delineate the functional plasticity in key mechanisms underlying visual search with high temporal resolution and illustrate how practice influences various cognitive and neural processing stages leading to enhanced behavioral performance.


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Early visual processing stages have been demonstrated to be impaired in schizophrenia patients and their first-degree relatives. The amplitude and topography of the P1 component of the visual evoked potential (VEP) are both affected; the latter of which indicates alterations in active brain networks between populations. At least two issues remain unresolved. First, the specificity of this deficit (and suitability as an endophenotype) has yet to be established, with evidence for impaired P1 responses in other clinical populations. Second, it remains unknown whether schizophrenia patients exhibit intact functional modulation of the P1 VEP component; an aspect that may assist in distinguishing effects specific to schizophrenia. We applied electrical neuroimaging analyses to VEPs from chronic schizophrenia patients and healthy controls in response to variation in the parafoveal spatial extent of stimuli. Healthy controls demonstrated robust modulation of the VEP strength and topography as a function of the spatial extent of stimuli during the P1 component. By contrast, no such modulations were evident at early latencies in the responses from patients with schizophrenia. Source estimations localized these deficits to the left precuneus and medial inferior parietal cortex. These findings provide insights on potential underlying low-level impairments in schizophrenia.


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In this thesis, three main questions were addressed using event-related potentials (ERPs): (1) the timing of lexical semantic access, (2) the influence of "top-down" processes on visual word processing, and (3) the influence of "bottom-up" factors on visual word processing. The timing of lexical semantic access was investigated in two studies using different designs. In Study 1,14 participants completed two tasks: a standard lexical decision (LD) task which required a word/nonword decision to each target stimulus, and a semantically primed version (LS) of it using the same category of words (e.g., animal) within each block following which participants made a category judgment. In Study 2, another 12 participants performed a standard semantic priming task, where target stimulus words (e.g., nurse) could be either semantically related or unrelated to their primes (e.g., doctor, tree) but the order of presentation was randomized. We found evidence in both ERP studies that lexical semantic access might occur early within the first 200 ms (at about 170 ms for Study 1 and at about 160 ms for Study 2). Our results were consistent with more recent ERP and eye-tracking studies and are in contrast with the traditional research focus on the N400 component. "Top-down" processes, such as a person's expectation and strategic decisions, were possible in Study 1 because of the blocked design, but they were not for Study 2 with a randomized design. Comparing results from two studies, we found that visual word processing could be affected by a person's expectation and the effect occurred early at a sensory/perceptual stage: a semantic task effect in the PI component at about 100 ms in the ERP was found in Study 1 , but not in Study 2. Furthermore, we found that such "top-down" influence on visual word processing might be mediated through separate mechanisms depending on whether the stimulus was a word or a nonword. "Bottom-up" factors involve inherent characteristics of particular words, such as bigram frequency (the total frequency of two-letter combinations of a word), word frequency (the frequency of the written form of a word), and neighborhood density (the number of words that can be generated by changing one letter of an original word or nonword). A bigram frequency effect was found when comparing the results from Studies 1 and 2, but it was examined more closely in Study 3. Fourteen participants performed a similar standard lexical decision task but the words and nonwords were selected systematically to provide a greater range in the aforementioned factors. As a result, a total of 18 word conditions were created with 18 nonword conditions matched on neighborhood density and neighborhood frequency. Using multiple regression analyses, we foimd that the PI amplitude was significantly related to bigram frequency for both words and nonwords, consistent with results from Studies 1 and 2. In addition, word frequency and neighborhood frequency were also able to influence the PI amplitude separately for words and for nonwords and there appeared to be a spatial dissociation between the two effects: for words, the word frequency effect in PI was found at the left electrode site; for nonwords, the neighborhood frequency effect in PI was fovind at the right elecfrode site. The implications of otir findings are discussed.