978 resultados para Visitor segment


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Purpose. Clinicians commonly assess posture in persons with musculoskeletal disorders and tend to do so subjectively. Evidence-based practice requires the use of valid, reliable and sensitive tools to monitor treatment effectiveness. The purpose of this article was to determine which methods were used to assess posture quantitatively in a clinical setting and to identify psychometric properties of posture indices measured from these methods or tools. Methods. We conducted a comprehensive literature review. Pertinent databases were used to search for articles on quantitative clinical assessment of posture. Searching keywords were related to posture and assessment, scoliosis, back pain, reliability, validity and different body segments. Results. We identified 65 articles with angle and distance posture indices that corresponded to our search criteria. Several studies showed good intra- and inter-rater reliability for measurements taken directly on the persons (e.g., goniometer, inclinometer, flexible curve and tape measurement) or from photographs, but the validity of these measurements was not always demonstrated. Conclusion. Taking measurements of all body angles directly on the person is a lengthy process and may affect the reliability of the measurements. Measurement of body angles from photographs may be the most accurate and rapid way to assess global posture quantitatively in a clinical setting.


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Earlier studies on measurement of customer satisfaction are based on either transaction specific or overall approaches. The transaction specific approach evaluates customer satisfaction with single components in the whole purchase process but the overall satisfaction was based on all the encounters or experiences to the customer throughout the purchase process. Consumers will comment on particular events of their purchase process when asked about transaction-specific satisfaction and they will comment their overall impression and general experiences in overall satisfaction (Bitner & Hubbert 1994) Through a critical review on the literature, it has been identified a new approaches to customer satisfaction, say, cumulative approaches that can be more useful than overall and transaction specific approaches for strategic decision making (Fornell et al 1996). The cumulative approach to customer satisfaction doesn’t study earlier due to the difficulty in operationalization of the concept. But the influencers of customer satisfaction are context specific and the prevailing models doesn’t give the sources of variations in the satisfaction, the importance of cumulative approaches to customer satisfaction has emerges that lights to a new research. The current study has focused to explore the influencers of overall customer satisfaction to form individual elements that can be used to identify the cumulative customer satisfaction.


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Three terminal ‘dotted-I’ interconnect structures, with vias at both ends and an additional via in the middle, were tested under various test conditions. Mortalities (failures) were found in right segments with jL value as low as 1250 A/cm, and the mortality of a dotted-I segment is dependent on the direction and magnitude of the current in the adjacent segment. Some mortalities were also found in the right segments under a test condition where no failure was expected. Cu extrusion along the delaminated Cu/Si₃N₄ interface near the central via region was believed to cause the unexpected failures. From the time-to-failure (TTF), it is possible to quantify the Cu/Si₃N₄ interfacial strength and bonding energy. Hence, the demonstrated test methodology can be used to investigate the integrity of the Cu dual damascene processes. As conventionally determined critical jL values in two-terminal via-terminated lines cannot be directly applied to interconnects with branched segments, this also serves as a good methodology to identify the critical effective jL values for immortality.


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Mirades Turístiques a la ciutat és un estudi sobre el comportament del turisme en les ciutats monumentals, a partir de l'experiència viscuda pels visitants del Barri Vell de Girona. Una recerca que ha pretès determinar, precisament, la forma com els visitants entren en contacte amb el patrimoni monumental de la ciutat medieval. A partir, d'identificar quins factors influeixen (i quins no) en el comportament dels turistes durant la seva visita, tant pel que fa referència als factors ambientals generals (la meteorologia, la congestió, la informació...) com els factors singulars de cada visitant. Per tal d'assolir aquests objectius, en hem plantejat una sèrie d'hipòtesis de treball: 1. Existeix una manera turística d'apropar-se al patrimoni que té les seves pròpies regles, les seves estructures específiques i en conseqüència la necessitat d'uns instruments de gestió particulars. 2. L'aproximació del turista al patrimoni monumental és el resultat de dues forces aparentment contradictòries. D'una banda, el turista tendeix a reproduir pautes de comportament socialment construïdes que prenen la forma d'un ritual. D'altra banda, més enllà d'aquest patró comú, cada visitant viu una experiència singular. Per tant, la relació amb el patrimoni és el resultat d'un subtil equilibri entre experiència i ritual. 3. El consum turístic del patrimoni depèn de la relació entre quatre factors. El primer, la imatge del lloc, és la projecció (sovint idealitzada) de l'espai de visita, una metàfora de la ciutat. El segon, el codi d'interpretació turístic , actua com una mena de ritual, un guió no escrit de la pràctica turística. En tercer lloc, el substrat material que són els components artístics, històrics o culturals de la destinació: la geometria del casc, les visuals, el pes de la història o el valor estètic de les peces condicionen, com és obvi, la mirada turística. Finalment, l'experiència està condicionada per la gestió (pública i privada) del turisme: informació, fluxos, interpretació... L'estudi s'ha sustentat en una metodologia inèdita basada en l'observació directa a partir del seguiment dels visitants durant els seus recorreguts. Hem observat el visitants i hem recollit la informació bàsica de la seva visita: l'itinerari, els monuments visitats, les actituds manifestades, els temps d'estada... Aquesta metodologia ha estat ja implementada en alguns estudis de públic de diversos museus. S'han recollit tres tipus de dades: dades relacionades amb els arcs (segment de carrer entre dues interseccions), dades relacionades amb els nodes (els elements d'interès) i dades relacionades amb el visitant. Les tres fonts estan unides per un identificador comú, que és el codi del turista. Això ens ha permès vincular les dades dels visitants amb el seu recorregut i la seva visita als monuments de la ciutat. Els resultats de l'estudi ens han permès identificar els factors que singularitzen l'apropament dels visitants al patrimoni i que el diferencien d'altres formes de relació o ús. És a dir, els factors que incideixen en el comportament dels visitants de Girona. Així mateix, hem pogut definir models d'itineraris amb una estructura interna molt compacta però molt diferents entre ells; que ens evidencien que, malgrat les regularitats detectades en les visites dels turistes de la ciutat, també existeixen elements diferencials en el seu comportament. Hem detectat quatre models de recorreguts urbans que hem anomenat: itinerari bàsic, comercial, complex i de les muralles, que a l'hora es poden subdividir en varies categories. Finalment, els estadístics multivariants ens han permès demostrar que la relació entre el turista i el patrimoni respon almenys a quatre formes de consum diferenciades, que hem anomenat "no turistes", "rituals", "interessats" i "erudits".


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Communities of nectar-producing plants show high spatio-temporal variation in the patterns of volume and concentration presentation. We illustrate a novel approach for quantifying nectar reward structures in complex communities, demonstrating that nectar resource diversity (defined as the variety of nectar volume-concentration combinations available) may be a fundamental factor organising nectarivore communities. In a series of diverse bee and entomophilous flower communities in Israel, our measure of nectar resource diversity alone explains the majority of variation in bee species richness, while other nectar variables (volume, concentration, energy value, and water content) have little predictive value per se. The new measure of nectar resource diversity is highly correlated with floral species richness and particularly with the species richness of annuals, yet it is additive in its effect on bee diversity. We conclude that relying solely upon measurements of mean nectar volume and mean nectar concentration overlooks a key characteristic of community-level reward structure, nectar resource diversity, so that previous studies may have failed to identify an important determinant of flower-visitor community structure.


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Typically, algorithms for generating stereo disparity maps have been developed to minimise the energy equation of a single image. This paper proposes a method for implementing cross validation in a belief propagation optimisation. When tested using the Middlebury online stereo evaluation, the cross validation improves upon the results of standard belief propagation. Furthermore, it has been shown that regions of homogeneous colour within the images can be used for enforcing the so-called "Segment Constraint". Developing from this, Segment Support is introduced to boost belief between pixels of the same image region and improve propagation into textureless regions.


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Leite-Dellova DC, Oliveira-Souza M, Malnic G, Mello-Aires M. Genomic and nongenomic dose-dependent biphasic effect of aldosterone on Na(+)/H(+) exchanger in proximal S3 segment: role of cytosolic calcium. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 295: F1342-F1352, 2008. First published August 20, 2008; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00048.2008.-The effects of aldosterone on the intracellular pH recovery rate (pHirr) via Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and on the [Ca(2+)](i) were investigated in isolated rat S3 segment. Aldosterone [10(-12), 10(-10), or 10(-8) M with 1-h, 15- or 2-min preincubation (pi)] caused a dose-dependent increase in the pHirr, but aldosterone (10(-6) M with 1-h, 15- or 2-min pi) decreased it (these effects were prevented by HOE694 but not by S3226). After 1 min of aldosterone pi, there was a transient and dose-dependent increase of the [Ca(2+)](i) and after 6-min pi there was a new increase of [Ca(2+)](i) that persisted after 1 h. Spironolactone, actinomycin D, or cycloheximide did not affect the effects of aldosterone (15 -or 2-min pi) but inhibited the effects of aldosterone (1-h pi) on pHirr and on [Ca(2+)](i). RU 486 prevented the stimulatory effect of aldosterone (10(-12) M, 15 -or 2-min pi) on both parameters and maintained the inhibitory effect of aldosterone (10(-6) M, 15- or 2-min pi) on the pHirr but reversed its stimulatory effect on the [Ca(2+)](i) to an inhibitory effect. The data indicate a genomic (1 h, via MR) and a nongenomic action (15 or 2 min, probably via GR) on [Ca(2+)](i) and on the basolateral NHE1 and are compatible with stimulation of the NHE1 by increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in the lower range (at 10(-12) M aldosterone) and inhibition by increases at high levels (at 10(-6) M aldosterone) or decreases in [Ca(2+)](i) (at 10(-6) M aldosterone plus RU 486).