962 resultados para Virgin lime
Different nitrogen oxide removal technologies for rotary lime kiln are studied in this thesis, the main focus being in commercial technologies. Post-combustion methods are investigated in more detail as potential possible NOx removal with combustion methods in rotary lime kiln is more limited or primary methods are already in use. However, secondary methods as NOx scrubber, SNCR or SCR technologies are not listed as the Best Available Technologies defined by European Union. BAT technologies for NOx removal in lime kiln are (1) Optimised combustion and combustion control, (2) Good mixing of fuel and air, (3) Low-NOx burner and (4) Fuel selection/low-N fuel. SNCR method is the most suitable technique for NOx removal in lime kiln when NOx removal from 50 % to 70 % is required in case primary methods are already in use or cannot be applied. In higher removal cases ammonia slip is an issue in SNCR. By using SCR better NOx reduction can be achieved but issues with catalyst materials are expected to arise because of the dust and sulphur dioxide which leads to catalyst poison formation in lower flue gas temperatures. NOx scrubbing has potential when simultaneous NOx and SO2 removal is required. The challenge is that NO cannot be scrubbed directly, but once it is oxidized to NO2 or further scrubbing can be performed as the solubility of NO2 is higher. Commercial installations have not been made regarding SNCR, SCR or NOx scrubbing regarding rotary lime kiln. For SNCR and SCR the closest references come from cement industry.
Dopamine receptors are involved in the expression of grooming behavior. The pregnancy-induced increase in self-licking observed in rats is important for mammary gland development and lactation. This study focuses on the role of dopamine receptor subtypes in grooming behavior of virgin and pregnant female rats. General and mammary gland grooming were measured in virgin rats treated with 0.25 mg/kg of the D1-like agonist SKF-81297 and antagonist SKF-83566 and the D2-like agonist lisuride and antagonist sulpiride. The effects of 0.01 and 0.25 mg/kg doses of the same agonists and antagonists were evaluated in pregnant rats as well. In virgin animals both SKF-83566 and sulpiride treatments significantly reduced the time spent in general grooming, while none of the dopamine agonists was able to significantly change any parameter of general grooming. Time spent in grooming directed at the mammary glands was not affected significantly by any of the drug treatments in virgin rats. All drugs tested significantly decreased the frequency of and the time spent with general grooming, while SKF-81297 treatment alone did not significantly reduce the duration of mammary gland grooming in pregnant rats. These data show that in female rats the behavioral effects of D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptor stimulation and blockade differ according to physiological state. The results suggest that dopamine receptors may play specific roles modulating grooming behavior in pregnant rats. Since grooming of the mammary gland during pregnancy may influence lactation, this aspect is relevant for studies regarding the perinatal use of dopamine-related drugs.
Acid lime can be used as fresh fruit or as juice to increase the flavor of drinks. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze organic acid lime nutritional composition in order to evaluate if there are important differences among those conventionally produced. No significant differences in total titrable acidity, pH, ascorbic acid, sucrose, calcium, and zinc were found between the acid lime juice from organic biodynamic crops and conventional crops. However, the organic biodynamic fruits presented higher peel percentage than the conventional ones leading to lower juice yield. On the other hand, fructose, glucose, total soluble solids contents, potassium, manganese, iron, and copper were higher in the conventional samples. These results indicated few nutritional differences between organic and conventional acid lime juices in some constituents. Nevertheless, fruit juice from biodynamic crops could be a good choice since it is free from pesticides and other agents that cause problems to human health maintaining the levels similar to those of important nutritional compounds.
The increased marketing of olive oil in Brazil has intensified legal requirements to ensure regulation of this product. The measurement of the specific extinction at 270 nm (E 270) and content of stigmastadiene can be used to assess the presence of refined oils in virgin olive oil. During the vegetable oil refining process, compounds with conjugated double bonds are generated from unsaturated fatty acids that absorb at 270 nm and sterols, such as stigmasta-3,5-diene. To compare these parameters, seven samples of extra virgin olive oil and three samples of olive oil (blend of virgin and refined) were analyzed. Among the samples analyzed, four extra virgin samples had levels of stigmastadiene and E 270 higher than expected, among which two were adulterated with seed oil (rich in linoleic acid) and the other two with olive pomace oil. The results demonstrate the higher sensitivity of stigmastadiene to determine the presence of the refined oil in virgin olive oil and good agreement with determining E 270. The latter technique is a simple, quick, and low cost method of determination that can be easily implemented in laboratories to assist in the screening and regulation of olive oils sold in Brazil.
Several mechanisms have been used to promote rapid germination of citrus seeds and uniform seedling emergence. We evaluated the effects of osmotic priming on the physiological performance of Rangpur lime seeds (Citrus limonia Osbeck). Seeds were treated with 30 g of Captan and 10 g of Tecto 600 in 20-litre batches and stored, without drying, at 10 ºC and 50% relative humidity for periods of 3, 6 and 9 months. After each period, seeds were primed at 25 ºC, in the light, by immersion in Poliethylenoglicol (PEG 6000), potassium nitrate (KNO3) and 70% PEG 6000 plus 30% KNO3, all at an osmotic potential of -1.1MPa, for priming periods of 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. Percentage germination, tray emergence and the emergence rate index (ERI) were evaluated. Priming in PEG 6000 solution, independent of priming period, or in KNO3 or PEG 6000 plus KNO3 for up to 9 days, were efficient at improving the physiological performance of seeds stored for up to 3 months. Osmotic priming appears to be a promising technique for improving the physiological quality of Rangpur lemon seeds.
Raman scattering in the region 20 to 100 cm -1 for fused quartz, "pyrex" boro-silicate glass, and soft soda-lime silicate glass was investigated. The Raman spectra for the fused quartz and the pyrex glass were obtained at room temperature using the 488 nm exciting line of a Coherent Radiation argon-ion laser at powers up to 550 mW. For the soft soda-lime glass the 514.5 nm exciting line at powers up to 660 mW was used because of a weak fluorescence which masked the Stokes Raman spectrum. In addition it is demonstrated that the low-frequency Raman coupling constant can be described by a model proposed by Martin and Brenig (MB). By fitting the predicted spectra based on the model with a Gaussian, Poisson, and Lorentzian forms of the correlation function, the structural correlation radius (SCR) was determined for each glass. It was found that to achieve the best possible fit· from each of the three correlation functions a value of the SCR between 0.80 and 0.90 nm was required for both quartz and pyrex glass but for the soft soda-lime silicate glass the required value of the SCR. was between 0.50 and 0.60 nm .. Our results support the claim of Malinovsky and Sokolov (1986) that the MB model based on a Poisson correlation function provides a universal fit to the experimental VH (vertical and horizontal polarizations) spectrum for any glass regardless of its chemical composition. The only deficiency of the MB model is its failure to fit the experimental depolarization spectra.
Soft clays known for their high compressibility, low stiffness and low shear strength are always associated with large settlement. In place soil treatment using calcium-based stabilizers like lime and cement is a feasible solution to readdress strength deficiencies and problematic shrink/swell behaviour of unstable subgrade soils. Out of these, lime has been proved unambiguously as the most effective and economical stabilising agent for marine clays. Lime stabilisation creates long-term chemical changes in unstable clay soils to create strong, but flexible, permanent structural layers in foundations and other pavement systems. Even though calcium-based stabilizers can improve engineering properties of soft clays, problems can arise when they are used in soils rich in sulphates. It is possible for marine clays to be enriched with sulphates, either by nature or due to the discharge of nearby industrial wastes containing sulphates. The presence of sulphates is reported to adversely affect the cation exchange and pozzolanic reactions of cement and lime treated soil systems. The anions of sulphates may combine with the available calcium and alumina, and form insoluble ettringite in the soil system. Literature on sulphate attack in lime treated marine clays reports that formation of ettringite in lime-sodium sulphate-clay system is capable of adversely affecting the engineering behavior of marine clays. Only very few studies have been conducted on soft marine clays found along the coastal belt of Kerala and that too, is limited to Cochin marine clays. The studies conducted also have the limitation that the strength behaviour of lime stabilised clay was investigated only for one year. Practically no data pertaining to long term adverse effects likely to be brought about by sulphates on the strength and compressibility characteristics of Cochin marine clays is available. The overriding goal of this investigation was thus to examine the effectiveness of lime stabilisation in Cochin marine clays under varying sulphate contents. The study aims to reveal the changes brought about by varying sulphate contents on both physical and engineering properties of these clays stabilised by lime and the results for various curing periods up to two years is presented in this thesis. Quite often the load causing an unacceptable settlement may be less than the load required to cause shear failure and therefore attempt has been made in this research to highlight sulphate induced changes in both the compressibility and strength characteristics of lime treated Cochin marine clays. The study also aimed at comparing the available IS methods for sulphate quantification and has attempted to determine the threshold level of sulphate likely make these clays vulnerable by lime stabilisation. Clays used in this study were obtained from two different sites in Kochi and contained sulphate in two different concentrations viz., 0.5% and 0.1%. Two different lime percentages were tried out, 3% and 6%. Sulphate content was varied from 1% to 4% by addition of reagent grade sodium sulphate. The long term influence of naturally present sulphate is also investigated. X-ray diffraction studies and SEM studies have been undertaken to understand how the soil-lime reactions are affected in the presence of sodium sulphate. Natural sulphate content of 0.1% did not seem to have influenced normal soil lime reactions but 0.5% sulphate could induce significant changes adversely in both compressibility and strength behaviour of lime treated clays after long duration. Compressibility is seen to increase drastically with increasing sulphate content suggesting formation of ettringite on curing for longer periods. Increase in compression index and decrease in bond strength with curing period underlined the adverse effects induced in lime treated marine clays by the presence of sulphates. Presence of sulphate in concentrations ranging from 0.5 % to 4% is capable of adversely affecting the strength of lime treated marine clays. Considerable decrease is observed with increasing concentrations of sulphate. Ettringite formation due to domination of sodium ions in the system was confirmed in mineralogical studies made. Barium chloride and barium hydroxide is capable of bringing about beneficial changes both in compressibility and strength characteristics of lime treated Cochin marine clays in the presence of varying concentrations of sulphate and is strongly influenced by curing time. Clay containing sodium sulphate has increased strength values when either of barium compounds was used with lime ascompared with specimens treated with lime only. Barium hydroxide is observed to remarkably increase the strength as compared to barium chloride,when used in conjunction with lime to counteract the effect of sulphate.
Lime treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils offers the potential to stabilize and solidify these materials, with a consequent reduction in the risks associated with the leachate emanating from them. This can aid the disposal of contaminated soils or enable their on-site treatment. In this study, the addition of hydrated lime and quicklime significantly reduced the leaching of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from soils polluted with a 50:50 petrol/diesel mixture. Treatment with quicklime was slightly more effective, but hydrated lime may be better in the field because of its ease of handling. It is proposed that this occurs as a consequence of pozzolanic reactions retaining the hydrocarbons within the soil matrix. There was some evidence that this may be a temporary effect, as leaching increased between seven and 21 days after treatment, but the TPH concentrations in the leachate of treated soils were still one order of magnitude below those of the control soil, offering significant protection to groundwater. The reduction in leaching following treatment was observed in both aliphatic and aromatic fractions, but the latter were more affected because of their higher solubilty. The results are discussed in the context of risk assessment, and recommendations for future research are made.
An improved method for the detection of pressed hazelnut oil in admixtures with virgin olive oil by analysis of polar components is described. The method. which is based on the SPE-based isolation of the polar fraction followed by RP-HPLC analysis with UV detection. is able to detect virgin olive oil adulterated with pressed hazelnut oil at levels as low as 5% with accuracy (90.0 +/- 4.2% recovery of internal standard), good reproducibility (4.7% RSD) and linearity (R-2: 0.9982 over the 5-40% adulteration range). An international ring-test of the developed method highlighted its capability as 80% of the samples were, on average, correctly identified despite the fact that no training samples were provided to the participating laboratories. However, the large variability in marker components among the pressed hazelnut oils examined prevents the use of the method for quantification of the level of adulteration. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The concentration of hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA) and its secoiridoid derivatives (3,4-DHPEA-EDA and 3,4-DHPEA-EA) in virgin olive oil decreased rapidly when the oil was repeatedly used for preparing french fries in deep-fat frying operations. At the end of the first frying process (10 min at 180 degreesC), the concentration of the dihydroxyphenol components was reduced to 50-60% of the original value, and after six frying operations only about 10% of the initial components remained. However, tyrosol (p-HPEA) and its derivatives (p-HPEA-EDA and p-HPEA-EA) in the oil were much more stable during 12 frying operations. The reduction in their original concentration was much smaller than that for hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives and showed a roughly linear relationship with the number of frying operations. The antioxidant activity of the phenolic extract measured using the DPPH test rapidly diminished during the first six frying processes, from a total antioxidant activity higher than 740,mumol of Trolox/kg down to less than 250 mumol/kg. On the other hand, the concentration of polar compounds, oxidized triacylglycerol monomers (oxTGs), dimeric TGs, and polymerized TGs rapidly increased from the sixth frying operation onward, when the antioxidant activity of the phenolic extract was very low, and as a consequence the oil was much more susceptible to oxidation. The loss of antioxidant activity in the phenolic fraction due to deep-fat frying was confirmed by the storage oil and oil-in-water emulsions containing added extracts from olive oil used for 12 frying operations.
Olive oil, a typical ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, possesses many beneficial health effects. The biological activities ascribed to olive oil consumption are associated in part to its phenolics constituents, and mainly linked to the direct or indirect antioxidant activity of olive oil phenolics and their metabolites, which are exerted more efficiently in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where dietary phenolics are more concentrated when compared to other organs. In this regard, we present a brief overview of the metabolism, biological activities, and anticancer properties of olive oil phenolics in the GI tract. Toxicology and Industrial Health 2009; 25: 285-293.
Virgin olive oil is valued for its flavor, but unacceptable off-flavors may develop on storage in food products containing this oil due to oxidation. The oxidative stability of oil-in-water emulsions containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) and virgin olive oil phenolic compounds was studied. Four oil-in-water emulsions with and without BSA and phenols isolated from virgin olive oil were prepared. These model systems were stored at 60 degrees C to speed up lipid oxidation. Primary and secondary oxidation products were monitored every three days. Peroxide values and conjugated diene contents were determined as measures of the primary oxidation products. p-Anisidine values and volatile compounds were determined as measures of the secondary oxidation products. This latter determination was carried out by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography. Although olive oil phenolic compounds and BSA contributed some antioxidant activity when present as individual additives, the combination of BSA with phenols in an emulsion showed 58-127% synergy, depending on which analytical method was used in the calculation. The emulsion containing phenolic compounds and BSA showed a low level of deterioration after 45 days of storage at 60 degrees C.
In this study was analyzed the effect of crop year and harvesting time on the fatty acid composition of cv. Picual virgin olive oil. The study was carried out during the fruit ripening period for three crop seasons. The mean fatty acid composition of Picual oils was determined. The oils contained palmitic acid (11.9%), oleic acid (79.3%), and linoleic acid (2.95%). The content of palmitic acid and saturated fatty acids decreased during fruit ripening while oleic and linoleic acids increased. The amount of stearic and linolenic acids decreased. The amount of saturated acids, palmitic and stearic, and the polyunsaturated acids linoleic and linolenic was dependent on the time of harvest, whereas the amount of oleic acid varied with the crop year. The differences observed between crop years for both palmitic and linoleic acid may be explained by the differences in the temperature during oil biosynthesis and by the amount of summer rainfall for oleic acid content. A significant relationship was observed between the MUFA/PUFA ratio and the oxidative stability measured by the Rancimat method.
The effect of fruit ripeness on the antioxidant content of 'Hojiblanca' virgin olive oils was studied. Seasonal changes were monitored at bi-weekly intervals for three consecutive crop years. Phenolic content, tocopherol composition, bitterness index, carotenoid and chlorophyllic pigments and oxidative stability were analysed. In general, the antioxidants and the related parameters decreased as olive fruit ripened. The phenolics and bitterness, closely related parameters, did not present significant differences among years. Although in general, the tocopherols decreased during olive ripening gamma-tocopherol increased. Differences between crop years were found only for total tocopherols and alpha-tocopherol, which showed higher content in low rainfall year oils. The pigment content decreased during ripening, chlorophyll changing faster. For low rainfall years, the level of pigments was higher, reaching significant differences between yields. Significant differences among years were found for oil oxidative stability; higher values were obtained for drought years. A highly significant prediction model for oxidative stability has been obtained. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.