932 resultados para Viral Infection
Background. The pericardial biopsy has opened a new perspective for the etiologic diagnosis of pericardial effusions, because adequate pericardial visualization via the use of a video camera can provide more accurate results. We assessed the usefulness of videopericardioscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion of indeterminate origin. Methods. We conducted a retrospective study of clinical data from patients who underwent videopericardioscopy examination for pericardial effusion without an established diagnosis. The video-assisted pericardioscopy procedure was performed through a small incision in the xiphoid area. Results. From January 1998 to January 2007, 101 consecutive patients underwent videopericardioscopy evaluation for pericardial effusion. Ten patients were excluded because of lack of data. Fifty men and 41 women were included ( mean age, 50 years; range, 14-76 years). All of the patients had moderate or significant pericardial effusion as demonstrated by echocardiography or computed tomography. The following diagnoses for the pericardial effusions were established: nonspecific inflammation, 50 cases ( 54.94%); neoplastic disorders, 22 cases ( 24.17%); tuberculous, 11 cases ( 12.08%); bacterial inflammatory process, 3 cases ( 3.29%); chylopericardial, 2 cases ( 2.19%); fungal infection, 2 cases ( 2.19%); and viral infection, 1 case ( 1.09%). Pericardioscopy evaluation provided the definitive diagnosis via the pericardial biopsy in 36.26% of the cases and via the results of fluid analyses in 13.18% of the cases; the use of both methods established the definitive diagnosis in 45.05% of the cases in this group of patients. The overall morbidity rate was 4.3%, and the most common complication was arrhythmia due to intraoperative manipulation, which ceased with the removal of the instruments from the pericardial cavity. We had 1 death, by cardiac tamponade, in the perioperative period. Conclusion. Videopericardioscopy is a safe and efficient method for obtaining a better diagnosis of and satisfactory therapeutic results for pericardial effusions of indeterminate cause, and such results are obtained via an improved exploration of the pericardial cavity.
The detection of replicative intermediate RNAs as markers of active replication of RNA viruses is an essential tool to investigate pathogenesis in acute viral infections, as well as in their long-term sequelae. In this regard, strand-specific PCR has been used widely to distinguish (-) and (+) enteroviral RNAs in pathogenesis studies of diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy. It has been generally assumed that oligonucleotide-primed reverse transcription of a given RNA generates only the corresponding specific cDNA, thus assuring the specificity of a PCR product amplified from it. Nevertheless, such assumed strand-specificity is a fallacy, because falsely primed cDNAs can be produced by RNA reverse transcription in the absence of exogenously added primers, (cDNA(primer)(-)), and such falsely primed cDNAs are amplifiable by PCR in the same way as the correctly primed cDNAs. Using as a prototype the coxsackievirus B5 (CVB5), a (+) strand RNA virus, it was shown that cDNA(primer)(-) renders the differential detection of viral (-) and (+) RNAs by conventional PCR virtually impossible, due to gross non-specificity. Using in vitro transcribed CVB5 RNAs (+) and (-), it was shown that cDNA(primer)(-) could be removed effectively by magnetic physical separation of correctly primed biotinylated cDNA. Such strategy enabled truly strand-specific detection of RNA (-) and (+), not only for CVB5, but also for other non-polio enteroviruses. These findings indicate that previous conclusions supporting a role for the persistence of actively replicating enterovirus in the pathogenesis of chronic myocarditis should be regarded with strong skepticism and purification of correctly primed cDNA should be used for strand-specific PCR of viral RNA in order to obtain reliable information on this important subject. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since the discovery of RNAi technology, several functional genomic and disease therapy studies have been conducted using this technique in the field of oncology and virology. RNAi-based antiviral therapies are being studied for the treatment of retroviruses such as HIV-1. These studies include the silencing of regulatory, infectivity and structural genes. The HTLV-1 structural genes are responsible for the synthesis of proteins involved in the entry, assembly and release of particles during viral infection. To examine the possibility of silencing HTLV-1 genes gag and env by RNA interference technology, these genes were cloned into reporter plasmids. These vectors expressed the target mRNAs fused to EGFP reporter genes. Three small interference RNAs (siRNAs) corresponding to gag and three corresponding to env were designed to analyze the effect of silencing by RNAi technology. The plasmids and siRNAs were co-transfected into HEK 293 cells. The results demonstrated that the expression of the HTLV-1 gag and env genes decreased significantly in vitro. Thus, siRNAs can be used to inhibit HTLV-1 structural genes in transformed cells, which could provide a tool for clarifying the roles of HTLV-1 structural genes, as well as a therapy for this infection. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The initial step in viral infection is the attachment of the virus to the host cell via an interaction with its receptor. We have previously shown that a receptor for human papillomavirus is the alpha6 integrin. The alpha6 integrin is involved in the attachment of epithelial cells with the basement membrane, but recent evidence suggests that ligation of many integrins results in intracellular signaling events that influence cell proliferation. sere we present evidence that exposure of A431 human epithelial cells to human papillomavirus type 6b L1 virus-like particles (VLPs) results in a dose-dependent increase in cell proliferation, as measured by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. This proliferation is Lost if VLPs are first denatured or incubated with a monoclonal antibody against L1 protein. The MEK1 inhibitor PB98059 inhibits the VLP-mediated increase in fell proliferation, suggesting involvement of the Ras-MAP kinase pathway, Indeed, VLP binding results in rapid phosphorylation of the beta4 integrin upon tyrosine residues and subsequent recruitment of the adapter protein She to beta4, Within 30 min, the activation of Ras, Raf, and Erk2 was observed. Finally, the upregulation of c-myc mRNA was observed at 60 min, These data indicate that human papillomavirus type 6b is able to signal cells via the Ras-MAP kinase pathway to induce cell proliferation. We hypothesize that such a mechanism would allow papillomaviruses to infect hosts more successfully by increasing the potential pool of cells they are able to infect via the initiation of proliferation in resting keratinocyte stem and suprabasal cells.
The E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) transforms basal and suprabasal cervical epithelial cells and is a tumor-specific antigen in cervical carcinoma, to which immunotherapeutic strategies aimed at cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) induction are currently directed. By quantifying major histocompatibility complex class I tetramer-binding T cells and CTL in mice expressing an HPV16 E7 transgene from the keratin-l l (K14) promoter in basal and suprabasal keratinocytes and in thymic cortical epithelium, we show that antigen responsiveness of both E7- and non-E7-specific CD8(+) cells is down-regulation compared to non-E7 transgenic control mice. We show that the effect is specific for E7, and not another transgene, expressed from the K14 promoter, Down-regulation did not involve deletion of CD8(+) T cells of high affinity or high avidity, and T-cell receptor (TCR) VP-chain usage and TCR receptor density were similar in antigen-responsive cells from E7 transgenic and non-E7 transgenic mice. These data indicate that E7 expressed chronically from the K14 promoter nonspecifically down-regulates CD8+ T-cell responses. The in vitro data correlated with the failure of immunized E7 transgenic mice to control the growth of an E7-expressing tumor challenge, We have previously shown that E7-directed CTL down-regulation correlates with E7 expression in peripheral but not thymic epithelium (T, Dean et al., J, Virol. 73:6166-6170, 1999), The findings have implications for the immunological consequences of E7-expressing tumor development and E7-directed immunization strategies. Generically, the findings illustrate a T-cell immunomodulatory function for a virally encoded human oncoprotein.
AIM: To identify viruses associated with respiratory disease in young horses in New Zealand. METHODS: Nasal swabs and blood samples were collected from 45 foals or horses from five separate outbreaks of respiratory disease that occurred in New Zealand in 1996, and from 37 yearlings at the time of the annual yearling sales in January that same year. Virus isolation from nasal swabs and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) was undertaken and serum samples were tested for antibodies against equine herpesviruses (EHV-1, EHV-2, EHV-4 and EHV-5), equine rhinitis-A virus (ERAV), equine rhinitis-B virus (ERBV), equine adenovirus 1 (EAdV-1), equine arteritis virus (EAV), reovirus 3 and parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3). RESULTS: Viruses were isolated from 24/94 (26%) nasal swab samples and from 77/80 (96%) PBL samples collected from both healthy horses and horses showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. All isolates were identified as EHV-2, EHV-4, EHV-5 or untyped EHV Of the horses and foals tested, 59/82 (72%) were positive for EHV-1 and/or EHV-4 serum neutralising (SN) antibody on at least one sampling occasion, 52/82 (63%) for EHV-1-specific antibody tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 10/80 (13%) for ERAV SN antibody, 60/80 (75%) for ERBV SN antibody, and 42/80 (53%) for haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody to EAdV-1. None of the 64 serum samples tested were positive for antibodies to EAV, reovirus 3 or PIV3. Evidence of infection with all viruses tested was detected in both healthy horses and in horses showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. Recent EHV 2 infection was associated with the development of signs of respiratory disease among yearlings [relative risk (RR) = 2.67, 95% CI = 1.59-4.47, p = 0.0171]. CONCLUSIONS: Of the equine respiratory viruses detected in horses in New Zealand during this study, EHV 2 was most likely to be associated with respiratory disease. However, factors other than viral infection are probably important in the development of clinical signs of disease.
A 30-year-old black woman presented with heartburn and odynophagia. She had a 2-year history of Behçet’s disease and systemic lupus erythematosus and had been treated with colchicine, hydroxychloroquine, and sucralfate. Odynophagia was not related to the presence of oral ulcers as they were painless and when they were in remission the patient would still intermittently complain of substernal pain. The patient underwent upper digestive endoscopy that revealed only small mucosal irregularities in the upper third of the esophagus. Biopsies of these segments showed marked acanthosis and papillomatosis of the squamous epithelium as well as intense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with an increased number of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). There were neither granulocytes nor signs of viral infection. The endoscopic findings were then attributed to regenerative changes of the epithelium and the patient was started on a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), assuming gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). During the following years there were flare-ups of rheumatologic disease activity due to the patient’s lack of adherence to therapy. However, there was no correlation of the patient’s maintained (although scarce) complaints of transitory dysphagia and substernal pain.
RESUMO: As infecções virais podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento do cancro, estando vários tumores malignos associados aos Herpesvirus (HHV). O vírus de Epstein-Barr (EBV) e o Herpesvirus 8, dois Herpesvirus, foram reconhecidos como agentes etiológicos de várias neoplasias. O astrocitoma pilocítico do cerebelo é um dos tumores cerebrais mais frequentes na criança, adolescentes e jovens adultos e a proliferação astrocitária ocorre geralmente após vários tipos de agressão, nomeadamente a infecção viral. Para investigar esta eventual interligação, estudámos 35 astrocitomas pilocíticos, pesquisando a presença dos 8 Herpesvirus. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas 10 amostras de biópsias do cerebelo de doentes que faleceram por doenças não relacionadas com infecção ou patologia tumoral. A maioria dos astrocitomas (33) eram tumores de baixa malignidade. As amostras foram analisadas por PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) quantitativa em tempo real (qPCR), com amplificação do gene da DNA polimerase viral. Treze astrocitomas e 7 controles revelaram pequenas quantidades de DNA viral (1-100 cópias/100ng DNA) de todos os Herpesvirus, com excepção do HHV6 A e B que estava ausente nas amostras. O EBV foi identificado em 9 dos 35 astrocitomas (26%) e em 7 dos 10 controles (70%) estando muito mais presente nos controles. As amostras positivas para o EBV foram também analisadas por imunohistoquímica, não tendo sido imunoreactivas para os anticorpos utilizados. A PCR com CODEHOP (consensus-degenerated hybrid oligonucleotide primers) foi utilizada para investigar a presença de um eventual Herpesvirus novo nestas amostras. Não foi identificada nenhuma sequência indicativa de um novo HHV por este método. 24. Em conclusão, os dados apontam para a presença de Herpesvirus, com particular relevância para o EBV, em tecido de cerebelo normal e em tumores cerebrais, embora em níveis demasiado baixos para poderem ser responsabilizados pela indução tumoral. A presença de sequências de DNA de Herpesvirus, nomeadamente do EBV, no Sistema Nervoso Central vem enriquecer a discussão sobre o significado da infecção viral na oncogénese humana, particularmente na neuro-oncogénese. ABSTRACT: Viral infections can contribute to the development of human cancer. Several human malignancies are linked with Human Herpesviruses (HHVs). Epstein-Barr virus and HHV8, two hHerpesvirus, have been recognized as etiologic agents of several neoplasms. Pilocytic astrocytoma of the cerebellum is one of the most common brain tumour in children, adolescents and young adults and astrocytary proliferation generally occurs after several types of injury, namely viral infection. To further explore this association, we have searched the tissue from 35 pilocytic astrocytoma, for all the 8 HHV. In this study, ten brain biopsies (cerebellum) from patients who died of unrelated diseases were used as controls. Most of the astrocytomas (33) were of low grade malignity. Samples were assessed by Real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (q PCR) amplification of viral DNA polymerase gene. Thirteen astrocytoma and 7 controls showed low viral DNA levels (1-100 copies/100ng DNA) for all HHVs, with the exception of HHV6 that was absent. EBV was identified in 9 of the 35 astrocytoma (26 %) and in 7 of the 10 controls (70%) being more present in controls. EBV positive samples were also assessed by Immunohistochemistry (IHC) but none showed immunoreactivity for the antibodies used. PCR with consensus-degenerated hybrid oligonucleotide primers (CODEHOP) were also used to look for novel HHVs in these samples and no sequence indicative of a new HHV was detected. 26 Altogether the data indicate the presence of HHVs, with relevance for EBV in normal cerebellum tissue and also in brain tumours but at too low levels to be considered responsible for tumour induction. The presence of HHV DNA sequences, particularly EBV, in the studied brain tumours and control samples, further enriches the discussion about the relevance of viral infection in human oncogenesis, particularly neuro-oncogenesis.RÉSUMÉ: Les infections virales peuvent contribuer au développement du cancer. Les vírus de type Herpès sont associés à plusieurs néoplasies. Il est par exemple établi que les vírus Epstein-Barr et « human Herpesvirus 8 » (HHV-8) sont responsables de plusieurs tumeurs malignes. L´astrocytome pilocitique du cervelet est l’une des tumeurs les plus fréquentes chez les enfants, adolescents et adultes jeunes. En général la prolifération des astrocytes se produit en réponse à une agression. Posant l’hypothèse d’une agression d’origine virale, nous avons recherché la présence des 8 vírus Herpès dans les tissus de 35 astrocytomes. Dans cette étude, 10 échantillons de biopsie de cervelet de patients décédés suite à d’autres pathologies, ont été utilisés comme contrôles. La majorité des astrocytomes étaient de très basse malignité. Les échantillons ont été étudiés par PCR quantitative en temps réel, en amplifiant le gène de l’ADN-polymérase virale. Treize astrocytomes sur 35 (37%) et 7 contrôles sur 10 (70%) ont été trouvés positifs pour tous les HHV sauf l´HHV6, toujours avec un nombre de copies de polymérase virale bas (< 100 copies/100 ng d’ADN). Notamment l’EBV a été identifié 7 fois dans les contrôles (70%) et 9 fois dans les astrocytomes (26%). Les échantillons positifs pour l`EBV ont aussi été étudiés par immuno-histochimie. Aucun signal n’a été observé avec les anticorps utilisés. Enfin, une technique de PCR avec oligonucléotides dégénérés (CODEHOP ou consensus degenerated hybrid oligonucleotide primers) a été utilisée pour rechercher la présence d´un éventuel nouveau vírus Herpès dans les échantillons d’astrocytome. Aucun nouveau vírus n’a été identifié. 28 En résumé, nous avons établi la présence de vírus Herpès, en particulier l´EBV, dans le cervelet normal et dans les tumeurs du cerveau. Les quantités d’ADN viral retrouvées sont faibles et ne permettent pas d’attribuer à ces vírus la responsabilité de l’induction des tumeurs. Cependant, la présence d’ADN de vírus Herpès dans le cerveau sain ou pathologique vient enrichir la discussion sur le signification de l´infection virale dans les processus d´oncogenèse en général, et dans la neuroonco-genèse en particulier.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency and the consequences of the co-infection of hepatitis B and C viruses in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS). METHODS: B and C serologic markers, exposure to risk factors, biochemical assays, upper gastrointestinal endoscopies, and abdominal ultrasonograms were evaluated in 101 patients with HSS from 1994 to 1997. Whenever possible, PCR was tested and histopathological studies were reviewed. RESULTS: At least one HBV virus marker was found in 15.8%, and anti-HCV was detected in 12.9% of the subjects. The seropositive subjects tended to be older than the seronegative ones. A history of blood transfusion was significantly related to the presence of anti-HCV. Three (18.75%) out of 16 subjects exposed to B virus were HBsAg positive. Eleven (84.6%) out of thirteen patients who were anti-HCV positive demonstrated viral activity. Patients with ongoing viral infection presented a higher average level of liver aminotransferases, a higher frequency of cell decompensation and a higher rate of chronic hepatitis. Portal hypertension parameters were not influenced by viral exposure. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of hepatitis B and C viruses serologic markers observed in the patients with HSS was higher than the control group. The co-infection was responsible for a higher frequency of cell decompensation.
Several studies have recently shown the use of recombinant rabies virus as potential vector-viral vaccine for HIV-1. The sequence homology between gp 120 and rabies virus glycoprotein has been reported. The McCoy cell line has therefore been used to show CD4+ or CD4+ like receptors. Samples of HIV-1 were isolated, when plasma of HIV-1 positive patients was inoculated in the McCoy cell line. The virus infection was then studied during successive virus passages. The proteins released in the extra cellular medium were checked for protein activity, by exposure to SDS Electrophoresis and blotting to nitro-cellulose filter, then reacting with sera of HIV positive and negative patients. Successive passages were performed, and showed viral replication, membrane permeabilization, the syncytium formation, and the cellular lysis (cytopathic effect). Flow cytometry analysis shows clear evidence that CD4+ receptors are present in this cell line, which enhances the likelihood of easy isolation and replication of HIV. The results observed allow the use of this cell line as a possible model for isolating HIV, as well as for carrying out studies of the dynamics of viral infection in several situations, including exposure to drugs in pharmacological studies, and possibly studies and analyses of the immune response in vaccine therapies.
The objectives of this study were to determine the incidence of infection by respiratory viruses in preterm infants submitted to mechanical ventilation, and to evaluate the clinical, laboratory and radiological patterns of viral infections among hospitalized infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with any kind of acute respiratory failure. Seventy-eight preterm infants were studied from November 2000 to September 2002. The newborns were classified into two groups: with viral infection (Group I) and without viral infection (Group II). Respiratory viruses were diagnosed in 23 preterm infants (29.5%); the most frequent was respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (14.1%), followed by influenza A virus (10.2%). Rhinorrhea, wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea, pneumonia, atelectasis, and interstitial infiltrate were significantly more frequent in newborns with nosocomial viral infection. There was a correlation between nosocomial viral infection and low values of C-reactive protein. Two patients with mixed infection from Group I died during the hospital stay. In conclusion, RSV was the most frequent virus in these patients. It was observed that, although the majority of viral lower respiratory tract infections had a favorable course, some patients presented a serious and prolonged clinical manifestation, especially when there was concomitant bacterial or fungal infection.
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a contagious enteroviral infection occurring primarily in children and characterized by vesicular palmoplantar eruptions and erosive stomatitis. Echovirus 4 (EV-4) has been commonly associated with aseptic meningitis. The association of HFMD with EV-4 has not been reported previously. Two samples of a 14-month child who presented mild fever, sores in the mouth, rash with blisters on the palm of hands and soles of feet were sent to Enteric Viruses Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute. Clinical samples were inoculated in three different cell lines, and those which presented cytopathic effect (CPE), were submitted to Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) and "one step" RT-PCR. Agarose gel electrophoresis from RT-PCR product, showed a product with 437 bp, which is characteristic of Enterovirus group. Echovirus 4 was identified by IFA. Although HFMD is a viral infection associated mainly with Enterovirus 71 (HEV-71) and Coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16), our results demonstrate a diversity of serotype related to HFMD and stress the importance of epidemiological surveillance to this disease and its complications.
Fulminant myocarditis associated with influenza A virus is exceedingly rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature. We describe a previously healthy 10-year-old boy, with a three-day history of flu-like symptoms without antiviral treatment. He was hospitalized with dehydration and hypothermia in the context of persistent vomiting, when he suddenly developed heart failure secondary to fulminant myocarditis. Despite aggressive management, including circulatory support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures, the patient died of cardiogenic shock. The postmortem histopathology was compatible with a multisystem viral infection with myocarditis and pulmonary involvement, and H1N1v polymerase chain reaction was positive. The prevalence of influenza-associated fulminant myocarditis remains unknown. Findings reported in the literature raise the possibility that the novel H1N1 influenza A virus is more commonly associated with a severe form of myocarditis than previously encountered influenza strains.
Virus-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome (VAHS) is a severe hematological disorder related to some viral infections. It is an illness characterized by persistent fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, hyperferritinemia and, the most important, hemophagocytosis observed in the bone marrow, liver and/or lymph nodes. VAHS associated with hepatitis A virus infection is rarely described, despite the high incidence of this viral infection in the population in general. There is no consensus in the literature regarding the optimal treatment of VAHS. In this article the clinical features, presumed pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and treatment of VAHS are discussed, including description of cases of VAHS related to hepatitis A virus infection found in the medical literature.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common viral infection after transplantation. Valganciclovir (VGC) is established for prophylaxis and treatment of CMV infections, but leukopenia which appears in 10% to 13% (severe in 4.9%) is the principal side effect. We have recently noted an increased incidence of leukopenia and severe neutropenia among our renal transplant patients and thought to identify the associated factors. We conducted a retrospective analysis of all kidney transplantations performed between January 2005 and December 2006. All patients received mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), tacrolimus, and steroids. VGC was used for targeted prophylaxis and preemptive therapy of CMV infection, with doses adjusted to renal function. Of the 64 patients undergoing renal transplantation 13 (20.3%) developed leukopenia within 3 +/- 2 months after transplantation with severe neutropenia in 5 (7.8%). All patients were on MMF and VGC (VGC 605 +/- 296 mg/d). Leukopenia was significantly associated with simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation and with second kidney transplantations (P < .01). The incidence of leukopenia was higher among patients under VGC since day 1 of transplantation (P = .008) with maximal incidence observed among patients prescribed 900 mg/d as opposed to those on lower doses (P < .01). There was no increase in CMV infection among patients with a low dose of VGC. No patient developed clinical CMV disease. In conclusion, VGC prophylaxis was associated with an increased frequency of leukopenia on MMF-tacrolimus treated patients or regimens. Low-dose VGC for CMV prophylaxis appeared to be as effective as high-dose treatment, and associated less frequently with leukopenia and neutropenia.