789 resultados para Violence systémique
Tackling Violence at Home
Summary of Responses to the Consultation - March 2004
Tackling Violence at Home - The Government's Proposals on Domestic Violence in Northern Ireland
Men and Domestic Violence: What research tells us In late 2000, the Department of Health and Children, in conjunction with the North Eastern Health Board, commissioned Kieran McKeown Limited, Social and Economic Consultants to prepare a literature review of research carried out in other jurisdictions Click here to download PDF 578kb Background Note PDF 10kb Peer Review 1 PDF 21kb Peer Review 2 PDF 17kb
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In this article a particular patient/physician relationship is described and analyzed: The described interaction between patient and physician during a consultative investigation by several specialists differs markedly from the common trustful relation between a patient and his family doctor. In this context the term and phenomenon pain is discussed and the necessity for an understandable, patient-oriented presentation of diagnosis and hypotheses considering the patient's individual bio-psycho-social dimension is stressed. Consequences for student education are mentioned.
Violence Against Women and Health The problem of Violence Against Women (VAW) continues to plague our society causing appalling damage to the lives of thousands of women and children. The immense negative repercussions of being exposed to physical, sexual, or psychological abuse have been well documented worldwide, and are well accepted by both professionals working in this field and society at large. Significant government funding has been directed to this area in order to provide support to women who experience abuse. However, rates of violence remain unacceptably high and services are still inadequate given the magnitude and the complexity of the problem. Click here to download PDF 478kb
Translating Pain into Action: A Study of Gender-based Violence and Minority Ethnic Women in Ireland Click here to download PDF 1.4mb Summary of the Report PDF 502kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Gender-based Violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women Click here to download PDF 492kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
14 principles of best practice for Service Delivery: An Interculturally Competent Approach to Meeting the Needs of Victims/Survivors of Gender-based Violence Click here to download PDF 390kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Le but de la consultation systémique est l'évaluation des interactions familiales à des fins cliniques aussi bien qu'à des fins de recherche, avec mise en lumière des ressources aussi bien que des difficultés de la famille. Elle est soit demandée spontanément par les parents soit par le(s) thérapeute(s) qui sui(ven)t la famille. Lors d'une première rencontre, nous proposons d'une part à la famille de faire des jeux familiaux standardisés que nous filmons et d'autre part de poser les questions qui motivent les parents ou thérapeute(s) à nous consulter. Lors d'une deuxième rencontre, un visionnement des films avec la famille (et les thérapeutes) permet une discussion ainsi que l'élaboration de réponses aux questions posées. Après une description de la pratique de la consultation systémique, avec ses objectifs et ses principes, les situations utilisées dans ce contexte sont présentées (comme le Lausanne Trilogue Play). Enfin, une vignette clinique en illustre la richesse et l'utilité, aussi bien pour la recherche que pour la clinique. The aim of the systems consultation is to assess the family interaction in order to enlighten, in a clinical perspective, the resources as well as the difficulties of the family. The family itself or a therapist may request it. During the first session, we propose to the family, on the one hand, to play standardized games which are recorded and, on the other hand, to ask the questions they (or the therapist/s) may have. During the second session, a video feedback takes place to discuss and elaborate on the questions. After a description of the practice of the systems consultation, including aims and principles, the observational situations used in this context will be presented (e.g. the Lausanne Trilogue Play). Finally a case illustration will show its richness and usefulness for research as well as for clinical purposes, in particular as a bridge between research and clinical domains.